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ID NO; 0012/11


APRIL 2021


Chapter one: Introduction...........................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Background........................................................................................................................................................2
1.2. Statement of the problem................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the study........................................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 general objective........................................................................................................................................3

1.3.2 Specific objective...........................................................................................................................3

1.4 Research Question ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the study...................................................................................................................................3
1.6. Scope of the study............................................................................................................................................4
1.7 Organization of the study..................................................................................................................................4
Chapter Two: Review of the literature.........................................................................................................................5
2.1. General Situation ofwomeninEthiopia..............................................................................................................5
2.2. Leadership and power......................................................................................................................................5
2.2.1. Power........................................................................................................................................................5
2.2.2. Leadership.................................................................................................................................................5
2.3. Women and leadership in Ethiopia...................................................................................................................6
2.4 concept of participation.....................................................................................................................................6
2.4.1 Importance of women participation...........................................................................................................6
2.5. Constraints preventing women reaching orholding leader ship position..........................................................6
2.6. Increasing participation of women in political parties......................................................................................7
2.7. Feasible mechanisms toenhance women participation inpublic leadership and decision making position............8
Chapte Chapter Three..................................................................................................................................................9

3. Data Source and Methodology............................................................................................................................9
3.1 DISCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA........................................................................................................................9
3.2 The source of data.........................................................................................................................................9
3.2. Data collection techniques...........................................................................................................................9
3.3 Sampling technique......................................................................................................................................9
3.4. Sampling size................................................................................................................................................9
3.4 Method of Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
4. TIME AND BUDGET SCHEDULE...........................................................................................................................10
4.1. TIME SCHEDULE..........................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Budget break down.....................................................................................................................................10

Chapter one: Introduction

1.1 Background
In Ethiopia according to CSA(2007) women accounts half (49.5%)of the population but they
have still represented under as compared to their counter parts regardless to their higher
contribution into every spheres of the nation’s economy women’s equal participation in
leadership and decision making should not be demand for only simple justice but also be
recognized as a necessary contribution for their interest to be take into account.(2007). In most
patriarchal societies females are regarded as the inferior of species. such as roles as
administration and disposal of property.(leadership roles in societal affairs including and
governance are exclusive belong to males).According to meaza2009 Ethiopia is party to all
major human rights traits including the most important women’s conventions the CEDAW
which can for equal participation of women on public decision making
(Meaza2009).According to as it was stated by Meaza the main factors which have contributed
for such disparities include structural barrier, unequal socioeconomic opportunities and
inadequate accesses to mentors and apportnet works (meaza2009).
Generally women participation in leadership roles is important in order to influence the general
policy of the government and ensure the inclusion of gender friendly agendas. More over women
participation making polities and other areas of government is civil right and a matter of justice
and equality .it’s also crucial that women are represented in decision making position to reflect
protect the interest of the female constituency.

1.2. Statement of the problem

According to Meaza(2009)Ethiopia is party to all major human rights treaties including the
most important women’s conventionCEDAW which calls for equal participation of women in
public decision making being declaration and platform of action BDA which requires
government to attain a 30%bench mark for women representation in all public decision Making
position Meaza 2009:42
Ethiopia is a patriarchal society there is a belief that women are docile submissive, patient, and
tolerate of monotonous work and violence, for which culture is used as a justification Hirut 2004

and glass ceiling as main factor that has hindered Ethiopia. Women from leadership decision
making position, among the factor that contribute to gender inequality is the fact that men
and women’s while women’s perform different jobs in a category of men jobs women jobs are
often associated with value in terms skills requirements and are lower paid.
Due to gender discrimination, lack of protection of basic human rights, violence, economic
factors, lack of social, capital and political capacities, socio-culture factors, political factor lack
of access to productive resource education and training hence most of them do not participate
in decision process(sosena and tseha.2008).
Women’s in the management and decision making position account only 2% and 98% are
found in the lower strata dominated by women’s such as the health ,field ,when doctors and
hospital heads are usually men while most nurse and supported staff women, men usually
occupy the more skilled responsible and better paid positions(meron.2003)and educational
It is known for that decha –woreda is an ancient woreda which is located in the south regions.
The woreda is far from the city of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) by 450Km.
The participation and decision making role varied between men and women, in such a way that
maintenance of family and caring of the children allowed for women and men headed household
can make decision on clearing of land, this action leads to the numbers of Women’s less in the
management and decision making position . Based on this assumption these study will try to
assess factors that affect women’s participation in leadership and decision making positions.

