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1st Terminal Examination ( 2023-24)
Time: 3 Hrs
MM: 80

General Instructions:
● Read all questions carefully
● All questions are compulsory
● The question paper comprises of three sections.
● Section A (32 marks), Section B ( 16 marks) and Section C (32 Marks)
● Write Name, Class, Section and Roll No neatly.
● Writing should be legible.

Section- A (32 marks)

Q1. MCQ (1x5=5 M)
i. Which of the following method can be used to extinguish a flame?
a. Reduce temperature to below ignition temperature.
b. Remove combustible substance
c. Cut off air supply
d. All of them
ii. BHC (Benzene hexachloride) is a
(a) weedicide (b) fertilizer (c) fungicide (d) pesticides
iii. Two objects repel each other. This repulsion could be due to
(a) frictional force only (b) electrostatic force only
(c) magnetic force only (d) either a magnetic or an electrostatic force
iv. Tyres are treaded to
(a) look good (b) Increase friction (c) Increase its longevity (d) increase weight of the tyre
v. The disease caused by protozoa is
(a) tuberculosis (b) polio (c) typhoid (d) malaria

Q2. Answer in one or two lines. (1x7=7 M)

a. How sliding friction is replaced by rolling friction in some daily life processes?
b. Why deep sea divers have to wear specially designed suits?
c. Where liquid oxygen is used as fuels?
d. Where micro-organisms are found?
e. Name one multicellular fungi.
f. What is manure?
g. What is the main disadvantage of using fertilizers?

Q3. Correct the incorrect sentences. (1x5=5 M)

a. Rhizobium bacteria are found in leaves.
b. Gases exert pressure only in downward direction.
c. Gravitational force is a contact force.
d. Plasmodium causes a fatal disease dengue.
e. Water can be used to extinguish fire caused due to electrical short circuit.

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Q4. Give two examples (1x5=5 M)
a. Gaseous fuels
b. Bacteria
c. weeds
d. Two types of friction
e. Contact force

Q5. Answer the following questions in one word. (1x5=5 M)

a. The frictional force exerted by fluids
b. A liquid fuel used in automobile industries
c. Organisms that are on border line of Living and Non- Living things
d. The force between two charged bodies
e. Substance that burns on its own without the help of any external heat

Q6. Complete the statement (1x5=5 M)

a. ……………. special shape given to objects around which a fluid can flow offers minimum
b. Seeds are stored at appropriate distance to avoid ……………..
c. Gaseous fuel used in our homes ……………..
d. …………….. is the Parasite that causes Malaria
e. ………………… force that keeps the Earth moving around the Sun

Section- B (16 Marks)

Q7. PSA Questions (Do any 5). (1x5=5 M)
A. What is the Calorific value of Coal?
B. The scientist who discovered the antibiotics.
C. The force responsible for changing the state of motion of objects.
D. Name the fuel which is known as "Future Fuel".
E. Unwanted plants which grow along with a main crop in a field.
F. SI unit of pressure.

Q8. Case Study based Questions (4 M)

Fix a lighted candle on a table. Put a glass chimney over the candle and rest it on a few wooden
blocks in such a way that air can enter the chimney (Fig a). Observe what happens to the flame.
Now remove the blocks and let the chimney rest on the table (Fig b). Again observe the flame.
Finally, put a glass plate over the chimney (Fig c). Watch the flame again.

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Answer the following questions (Do any 4)
(i) What happens in case (a)?
(ii) What will you observe in case (b)?
(iii) What will you observe in case (c)?
(iv) What would you infer from the above experiment?
(v) What is the colour of a luminous flame?
Q9. Numerical based Questions (3 M)
In an experiment, 5 kg of fuel was completely burnt. The heat energy produced was measured to
be 10000 kJ. Find:
(i) What will be the amount of heat energy produced for 9 Kg of fuel? (2 M)
(ii) Calculate the Calorific value of fuel. (1 M)
Q10. Picture based Questions (4 M)
A. Draw and Label the different zones of candle flame. (3 M)
B. Draw any one examples of protozoan. (1 M)

SECTION-C (32 Marks)

Q11. Give reasons (do any 3) (2x3=6 M)

A. Water is not used to control fires involving electrical equipment.
B. What is ball bearing? How does it reduces friction?
C. Lubricants applied between moving parts of a machine.
D. Polio drops not given to children suffering from diarrhea.

Q12. Short Question Answers (Do Any 5). (2x5 = 10 M)

A. List any two conditions under which combustion can takes place.
B. Why are pulses alternated with crops like wheat and rice?
C. Which Zone of flame does a goldsmith use for melting Gold and Silver and Why?
D. Why do mountaineers suffer nose bleeding at high altitudes?
E. How do viruses differ from other micro-organisms?
F. What are Lubricants? Give one example.

Q13. Long Question Answers (Do any 4). (4x4= 16 M)

A. Explain the three types of friction in detail.
B. What are fire extinguishers? Discuss its two types.
C. Explain four harmful effects of Micro-organisms.
D. Write a short note on agricultural implements.
E. Discuss any two non-contact forces in detail.


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