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Epilogue One
If You Were Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Excerpt: Her Beast, His Beauty
A Real Man Series
Want More?
About the Author
Table of Contents
Epilogue One
If You Were Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Excerpt: Her Beast, His Beauty
A Real Man Series
Want More?
About the Author
By Jenika Snow
Copyright © December 2017 by Jenika Snow
First E-book Publication: July 2017

Editor: Kasi Alexander

Cover created by: PopKitty

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5
years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.
Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate
the author’s rights.
If You Were Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Epilogue One
Excerpt: Her Beast, His Beauty
A Real Man Series
Want More?
About the Author
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I was just a servant to the royal family, a no one in the grand scheme of things. But my
heart belonged to Prince Lennon, the somewhat “black sheep” of the family. I didn’t
care what others said, or how his reputation for being less than caring about tradition
followed him.
I saw the same emptiness in him as I had in myself. I wanted to ease him, let him know
that we were meant to be together.
But I would never be seen as anything more than the help.
One day I’d have the nerve to admit how I felt, even if it blew up in my face.

Prince Lennon
She thought I didn’t notice her, that she was just a royal servant.
She was wrong.
I didn’t care if it was frowned upon, royalty mixing with a commoner. I didn’t care
what the tabloids or my family might say. I wanted Daisy more than I’d ever wanted
anything or anyone before.
Just being in her presence made the loneliness in me lessen, made me want more than
the jewels and riches that surrounded me. Being with Daisy would complete me, and
I’d have her.
I just needed to make her see we belonged together.

Warning: This was previously published in the Royally Mine anthology. If you want a short
and sugary (but still oh-so-dirty) story, buckle up, because this one packs a punch. It
hits you right where it counts (wink-wink) and doesn’t let up until you get to the
Happily Ever After at the end.


All of those things and more had been said about Lennon, Prince of Hemingway Court,
and second in line for the throne. But I knew him, saw him daily... waited on him.
Behind those blue eyes was a man who was lonely, a man who was missing something
in his life. I didn't know what that was, but I wanted to help him, wanted to tell him he
could talk to me.
I just wanted him.
I had a feeling he acted the way he did because he was pushing people away, because
he was hurting inside and didn't know how to deal with it.
I saw it happen with my father before he left us.
But I just was just the help, a servant to the Royal Family. I served him food, cleaned his
room, and knew that nothing would ever come of being with him. I’d always wanted
him, but I knew I could never have him.
It was my bittersweet reality.
A commoner could never catch the eye of a prince. I was content with that, or at least I
pretended to be.
I grabbed the silver tray that held his breakfast and headed toward his room. I passed
other servants, even the Duke and Duchess of Alansworth, who were here for a visit,
and saw Princess Carolyn just barely slipping into her room for the “night.”
My heart thundered and my hands shook. I curled my fingers tighter, harder into the
silver tray, willing myself to be calm. I needed to at least appear that way, even if I
didn't feel it on the inside.
But being in Prince Lennon's presence always made me feel unsteady, always had my
emotions rising to the top.
I stopped in front of his bedroom door, feeling like my heart was going to burst through
my chest. You’d think after being a royal servant for so many years I would have been
able to control myself. But the truth was I couldn't, not when it concerned Prince
I lifted my hand to give three sharp knocks before entering, but I stopped with my hand
mid-air when I heard him shouting to someone on the other side of the door.
“I told you that's not who I am. I don't care what the tabloids say, and I don't give a
fuck what anybody thinks.”
I brought my knuckles down on the door, three sharp taps, before gripping the handle
and pushing it open. I immediately saw Lennon sitting on the edge of his massive bed,
hi cell phone on his lap, his hands tunneled into his short dark hair. His attention was
on the ground, his jaw set tight.
I left the door open as I came in, not speaking to him because I knew my place.
I didn’t make eye contact either. “Good morning, Prince Lennon.” I set the tray down
on the table off to the side, gave a slight bow, and turned to leave.
My entire body stilled, the blood rushing through my veins, pumping harder, faster. I
turned around, keeping my hands behind my back, my posture stiff.
“Your highness?” My throat was dry, tight.
For long seconds he didn’t say anything, just stared at me, watching me with this stoic
expression. It made my heart beat erratically. I wanted to go to him, just wanted to
admit how I felt, how I had felt for so long.
Know your place.
“Thank you,” he said, his voice low, deep.
He kept staring at me, his blue eyes intent, knowing almost. I felt this chill race down
my spine, and my entire body reacted just from that look.
“You're welcome, Your Highness.” I forced myself to turn away, to leave the room, but
I wanted to stay there. I wanted to have him keep looking at me, keep making me feel
like I was special. My thinking was irrational, but it was unavoidable.
I’d felt this way for years, and even if I was only twenty-two years old and a servant,
the only thing I wanted was Lennon.
But that was a fantasy, and I needed to realize that my reality was far less glamorous.

S HE THOUGHT I didn't notice her, or see the way her bright blue eyes were constantly
locked on me.
But I did notice her. I'd noticed her for a very long time but hadn't been man enough to
actually tell her how I felt.
Even if I was a prince, my life was far from ideal. I had my own emotions, my own
doubts. I was lonely, even if people surrounded me constantly. This wasn't the life I
wanted, but had been born into. The only saving grace was the fact I wasn’t first in line
for the throne. Thank God my brother Ashton had to deal with that.
The tabloids, the whispers that there was something wrong with me, that my
melancholy attitude and lack of following my traditional upbringing were a disgusting
show of patriotism, were always splashed across the tabloids. This was how it had
always been, how it would always be.
My thoughts went back to Daisy, about how I did want her, even if my family probably
wouldn't approve. She was a trusted employee, the Royal staff, but that didn't mean my
mother and father would say it was okay for me to be with a “commoner.”
But I wasn't better than her. In fact, she was too good for me. She was light, bright, and
always inquisitive. I, on the other hand, let my inner emotions, and the fact that I had
nothing and no one despite the riches that surrounded me, bring me down.
The very idea of Daisy by my side, of having her as mine, only mine, had this feeling of
life washing through me. It had this hope that I didn't have to live this routine life
consuming me, making me think there was more than I had ever imagined.
I wanted to break away, to live outside of this traditional box.
I just wanted to be with Daisy. And one way or another I’d have her. I’d make her mine.
And fuck anyone who stopped me.


I took off my shoes,

tossed them into the corner, and made my way to the couch. My home was small, just a
one-bedroom apartment that I shared with my cat. In all senses of the word I was a
loner, choosing to be that way.
With my parents all but nonexistent in my life, and only a couple of friends that I would
consider close, it suited me to just be alone.
Maybe that's why I felt like I knew Lennon so well, that I could relate to him. I felt like
he and I were one and the same, that we shared this emptiness that could be filled by
the other.
But no matter how many thoughts I had, how many times I’d envisioned just going up
to him and explaining how I felt, I knew the truth. I knew I could never be with him,
that I could never actually be truthful and admit my feelings.
He and I were living in two different worlds, this whole solar system apart, and as
much as I wanted to be okay with that, I never would be. It was hard seeing him every
day, wanting someone I knew I could never possibly have.
I made my way into the bathroom and turned the faucet on, filling the tub up with near
scalding water. The steam rose up, and as I put in the lilac bubble bath, the scent of
flowers invaded my senses.
Sure, I read the tabloids, knew what they said about Prince Lennon. They accused him
of being the black sheep of the family, the one who didn't take royalty seriously, didn't
understand that the Crown was his life.
But I knew better than anyone, maybe because I thought we were the same, on some
level. There was nothing wrong with keeping to yourself, nothing wrong with wanting
nothing to do with the spotlight.
I’d been that way my whole life, never needed anyone but myself to be content and
happy. But I wasn't happy anymore, and hadn't been since I first saw him. Since the first
time I realized I wanted him in my life.
Before I slipped into the tub I heard my cell going off. I left the bathroom and went into
my room to grab it. The number that flashed across my screen was from one of the other
servants, Holly.
“Hey,” I said and held the phone between my ear and shoulder, moving back into the
bathroom and staring at the water as it filled up the tub.
“Hey back to you.”
I heard the clatter of pots and pans in the background and knew she was still at the
“Want to hit up The Pub tonight?”
“Really? You’re not tired after working all day?” I sure as hell was, or maybe I felt tired
because I had thought about Lennon constantly.
“Sure. I know you don't have anything else to do. And neither do I. Besides, getting a
couple free drinks from drunken guys hitting on us isn't that bad, is it?”
I heard the teasing in her voice. I had to admit, she had a point.
Although I should've said no, that I’d rather stay in, the truth was getting out of here
and trying to lose myself in something that wasn’t thoughts of Lennon sounded like a
realistic, smart move.
“Come on, Daisy, just for a couple of hours?”
Holly was the only “friend” I had at the palace, but even that was a stretch. I'd say we
were more acquaintances, and tonight was probably just two co-workers wanting to let
loose. But I had nothing better to do, as she'd said.
“Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?” But even after I said that I knew I should
have kept my mouth shut.
Those were famous last words, weren't they?

