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Book reviews

STEEL S T R U C T U R E S - D E S I G N A N D considerable background knowledge contained in the

BEHAVIOUR volume makes it extremely useful for steelwork
Second Edition designers elsewhere in the world. Both presentation and
by Charles G. Salmon and John E. Johnson content are excellent and every aspect of building
Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 1980, 1007 design includmg connections, columns, plates, beams
pages, £9.95 hardback and frames is covered in detail.

The first edition of this textbook of steel design was

published in 1971. Recent changes in the design BACKGROUND TO BUCKLING
requirements for structural steel, in particular the by Fl. G. Allen and P. S. Bulson
publication of the 1978 AISC Specification and the McGraw-}iill Book Company (UK) Limited, 1980,
Manual of Steel Construction (Eighth Edition) pub 582 pages, £ 16.95 hardback
hshed by the AISC in 1980 prompted this second
edition. This book reviews analytical methods for studying the
The book covers the background material relevant to stability of struts, frame works, plates, girders, shells,
steel design including references to pertinent research, and arches, it presents a coherent account of the
the development of specific AISC specification for- buckling problem from basic principles to methods of
mulae, and also includes a generous number of design analysis and results of the latest research.
examples. It also links the results of recent research with UK,
The book has been aimed both at the beginner and European and American codes of practice and should
advanced designer/student including emphasis on therefore be of interest not only to researchers m these
elastic and inelastic stability concepts. The change to various fields but to designers of a wide variety of
ultimate strength philosophy reflectcd in Part 2 of the structures
AISC specification gives rise to many of the changes in The book is well written and thorough in its
this volume. Working stress and plastic design con- approach and forms an invaluable aid in bridging the
cepts are treated separately and the book ts therefore gaps between research, analysis and design.
widely applicable to most European countries. Tile reviewer thoroughly recommends the volume to
While the background of the AISC Specification all those concerned with the analysts or design of
makes the work most relevant to the USA, the componcnts subjected to buckling.

Book reviews will be a regular l'ealurc of the Journal and publishers are requested to send review copies to the Editor, Professor Patrick J.
Do~llng, Department of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BU, England.

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