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Craig Fanning Film Poster

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Information: -Horror, Mystery, Thriller -Made by Wes Craven -1997 -2nd film in the saga of 4 Denotation: -Black and white used -Main characters in foreground -Shocked faces in background -Bold letters -A blurb -Credits -Maker of the film -Characters are on different levels Connotation: -Hierarchy of characters at the beginning could portray their significance in the film and this is something for the audience to think about as to give them clues as to who the killer in scream is and which characters have the most significance. -Faces of victims are well lit and show theyre all on edge as though they are bracing themselves for the events to follow, this also shows the seriousness of the film as all the signifiers are typically horror. -Black and white shows darkness and signifies life and death -Expression shows fear on their faces and concern about what could come next. Genre: -This poster follows the horror genre by the use of mise en scene, dark lighting is used contrasting with white lights, the title is also written in red perhaps to signify blood, but the writing is particularly bold and the word scream is associated with fear or anxiety. Also the two faces in the background are of what look like two people who we dont see their clear identity, this could also seem as though they are victims of the killer and this presents the idea of a typical horror where the killer has no reason for his killing, however we find out it is very calculated. Technical codes: -The faces of every character are well lit and this reveals a sense of tension as though they are in the spotlight, also the expression on their faces shows a stern look and shows a serious side to the film as if there is always danger around the corner. -The picture is typically in the middle and is large and this appears to emphasize the crisis in the film and the concern the characters have.

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Information: -Genres: Horror, Mystery, Thriller -Made by Marcus Nispel -2003 -Remake of the 1974 version Denotation: -Dark, black colour used for much of it. -Edited picture of a mans face, much of it is black or darkened. -Texas chainsaw massacre written in larger font. -More basic as opposed to other posters of the horror genre. -scar across the mans forehead. Connotation: -Black colour provides darkness and adds to the mystery as the pitch black impairs your vision. -The scar shows that the character on the cover appears to have been involved in some kind of accident or situation as it appears to be a large gash across his forehead, this signifies brutality and danger which when the title of the film is mixed with the image the audience knows that there is danger or going to be blood shed. -The title is written in bold and is in a font which makes it seem more cutting, the words Texas chainsaw massacre are juxtaposed down the middle and are written to appear slightly larger then the other words, Inspired by a true story is also written just below the title and this is placed here so the audience will always read it, and the effect of this on the audience makes you more fearful or the events to come because you are told similar things happened in the real world. Genre: -The dark colours used contrasted with brighter writing shows the typical mystery of the darkness portrayed in many horror films, and the picture itself shows a man who is not fully seeable and appears to be cut up via editing and he also appears to have a cut on his face for an unknown reason. This immediately informs the audience that it is a horror and that the film is likely to include violence or death.

Technical codes: -Features of the mans head are darkened and so his full identity is not revealed. -The title has been well lit in contrast to the surrounding, and so we as an audience cannot avoid the title and it brings us closer to the film and more engaged. -The picture is large although the surrounding is darkened, the picture of the man taking up a lot of the poster is simplistic as they have not over crammed the poster with several images and this in turn adds to the mystery as we are not told or shown a lot about the film and we are left to guess from the connotation we are given.

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