I CLOSED MY BEDROOM DOOR , my heart beating a little faster than normal, my hands
curled into fists at my side. I’d overheard one of the servants speaking on the phone,
asking Daisy if she wanted to go to The Pub tonight.
The very thought of Daisy being around a bunch of drunken assholes pissed me off.
Them trying to touch her, hit on her… take her to their bed for the night… Yeah, it
pissed me off, made me see red.
Maybe I shouldn't have cared, shouldn't have been as upset as I was. She was free to do
what she wanted.
But the truth of the matter was I wanted her so much that I knew I couldn't stay back. I
knew I wouldn't, couldn't stay away.
So, even though it was smarter for me to keep my distance from Daisy, I wouldn’t. I
couldn’t. She was my reality. I knew that without a doubt. I’d been a coward for not
saying anything sooner.
Forget anyone and anything that could stop me from being with her, from finally
admitting how I felt.
I didn't care if it was frowned upon that she was a commoner and I was royalty. I didn't
care what my parents would think, what the media would say, or how it would all be
perceived. I knew what I wanted, and I wouldn’t stop until I had it.
Daisy would be mine, whether she knew it or not.
It was just a matter of making her see that we belonged together, that rumors or
accusations, or the spotlight of a relationship with me wouldn't ruin her. I’d protect her,
make sure she was always safe. And anyone who thought that they could come after
her would have to go through me.
I walked over, grabbed my jacket and shoes and put them on. It would be tricky getting
out of the palace, especially if I didn't want an escort, which I didn't. But I had my ways
of getting around all that.
At the end of the day there was nothing that would stop me from going to Daisy


I walked
into The Pub and pulled my ball cap down a little lower. At least I had been smart
enough to grab it before I left my room, and I wondered if it was even necessary. Would
anybody even recognize me here, knowing they were drunk as fuck?
The music was blaring, the voices loud. It was obvious that everybody was probably
getting good and plastered, so the chances that they would even know who I was in
their inebriated state were pretty slim.
I made my way to the side, dodging people who were grinding up against each other,
others who were acting rowdy as hell, and scanned the pub to see if I could spot Daisy.
Someone knocked into me and apologized, but I kept moving, kept scanning the
interior, trying to see Daisy. Maybe she’d decided not to come out tonight? That
thought had the possessiveness in me dimming slightly. I’d want her at home and safe,
not around a bunch of assholes.
But then I saw her, sitting at one of the tables with a girl. She had a beer in front of her,
the glass only half full, her focus on it.
My heart stilled just a little bit but then doubled in speed. My need for her rose up, this
vicious beast inside of me. I didn’t know what happened to me in the time since
breakfast and now, but I was done waiting, done caring what anyone thought.
I had absolutely no plan for what I was going to say or do tonight. Maybe I would just
stay in the background and watch over her, protect her? And then when she headed
back to the palace, or to her apartment, I could be honest with her then.
I leaned against the wall and just watched her, my focus solely on her, my need for
Daisy growing by the second. It was as if something broke inside of me, this dam
crushing forward, my emotions spilling out.
It was as if when I finally realized, understood, that I wouldn't hold myself back from her
any longer, that this vicious beast rose up in me. I hoped she felt the same when I did
admit how I felt.
And then I saw her stand and head over to the back hallway. I assumed she was going
to the restroom. I straightened, pushing off the wall and walking to where she was
I really didn't want to talk to her about any of this in a pub, but I also didn't want to
seem like an asshole for knowing where she went and following her here just to talk to
But speaking with Daisy about my feelings while she was wearing the wait staff
uniform and bringing me breakfast seemed grossly out of place. I wanted us on the
same level, even though I already knew and felt like we were.
I positioned myself so I could still see the hallway where the bathroom was, and figured
I’d talk to her when she was out. I’d explain that I needed to speak with her about
something important. Not the way I wanted to go about this, but I was tired of waiting.
And when she finally came out, my entire body stiffened, my heart raced, and every
part of me wanted to go to her in that moment. She had her head down, glancing at her
phone, and she’d never looked more beautiful.
I saw some asshole come up to her, all but blocking her way. She glanced up, seeming
startled. She smiled but I could tell it was uncomfortable, maybe even a little nervous.
Whatever he was saying she shook her head, the smile still in place, but looking more
forced by the second. And when he reached out and start playing with a tendril of her
hair I could see the discomfort in her face rising.
Something in me snapped, this beast being unleashed, tearing right through the cage
where I’d apparently had it housed deep within me. I felt myself getting closer to her,
my legs moving swiftly, my body propelling toward the threat I saw.
I gripped the asshole’s arm and yanked him away. I could smell the booze coming from
him instantly, and his bloodshot, glossed-over gaze locked with mine. I heard this low
rumble and realized it came from me.
“Don't fucking touch her,” I said harshly. I saw the anger wash over his face only a
second before he lifted his arm and started swinging at me. But I’d had plenty of
training, knew how to handle myself. I blocked the move and took a step back. I wanted
to fight him, to defend the woman I cared about. But now wasn’t the time.
I looked over at Daisy and saw confusion on her face, but then realization washed
across her expression when she recognized me. Her eyes widened and I felt a surge of
possessiveness slam into me.
She took a step forward, and I could see by the expression on her face she wanted to
protect me and not the other way around.
I took hold of her hand, and was about to steer her away from the crowd and take her
back to the palace, to my room, but the asshole clocked me right in the side of the face. I
stumbled backwards, my anger rising. I turned and faced him, swung out, and hit him
in the temple.
His head cocked to the side and he slammed into the wall. It was then that I realize my
hat had gotten knocked off, the room was quiet, and there were about a dozen cell
phone cameras aimed right at me.
No doubt this incident would be on the front page of every paper in the country come
morning. I had Daisy's hand in mine a second later and was leading her out of the pub.
We didn't speak as I took her down some back roads, snuck her into the palace through
a couple hidden passageways, and finally made it back to my room.
I shut my bedroom door, just now tasting a metallic flavor covering my tongue. I lifted
my hand and touched my lip, the sensitivity letting me know that it was split.
I turned and faced Daisy, seeing her watching me, her expression guarded, confused.
This hadn't been how I’d wanted this night to go. But it looked like there was no going
back now.