1.3 Objective of the study

1.3.1 general objective
The general objective of the study is to investigate the status of women’s participation in
leadership and decision making position in case of Decha woreda modiyo kebele.
1.3.2 Specific objective
_ To assess the current status of women in leadership of in the study area.
_ To identify the major barriers that affects women access to management position in the
study area.
_ To Identity the effect of less participation of women’s leadership and decision making
position as economically and psychologically in the study area.

. 1.4 Research Question

There are different question that are raised due to the less participation of women’s on
leadership and decision making position.
1. What is status of women in leadership and decision making in study area?
2. What are the major barriers that hinder women to have accesses to leadership and decision
making position in Decha woreda modiyo kebele?
3. What are the effect of less participation of women’s on leadership and decision making
position in Decha woreda modiyo kebele?

1.5 Significance of the study
For developing country like Ethiopia, in which there is a problem of gender equality to fulfill the
need of the population research on variable such as the effect of gender disparity on leadership
and decision making position is always important and sometimes be must. As the researcher
know gender difference on the serious effect on the society by creating gender difference on the
ground of household decision making, managing (controlling) productive resource employment
opportunities. by considering this sever problem in the society the study is important for the
government policy maker as a guideline to formulate policy on the problem of gender disparity
and also the study create clear understanding for the people for the equality of men and women
in every leadership and decision making aspects.
It is also believed that this research will aim to assess the factor affects women participation in
leadership and decision making position supposed to have the following important .it helps the
concerned authorities of the Decha woreda in modiyo kebele, study for the future .it helps
women’s who are the main victims of the issues to express their problem and participate in
finding of the solution for the existing challenges
Generally significant of the study will be
 Create awareness for the society about the equality of men and women in decision
making and leadership position.
 Use as reference for other researchers that are willing to done on this title related.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study is mainly focuses on participation of women in decision making position and
leadership roles with special emphasis in Decha woreda in the cases of modiyo kebele.
Further the sample survey will be carried out for this study is limited in both coverage and size.
The coverage of the study is only the urban administration of the one kebele will be used and the
sample size is limited few women’s. . .

1.7 Organization of the study

The study will has four chapters and the outline of these chapters will organize as follows; the
first chapter contains introduction of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study,
and the remaining preliminary party. The next will have briefly reviews the valiant literature,
data and methodological issues will present in chapter three. Chapter four will be present result
and discusses the findings, the conclusion and recommendation of the study

Chapter Two: Review of the literature
2.1. General Situation of women in Ethiopia
Women comprise about 49.9% of the estimated Ethiopian population of 77.1 million
(CSA2007). Among the total heads of household 25.5% are female with23 of them in rural and
39% in urban area .like their counter parts in developing countries, women in Ethiopia faces
asses of multiple, crosscutting and interrelated problems. These problems limit in Ethiopia
women’s access to productive resource. Basic health service and educational and employment.
In general women in Ethiopia occupy low status in the society in spite of their contribution to
the wellbeing of their family and community affairs in general women experience lower socio
economic status as a whole and hence is marginalized for making decision all levels ,women
are facing multiple form of deprivation gender based discrimination , lack of protection of
basic human right violence, lack of access to productive resources ,education and training ,basic
health service and employment are wide spread (national committee for traditional practice
eradication (NCTPYE.2003).
Ethiopian women safer from work stereotype and gender distribution of labor , more are
occupy in economically invisible work women experience lower socio economic status in
general and hence is marginalized from making decision s at all levels , none the less, women
are poor in terms of access to resources service and employment women are underrepresented
in the formal sector of employment ,(CSA2004).
Women account for less than half (43%) of the total employees in the country, considering the
percentage of female employees from the total number of employees by employment type ,the
highest was in domestic activities (78%) and followed by unpaid activities (59.3%)in other
type of formal employment
Government, NGOS. Private organization The percentage of female workers is less than 35%
are under served with agricultural extension, credit, labor, oxen and form implement women’s
representation in the permanent employment of both regional and federal civil service is also
lower than men’s in comparison to the larger number of un employed women . The increase in
the number of women employees over the year’s sin significant women’s employment in the
formal sector both industries and the civil see is lower than men (NCTTPE2003)

