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Copyright © 2021 by Lorena Moon
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of
the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is
purely coincidental. All characters depicted are consenting adults over eighteen.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

Discover more steamy stories by Lorena Moon

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

I landed my first security job right out of college. I’d already

worked as a doorman for two years so I knew how to handle all
kinds of trouble. Despite my extensive training, nothing had
prepared me to handle the sexy thief that tried to steal a fortune from my
employer one hot summer night.
My shift began like any other. I drove onto the estate at 9:40 p.m. The
heavy security gates opened and I continued along a winding tree-lined
driveway under the canopy created by the leaves.
The gardens on both sides had been cut in the last few days and in the
fading light, everything looked crisp and perfect. It was one of my favorite
parts of the day. I felt a great sense of pride at the responsibility bestowed
upon me to keep the owner’s property and grounds safe from any damage
or theft that anyone may attempt against it.
It was quite a kick driving here from my two-bedroom apartment on the
outskirts of the city. My place was pretty fancy, but this place was on a
whole other level. Built on fifty acres of land, the sprawling mansion had
fourteen rooms with ensuite bathrooms, two kitchens, a library, a drawing
room, and many other rooms.
The owners of the house were both in their late fifties and came from
old money. The husband’s father had been a real estate tycoon and also
invented some kind of contraption which had made him rich beyond
Despite that, he had never let it go to his head and always talked
casually to all the staff. He’d known all of them on a first-name basis and
treated them like family. No one had a bad word to say about him, as far as
I knew.
The mansion was far too big for just two people but their three children
had all grown up and fled the nest. The house regularly played host to
hundreds of people and parts of it were rented out for fancy events like
weddings, graduation parties, and all manner of other functions.
The mansion came into view up ahead. The owner’s brother was just
leaving. I waved as I drove past and looped around the back to park. I had a
key but the back door was already unlocked, as it usually was, by my friend
and work colleague Samuel.
I strolled down the corridor into the security room which was empty.
The toilet across the corridor flushed. Samuel always saw me coming in and
took a leak before he left.
I glanced at the bank of sixteen cameras across two large screens and
another slightly smaller screen with four cameras pointing at various
strategic areas around the gardens. Everything appeared normal.
“Hey, Sam,” I said, as he ambled into the room. “Anything to report?”
“Just the usual assortment of critters running around.” He always
enjoyed seeing the squirrels, rabbits, foxes, and other wildlife coming and
going across the grounds. He found it entertaining, much more so than
staring at all the other internal house cameras where nothing much was
“No human-sized critters then?”
“Not a one!”
After some chit-chat, Sam left for the day, handing over the keys and
security cards for the building. I closed the door and sat down. It was only
9:50 p.m. I liked to spend this time settling in before I was officially on the
No other guests were expected this evening. According to the journal
I’d been provided with, the first arrival of tomorrow would be the maid at
6:30 a.m. to cook breakfast for Alan and Catherine.
I fished out some gum from my pocket, bumping my knuckles against
my concealed carry. I'd never had to draw my gun on anyone in the fifteen
months I'd been working here, and I hoped it would stay that way.
I'd never been a fan of guns but practiced at the range every week
regardless. I preferred to use my hands and body to solve any problem. I'd
always been a big guy, standing six-foot-two tall by the time I was eighteen,
and leveled off at six-four by twenty-one.
One thing I always thanked my dad for was getting me in the gym
before I'd even started high school. He’d been a competitive bodybuilder in
his time and was keen for me to do the same. I never wanted to compete but
I admired his discipline and commitment and the way he looked. Weight-
lifting was a great excuse to spend more time with the old man and carve
out a powerful body for myself.
My watch alarm went off at precisely 10 p.m. I liked to set little alarms
for myself throughout my shift just to make sure I didn’t miss or be late for
anything, or even worse, doze off. I took a swig of coffee from my thermos,
retrieved the truncheon from the desk draw, and began my rounds.
I went room to room downstairs, making sure everything was switched
off that should be switched off. Checking that nothing seemed out of place,
and checking the windows and doors were all locked. Samuel would have
already checked everything at least twice on his shift, but you could never
be too careful. On the rare occasion that one of us slipped up, the other was
there to cover.
It was dark outside now, and I flashed my powerful military-grade torch
into the corners of the rooms, sometimes lighting up a house spider. If
anyone knew how to sneak around silently, it was spiders.
In the lounge and study I was careful where I stepped on the wooden
floor, as certain spots were liable to issue a piercing creak. Being right
below the owner’s master bedroom, there was always a chance it would
wake them up. They were usually tucked up in bed by the time I got here.
