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Final Group Assignment Informal Proposal

Project Title: Thinking and Communication

Group 5

Group Members:

Prakhar Sharma (220545968)

Rutvi Beri (220411625)

Sheetal Sharma (220851606)

Kavya Harendrasinh Solanki (220830774)

Palwinder Kaur (220804829)

CSHR1000 Business Communication for HR Professionals

School of Continuing Studies

York University

Date: 11/28/2023
A. Overview:

In our group project, let's recognize that thinking fuels our creative process, guiding problem-

solving and idea generation. Effective communication, on the other hand, is the lifeline that

ensures our collective efforts are understood and synergized, fostering a collaborative and

successful outcome. Our group proposes to provide a succinct overview of the value of

communication and critical thinking in the workplace.

B. Critical Thinking and Communication Strategies:

To make sure that our project is successful, our group will use the following critical thinking and

communication techniques:

 Clearly identify roles and responsibilities: Depending on their areas of experience and

strength, each group member will have a role and obligation that are clearly defined. This

will guarantee responsible and effective task distribution.

 Effective channels for communication: To encourage honest and open dialogue among

group members, we'll set up frequent channels for communication, like online forums

and gatherings. Additionally, we'll set up procedures for promptly answering emails and


 Active Listening: Stress the value of active listening as a key communication strategy.

Encourage team members to engage in thoughtful, attentive listening to enhance

understanding and promote a collaborative atmosphere.

 Constructive Feedback Culture: Cultivate an environment where constructive feedback

is welcomed. Emphasize that feedback should be specific, actionable, and aimed at

improvement, fostering continuous learning and growth within the team.

 Iterative Reflection: Build in regular moments for the team to reflect on both critical

thinking processes and communication strategies. This iterative reflection will allow us to

refine our approaches, learn from experiences, and continuously enhance our

collaborative efforts.

 Problem-solving strategy: Rather than concentrating on problems, we will use a

problem-solving strategy to handle any difficulties or disputes that may emerge

throughout the project.

C. Workback Schedule:

Task Start Date End Date Responsible Members

Project planning 30th November 2nd December All Team Members

Research and data 2nd December 4th December Prakhar Sharma


Analysis of findings 4th December 6th December Rutvi Beri

Development of 6th December 8th December Kavya


Review and revision 8th December 9th December All Team Members

Finalization of 9th December 10th December All Team Members


Practice and rehearsal 10th December 11th December All Team Members

Group presentation 11th December 11th December All Team Members

D. Resources:

Source Notes
Simon D, Grime M., Roche S, Communication for Business Supplement Textbook


Business Communication. Process and Product Guffey, M.E., Assigned Textbook

Loewy, D., Griffin, E. Business Communication: Process and

Product. (7th Brief Canadian Ed.).

E. Conclusion:

Our group is committed to implementing critical thinking and communication strategies in our

project to ensure its successful completion. We are confident that our workback schedule

combined with effective communication and teamwork will result in a well-executed and

cohesive group presentation. We look forward to delivering a high-quality project and receiving

feedback from the instructor and peers.

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