2.2. Leadership and power

2.2.1. Power
Power refers to ability to control such as a situation (circumstance) when other human being s
must obey and do what the duty requires, according to power is the ability to impose
ones was in social relation between larger social groups (subjection, cooperation and social
partnership).the exercise of political power is related to needs interests which are compiled with
and implemented in social groups.
the term polities refers to the exercise of power it used to describe the key interest s of social
groups ,citizen participation in state duties and also characterize the main directions in the
operation (economic, national ,social, cultural etc. ) of the state and parties (murnieks2003)
2.2.2. Leadership
According to kebele and victor (2008 leadership can be defined organizationally and narrowly
as the ability of an individual to influence motivate and enable others to contribute towards

the effectiveness and succeed of the organization of which they are members .
organizationally .leader ship has a direct impact on the effectiveness of cost revenue

2.3. Women and leadership in Ethiopia

Ethiopia a patriarch Cal society that keeps in subordinate position (Haregawain and Emebete
There is a belief that women one docile, submissive, patient and tolerant of monotonous (work
and violence for which culture is used as a justification (hurit 2004).
According to Meaza (2009) although there are many women who have played important
political and leader ship roles in the history of Ethiopia. Only few are visible in the existent
literatures Meaza 2009.
The same source has indicated that women have played important political roles mostly by
wielding proxy power through birth or marriage.
According to the information gained from international parliament union in 2005 national
election women accounts 21.3% where as in 2010 national election their number has
increased to 152(27.8%) out of the total 547 seats of HPR members with compared to
Rwanda (56.3%) and south Africa of which they accounts for 44.5% and others

2.4 concept of participation

Participation is a development approach which recognize the need to involve disadvantaged
segments of the population in the design and implementation of policies concerning their well-
being the strengthening of women’s participation all spheres of life has become a major issue
in the development discourse
2.4.1 Importance of women participation
According to the information gained from dimtsachin (apprialjune 2004) quarterly magazine of
ELWA. Gender discrimination weak governance and underline the effectiveness of country
development policies unequal rights and women’s low economic status hampers women to
influence decision making process both at national and community levels in which decision
that immediately affect their level are made.
It is generally agreed that women constitutes at least half of the world’s population and
perform many important productivity and roles national concern for cohesiveness of social
fabric can help improve the quality of life and wellbeing of society as a whole , never the
less ,their participation in influential societal activity.
According to less the participation of women and men equal bases at decision making position
s is a prerequisite for women contribution to development more over women and men have
equal right to participation in over aspect of the nation’s issue regardless any discrimination of
the biases of their gender, sex or any other aspects . Similarly, Meaza (2009) have stressed the
importance of women on equal participation.