Sometimes I’d hear a toilet flush in their bathroom deep in the night, but the
house was otherwise silent, save for my own quiet movements.
I climbed the wide, sweeping staircase to the first floor and stopped to
admire the portraits, individual and family, stretching back four generations.
Everyone in the picture had a look of austere elegance in their tailored
clothes and other finery. A look on their faces that didn’t quite say “I’m
better than you”, but wasn’t far off. Each person the product of significant
financial and emotional investment, no doubt.
In addition to that, they had an air of coming from expensive stock and
being educated and molded to be leaders and captains of industry.
I always felt drawn to the prettiest face. Emily. The only person whose
individual portrait didn’t hang on the walls, or none that I had seen. I
wondered again what family drama could have occurred for her presence to
be absent among the rest of the family. None of them ever spoke of her and
I didn’t want to pry.
I carried on down the long corridor, inspecting the bedrooms,
bathrooms, and even the attic, which could be accessed from both ends of
the house. Nothing to see there. I opened one of the bedroom balcony doors
and stepped out, inhaling the warm air that persisted even at this late hour.
A cool breeze blew across my face and felt great on my skin.
From this vantage point I had a panoramic view of the back garden and
grounds. The huge swimming pool, a pool-house, conservatory, large shed,
and statues of Greek gods dotted here and there. Everything was landscaped
to perfection by the gardener, who had been taking care of the family
grounds for a couple of decades, and was part of the furniture.
I glanced at the chair and was tempted to sit down for a while but as a
point of pride would never be seen slacking on the job, even though the
owners wouldn’t have minded.
As I was turning to go back inside I spotted movement in the corner of
my eye, beyond the back garden, by one of the walls that bounded the
estate. I squinted and waited to see any more movement but nothing
happened. There was no way I could see anything from this far away, and in
the dark I could be staring right at a person and if they were dressed in
black, might not even see them then.
The wall was dark and full of shadows. I stayed looking at the same
spot for a full five minutes but nothing moved, not even the shadows.
Maybe it was a squirrel or fox. Could have even been a branch breaking off.
Maybe it was a false alarm. I made a mental note to check the camera
footage after I’d had a look outside.
I closed and locked the balcony door and made my way downstairs
again. Stepping outside, I locked the back door and did a quick sweep of the
walls and windows of the mansion.
From the cover of the east side of the house, I walked quietly around the
garden, intending to investigate the wall but not wanting to scare off anyone
who might be there. Assuming I had in fact seen someone and my eyes
weren’t playing tricks on me.
Taking the long way around, I could use the hedges and smaller trees
and outbuildings to disguise my approach. Halfway down the side of the
garden, I cut across, keeping my eye on the wide expanse of grass. Anyone
who wanted to reach the house from the far wall would have to cross it.
For a big guy, I could be pretty stealthy when I wanted to do, a fact I’d
surprised Samuel and various others with in the past. My shoes had what I
liked to call quiet soles, which never squeaked or slid, no matter the
surface. Perfect for catching bad guys and handy for running short distances
I reached the far wall and shone my light around but all it picked up was
fallen leaves and a hedgehog, which scuttled across my path, seemingly
unfazed by my presence. “Was that you I saw, buddy? Did you see
anyone?” I levered myself up onto the wall and peered down the other side
but there was only grass, trees, and the driveway.
“False alarm, I guess.” Even so, I felt the hackles on my arms and neck
stay up.
I walked boldly back to the rear of the house and locked the door behind
me. Back in the office, I pulled out a protein bar and took a big bite, playing
with the security camera controls until I found the footage of the wall a few
minutes ago. Lots of nothing happening and then...

“M otherfucker!”
I froze, holding my protein bar halfway to my mouth,
transfixed by the screen. Someone had scaled the wall on
the far side, and rolled quickly and nimbly over the top, dropping like a cat
or ninja onto the ground, disappearing behind a bush. “Wow. Who the fuck
moves like that?”
I fast-forwarded a few minutes but the person seemed to have moved
away from the property instead of advancing toward it, where they would
have been exposed for a short time. Smart. I rewound, watching them roll
over the wall, then paused it halfway through their drop. “That’s got to be a
Either the intruder had been a jockey in his previous life or it was a
woman, not much over five foot. Dressed all in black. And curvy too, from
what I could make out. Not that that mattered. Interestingly, she didn’t
appear to be carrying a bag or backpack. Which meant no or few tools to
carry out whatever she planned to do, and no storage to steal anything. Not
that that was essential, since she could probably find something to hand if
she managed to gain entry, but still.
