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Social Studies

Candidate name: Kenroy brown

,\ Teacher name: Keisha clement
Name of school: Buxton secondary
p Candidate:
number: a
^ Territory:

content..........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
State your topic in a form of a question......................................................................................................5
Reason for research.....................................................................................................................................6
Method of investigation................................................................................................................................7
Data collection instrument..........................................................................................................................8
Procedures for Data Collection..................................................................................................................12
Analysis and interpretation of data...........................................................................................................13
BiBliography...................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

The successful completion of the examination would not been made possible
without the help and assistance, patience and co-operation of my social studies
teacher, my mother and help from the internet, therefore I am pleased to express
thanks to miss Keisha for tremendous help leading support

In this school base assessment there are information on what is the major cause of
pollution in my community .There is a statement of problem, method of
investigation research question and a lot of important information in the SBA you
will learn a lot about how the local government carries out function in my
State your topic in a form of a question
What are the factors that contribute to air pollution in the non pariel?
Reason for research

This is an investigation carried out on the increase of air pollution in the

non pariel community to determine:
 The level of air pollution
 What factors contribute to air pollution
 What can be done to resolve the problem
Method of investigation

As a means of collecting data from resident residing in the community

the researchers decided to use printed questionnaire

 It saves time
 A large amount of data can be collected.
Data collection instrument

Dear villagers
This is a survey being conducted in the non pariel community on air
pollution as a part of my school based assessment am required to
conduct this exercise. This questionnaire is being given to you to answer
the questions to the best of your ability and to be honest about your
response this information is strictly confidential. You do not have to
write your name on the questionnaire. The questionnaire question can be
answered by placing a tick in the box provided like this [ √ ] instruction
are given where necessary.

Thank you
Yours sincerely
1. Gender
Male Female
2. What is your age range?
15-20 21-26
27-31 32 and above
3. What is your occupation?

4. Which ethnic group do you belong to?

African decent East Indian decent
Chinese decent Mixed decent
5. Religion
Hindu Muslim
6. How long have you been a resident of non
pariel? Over 10 year 6-10 year
1-10 year under 10 years
7. Which solution best suit air pollution?
Unwanted smoke prolonged exposure of smoke
8. How regular have you been disturbed by air pollution?
Daily Weekend
Once fort night Month

9. Are you affected by air pollution?

Yes No
10. What form are you affected by?
Smoke Gas from factories
Fuel from vehicles other
11. How would you rate the incident of air pollution in your
community? High Medium
12. At what time of the is air pollution most prevalent?
1; 00am – 5; 00 am 12; 00 pm – 16; 00pm
6; 00 am – 11; 00am 17; 00pm – 20; 00pm
13. Who is mostly affect by air pollution in the
village? Child Adolescent
Adult Elderly
14. Do you think that air pollution is a big problem in your
community/ Yes No
15. What is the major contributor to air pollution in the
community? Home Factories
Construction Burning of refuse
16. How air pollution affects your community?
Illness Disturbed pieces
Productivity of work is harmed Physiological disorder
17. Does air pollution affects you
emotionally? Yes No
18. What can the government do to combat air
pollution? Educate villagers Pass strategic laws
Greater enforcement of laws
19. How does air pollution affects one’s
health? Asthma
20. What actions would you recommend the government to help cope with
air pollution in your community?
Procedures for Data Collection

25 questionnaire were printed and collected on the 26th March, 2016 and was
carried to check by the subject teacher on march to 29th then taken t the English
teacher to scanned and make proper correction to be made. I the researcher then
taken back the questionnaire to the teacher on 3, April 2016 to be recheck.25
questionnaire was printed on the 5, April, 2016.
Non pariel has approximately 160 households. A total of 25 questionnaire were
printed as mentioned earlier for distribution.
I there decided to choose the households. Were random selected will cater for al
the required mentioned above. The number of 25 households thus selected were
then supplied with questionnaire to be completed. After administering the
questionnaire the researcher were given back questionnaire in effort to obtain data
in the SBA
Analysis and interpretation of data

1. How would you rate the incident of air pollution in your


Response No. of response % of response

High 7 28%
low 13 52%
medium 25 20&
Graph 1


2. What is the major contributor to air pollution in the community?

Response No. of response % of response

Factories 16 64%
Burning of refuges 3 12%
Smoke from vehicles 6 24%

Graph 2








factories burning of refuges smoke from vehicles
3. How do air pollution affect your community?

Response No. of response % of response

Illness 7 28%
Disturbed pieces 3 12%
Productivity of work 5 20%
is harmed
Physiological disorder 10 40%


ilness disturbed piecesproductivity of work physiological disorder

is harmed
4. What can the government do to combat air pollution

Response No. of response % of response

Pass strategic laws 8 32%
Educate villagers 6 24%
about the danger of
air pollution
Greater endorsement 4 16%
of laws

physiological disorder

productivity of work is harmed

educate villagers about the danger of air pollution

pass strategic law

Interpretation graph 1
Graph 1 is illustrating the response of how would you rate the incident
of air pollution in your community 28% of the villagers said high,
52% of the villagers said low and 25% of the villagers said medium
Interpretation graph 2
Graph 2 show what is the major contribution of air pollution in the
community in relation to that 64% said burning of refuge likewise 24%
said smoke from vehicles
Interpretation graph 3
Graph 3 is depicting the responses on how air pollution affects the
community 12% disturbed pieces 20%, 28% illness and 40% said
hysiological disorder
Interpretation graph 4
Graph 4 show what can the government do to combat air pollution 16%
said greater endorsement to law 24% said educate about the longer of
air pollution and 32% said pass strategic law

The data in which the reacher collected for this research indicated that
 The most common effect resident of non pariel are like;y to face
after been disturbed by smoke given off from factories
 Many reports were made on both matter because of the prevalent
at all time of the day when many reports were made on the matter
because of the disturbants
 Smoker also contribute tremendously to air pollution in the
community because it has side effect of person that inhale the that
can lead to disease
I therefore declare that after conducting this survey in the non pariel
village the researcher become aware of all possible factors, solution and
consequences some solution there searcher would recommend to help
combat this phenomenon in non pariel village
 Villagers should go factories and inform manager and
supervision about the matter also NDC should be inform
 The villagers should come together and decide on strategies
that can help to combat ,illimate air pollution
 Smoke free zone put in place by putting up sign board(No
smoking) shoud be done in most area of the community and
strick penalties attached if laws are broken

 Oxford dictionary
 Modules in social studies
 Compressive English course

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