I DIDN ' T KNOW what was going on. My mind was whirling over the fact Lennon had
been at The Pub, that he'd hit some guy for me… that he'd looked so possessive of me.
My heart was beating so hard it was actually painful. Lennon was watching me like he
had something to say. How had he known I was there? Why had he defended me like
that, acted like I was his?
And now, the way he looked at me, stared into my eyes, made me feel so bare, despite
the fact I was fully dressed.
Wasn’t this what I’d always wanted? I’d always wanted to be in his room, his hands on
me, his gaze locked on mine. That had all seemed like a fantasy though. But this,
although reality, felt surreal, like I was in a dream, trapped in a loop and unable to
escape. But I didn't want to leave, didn't want to run away or pretend like this wasn't
There were a lot of things I wanted to say to Lennon, but the words were lodged in my
I saw the mark on his lip, his battle wound from defending me.
The guy had hit him, the asshole so drunk, saying inappropriate, gross things to me that
made my skin crawl. I would've been surprised if he even knew what day it was. But
when I’d realized it was Lennon who was there this wave of relief filled me. He made
me feel like everything would be okay.
Now is the time to say how you feel.
I felt on edge, the arousal so intense it was like a living entity inside of me.
“I was worried about you when I knew you went to The Pub.” His voice was slow,
deep, his focus trained right on me.
I felt my cheeks heat at his admission. “How did you know I'd be there?”
He glanced away for a second, but then moved over to the couch. He had his hand on
his lap, his fingers curled into his palm. He looked tense, as if he was ashamed by the
answer he might give me. He looked at me again, his blue eyes hard. “I overheard one
of the staff talking with you on the phone.”
My heart was beating so hard, so fast it was painful. “You came out to make sure I was
He nodded once. “The very thought of you being surrounded by a bunch of drunken
assholes...” He didn't finish speaking, but I could see the anger move across his entire
Tonight he’d shown me a different side of him, a side that seemed to want me enough
to risk being seen, being recorded fighting, defending my honor.
As the seconds and minutes moved by, I felt like I was in this alternate reality, one I’d
only dreamed about. I knew that no matter what I had to be honest with him tonight.
I had to be honest with myself as well.


“Come sit with me.”

I wanted to be close to her, wanted her body pressed right to mine. I’d wanted her for
so long this moment seemed surreal. My heart was thundering behind my ribs, and I
wondered if she’d come closer, if she’d sit with me on the couch.
I’d shut the bedroom door, maybe presuming she’d be comfortable with that, maybe
hoping she’d see it as something more.
And then she did move closer and sat right beside me, and the scent of her invaded my
senses. I grew drunk from it, aroused because she was so close. I shifted on the couch,
feeling my dick punch forward, growing harder, thicker. God, I wanted to be with
Daisy, wanted to claim her as mine. I wanted her in every possible way.
She was looking at me, and I knew she was nervous. God, I hated that she had to wait
on me, like I was better than her. I wasn’t. If anything she was better than me.
I reached out, not stopping myself, not even bothering to pretend this wasn’t going to
move forward. I needed her to know how I felt. Now.
I lifted her head up with my finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me. Her eyes
were so big, so blue. I got lost in them, drunk on them. She ducked her head, her dark
hair falling over the side of her face, blocking the view I had of her. I reached out with
my other hand and pushed the strands away, placing them behind her ear and letting
my fingers linger over the soft shell.
God, I wanted her right here, right now. I wanted to bare myself to her, not just
physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.
My body wanted her, but my mind roared out to go slow, that I needed to tell her how I
felt first, show her with words what she meant to me.
“There’s things I want to say too, things I should have said a long time ago.” Lennon
said in his deep voice.
My heart raced, and every part of me became strung tight. I looked into her eyes, the
blue sweeping me in, holding me down. I realized this was what life was, what I’d been
missing. I had known I wanted her for a long time, but until I saw her being touched by
someone else, and felt the possessive side rise up in me, did I then realize I’d always
wanted her.
I’d always wanted this.
I just needed to tell her how I felt, show her that she was mine. Without wasting
another moment, I just said what was in my heart.
“I’ve always wanted you, but I’ve been buried too deep in my own thoughts and
feelings to be a man and tell you how I felt.” I watched as the pulse at the base of her
neck jumped, her pupils dilating, her breathing increasing. I leaned in an inch, our
mouths so close if I said one word they’d brush together.
“Is this for real?” she questioned softly, her eyes so big as she stared at me.
“I want it to be our reality.” I wasn’t going to lie, or pretend that what I wanted wasn’t
authentic. I wanted her to know that in my heart I was genuine, that I truly needed her
in my life.
“But your family, the media?” She breathed out harshly and I could see she was afraid,
nervous. “The Crown?”
I shook my head, knowing that she would have worried about all this, but wanting to
reassure her. “None of that matters.” I cupped the side of her face, her skin warm, soft.
“Just tell me what you want and it’s yours.”
Please tell me I’m the one you want.
“Tell me what you want.” I had my hand on the back of her head now, keeping her
close, a part of me afraid she’d leave, that the subtle things I’d seen in her were wrong. I
worried maybe it had all been in my head, that she didn’t want me, that I just needed
her so much I’d envisioned the entire thing.
“You.” And when she said that one word, with a little breathy moan that had me
groaning, I couldn’t stop myself from what I did next.
I leaned in and kissed her.

H E KISSED me until I couldn’t breathe, until I clung to him like there was nothing else
keeping me stable. My heart was in my throat, beating wildly, intensely, threatening to
come right out of my skin.
He pulled away, the flavor of him coating my lips, tongue, the very part of me that
ached the most. Lennon consumed me.
He wanted me, which seemed surreal all in itself.
The feel of his mouth on mine was a heady reminder of all I’d been missing, of all I’d
wanted since I realized I needed him in my life.
“Tell me again what you want,” he said low, his breath moving along my face, sending
tendrils of desire racing to my marrow.
God, is this really happening?
“You, I want you.” I couldn’t breathe. “I’ve always wanted you but was too afraid to
say anything.” I’d worried about crossing lines, being humiliated because he didn’t feel
the same way. I didn’t know how his family would react, the news, the country, if they
knew I was in love with Prince Lennon.
But all of that seemed so trivial now.
Before I knew what was happening, he had his hands on my waist and was pulling me
onto his lap. I gasped, this forward action making me feel exposed, heated. I’d never
been with a man, never even thought about being with one until I realized I wanted
My legs were now on either side of his waist, and he settled back against the couch,
getting comfortable, making this intimate. I felt exposed, like I couldn’t even think
rationally over what was going on.
He watched me for long seconds, his gaze heavy-lidded, his face and body so masculine
I couldn’t help but feel all female with him.
He’d always been in the forefront of my mind, taking residence there, refusing to leave.
I’d wanted him closer, so close I was suffocating from it all.
“What made you want to say anything now?” I finally said, wanting to know why the
sudden change in him, why he’d wanted to admit this now.
He was silent for long seconds, but still had his hands on my waist. “I was tired of
pretending, tired of thinking that I didn’t deserve to be happy. I meant to tell you soon,
because I didn’t want to wait anymore.” He slid his hand up my waist and cupped the
side of my neck. “Then I heard that you were going out and all I could think about was
a bunch of drunken assholes having their hands on you.” I felt the slightest pressure of
his hand on my neck.
I didn’t want to think anymore. The chemistry that bounced between us was this living
entity. I wanted to explore it, to get consumed in all that was Lennon. All I wanted was
to be with Lennon in every possible way. Desire coursed through me that there was no
denying this was exactly what was supposed to happen.
And because I felt bold, I was the one to lean in and claim his mouth.


