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Subject: Introduction to the Old Testament

Professor: Fr. Manuel Montesclaros, S.J.

Student: Anthony Le Duc Tho, CMF

A Theological – Spiritual Reflection on How has God revealed Himself and His Plan of
Salvation in the concrete events in the stories of my Life, Family and Community

Each one of us, Christians or non-Christians, is already planned in God’s Provident Hand.

This plan is a special gift that God had given to us even before we were not yet formed in the

womb. God also gave and entrusted to us different capacity and ability, task, work and mission.

To see God’s plan of salvation in my life, I need to see clearly my own experiences, especially in

ups and downs events of my life. In this Theological Reflection, I would like to see the God’s

plan of salvation with a total view of a student, who is studying the Introduction to the Old

Testament in the LST in order to believe and entrust everything to God’s Providence and

faithfully response to His call through my daily journey with Him.

I remembered my parents told me that I was out of their plan. Before I was born, they

didn’t expect me because there were five children in my family already and that time our town

was facing a historical starvation, which caused many people died. Unfortunately, I was born one

month ahead (as usual nine months and ten days but my case only 8 months). My body was very

red and weak and the nurse told my parents that I could not survive with that situation and they

must be ready for everything that will happen. However, miracle happened when my parents

entrusted me to the Mother of Perpetual Help in the Church near my hometown and through their

day and night prayer to God. They made a promise to offer me to Mama Mary if She received

their prayers. Their prayers became true when Mother Mary saved me from the hour of my

death. Through the first event, I realized that God’s plan is really different from human’s plan.

Failures helped me be more mature in my life. After I graduated from high school, I

attended the entrance exam into university and I failed the exam. I really felt disappointed with

myself because I didn’t follow the instruction and advice of my parents and my siblings. I

followed my own desire to choose the top university and I faced the consequence. I knew my

mistake and asked my parents for forgiveness and to give me the second chance to attend the

exam again but this time I followed their instruction and advice. I had one year to prepare for the

exam, meaning to say, I also had more free time. I often spent time to pray in order for me to

realize God’s will and plan for me and ask help from Him for my coming exam. Luckily, I

passed the exam and I was able to continue my studying in the city. This event also helped to

discern God’s will and plan. Especially, I knew that my parents were very good at that time

because they knew my capacity and ability and they gave my right instruction and advice.

Vocation is a gift from God, each one of us has different vocation that God entrusted to

us. My vocation is a long story. From the beginning, my parents wanted me to become a

Diocesan priest because they made a promise to Mother Mary to offer me to the Diocesan

Seminary. However, from the beginning inside myself there was no desire to be a priest at all

because I want to be a businessman like my father and my brothers. When my parents told me

the story of my beginning life, they reminded me that if the word vocation to be a priest appears

to me please keep it alive and I must join the Diocesan Seminary. I just said ‘yes’ to please them.

When I started studying in Hanoi University, the vocation to follow Jesus to serve His

people really appeared to me when I encountered different people. There were many street

children near my rent house in the city and there was no one to take care of them. If someone

gave them food, they had something to it. If not, they will try to steal from others. Seeing them

every day like that, I felt there is an inner voice to tell me that I should do something for them.

However, I was just a student. I have nothing to give them except my free time every afternoon

from 4 pm to 5: 30 pm and my daily prayers in daily mass. I used free time just to play soccer

with them and to be friend with them. This activity brought me close to them and I was able to

persuade them not to steal but to do something by their own talents and capacities. I just gave

them a small amount of money and told them to make use of the money like getting the lottery to

sell and to buy some tools to be shoes’ polishers on the street. And then, they did it by

themselves and they didn’t steal any more from others. The idea of vocation came to me when I

attended the mass: “What will one gain by winning the whole world if he destroys his soul?”