I watched the live footage across all screens, feeling a rush of adrenaline
I’d never experienced on this job before. No-one had ever tried to break in.
It wasn’t like there was ever much foot traffic casually walking past this far
out in the countryside, so we never had to deal with drunks or any other
unsavory types. The only momentary excitement was courtesy of nature,
either animals or weather. The odd power cut here and there, but never a
prowler skulking around in the middle of the night.
Time passed and eventually I relaxed back in my chair, my eyes feeling
tired and fuzzy from an extended period of hyper-alertness and focus. I
rubbed my eyes and took a few more swigs of coffee. When I checked the
time again, over an hour had gone by and it was after midnight.
I wondered what my next move should be. There were a few protocols I
could follow. Alerting the police. Turning lights on in various rooms to
scare off the intruder. Hunting them down outside before they got to the
house, assuming that was their destination.
There were some valuables outside, but mostly machinery, which
couldn’t be operated or taken without creating a ton of noise. And there was
no way out either. I chuckled, picturing a burglar taking off on the ride-on
mower and trying to crash through the wrought iron front gates.
Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to sit tight and wait until the
trespasser made her next move. I’d handled angry three hundred pound
drunk guys and all manner of idiots trying to cause trouble. What threat
could this petite unarmed woman pose?
Midnight came and went. I’d usually make my rounds again at this time
but felt reluctant to take my eyes off the cameras or reveal myself if
someone was watching the house. The ball was in her court.
I waited and waited. Sitting attentively was something I was good at.
The waiting game. But tonight I was fidgety. Maybe just eager for some
action. Something real that showed my employers the value of having me
Another thirty minutes passed with no change. I was beginning to think
the intruder had gotten cold feet and taken off. Maybe she had spotted me
or heard me when I went looking for her in the garden and had decided to
try her luck another time.
At 12:37 a.m. a figure appeared at the front door. I sat open-mouthed in
shock. “Really?” I whispered. “You’re just going to try coming in the front
door? Unbelievable.” I rubbed my hands together, stood up, and readied
myself for action.
The front door was old wood but well-made, thick and sturdy. It also
had a tamper-proof locking system which could only be opened using a
hidden keypad or biometric fingerprint scanner. I waited with bated breath
to see what she tried. Seconds later the door swung in.
“Impossible,” I said in a whisper, sucking in a sharp breath and holding
The girl, or woman, didn’t step in immediately. Maybe just waiting to
see if anyone approached so she could make a quick getaway unseen. A
silent alarm triggered on the computer screen, the borders of the relevant
camera glowing red to indicate the location of the breach.
I was just about to spring into action and confront the intruder when I
had a sudden change of heart. Now I was really curious. Not even a
professional burglar could foil an advanced home security system like the
one installed. At least, not that quickly. Who the hell was she? And what
did she want inside the property?
Reluctantly, I sat back down and watched on my screen as she stepped
inside and pushed the door almost closed. If she made any attempt to go
upstairs I’d take her down but otherwise was prepared to see what the hell
she was up to.
Her catsuit was all black. Black leggings and tight top, like thermals,
which hugged and accentuated her curves. She wore a balaclava and small
gloves. Her eyes looked blue, with a cat-like piercing glow. For a minute I
wondered if I’d seen her somewhere before but the camera quality in the
dark wasn’t high enough to tell. I’d see her soon enough.
She turned left and walked along a hallway down the west wing,
passing the lounge area, a meeting room, a closet, all the way to the study at
the end. She seemed to know exactly what she was here to get, and where it
Once in the study, she pulled out her phone and was panning around the
screen, which glowed in her face. Then she pulled out a large folded piece
of paper and walked over to the owner’s huge desk and sat down in his
chair, spreading the paper on the desk.
I shook my head in disbelief. “Yes, make yourself at home, why don’t
you? Jeez. This chick’s got some balls, I’ll give her that. What the hell are
you up to, lady?” I knew the location of all the valuables on the property.
There were two safes. One upstairs in the dressing room in the master
bedroom. The other in the floor in the study. Both were well hidden.
The woman – she must be a woman with curves like that – walked
around the study, running her fingers over some of the book racks. She
came to a stop between one book rack and a minibar. There was a standing
lamp there, which she went to move, then thought better of it. She looked
down at her phone again then pressed her hand to the wall and appeared to
trace her fingers along the pattern of the wallpaper.