She kissed
me and it was like this beast broke free in me. I gripped her waist and hauled her on
top of my lap. With her legs spread on either side of my thighs, and her chest pressed
right to mine, this thrill of dark desire moved through me.
I reached up and wound my hand around her hair, my fingers tangled in the long
strands. I brought her impossibly closer, so fucking close that our teeth clashed together
and she moaned for me. We parted for only a second and I stared into her eyes. “I’m
keeping you,” I said in this harsh whisper, not about to deny what I wanted, what I
The way her eyes widened slightly, and hearing and feeling her breath rush out of her,
turned me on even more, made me this animal for her. I nearly groaned, thinking about
telling her what I wanted to do to her, the filthy images that I could admit were running
through my head.
I tightened my hold on her hair. “There are so many fucking filthy things I want to do
to you, how I’d make you mine.”
“Tell me,” she gasped.
“I want you bared for me, your legs spread so I could see the most intimate pink part of
you.” I groaned at her reaction. “I’d lick your entire body, make you come with my
mouth alone, and then I’d plunge my cock deep in your pussy.” I had my other hand on
her waist and used a little bit of pressure to get her to start rocking back and forth on
Yeah, Daisy was really getting into this.
“God, I’m so hot, so ready,” she whispered. I had no doubt she could feel exactly how
hard I was for her.
We were both breathing so hard, and I felt beads of sweat dot my forehead as I strained
to gather my control. I lifted my hips slightly, pressing my erection against her pussy.
She started moving faster on me. I grunted and closed my eyes, the feeling of her
rocking on top of me almost too much.
“God,” she whispered, her eyes closed.
I needed to see her get off while doing this, while rubbing herself on me.
“Oh, fucking hell yes. That’s it, baby.” I ground out those words. “I want to watch you
come unhinged.” I gripped her waist with both of my hands and helped her in her
motions, back and forth, harder and faster.
“God, yes, Lennon.”
I stared into her face, watching the pleasure morph across her expression. “That’s it.” I
was breathing so damn hard. And then she came for me.
She tossed her head back, closed her eyes, and moaned out deeply. Her mouth was
parted and her body tightened as she came undone. When she relaxed, I grabbed her
hair again and forced her to look at me. I kissed her until I couldn’t breathe.
She pulled back. “I want to be with you right now.”
Yeah, she was primed for me. I lowered my gaze to her mouth, loving that her lips were
red, swollen, and that there was a glossy sheen covering them from our kiss. And when
I placed my thumb on her bottom lip, pulled the flesh down, and let it fall back into
place, I groaned in lust. I pushed the digit into her mouth, every part of me coming
alive even more. I made her suck on my thumb, loving how she sucked on it and then
ran her tongue along the pad.
I didn’t want to deny her.
I didn’t want to deny myself either.
“Be with me now,” she whispered, and I felt my cock jerk.
I pulled her in close and claimed her mouth, shoving my tongue deep in her mouth,
fucking her with the muscle like I’d soon do between her thighs.
While still kissing her, I curled my body around hers, bringing her impossibly close to
me. Her breasts pressed right to my chest.
“Rub yourself on me, baby.” I didn’t even care how fucking dirty I sounded. I needed to
say these things.
I stared into her face as she started moving her hips back and forth on me, working me
over in this sweet, almost innocent way. I was fucking depraved for the things I wanted
to do to her. I didn’t stop myself from kissing her again. I gently bit at her lip, tugging at
the soft, succulent flesh.
With my hands on her waist I made sure to keep her right where she was, helping her
work herself on me.
I broke the kiss, breathing hard, heavy. “Tell me this is what you want, that we can just
say fuck off to everyone and everything else,” I murmured, running my tongue over
first her top lip and then the bottom one. She moaned, and I couldn’t help kissing her
again. She pressed down on me especially hard, and my control snapped.
“I want you, and fuck everyone else,” she whispered.
My mouth went dry, my cock jerked, and everything in me went on high alert.
“Christ.” I lowered my focus to her chest. The large mounds pressed against the
material of her shirt. I could see the outline of her nipples, the hard little beads making
my mouth water.
“You’re watching me like you’re starving.”
I breathed out slowly. “I’m so hungry for you.”
And I was, so fucking hungry.


Lennon was
possessive in the way he touched me, made me feel good. I didn’t deny that this made
me nervous, that having sex for the first time—with the Prince, no less—made this
string in me tighten, threatening to snap, about to take me down into the abyss.
“I want you,” I found myself whispering, saying the words that had been buried for so
long. It was only a few seconds before he was in front of me, my body pressed right to
his, the scent of him surrounding me.
“Wrap your arms around me, Daisy.”
I did as he said, feeling his strength consume me, wash through me, making me feel like
I was on a ledge. His erection pressed right against my belly, thick and long, and
foretelling of what was to come.
I was wet, soaked in fact. My panties were saturated, the material rubbing along my
sensitive folds. He made this low sound deep within his chest as he walked us
backward, his mouth on my throat, his teeth and tongue ravishing me there. I felt his
erection digging into my belly. Lennon was huge, his dick thick and long, like this steel
rod between us.
I felt the wall stop our movement, and this gasp of surprised pleasure filled me.
“I want to give you everything,” he said as he kissed a path along my neck. “I want to
make you know what it means to be properly loved.”
Tingles spread throughout my entire body, settling right between my thighs.
“I want to touch you everywhere, memorize every part of you until you’re engrained in
my brain.” He said the last word on this guttural groan and then dug his dick farther
into my belly. “Tell me what you want.”
“You. I want you everywhere.”
“I should go slow, be easy with you. You deserve that and so much more.”
My entire body felt like it would combust at any second.
“I know what you want, what you need, Daisy,” he said against the side of my throat,
his lips moving as he spoke, his warm breath fanning along my sensitive skin. He ran
his tongue along the arch of my neck. I felt the chill in the air when he was no longer
pressed against me, and goose bumps formed on my body.
I stared at him, looking so big and intimidating, so powerful and… aroused for me. The
outline of his erection pressing against his slacks was huge, if not intimidating.
“I want to see you bared, want to see every part of your skin exposed for me.”
A shiver covered me, took hold and refused to let go. I didn’t want it to leave, didn’t
want to feel exposed because it was gone.
“Show me, baby. Let me see what will be mine soon enough.”
I didn’t know why things were happening so fast, but I wasn’t going to stop this or
slow it down. This was exactly what I’d wanted to do for longer than I cared to admit. I
wanted to explore this with Lennon, not caring that he was a prince and I was a
I found myself undressing, watching the way Lennon stared at me, seeing how excited
he was for this. I felt like I was drowning in a current, just allowing myself to go with
the flow, let it carry me wherever it wanted to.
And then he started undressing, and I was locked on the sight of him, frozen in place at
all the hard muscle and perfection that was revealed.
“I’m going to make you mine so fucking hard.”
The air left me, his words playing in my head over and over again. I could see the way
his jaw worked as he appraised me, took in every inch of my body. He was gritting his
teeth, his entire body tense.
Heat blossomed in me like never before.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Daisy.” He took a step closer to me. “I could come just
looking at you.”
His words were sharp, like a knife running along me. I stood there for long seconds, not
moving, not even breathing as he looked his fill. And God, he was looking his fill.
I finally took a stuttering breath. I was bared for him, every part of me on display. I
looked down at the erection he sported. He was huge, thick and long, and the crown
was slightly wider than the rest of him, a dot of pre-cum at the tip.
He had his palm wrapped around his dick, and he stroked himself, his focus on my
body. “Come here,” he commanded, and I obeyed.
I wasn’t about to say no, not when I was so worked up I couldn’t even think, let alone
breathe. Forcing myself to move was hard, though. My legs felt like rubber. His focus
was on my lips, and I involuntarily licked them. He groaned in response.
Lennon leaned in close, his mouth right by mine. “I want to be inside of you, want to
feel you come for me,” he whispered.
And then he had his mouth on mine. I desperately wanted him to do between my
thighs what he was doing to my mouth. His lips and tongue were working me over like
nothing I’d ever experienced before, like nothing I ever thought I could experience.
He broke the kiss, both of us breathing hard. “I hope you’re ready, because I feel like
I’ve been waiting my entire life for this.” He gave me this soft kiss after he spoke. “And
I don’t know if I can stop myself from claiming you fully.”
Good, because I didn’t want him to stop, not ever.