2.5. Constraints preventing women reaching or holding leader ship position

Despite the fact that some achievement of participation of women in various legal. Economic
and political improvements have been attained .the factors affect women’s participation in
leader ship roles are different across the world changing with the dynamic nature of the
environments in which they live (roidetal.2003).
Women with a particular society are affected by :-

 The business environment including taxes ,procedures corruption labor, competition and
finance ( WBetal.2009)
 Fundamental social and development consideration like education, health and the
physical environment.
 The belief norms and expectation of the individuals within a particular culture (kleung
and bond .2004).
African training and research center have identified the main constraint s of which the
participants has categorized
A. Individual level
B. Institutional level
C. Societal levels
A .Individual level constraints :- constraints that directly affected person’s ability to function
follow as human being an relation to his /her quality as a leader or manager .as to the
participants these includes :-
 Illiteracy or lack of education that prevents women from holding leader ship positions
women often drop out before completing secondary schooling they lack
specialized ,marketable skills and automatically confined to low level jobs that do not
other leader ship opportunities.
 The self-perceptions of women have also constrained women’s rise to leader ship
and managerial position because of lack of professional confidence and low self esteem
 Stress and double day work resulting from the fact they have to judge family (child
bearing and rearing ,housekeeping giving to the elderly and sick)and work
B. institutional level constraints
According to them may Africa (countries institutions both private and public) still discriminate
against women even when women have equal experience and qualification men?

C. Societal level constrains:-

Society plays a critical role in preparing women for leader ship and managerial positions, but
many beliefs, cultures practice in society still pose constraints.
 There are also the issue of women not supporting follow women it is alleged that
women in general are not proactive in supporting of women leaders or leader ship
development initiatives .
 Rules ,behaviors code , culture of societies suppress women
 Women are socially vulnerable and subjected to violence

2.6. Increasing participation of women in political parties

According to women campaign international (2008).political participation can play two
important roles with regards to increasing participation of the women role in political
(public ) decision making first and for most . political parties choose candidates and there for
determine how many women get into office ,second ,political parties determine their party
platform ,the legislative and policy priorities that they will promote ,list women must have
opportunity for leader ship in every area .
Article 21 of the universal declaration of human right recognizes the right of every person to
take part in the government of his / her country , making and leader ship at all levels is a
necessary precondition for the proper functioning of democracy.

2.7. Feasible mechanisms to enhance women participation in public leadership and decision
making position
Oxfam great Britain with in their publication existed learning for action on women’s leader
ship and participations has identified five areas which need to be tackled(2008).
1. Overcoming structural barriers.
2. Encouraging and supporting women to take up leader ship roles or participate in
decision making on the equal footing with men.
3. Supporting women and men to carry out leader ship roles which challenge inequalities
of wealth and power and recognize and promote women’s rights .
4. Take positive action

Chapter Three
3. Data Source and Methodology
3.1 Description of the study area
Location-Decha is one of the Woredas in the southern nations, nationalities, and people region of
Ethiopia. The name Decha comes from one of the provinces in the former kingdom of Kaffa and is one of
the largest woredas of Kaffa zone comprising 32 kebeles and is located at 472 km from Addis Ababa and
24 km from Bonga (zonal capital).The latitude and longitude of study area is 6°50N 36°10E/6 .833° N

Part of the Kaffa zone, Decha is bordered on south by the omo river which separates the Debub omo
zone, on the west by the Bench Maji zone, on the north west by Chena, on the north by Gimbo, on the
northeast by Manjiwo, on west by Telo and Cheta and on the south east by Denchya River which
separates it from the Konta special Woreda. The major town in Decha is Awurada.


Based on the 2007 census conducted by the CSA, this woreda has a total population of 128,887, of whom
64,438 are men and 64,449 women,5,460 or 4.24% of its population are urban dwellers.


The study area is divided into three major agro ecological zones locally identified as Dega,
woyenadega ,and kola i.e. 7% Dega ,45% woyenadega and 48% kola that is comparable to say high
lands ,middle land and low land respectively. According to metrological data the woreda receiver’s high
rain fall with an average of 145.96mm per year .This would help keeping soil moisture for long period
and providing 330-360days .Its annual average temperature ranges from12.4°c -26.8°c.