Suddenly, a small square of the wall slightly bigger than her
outstretched hand moved backwards into the wall, revealing a secret
compartment. The woman rocked back, as if surprised that what she had
done had worked. She reached in, her gloved fingers disappearing to the
second knuckle, and began turning a dial clockwise and anticlockwise.
A hidden safe!
I turned up the audio on the study camera just in time to hear a faint
click as the safe opened. The woman reached in and pulled out what looked
like a cigar box. Well, that would be a pretty odd choice of things to burgle.
She carried the box like it was made of china and set it down carefully
on the desk. She simply stared at it for a few seconds then pressed a button
at the front and released a catch, lifting the lid open to reveal three velvet
One by one she opened them, tipping the contents into the bottom of the
box. My view from the camera was partially obscured by the woman’s
head, but I had a pretty good idea of what she was looking at.
“Oh, it’s game time, “ I said, standing up and double-checking I had my
truncheon and gun on me. I pulled up the study camera on my phone app
and left the room, taking care not to make a sound, trying to keep one eye
on the screen to make sure I didn’t miss anything the jewel thief might do.
Why was she taking her time in there? Why not just pocket the jewels in her
belt bag and get the hell out? It didn’t make any sense. None of this did. No
sense of urgency.
I moved down the long corridor, past the kitchen, taking a different
route to the study than the thief had taken. If she opened the study door she
wouldn’t see me coming.
She picked up some of the jewels and turned them this way and that in
her hand, admiring what she was seeing.
I drew my gun and aimed it at the floor, turning down the corridor that
led to the study. The door was still ajar and I pulled it gently, then burst into
the room, flicking the light on, holding my gun out.
“Freeze!” I growled, as loudly as I dared. “Don’t fucking move! Put
your hands where I can see them.”
The woman froze, glancing up at me and noticing my gun. Instead of
looking fearful she looked mildly irritated.
“I said raise your hands, thief!”
“How dare you use that language with me. I’m here to collect what’s
rightfully mine and you’re not going to stop me.”
“I don’t need to. A bullet from my gun will do the job.”
“Please,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Point that thing away from me.
You’re not going to shoot me.”
“Take that balaclava off right now and show yourself.”
“Then will you lower your weapon?”
“Deal. But do it real slow.”
She slowly took hold of the balaclava and lifted it off. I felt like I’d been
shot with my own bullet. “Jesus.”
“Not Jesus.”
“You’re the missing woman in the family painting.” I lowered my
weapon but didn’t re-holster it.
She looked at me quizzically.
“I mean, the only family member who doesn’t have an individual
portrait.” I racked my brain for her name. “Emily.”
“Well done. A little older and wiser, but yes, that’s me. The black sheep
of the family.”
She was beautiful, even with hardly any makeup on. She looked high
maintenance, sexy, intelligent, and seductive. Her blue eyes pierced me.
“You don’t look like a black sheep,” I said, regretting my words. I
walked a few paces towards the desk, trying to see into the box. “But you
do appear to be a thief. What have you got there?”
“A gift from my grandfather that never got to me after he passed away.”
She turned the box round on the desk for me to see. Diamonds sparkled
prettily. There must have been over thirty of them.
“Fucking hell! They’re beautiful.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
I straightened up, trying to compose myself and remember the situation.
“If they were a gift to you, why are you sneaking around in the dead of
night breaking into your parents’ house? Why not just come here during the
day like a normal person?”
“Where’s the fun in that? Didn’t you hear the bit about me being a black
sheep? Let’s just say I’ve had various falling outs with my dear family over
the years and I’m not exactly welcome here.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“It’s a long and messy story. If you don’t mind I’d rather just get going.”
“Oh, I bet you would! Just waltz out like you were never here, right?”
“That would be great. Let’s just keep this between you and me.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so ma’am. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I just let
you carry out your little heist and take off.”
“I’m taking what’s mine. And no-one even knows about this box and its
contents. Like I said, it was a gift from my grandfather. I guess he knew
there was a chance my family would do something shady like cut me off.
I’ve never been one to jump through anyone’s hoops and I’m not about to
She seemed deadly serious, and now she had me doubting. What was
the right thing to do? I glanced down at the large sheet of paper she had
unfolded. “What’s that?”
“It’s a map. A treasure map with a riddle. My grandfather loved to give
me riddles to solve. It started when I was young and when he saw that I
loved the challenge of solving them, he never stopped creating them, and I
never stopped solving them, right up until he passed.” She looked wistfully
around the room.
“A riddle?”
“Mmm-hmm. Simple at first, but over time they became more and more
elaborate. This one took me four months to solve.”