I wasn’t going
to be a savage about claiming her, about making her finally mine. My mouth was on
hers once more, my tongue fucking her the way my cock would soon enough. I moved
away only long enough to get out of my clothes. She held her arms out to me, and I
went closer.
My entire body went tight when she ran her hand over my chest, her touch light but
hesitant. That small graze of her fingers along my skin made me feel so many things.
My cock was so hard I knew I wouldn’t last when I finally had her as mine.
I was desperate to make her feel good, for her to cry out in pleasure for me. “I need you
on my bed, spread out for me, waiting for me to make you feel good.”
And when she was in the position I desperately needed her in, I could have gotten off
just from looking at her. She was all gorgeous lines and feminine features. Her breasts
were full, the tips this light pink color, the nipples hard as rock.
I let my gaze travel over her flat belly, her long legs, and when I got to her pussy my
mouth watered. She had a trimmed triangle of dark hair, her pussy lips bare, visible.
The fact I could see how wet she was for me already had me groaning. I reached for my
dick again, stroking the fucker as I stared at her.
“I need you,” I said low, wanting her to know exactly what she did to me, how she
made me feel. I was going to open myself up to her more than I ever had with anyone.
It had been years since I’d been with a woman, and even then I’d felt empty, lacking.
I didn’t stop myself from going to her then, crawling on the bed and lying on top of her,
letting her feel how hard I was for her, how much I desired her. I started kissing her,
licking at her lips, sucking at her tongue. I moved my mouth down to her neck, lapping
at the pulse point that beat wildly there.
I nudged her thighs open even wider, wedging my body between them. My cock was
so damn hard, pre-cum steadily forming at the tip. And then I started moving back and
forth, pushing my cock between her folds, her pussy lips framing my cock, her slickness
covering me. I grunted and groaned, and she held on to me, gasping, begging for more.
I worked myself between her legs without penetrating her, but fuck, I wanted to. I
wanted to be buried deep in her body.
“That’s it, pretty girl,” I groaned against her neck. “Move with me. Get off this way.” I
moved my face toward hers and started kissing her, slamming my lips down on hers.
She started moving under me, gyrating her hips, giving me what I wanted, what I
“God, yes, Lennon.”
Her mouth parted on mine, and I sucked in her air, giving her mine in return. I sent up
a silent prayer that I wouldn’t explode before this really got started.
I moved down the length of her body, not able to help myself. I didn’t want this to end,
because I wanted to make this good for her.
I had my face right by her pussy, my hands on her inner thighs keeping her legs spread
for me. The scent of her made me drunk, intoxicated with my need. I lifted my gaze and
stared at her.
“Let me make you feel good.” I kept my eyes locked on hers as I dragged my tongue
through her cleft, her flavor exploding on my tongue. I could feel myself start to slip,
knew that I wouldn’t last. The silky-smooth feeling of her along my tongue could have
been my undoing, but I needed to keep my control.
I wanted to have my face buried between her thighs until my tongue was numb. I
started pressing my hips into the mattress, dry fucking the hell out of it.
When I felt her let go I dragged my tongue from her pussy hole to her clit and sucked
that bud into my mouth. I let it go with a light pop and moved up her body, settling
right between her thighs. I took her mouth in another hard, deep kiss, and grunted in
pleasure, my hips jerking on their own. She opened her mouth wider, and I plunged my
tongue inside, fucking her there.
She panted against my mouth, spread her legs wider, and I pressed my hips farther into
hers, my cock sliding right between the center of her.
I leaned back, placing my hands on the mattress beside her. “You’re so fucking
beautiful,” I said, my throat tight. I needed to be inside of her.
“Be with me. Make me yours. Take my virginity.”
My body stilled, hardened further. I’d be her first.
I’d be her last.
I grabbed my cock and placed the tip at her entrance. I wanted to tear through the thin
membrane of her virginity, making it mine. “I’m not ever letting you go.” In one swift
move I buried my dick into her wet, tight virgin pussy. She gasped, and I knew I’d hurt
her. There was no going around it though. “I’m sorry, baby.” I cupped the side of her
cheek and stilled, letting her get accustomed to my size. I didn’t want to cause her pain.
I wanted to make her feel good, and I’d take that discomfort away if I could.
She had her arms around my neck, her nails pricking my skin. I started moving in and
out of her slowly, trying to pace myself. She felt so tight, so hot and wet. I heard her
breathing change, and I knew she was right here with me.
In and out. Fast and sweet.
Sweat started to coat my skin, my heart raced, and my balls were drawn up tight. I
wanted to come so badly, but I didn’t want this to end. I wanted it to last forever.
“God. Yes,” she whispered.
I wanted to give her everything I was, everything I am.
I stared into her face, watching the display of what she felt moving across it, the same
euphoria I felt for her. I pushed into her once more and stilled, feeling my muscles relax
and contract, feeling my body become so tight it was painful.
She milked me, her body wanting what only I could give her. And I would be the only
one to give it to her. I’d be the only one to ever feel how she felt inside.
“Baby, I’m going to come,” I gritted, holding on so damn tight to my control, but
knowing that I wouldn’t last. I reached between us and started rubbing her clit,
desperately needing her to come for me, to get off and scream my name.
I felt her tense beneath me, and then she was tossing her head back, her neck straining,
this low mewl leaving her.
“Yeah, baby. Tell me.” The pricking of her nails in my skin had me pumping in and out
of her again.
“Don’t stop,” she whispered.
I had no intention of stopping.
I really started fucking her then. I should have been sweet, gentle with her. But fuck, I
couldn’t stop myself.
“So good, Daisy.” I slammed into her once more. “Come for me.”
And she did, right then. She cried out and dug her nails into my flesh harder, moaning
as pleasure clearly coursed its way through her, covering her face in euphoria.
I pulled out then, grabbed my cock, and pumped my hand over the thick length. I
stared between her legs the entire time. She was all swollen and wet, pink and mine. I
didn’t need anything else to get off aside from looking at her. Hell, thinking about her
would do the trick.
“Be dirty for me, Daisy baby. Show me all of you.” And then she reached down, spread
her pussy lips, and showed me every single pink inch of her. I groaned harshly. I
breathed out slowly as my orgasm washed through me, unable to stop myself, not even
wanting to.
Groaning deeply, I forced my eyes to stay open as I came. And when I let my load go all
over her belly, I felt my pleasure rise tenfold. When my orgasm finally dimmed, I
sagged and breathed out, staring at her body and what I’d done to her.
And before I could stop myself I reached out and started rubbing my cum into her skin,
marking her. When I was finished and she was painted by me, I lifted my gaze to her
face. “You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go. Ever.” My voice sounded hoarse,
“I don’t want to be anyone else’s.”
I moved beside her and cradled her to me. Nope, nothing would stop me from keeping
her as mine.
I WAS EXHAUSTED , but it felt so good. I felt so good.
We’d been in bed for so long, tangled in the sheets, our bodies sweaty, sated.
And still I knew I’d never get enough.
I was sprawled on the bed, my chest rising and falling as I tried to catch my breath.
“Hey,” he said, his voice thick with the arousal we’d just shared.
I turned to face him, the smile on my face unstoppable. “Hey,” I responded softly. The
thought that I should be embarrassed by what we’d shared wasn’t lost on me, but all I
felt was elation… completion.
I looked him in the eyes. “Where do we go from here?”
He was silent for a second but kept me close. “I tell the world you’re mine.”


