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Portfolio Statement of Goals and Choices + Submission

1. The three audiences of the portfolio are primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary

audience is myself as I am the creator of the portfolio and will be using the portfolio to

track my progress that I can then look back on in time to see the development of my

professional and technical writing skills and abilities. The secondary audience would be

the instructor. I believe that this audience is looking at the portfolio from multiple angles.

I think that they will be looking and organization to see how easy the portfolio is to

navigate, they will be looking at design to see effort and creativity, and they will be

looking at the content included to see the development through the course. The tertiary

audience would be the other individuals in this course. I believe that they will be looking

at my portfolio to see the choices I made compared to theirs. They might not be looking

at the actual content of the writing, unlike the secondary audience. The primary audience

and tertiary audience might be more focused on the looks of the portfolio. The primary

and secondary audiences would both be looking at the progress made, but the secondary

audience might evaluate the content differently because they are looking at different

requirements. Whereas the primary audience would only be noticing major changes.

Overall, all three audiences would see the organizational and design choices clearly, but

other content could be highly focused on or ignored based on which audience is viewing

the portfolio.

2. The major affordance of choosing this template was to provide an easily accessible

template for all three audiences. As the primary audience, I chose this template because it

seemed to most align with my vision for the portfolio. I wanted to have a portfolio that
was simplistic but still could show personality, and I believe this template helps do that.

For the secondary audience, I wanted to be able to include different sections on the

homepage so that the instructor could easily access the different sections that would

provide evidence of development throughout the course. For the tertiary audience, I

wanted there to be creative choices like pictures and videos that highlighted different

aspects of myself and the course, which I have yet to do but will be doing. So far I have

not run into any limitations as I am in the process of completing the portfolio. I like that

there are multiple choices you can make to personalize the portfolio. At times this can be

overwhelming in trying to locate different choices and make it look the exact way I want

but I am learning how to use it and so far it has not been too frustrating. I enjoy that this

template is similar to the vision I had for my portfolio.

3. To begin with I knew that the template I wanted would not need a lot of places to add

pictures. I will be adding a few pictures to personalize my portfolio and bring in multi-

modal components. However, many of the templates I saw had too many spots for

pictures to be added and I knew that was not the look I was going for. The template I

chose makes the most sense to me for my audiences. I wanted my portfolio to be easily

accessible. I am still in the process of working on making my portfolio more interesting

with color, pictures, videos, and other design choices, but I like the organization format of

my website so far. I was drawn to this template because it has all of the information

within one page that made it easy to know what is included in the portfolio and also it

was simple to see that by scrolling to those sections. It also had the sleekest look which is

what I am going for. I think that this template does speak to each of my audiences
because it reflects my choices. The primary audience, me, enjoys the template because of

the look. The secondary audience, the instructor, will be able to easily navigate the

website, see the progress that has been made throughout the course, and will be able to

see some personalization with videos and pictures on the home pages and other sections.

The tertiary audience, other students, will also be able to navigate the website easily.

They might have also chosen this template and can see the different design and

organizational choices I made that they did not which can show the creativity that we

each possess. I am still working on making my portfolio the best and want to explore

more and make it better.

4. As a learner at this moment in time I am struggling with the organization and design of

my portfolio. There is a lot of freedom when it comes to the overall portfolio which is

great for a student to be able to learn how to complete an assignment with creativity. As a

learner right now, however, I am very structured. I like having step-by-step instructions

so that I can check off what I need to have in my assignments and ensure I am fully

completing the assignment. So far this portfolio has allowed me to make decisions that I

want to make based on my audiences, which is a great way to pick certain organizations

and designs. I think as I continue to work on my portfolio through this course I will start

to get an idea of what I want to include to perfect it, but as of right now, I am struggling

with the amount of choices that I can make for my portfolio.

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