“Mind if I take a look?” I said.
“Sure. Here.”
She turned the map around for me and slid it across the desk. On closer
inspection the paper was parchment. It did indeed have a map of sorts on it,
and a poem, the riddle, running down the right-hand side.
“This is amazing.”
“Indeed. Tamper-proof. No-one else could solve this because it involves
conversations and experiences only we shared, like days out, private
conversations, events, that sort of thing.”
“He sounds like someone I would have liked to know.”
“That’s sweet of you to say.” She ran her hand over the diamonds,
turning them over on the soft mat inside the box.
“How much are those worth?”
She cocked an eyebrow at me like it was none of my business,
especially if I wasn’t on her side, but answered anyway. “Millions. Maybe
over ten.”
“Ten million?!” I licked my lips, wondering what I’d do with ten
million. That would be enough to last a lifetime. Multiple lifetimes.
“What will you do with ten million?”
“Put it somewhere very safe.”
I rounded the desk and stood next to Emily, admiring the diamonds.
“Mind if I have a look?”
“Can I trust you?”
“Me? Of course.”
Emily picked a diamond up and handed it to me carefully. I cupped it in
my hand. She began scooping up the other diamonds and putting them back
into the velvet bags. She stood up and opened a pouch in her belt to stow
the drawstring bags in. I held the diamond up. “Magical.” I glanced back at
her. “I still can’t let you just walk out of here, ma’am.”
She heaved a sigh. “I thought we were past this. What do you want from
me, hmm?”
I stared at her, not entirely sure myself. Close up, she looked even more
beautiful than her younger self in the family portrait. I found myself
captivated by her sparkling eyes. “I always wondered if I’d get to meet you
one day. Every workday I walk past that picture and your eyes seem to
follow me and draw me in.”
“Think I should change my name to Mona Lisa?” She gave me a wry
smile. “You want me or the diamond?”
“You. And the diamond.”
“You can’t have both.”
“You then.”
“Right now?”
I smiled. She was obviously joking. “You look even better in 3D, by the
way.” I took one last look at the diamond and reluctantly handed it back.
“Keep it,” Emily said.
“Huh? Are you serious?”
“Sure, why not? I’m feeling generous.”
“But this is worth—”
“Approximately two hundred thousand dollars.”
“Why would you let me have this?”
“Consider it an exchange. You get some pocket money to do with as
you please, and in exchange, you forget about me.”
I took a step towards her. “I don’t want to forget about you. I’ve only
just met you.”
“Then what do you want, Mike?”
Her use of my name made me pause for a moment. Where had she
heard about me? I searched her face while scanning my brain for a rational
answer. What did I want? I glanced down at her lips and pursed mine. “I
want you.”
Emily looked shocked, even more so than when I’d first entered the
room with my gun drawn and pointed at her.
“You’d rather have me than a lifetime of security, assuming you
invested the money you got for it well?”
“But you’re worth more than any money I might get now or in the
future.” I handed the diamond back to her to show I was serious.
Emily stared at me like I was crazy, then did something which shocked
me to my core. She closed the short distance between us, went up on her
tiptoes, and kissed me on the mouth. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s
ever said to me.”
“Not as sweet as you taste.” I kissed her back and pulled her against me.
We kissed passionately, fiercely, like two people who had been in the desert
for days, and finally found an oasis.
Emily felt wonderful in my arms. So warm and firm and curvy. She
crushed her breasts against me and I glanced down, wanting to explore her
further. She looked amazing in her tight catsuit. I could only imagine what
she would look like with no clothes on.
She reached up and stroked my cheeks sensually, staring deep into my
eyes. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, leaning in to kiss her
cheek and neck. “I'm going to let you go, Emily. I believe your story and I
believe you are the rightful owner of these jewels. But I wouldn't be doing
my job if I didn't perform a search on you to make sure you haven't stolen
anything else.”
Her eyes blazed with desire and she opened her mouth in mock shock at
my insinuation that she might have stolen more. “I don't have anything else,
I promise. You can see how tight my outfit is.” She held up her hands and
twirled in my embrace.
Damn, did she look awesome. “Even so. You can never be too careful.
Do you consent to a body search?”
“How thoroughly do you plan on searching?”
“Extremely thoroughly.” I looked at her menacingly.
“Then yes. I consent to this search.”
“Lift your arms above your head.”
She did as I instructed and I lifted her tight top off, struggling to pull it
over her huge breasts, which bounced back into place as she pulled it off the
rest of the way and threw it on the chair.