The altitude varies from 800-2500 meters above sea level .The landscape is dissected by numerous small
streams and has highly diverse topography with flat plateaus, undulating to mountainous train and very
steep slope

Soil types

Nitisols are the most dominant soil in the study area, prevailing mainly in coffee and tea growing areas.
Cambisoles and regosols are also found. They have a tendency to occur on steep slopes such as
escarpments and on undulating topography. Further soil type in this areas are aerosols and vertisols
(Bridges et al. 1998; Deekers et al. 1998; FAO et al. 1998).

Socio economic condition

Agriculture is dominant economic activity in the woreda. About 85% of the population is dependent on
mixed farming system. The production of cereal crops (Maize, wheat, sorghum, barley and teff), enset,
pulses (beans and peas) and livestock (cattle, sheep, goat and horses) are the main economic activities of
households in this livelihood woreda. The perennial crops are enset, coffee, chat and fruits. Enset is a
food security crop being relatively drought resistant and versatile. Coffee as cash crop and tree crop as
part of system are evident.

Ethnic composition of the study area.

The five largest ethnic groups reported in the woreda were the kafficho (78.23%), the Bench (7.69%), the
Chara (5.57%), the Nao (5.13%) and the Me`enit (1.81%) all other ethnic groups made up 1.57% of the
population. Kaffa was spoken as a first language by 78.67% of the inhabitants , 8.15% spoke bench ,
5.5% chara, 4.62% Nayi , and 1.24% spoke me`enit; the remaining 1.82% spoke all other primary
language reported


The majority of the Inhabitants practiced Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 63.9% of the population
reporting that beliefs 15.75% were Protestants, 14.3 % practiced traditional beliefs, 3.51% embraced
Catholicism, and 2.18% were Muslims.

3.2 The source of data

The data sources will be both primary and secondary. The required data for the study will be
gathered from different concerned bodies. This include women/household/ in different economic
activities men and others will be the issue related to them.
3.3. Data collection techniques
The primary data will be obtained through questionnaires so as to give respondents full freedom
and to get detail information. Secondary data will be gathered by careful review of related
documents, economic and annual report

3.4 Sampling technique
To collect the primary source the researcher will be use simple random sampling. Because its
simplicity to collect the information from the society the sample include both men and women
those found in leadership and decision making position age (>18 Age) to select this age group is
the reason that to get reliable information for the factors that hiders the participation of women’s
on leadership and decision making position..
3.5. Sampling size
From the total of 6690 household of Cheta town. The researcher will randomly select 50
household from the total of 6690. To ensure equal representation the researcher will select
randomly form both sexes.

n= N/ 1+N(e)2
Where N= total population
n= sample size
e= level of precision or error
3.6 Method of Data Analysis
After collecting primary and secondary data effectively the next step will be data processing.
The process of data will further transform to look pattern and relation among the data group.
Analysis make in descriptive in order to examine the major factor, which affects women’s
participation on leadership and decision making position and data will have analysis by using
tabulation and percentages.

No Activates Period of working
1 Public participation and stake holders consumption and meeting march,01-20/2013E.C

2 Library research/survey literature apr,01-20/2013E.C

3 Collecting of data May,01-30/2013 E.C

4 Second phase of library literature Jun, 01-20/2013 E.C

5 Training in the use of equipment and other necessary skills July, 01-30/2013 E.C

6 Participation design August, 05-10/2013E.C

7 Analysis and interpretation August,11-15/2013 E.C

8 Writing and submission first draft of research August,16-30/2013 E.C

9 Submitting of final draft of research August,10/2013 E.C

4.2 Budget break down

No Items Quantities Time of Annual
schedule Unit price Total cost
Birr cents Birr cents
1 personal cost
 Proposal 1 16 50 00 800 00
 Assistance 1 12 50 00 600 00
2 Equipment and supplies
 Secretary
 Mail 1 8 50 00 400 00
 Transport 2 2 200 00 400 00
1 9 150 00 1350 00
3 Stationary
 Pen 6 5 00 30 00
 Pencil 4 2 00 8 00
 paper ½ packets 75 00 75 00
4 Reserve money 366 .03
Total 4029 .03

Source of budget will be obtained from the researcher.


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