(Mt. 26: 16). After my studying in the university, I will be a businessman and I can earn more

money from my degree. I can marry and have family with children but I can only take care of my

own family and my loved ones. There are many people who are not lucky like me. Who will take

care of them? It is very hard for me to help them if I have my family. Therefore, I spent more

time to pray and share with my cousin who is a Diocesan Priest in order to discern God’s will.

When I nearly graduated from the university, a Claretian priest went to Hanoi for

vocation campaign. It’s just by chance I met that Claretian priest when I went for daily mass. He

gave me the poster of the Claretian. I just took it with respect for the priest. However, when I

came to my rent house, I read it and I found something meaningful and interesting that I was

looking for something greater than my daily life. I felt that I could be satisfied when I followed

that charism. I contacted the priest and he arranged to give me the exam. I passed the exam.

However, my parents didn’t allow directly me to join the Claretian in Vietnam because they want

me to follow my cousin and to be a Diocesan priest. They also told me that they have invested

much money for my study but after graduating I made my degree be a waste because I don’t use

it as a businessman. Again, I spent more time to pray and asked God for help. Then, I was able to

persuade and explain clearly my desire and wish to be a Claretian to my parents. Thanks be to

God and lastly my parents allowed me freely to follow the way of life that I want to choose. I

realized that the fundamental steps helped me to discern and know God’s will and plan for me,

that is, prayer, being with Him in silence and contemplating on all the events of my life.

Being born in a business family, I realize that all members of my family always try their

best to love, help and take care of one another in spite of their business. If there are problems, all

members will gather together to resolve and to look for better solutions. I know clearly that the

problems of daily life really bring all of us close in unity even though we have

misunderstandings and difficulties to manage the finance. One of the best things in my family is

all of us always give prominence to the obedience to my parents. For example, all my five

siblings followed and obeyed my parents who chose the careers for them and as of now they are

very successful in doing their business. In my case, they still hesitate because I obeyed them but

I chose this kind of life by myself. My last visit to my family, they told me if I am not happy

with my decision, they always open to welcome me. However, I told them I am really happy

with my decision and I need their support by praying for me. I am out of the plan of my parents

but I am in the plan of God because when I was born, my parents accepted and took care of me

even though I was weak and sick. Theologically speaking, I am very glad when I was born in a

middle class family in which God had arranged everything for me from the very beginning of my

life until now. I am saved by God through the intercession of Mama Mary when my parents

came and knelt before Her asking for help. It was a miracle for my family, especially for me so I

can continue my journey of life.

“How good and delightful to see kindred living together in unity!” (Ps. 133: 1). Living is

this religious community I realize that God had already a plan for me. When I entered and lived,

I felt I was accepted by all members and they are trying day by day to help me fulfill my duty as

a missionary. Sometimes I also have misunderstandings and disappointments with others but

there is someone like my formators to remind me to understand others and to be sensitive with

others because I am living in a community of missionaries. In this Congregation, I have more

experiences of being with God in order to see His plan of salvation for me. For example, last

2013 during the typhoon Yolanda; I was saved again by God through my brother who had pulled

me inside while we were moving from the refectory to main building if not the roof had cut my

body into two. Being in this community, I know that God really presents in any event of my life.

To see different people from different positions during my stay in different houses, I know that

God is using me as helpful tool to bring His salvation and love to others. Living in foreign

country, I am not expert in language but just be an attentive listener to those who are in need

during Sunday apostolate is a good mean for me to communicate and implement God’s will in

daily life.

To sum up this reflection, I know that God had a special plan of His salvation for me.

Through very living events of my daily life, family and community, I feel the presence of God in

every moment of my life. The challenge for me is how can I search for God’s will in any event

of my life when I face problems and tragedies of my daily life that will happen unexpectedly?

Lord, please teach me to follow the Prophet Samuel to say that: “Speak, Yahweh, for your

servant listens.” Lord, please also give me courage and strength to discern Your holy will not my

will in any event of my life and lastly I can imitate Jesus to say “Thy will be done.” Amen.

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