She cocked an eyebrow at me when I glanced down at her cleavage. Her
breasts were huge and surprisingly pert, as if resting on a shelf.
“Impressive,” I said, boldly sliding my fingers around as if searching
her bra, cupping it, and grazing the nipples as I slid round from her side to
the center of her chest. She gasped and sighed as I searched the other side
too, this time letting my thumb slide over the nipple. Of course, there was
nothing inside her bra except her fantastic boobs.
“So far so good. Now let's check down below. Turn around for me and
put your hands on the desk.”
“You weren't kidding when you said thorough. Is this really necessary
“Absolutely.” I stepped to her and pressed my stiff cock between her ass
cheeks. She started to reach back but I stopped her. “Hands on the desk and
don't move until I tell you to. Unless you want to feel my wrath.”
She wiggled her ass and murmured as if she'd actually like that. I put
my hands on her sides and painstakingly stroked down to her hips, across
her back, down her spine and past her waist, sliding my fingers under the
waistband of her stretchy leggings.
I gripped each side of her yoga pants and pulled them slowly down,
rolling them over her booty and stopping when her ass was fully revealed.
Her cheeks rest sexily on top.
“Wow,” I said, eyes wide as I admired her ass.
“Found what you're searching for yet?” Emily said, talking over her
“You're in the clear so far but it looks like I might have found a hiding
place.” I pressed my palms down where her ass cheeks met and roughly
spread them so I could get a good look at her crack.
“You okay there tiger?” she asked.
I struggled for words. A light sweat broke out on my forehead. This was
a lot more than I’d bargained for. I didn't trust my voice right now, so
instead of speaking, I pulled her yoga leggings all the way down to her
Leaning over her, I took out my truncheon and tapped her ass with it.
She breathed sharply and I put the tip at the base of her neck, letting it slide
down her spine, over the rump of her ass, then moved it in a sawing motion
over the thin strip of her thong from front to back. Emily groaned with
anticipation, breathing in through gritted teeth and fidgeting on the spot.
I continued gliding my truncheon the rest of the way down her thigh,
then up the other side. At this point, I didn't know who I was torturing
more. Her or me. My cock was throbbing in my pants, aching to be
I stood up and leaned over her, wrapping a hand around her, spreading
my hands over her stomach, my other hand running a finger along the
underside of her thong which, to my surprise and delight, had become wet.
I pulled her thong to the side and ran my fingers over her pussy lips,
occasionally dipping my fingers into her wet hole to lubricate them and rub
her juices around the outside of her pussy. I cupped her ass cheeks and slid
my finger around until I found her clit.
Emily gasped. “Oh.”
“You’re not the only one who’s found something precious tonight. And
there’s only one way to make sure you’re not hiding anything in there.” I
took a step back from her and she leaned forward until her top half was
laying on the desk, her arms outstretched. She wiggled her ass, taunting me,
as I removed my utility belt holding my gun. Wrong tool for the job. I
stepped forward again and gave Emily a playful slap on the ass, to which
she responded with a satisfying yelp.
“I barely touched you.”
“Oh yeah? And what are you going to do now?”
“I think this is what would be called a cavity search.”
“Let’s get this over with, you handsome young bastard.”
Smack! Smack!
Emily yelped as I dealt one smack to each cheek.
“Pull your ass cheeks to the side and let me see that ass.”
She did as I told her, revealing both her tempting holes.
“Enjoying the view?” she said, as I stood there transfixed by her
swaying booty.
“Come here and fuck me.”
I stepped forward, taking hold of my cock and waving it up and down
her pussy lips before thrusting in.
“Fuck,” we both said in unison. Before I’d even thrust a few times I was
already feeling the beginnings of an orgasm. As if the mere act of entering
her, feeling her slick inner walls squeeze and welcome me, made me want
to come as quickly as possible. I started pounding into her with wild
abandon, gripping her wide hips and watching my cock disappear all the
way into her, then reappear, more slick each time.
“Think you can last longer than two minutes inside me?” she taunted.
“You beautiful rich bitch. You sure have a smart mouth.”
“And a tight pussy.” She gripped the far edge of the desk.
“Real tight. Fuck, this feels good. Too good.”
“Too good? Aww, you going to come already?”
“You’re so wet.”
“Mmm. Here, let me finish you off. I want to see you come.” Before I
could protest, she pulled forward and turned, getting down on her knees.
She had me in her mouth in seconds.
“Wow!” I rocked backward, bracing myself on the desk and holding her
head as she sank onto my cock and started bobbing back and forth.