I knew exactly
what my mother and father wanted to speak to me about, so instead of pretending this
would be smooth sailing, I headed toward the dining room where they were eating
My thoughts, however, were focused on Daisy, who still slept in my bed, the sheets
tangled around her nude, perfect body. All I could think about was what we had done
the night before, of the way she felt, smelled, and the sounds she made when I was
deep inside of her.
I entered the dining hall, the grand windows open and the sun streaming in. My mother
and father sat at the table, papers strewn out in front of them. My brother and sister sat
at the other end of the table, clearly knowing what this was about and not looking
pleased. My brother, the next in line for the Crown, had always been very regal, taking
the royal family tradition to heart. I, on the other hand, was the fuck-up of the family,
the disappointment.
I stood there, not starting the conversation, just staring at my father and waiting for him
to declare what an unfit son I was, how I’d brought shame to the family, and so on. He
glanced up at me, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, his blue eyes, which
were the same shade as mine, staring at me with this curiosity and sternness.
I straightened my back, waiting to get this over with so I could go back to Daisy.
My father finally folded the paper and turned it around so the front page was facing
me. “I'll start off by asking when exactly did you leave last night, and why didn't you
have an escort?”
“I'm not a child, and don't need a guard everywhere I go. I can handle myself.” I felt my
blood pressure starting to rise. I saw the way he glanced at my split lip. I was a twenty-
five-year-old man, and although I wasn't as traditional as my brother and sister, I did
try my best not to embarrass the family. But of course a situation such as this, where I
wanted, needed, to defend Daisy, made it so I didn't care about anything else.
“To be honest, Lennon, I don't even care about the fact you were caught fighting at a
pub and it was recorded for all to see.” My father set the paper down and removed his
glasses, his gaze stern as he took me in. “What I'm more curious about is the young lady
that you have in your bedroom right now.”
Every protective bone in my body went on alert. I wanted to deny it, not because I
didn't want to admit I had Daisy in my room, but because I wanted to protect her from
any kind of speculation that might arise from her being with me.
“Who I have my room is no one's concern but mine.” I shouldn't have been speaking to
my father this way, the King and ruler of our small country, but when it came to Daisy I
wanted her protected from everyone, even my family. And to be honest, my family
could be the harshest critics of all.
“Darling,” my mother said in her sweet, regal voice. “There are many women to choose
from. There’s no need to go for the help.”
I should've just bit my tongue and not said anything in response. I wanted to sit down
and talk to them, explain how I felt for Daisy, that she was more than just a servant. But
I was getting angry and wanting to defend the woman that I cared about… the woman
that I loved.
“Her name is Daisy and she's not the help.” My back was so straight it was starting to
ache, and my hands were so tightly curled into fists that my nails dug into my palms.
My father lifted a dark eyebrow. “Not the help? Is she not an employee of the Royal
My heart was thundering. “No, she’s not the help.”
“Then what is she?” my father challenged.
I knew what I was about to say would be picked apart until it was just bare bones and
raw flesh. “She’s the woman I love.”

Later that day
M Y HEART WAS POUNDING SO HARD , my nerves taking control. I knew what the King
and Queen wanted to talk to me about… the relationship I had with their son. Lennon
had said as much when he told me we had to speak with them.
And as nervous as I was, I knew I wouldn't lie, wouldn’t pretend like what I felt for
Lennon wasn't anything but genuine and true.
I thought back to the moment when he’d come back into the bedroom, his eyes lighting
up when he saw me. I was still naked in his bed, the sheets wrapped around me, the
feeling of euphoria settling into me once more.
Our night together had been magical, like a fantasy, even. It sounded a little bit cliché,
but it had been true. It had been real.
I stared at myself in the mirror. He cared about me, and I cared for him. There was
nothing in this world I wanted more than to be with him, and after last night I felt like
that was a reality, our possibility.
“Ready?” Lennon asked from the bathroom doorway.
I turned around and faced him, the bed behind me still mussed from the passion we’d
shared. When he’d come back into the room just hours before he hadn't said anything,
just given me this long once-over. But I'd known that something was wrong, despite the
heat and light I saw on his face. There had been something that needed to be talked
But before anything could be said he'd taken off his clothes, climbed into bed with me,
and made love to me all over again.
“No, I'm not ready, but I don't want to keep them waiting.” The fact that I was going to
have a private viewing with the King and Queen had everything in me standing at
I'd been in their presence plenty of times working for them, but this was different. This
was me speaking with them about my relationship with Lennon.
Would they be upset? Would they forbid him from being with a commoner?
Lennon took my hand and we left his room, made our way down the ornate hallway,
and stopped right outside of the King and Queen’s sitting area.
God, I was so nervous my hands would be shaking if I didn’t have them clasped so
tightly together.
“Hey, baby, everything will be okay.” Lennon stopped and turned me around so we
faced each other. He kissed the side of my neck. I was aware of the few servants
walking by, but I knew they wouldn't pay attention to us, or at least wouldn't make it
“And if they say we can't be together?” I whispered the words, afraid to even say them
out loud. Even after only spending one night with him, I knew this was what I wanted
in my life more than anything. Even before that, I knew he was it for me.
I just hadn't thought it would be my reality.
Lennon shook his head, pulling away from me and staring into my eyes. “I don't care
what anyone says, not even my mother or father. I want you, and no one is going to tell
me we can't be together. If that means giving up my title, giving up all of this…” He
waved his hand around the room, gesturing toward the elaborate furnishings. “If they
say I have to get rid of all this shit for you, I would gladly do so in an instant.”
He pulled me in close to him, and I rested my head on his chest, not caring who saw.
We were about to tell the King and Queen of our relationship, and as scared as I was, I
anticipated this. I wanted this moment, had envisioned and fantasized about it for
longer than I cared to admit.
This was the first day of the rest of our lives.

I STARED at my mother and father, trying to gauge their reaction after what I’d just told
them. I had explained my feelings for Daisy, and although she hadn't said anything, I
knew she was nervous and needed my support more than anything right now.
I glanced over at her, watching as she worried her bottom lip, her straight white teeth
pulling at the flesh. I wished I could've taken her worrying away, let her know that it
didn't matter what the outcome was, that I would still be with her.
“And this... relationship transpired when?” my father finally responded.
“My feelings for her have been there all along.” I glanced at Daisy again and smiled.
She was watching me, her eyes still wide, but the smile on her face clear. I wanted her to
know she had strength when she was with me, that I hoped in time she would have her
own strength and not feel weak in front of my parents.
They might be the King and Queen, but they were like everybody else.
“This is sudden,” my mother said and I looked over at her. “You've never been one to
be in a committed relationship before, and have kept to yourself this whole time. We
just assumed you'd never settle down.”
I bristled slightly at her words, although they were true, because it wasn't like I’d
sought out a relationship with anybody.
“I've never found somebody that I felt I could be myself with. I never felt like I could
open up and be happy.” I was being honest with my parents, maybe for the first time in
my entire life. They'd seen enough of the tabloids calling me the black sheep of the
family, the loner that didn't want anything to do with tradition or the Crown. But the
truth was I just wasn't happy in this life where strict rules had to be obeyed. “But with
Daisy I felt all those things and more.”
Daisy reached out and took my hand in hers, giving a light squeeze. I drew strength
from her and I knew as time went on that would only grow. This was the first day of
the rest of our lives. I knew that without a doubt.
“Noah is who will lead this country after Father. Noah is the one who would make you
proud.” I stared right into my father’s eyes.
“You think you don't make me proud?” my father asked, sitting up straighter, the
surprise on his face clear.
I didn't respond, because the truth was I knew I didn't make him proud, not like Noah
did or could.
“You're my son, whether you want to take the Crown or not, whether you want to be
deep in royal tradition or not. You are still my son and I am proud of you.” And then he
surprised me by standing up and walking around the desk. He helped me to stand and
embraced me, his hug strong, welcoming.
My father wasn't one to show much affection. More of a strict and rigid parental figure,
he made sure to instill what this life was really about, and how we were to serve the
people of our country. But right now I didn't feel like he was the King. Right now he
was just my dad.
My father pulled back and clapped me on the shoulder. “You care for this young lady?”
My mother had taken residence beside my father. I looked over at Daisy and held my
hand out for her to take it. She stood and I pulled her in close. “I do. I care for her a lot.”
I looked over at my mother and father. “I want her in my life and I'm keeping it that
I don’t know if I expected my father to argue over the fact she was of “lower class” than
us, which seemed an outdated and almost barbaric way of thinking. But the smile he
gave me did shock me. It was filled with acceptance and understanding. In that
moment I felt horrible for thinking that my parents wouldn't see how happy I was, and
understand that this was what I wanted.
I didn't know what the future held, but I wanted to experience it all with Daisy.