“You have a lovely big cock,” she said, catching her breath.
“Thanks. Oh .” I watched in awe as she took my whole cock in her
mouth, her lips touching my groin. “Fucking hell. That’s—” Words failed
me as I squeezed my eyes shut, much as I wanted to watch her giving me an
amazing blowjob. Her warm wet mouth and playful tongue were too much.
My body was wracked with pleasure and I couldn’t fight or hold back my
orgasm any more.
My legs stiffened and I balled my hands into fists as a wave of pleasure
surged through me. Emily pulled back and turned her face up to me so I
could see my cum shoot out into her waiting mouth. Spurt after hitching
spurt, my cock twitched and throbbed as my seed burst forth, spraying and
filling her mouth. She held my cock-head so it rested on her lower lip as the
last drops went dribbling into her mouth. She swallowed twice and moved
her tongue around to show me she’d swallowed every drop.
“You’re incredible,” I said.
She stood up and kissed me, smiling broadly, placing little kisses on my
cheeks and nose. Her face was flush and she looked like she wanted more.
Her smile disappeared and she leaned in to whisper in my ear. “Now fuck
me like you want to come away with me.” She stepped back and sat on the
edge of the huge antique desk, her eyes never leaving mine, a wicked grin
on her lips.
I quickly moved between her legs, eager to be inside her again. Her
pussy was glistening and spread wide like an open invitation.
She pulled her knees up as I yanked her leggings off. I leaned forward
and pulled her panties down. “I think I’ll keep these for myself.” I bunched
them in one hand and held them to my nose, breathing deeply. “Now I’ve
got the scent of you.”
“Come here,” she said.
I stuffed her panties in my pocket and pushed her legs back, holding
them apart as I positioned myself and plunged my cock inside her for the
second time. I started fucking her with slightly more control this time, keen
to last longer and satisfy this beautiful woman’s needs.
A thought struck me as I became aware of having forgotten myself in all
the excitement. What the fuck were we doing? I looked up, wondering if the
owners were still fast asleep or whether we had made too much noise and at
any moment they would burst in and bust us. I’d be fired on the spot and
Emily would have some serious questions to answer.
I guess she could handle herself. She’d be okay. She didn’t seem to care
too much about her family’s opinion of her, or anyone’s opinion for that
matter. She was a free spirit. Going with the flow and doing what she
wanted. And besides, if her story really was true, as I now believed, she had
every right to claim her property, left to her by someone who had predicted
family drama ensuing after they were no longer around.
Emily’s pussy felt wonderful as my cock filled her, gliding in and out,
slicked by both of our juices. The smell of sex hung heavy in the air and all
around us like a spell. Thank fuck I had the night shift, otherwise I may
never have met this amazing, wild, sexy woman.
I remembered her comment from a few minutes ago. “Come away with
you?” I asked. “Where are we going?” I leaned down and groped her
bouncing tits as I pounded into her core.
“I need to get away for a while,” she said. “Figure out my next move.
Decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. What to do with my
inheritance. I could use someone I can trust. Oh fuck, yeah. Right there.
Harder. Harder .” Emily breathed hard and I struggled to think straight.
“Why do you trust me?”
“You’re here, aren’t you? Guarding millions of dollars in real estate and
“I’m also letting you leave here with millions in diamonds.”
“Millions in diamonds that don’t belong to the owners anyway.”
“So I know I can trust you to do what’s right. And I like the way you
fuck me.”
I grinned, and held her sides, pulling her towards me so I could slam
inside her to the hilt. “When are you leaving?”
“Jeez. That’s a… tight deadline.”
Emily pushed herself up from the desk and wrapped her arms around
my neck. I scooped her up, cradling her ass, and thrust up into her.
“You’re so strong.”
“You’re pretty light,” I said, smiling.
We kissed, and this time it felt like a kiss with meaning. Like she
wanted to see me again. Do this again. Get to know me and go on
adventures together. God knows why. We’d only just met. But she seemed
genuine. Or had I just fallen under her spell? Either way, it felt so fucking
I bounced her on my cock as she locked her hands around my neck and
leaned back, lost in the moment. Soon she was shuddering in my arms and
covered her mouth when her orgasm came to stifle a scream in the quiet
I felt every second of her orgasm as she trembled against me, her pussy
muscles clamping around my thrusting cock until I too was coming, my
shaft twitching and unleashing cum which sprayed her walls and filled her
up. I held her there until my arms ached then set her down.
We quickly got dressed. I'd lost track of time and when I looked at my
watch it was 2:30 a.m. I'd missed my 2 a.m. rounds but I had a pretty good
excuse, although the owners would probably think that debatable.