One month later
I KNEW PEOPLE WATCHED , that there were cameras on us, but I didn't care. In this
moment it was just Lennon and me, getting to know each other, learning about the
other, and taking in the fact that this was our life.
“Are they bothering you?” Lennon asked and wrapped his arm around my waist,
pulling me in closer. “We can leave, go someplace more secluded.”
I didn't know if Lennon was speaking about the guards that had accompanied us to the
park, or the tabloids that I knew were placed around us, partially hidden from view.
I turned to face Lennon and smiled, not wanting them to interfere with us. “They don't
bother me if they don't bother you.” And then I cupped his face and brought him in
closer. I slanted my mouth on his and really gave the cameras a show.
Our little display of affection would probably be on the front paper tomorrow morning,
but I didn't care. Let them see. Let them know how much I loved this man, how much
he consumed me.
I might not have ever envisioned myself with Lennon, maybe even thinking I wasn't
worthy of his attention or affection. But now that he was in my life, I wanted the world
to know that my feelings for him were genuine, true.
We parted at the same time and Lennon smiled at me. “I could really give them
something to take pictures of if I didn't think it would humiliate you.” He started
laughing softly and I could only shake my head, grinning from ear to ear.
“Nothing you could do could embarrass me. And I don't care about the tabloids. I don't
care what anyone thinks about me. All I care about is the next day we have together.”
Maybe what I said was sappy, but I didn't care. I was on cloud nine with Lennon.
I’d finally found the puzzle piece that I had been missing in my life. I’d finally found
another person who knew me, who could look into my eyes and know how I felt
without me saying a word.
Sure, the coupling we’d shared had been instant, fast. But it had felt so right. It had felt
like I’d finally found what I had been missing. And I knew Lennon felt the same way.
As Lennon had said before, fuck anyone who thought we didn't belong together.

Five years later

She was
mine now and forever. I pulled her close and inhaled deeply, the sweet scent of her
filling my lungs, imprinting in my very cells, the marrow deep in my bones.
Daisy rested her head against me, fitting perfectly right up against my chest. Our bodies
were sweaty, the act of me fucking her, taking her… claiming her still covering both of
us. Every day, every minute, hell, every second I wanted to show her with my body that
I was hers the same as she was mine.
I smoothed my hand down her arm, slipped my fingers through hers, and lifted her
hand. I’d married Daisy two years ago, the ceremony grand, royal, of course. But we’d
just been two people, neither of us better than the other, both of us just madly in love.
We’d waited, planned, made sure everything was set before we’d said our vows.
I’d wanted her to get to know me, the real me, and I’d wanted to learn everything I
could about Daisy. I’d wanted us to be as close as two people could be.
I stared at the ring, smoothing my finger over the rock, along her skin, and down her
digit. I’d picked this one out especially for her—had it custom made, wanted it unique,
the same way she was to me.
Everything I did was for her.
I would have married her the first night I had her in my bed. But I’d waited, let her get
to know the real me, learned everything I could about Daisy, and then I made her mine.
I could hear her breath become even, slow, and knew she was falling asleep. Having her
close to me, right up against my body, knowing she was safe… mine, was perfection.
I slid my hand over to her belly and spanned the flat surface with my palm. For a
second all I did was feel her stomach moving up and down gently as she breathed. “I
love you,” I whispered, not knowing if she’d hear, but wanting her to know.
She shifted and turned in my arms, and opened her eyes slowly. I cupped the side of
her face, her skin warm, soft. She lifted her hand and placed it over mine, which was
still on her cheek.
“Let’s have a baby,” I said, the words spilling out on their own. Moving my hand away
from her face, I slid it down her side, skimmed my fingers along the curve and arch of
her waist and hip, and moved it so my hand was on her belly. “What do you think?”
“A baby?”
“A baby,” I said and smiled.
She lifted her head and stared at me. “I want that.”
I grinned, feeling so elated I couldn’t even contain it. I rolled on top of her, my cock
hard, my body ready for her. I was always ready for her, always needing to make her
feel so fucking good.
“Spread for me, baby. Let me make you feel good again.” When she was in position I
settled between her legs. She was wet, so damn wet for me but it was a combination of
her arousal and my cum. The fact that my seed slipped from the tight confines of her
body turned me on, made me feel possessive, feral even.
“I love you so fucking much,” I murmured. I ran my nose up the arch of her neck,
inhaling that sweet scent that always surrounded her. I growled in approval of the fact
that she smelled just like me.
“I love you too,” she gasped out because right when she said that I aligned my cock
with her pussy and shoved in deeply.
My movements were slow, gentle even. I pulled back and looked into her face. God, I
was the luckiest man on the fucking planet.
“Lennon.” Breathing my name out, Daisy arched her chest and closed her eyes, the
pleasure clear in her expression.
I thrust into her over and over again. Daisy moaned my name and I grunted in
I kissed her then, claiming her mouth, her body, her very soul. She owned every part of
me, had from the moment I saw her and knew I wanted her in my life, fuck everyone
else and what they might think.
It didn’t matter how much money we had, how well known we were, I was lucky to
have Daisy in my life.
I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but I was never letting go.

And baby makes three
W ATCHING MY WIFE , the woman I loved more than anything else, feeding our child,
had this warmth spreading through me.
I leaned against the wall, my heart filled as Daisy hummed to our baby girl Lana. I’d
never thought I could love someone as much as Daisy, but after Lana came into our
lives I finally knew what being complete really was.
My girls.
My life.
I stayed there for five minutes, just watching Daisy, just absorbing the sight, the sounds,
the feelings. Daisy finished up the feeding and smiled down at Lana, who had fallen
asleep. Daisy put her in the bed and came over to me, and I wrapped my arms around
her, puling her in closer.
Our life had been pretty perfect, so wonderful that I was glad we could have this life,
could be together. We’d moved about an hour from the palace, our estate having been
in the family for generations. It was perfect for us, with rolling hills and open lands,
with a little farm for Daisy and me to immerse ourselves in and get relaxed.
It was our little part of heaven.
I took her to our room since it was late, just wanting to hold her, to let her know she
was always loved, safe, and protected. Once in the room I turned her around and
started helping her out of her clothes. This wasn’t about sex. This was about making her
feel comfortable, letting her relax while I did everything else.
I cupped her cheeks, stared into her eyes, and smiled. “If I could marry you again and
start from the beginning to prove to you over and over that you were mine, I’d do it in
an instant.” She gave me the sweetest fucking smile. “I fall in love with you every day.”
I pulled her against me even more, held the back of her head, and just let the feelings
embrace me. I pulled back and leaned down, kissing her until she was breathless and
clinging to me. I lifted her in my arms and carried her to our bed, telling myself I
shouldn’t be about to ravish her, but unable to stop myself.
She breathed out, wrapping her arms around me. This was what life was about. This
was what living meant. Royalty or not, I was glad I’d followed my heart and not the
path everyone else had set out for me.
Daisy was mine, and always would be.

The End
I felt weird sitting across from him, eating this lavish breakfast when I really should be
cleaning his massive mansion. I didn’t say anything, not after he told me to eat. I didn’t
know what to say anyway.
When I’d eaten as much as I could, I leaned back and glanced up at him. He was
looking at me, but then again, I’d been feeling his stare on me the entire time.
He looked totally different than the images I’d seen when I searched him on the
Internet. No longer did he have the dark close-cropped hair that had been slicked back
in a professional manner. He was also not the clean-shaven business tycoon that I’d
read about. Instead his hair was longer, falling below his ears. And his beard was wild,
just like him, I assumed.
But the truth was I liked his appearance.
And even though he might’ve seemed unkempt to others, I had a feeling he
purposefully took on this appearance to hide himself. Even with the long hair and the
beard, I could still see the scars that lined one side of his face, and even his neck. God,
the pain he must’ve felt, the humiliation he must still be feeling.
Part of me wanted to tell him he had nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. I had
my own scars, albeit they were internal, but everyone had wounds that might never
heal. I wanted to connect with him on his level, wanted to show him that I was the same
as he was.
I came from a broken home, my mother having left us when I was just a child. And
because my father had been my rock for so long, losing him changed my world...
shattered it.
As the years passed I grew stronger, tried to be surer of myself. But deep down I was
still a little girl that had lost so much, that was scared of the world even if I put on a
good front.
I took a deep breath, not about to beat around the bush because I wanted to know what
this was all about. I wanted to know why he’d asked me here this morning. Was I in
trouble? Was I not doing a good enough job? Maybe this was a goodbye breakfast
before he fired me, realizing that I really didn’t have the skills that he was looking for.
Maybe he just didn’t want me here.
If that’s the case why is he looking at me so intently? Why is he watching me like he wants to
crawl inside of me and find out everything about me?
“Mr. Foxwerth—“
“I want you to call me Rofus.”
Even though it was just his first name, it seemed so personal, so intimate.
I had my hands clasped tightly in my lap, my throat feeling so dry, so tight. “Can I ask
why you invited me here? I mean, I’m very grateful and the breakfast was delicious, but
you don’t seem like the type of man who invites his staff to join him during meals.”
He lifted a dark eyebrow after I said that. “What type of man do I seem like?”
I really should have kept my mouth shut, trod lightly because he was my employer, the
man who gave me my paycheck. So instead of putting my foot in my mouth, I shook
my head and smiled. “You seem like a very generous man.” Although I didn’t really
know that, and everything I had read about him told me he was ruthless when it came
to what he wanted, unforgiving, and powerful in all aspects of his life. I certainly didn’t
want to offend him, not when I’d only been here for two weeks.
He didn’t say anything after I spoke, so I stood up and was about to excuse myself and
get back to work when I was frozen in place at the sound of his chair scraping across the
floor as he stood as well.
“I’d like to show you something.”
My heart was thundering so fast I didn’t doubt he could hear it. I licked my lips and
saw that he lowered his gaze to watch the act. “Okay,” I said on a whisper.
He didn’t wait for me to respond, just turned and started walking away. I could either
stand there and look like an idiot, or follow him. I did the latter.
We ended up walking for a few minutes before he finally took me into the greenhouse. I
had walked past it a handful of times, but had never been brave enough to sneak a peak
in there.
He opened the door to the garden and stepped aside to let me in. My movements were
slow, hesitant. This felt very personal, very intimate. I didn’t know what was going on,
but the heat inside of me was consuming. I could feel his stare on me, like he was
actually reaching out and stroking my skin with the tips of his fingers.
And I couldn’t deny the attraction I felt. It has been instant, even brutal. He wasn’t like
any man I had ever met or seen before. He had this darkness behind his eyes, this
torment that he tried to hide but that I could see clearly.
I ducked my head, my hair falling across my face. I was hiding myself from him. I felt
vulnerable around Rofus, as if he could look at me and see exactly who I was. I thought
I put on a good front, had this wall around me that protected me. But with just his
intense blue gaze spearing into me, that wall crumbled to my feet.
When I heard the door shut softly behind me I lifted my head and looked around. The
air was humid, moist, and the walls and ceiling, which were made of glass, allowed the
sun to shine through. Despite it being a cold November day outside, the room was
warm. And all around me were the most beautiful flowers, the sweet scent filling my
head and making me dizzy.
Rofus moved in front of me. He was so much bigger than I was, at least a foot taller
than my five-foot-four frame. His body, made up of lean muscle and golden skin, spoke
of his power. And his scars attracted me even more to him, made me want to find out
who he truly was.
I could tell he was strong even though I had never touched him.
The sight of bright red roses had my attention instantly, and I found myself walking
toward them, the color so vibrant that it almost seemed unreal. Droplets of water lined
the silky smooth petals, and I looked up to see a water system above. I brought my
attention back to the roses and leaned down to inhale, closing my eyes and moaning at
the floral fragrance.
Without thinking, I found myself reaching out and wrapping two fingers around one of
the stems. Pain lanced up the digits and I gasped, snatching my hand away and looking
down at the droplet of blood that covered the pad of my thumb.
Rofus was by me an instant later, his big hand cupping mine, his focus on my bleeding
thumb. It wasn’t even a bad wound, but the intensity and concern on his face startled
“Come on, we should get this cleaned up.”
I wanted to argue that I was fine, that a dab of toilet paper on the pinprick-sized wound
would be fine, but I kept my mouth shut and allowed him to lead me out of the
greenhouse, down the hall, and into one of the bathrooms.
The feel of his hand wrapped loosely around my wrist sent fire up my forearm. I
couldn’t describe the sensation that consumed me at that small touch. My body came
alive, this feeling, one I’d never experienced before, consuming me.
He helped me sit on the edge of the claw-footed tub, and then he turned and grabbed
the first aid kit out of the cabinet. I sat there in silence, watching as he tended to me.
There was something comforting about watching a man such as Rofus, who exhibited
brutality and strength, and who made me feel on edge yet wanting so much more, take
care of me. This was all so strange, yet exhilarating. I didn’t know him, yet I felt like I
He was tender and meticulous as he cleaned the blood off, put some ointment on my
finger, and placed a small bandage over it.
I found the act slightly humorous, given the fact I didn’t need all this attention for a tiny
cut from the rose thorn. When it was all said and done he took a step back and I lifted
my head to look up at him. He seemingly filled the entire bathroom, his body so big, so
“Thank you,” I said so softly I wondered if he’d heard me. I swallowed and looked at
my hand, my flesh still on fire from where he’d touched me. “Why are you doing all of
this?” I looked back up at him.
He took a second to respond. “Doing what?”
I licked my lips and broke eye contact for a second. When I looked at him again I
wondered if he saw, sensed how vulnerable I felt. I was so confused, not sure why he
was being so nice, why he was paying so much attention to me.
“Why the breakfast, the greenhouse?” I exhaled slowly. “Why are you taking care of
me?” I lifted up my hand as if he wouldn’t know what I was talking about.
He took a step toward me again, helping me up from the edge of the tub, and I allowed
myself to take his scent into my lungs.
“I did what I did because…” He stopped speaking, his gaze locked with mine. “Because
I wanted to get to know you.” The air became thick, heated. “Because I want you as
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