We moved quietly through the house, back the way I’d come. I'd have to
come back here and make sure everything was back in its place before my
shift ended. Emily freshened up in the toilet and we walked outside together
into the night.
She threaded her arm under mine and we walked around the house and
down to the same wall over which she’d climbed earlier. We stopped and
she turned for one last kiss and a hug. I'd only known this woman for a few
hours and yet I was completely besotted by her. I didn't want her to go
anywhere without me. “I'll message you,” she said. I gave her a boost over
the wall. I smiled at her, thinking I was either the luckiest man in the world
right then or the biggest sucker. Only time would tell.
Emily blew me a kiss and dropped down the other side of the wall, out
of sight. She hardly made a sound. I pictured her jogging away across the
grass next to the driveway and couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever see her

I turned to walk straight back to the house but decided to take a

scenic route and walk the long way through the gardens. I
glanced over at the house, which was bathed in darkness, and
the gardens had the beginnings of fog. The whole thing seemed surreal.
Like a dream, even though I was wide awake and completely alone. Yet I
didn't feel alone after the amazing experience I’d just had.
My phone vibrated in my pocket. When I went to pull it out my
fingertip bumped against a small rigid object. I pulled it out carefully and
held it in my palm. It glistened, even though it was almost pitch black out
here. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me.
I sent a text to Emily. “You're crazy! Thank you.”
“You deserve it.”
It was hard to agree but I promised myself I wouldn’t squander it. I
walked around the back of the house with a spring in my step, feeling rich
in more ways than one. I went back into the study to the scene of the crime
and put everything that had been moved back in its place.
I looked at the spot on the wall where Emily had put her hand. The
secret door wasn’t even visible. It could go undiscovered for years. I
brushed over the desk where Emily had been not long ago, powerful
flashbacks assaulting my mind and between my legs. Fuck, we had been
wild. I’d surprised myself.
I straightened everything up on the desk and centered the chair again,
taking one last look back before I turned out the light and left the room.
There was nothing to indicate that we’d been here, other than the heady but
fading scent of sex.
Back in the office, I put my editing skills to work, carefully going back
over the footage across seven different cameras and replacing any that
contained activity of Emily with footage from the previous day.
I fast-forwarded to the time I entered the office. There . Gun drawn,
looking fierce, Emily looking up and giving me an annoyed look. I laughed
and fast-forwarded again to us having sex. I hovered my finger over the
delete button, but on a whim decided to save it to my thumb drive before
replacing the footage with some from the previous night. I smiled at the
thought of Emily getting a kick out of watching us together. Our first sex
The rest of my shift proved uneventful, and I made sure to be extra
composed and casual during the handover when Samuel asked me if there
was anything to report. Even dropping a hint was more than I could risk.
All I could think about was Emily and when I would see her again. As
soon as I woke up I made a mental note to call my employers and say I was
taking my time off that I'd been avoiding.
The next day I managed to get the time off. Instead of hiring someone
else, Samuel would stay at the house so that he could be on duty whenever
he was there and I could pick up where I left off as soon as I got back.
Getting through my last shift was almost painful. Whereas before I
enjoyed the silence and the time passed easily and comfortably, I was
tapping my feet and fingers, willing the clock to go faster.

I arrived at the airport the next day, looking around apprehensively for
Emily. Even though she had given me a time and told me to pack a suitcase,
I couldn't help but wonder whether she would show. I'd opened a box at the
bank and deposited my one diamond there.
But the only thing I really cared about was Emily. I looked up at the
departure board and a voice next to me said, “going anywhere nice?”
“Yes, my girlfriend and I are going on holiday. Somewhere hot.”
“She must be a great girl to have a dashing young boyfriend like you.”
“She's a real firecracker.” I turned to face her and we kissed. “I just
hope I can keep up.”
“Oh, I know you can keep up. I'll make sure of it.” She pressed her body
to mine and discreetly squeezed my cock.
I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her off her feet. A few people
turned to watch us. Did we look like an odd couple? This older woman and
some young dude? I realized then that I didn’t care what anyone else
thought except Emily.
We traveled first class. A first for me. I watched Emily sleeping
peacefully. I wouldn't even mind not coming back from this trip. I’d go
anywhere with her. I kissed her cheek and settled back in my chair, eyes
closed, with a smile on my face. A jewel thief and a security guard hooking
up and jetting off together. Who would have thought?

Discover more steamy stories by Lorena Moon

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