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Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

Class X Science
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution
Term II


1. Methane is the gas present in biogas and CNG. The molecular formula of
methane is CH4.

2. Bryophyllum and Begonia are grown by vegetative propagation.

3. On applying the 10% law to the food chain, the organisms of the 4th trophic
level of the food chain will have 2 joules of energy. Therefore, 2 J of energy will
be available to hawks from snakes.

4. A plane mirror is considered a spherical mirror of infinite radius of curvature.

The focal length of a spherical mirror (a concave or convex mirror) is equal to
half of its radius of curvature.
f 
Hence, the focal length of a plane mirror is at infinity.
A convex mirror gives a larger field (or wide field) of view because it produces
an erect and highly diminished image of the object.
A convex mirror is used as a rear view mirror in vehicles to see the traffic
behind. It enables a driver to view a much larger area of the road and traffic
behind him.

5. The existence of different kinds of plants and animals in an environment is called

Advantage of conserving forests:
 Forests maintain balance between abiotic and biotic factors of the
Advantage of conserving wildlife:
 Conservation of wildlife gives way to ecotourism which is a potential source
of revenue in many countries.

6. Four problems caused by non-biodegradable wastes:

 They cause biomagnification.
 They make the environment unclean.
 They kill useful microorganisms.
 They increase pollution 1
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

(a) On complete combustion of hydrocarbons, the products obtained are CO2,
water vapour and large amount of heat and light.
It is a colourless, odourless gas which turns most blue litmus faintly red.
When carbon dioxide is bubbled through lime water, a solid precipitate of
calcium carbonate is formed, making the lime water milky.
Ca OH2(aq)  CO2(g) 
 CaCO3(s)  H2O(l)

The gas is collected by the downward displacement of water.

(i) C4H8
(ii) C6H10

8. Hydrogen gas
On adding conc. sulphuric acid to ethanol and heating the mixture up to 170°C
gives ethane.
C2H5OH 
170 C
 CH2  CH2  H2
Conc. sulphuric acid causes dehydration of ethanol.

(a) The properties of elements depend on the valence electrons in the atom,
which in turn depends on the total number of electrons, i.e. atomic number.
Hence, the atomic number is considered a more appropriate parameter than
the atomic mass for the classification of elements in the modern periodic
(i) Moving from left to right in a period, the metallic character decreases
and the non-metallic character increases. The atomic size decreases and
so the electrons are not released easily.
(ii) In a group, the metallic character increases from top to bottom and the
non-metallic character decreases. This is because the atomic size
increases and so the valence electrons can be easily removed.

(i) Atomic number of Q = 13
Electronic configuration = 2, 8, 3
Valency of Q = 3, because the valency of an element is the number of
valence electrons present in the outermost shell.

(ii) P and Q are metals belonging to Groups 2 and 13 and have a tendency to
lose valence electrons.
R is a metalloid.
S is a non-metal belonging to Group 15 and has a tendency to accept
electron(s). 2
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

(iii) P is an element which will form the most basic oxide because the ionisation
enthalpy of element ‘P’ is less or the electropositive character of P is more
than that of the corresponding elements.

11. Characteristics of sexual reproduction:

a. Sexual reproduction occurs by the combination of special reproductive cells
called sex cells.
b. It is usually biparental and involves two parents.
c. It involves the formation of sex cells called gametes, followed by the fusion
of the gametes.
d. It is comparatively slower as compared to asexual reproduction.
e. Meiosis and mitosis occur during gamete formation, while mitosis occurs
during the development of the zygote.
f. Variations appear because of a new combination of genes during crossing

(a) Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning where an
organism splits into fragments and each fragment develops into a new
Spirogyra multiplies by fragmentation.

(b) Regeneration is the ability of organisms to generate lost or damaged parts

of the body and is carried out by specialised cells. These cells form a mass
of cells which undergoes changes to form cells specialised in different

Regeneration is not possible in all animals because the pluripotent stem cells
have different properties in different animals. For example, each tissue—
such as muscle, nerve or skin—has its own set of stem cells which makes
the different types of cells in that particular tissue. So, a muscle stem cell
cannot make skin and skin stem cells cannot make muscle.

13. During ovulation which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a matured
ovum is released from the ovary which travels in the fallopian tube of the
female reproductive system. At this time, there are chances of fertilisation in
case of the sperm's entry.
Sperm Ovum
1. It is the male 1. It is the female
gamete produced in gamete produced in
the testis. the ovary.
2. Sperms are 2. Ova are produced
produced in large singly in humans.
numbers. 3
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

14. Factors responsible for the formation of a new species:

 Natural selection:

All populations respond to changes in their environment. Individuals will

respond in different ways depending on their genes. Those individuals whose
genes are best suited to the environment are more likely to survive and pass
on their genes to the next generation. This is natural selection. Gradually,
favourable genes will start to predominate in the population and less
favourable genes will decline.

 Genetic drift:

It is caused by drastic changes in the frequencies of particular genes by

chance alone. Genetic drift with changes in the gene flow imposed by
isolation mechanism acts as an agent of speciation which ultimately results in

 Geographical isolation:

Geographical isolation is caused by various types of barriers such as

mountain ranges, rivers and seas. It leads to reproductive isolation due to
which there is no flow of genes between separated groups of population
which ultimately results in speciation.

15. Given:
Object distance u = −45 cm
Image distance v = 90 cm
The image of a candle flame is formed on the screen, so a convex lens is used.
1 1 1
 
f v u
1 1  1 
 
f 90  45 
1 1 1
 
f 90 45
1 12 3
 
f 90 90
1 1

f 30
f = 30 cm
Hence, it is a convex lens of focal length 30 cm.
Height of the flame (object) h1 = 2 cm
Height of the image h2 = ? 4
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

h2 v
Magnification m  
h1 u
v  h1
h2 
2  90 180
h2  
45 45
h2  4 cm
Height of image h2 = −4 cm
Thus, the height of the image is 4 cm. The minus sign indicates that the image
is formed below the principal axis. Thus, the image is real and inverted.

16. To recharge groundwater by water harvesting is a better option. The

advantages of rainwater harvesting include
 Harvesting rainwater allows us to better utilise an energy resource. It is
important to do so because drinking water is not easily renewable and it helps
in reducing wastage.
 Helps in reducing floods and soil erosion by collecting rainwater in large
storage tanks.

(a) Ciliary muscles.
An eye can focus the images of distant objects and nearby objects on its
retina by changing the focal length of its lens. The focal length of the eye
lens is changed by the action of ciliary muscles. The ciliary muscles can
change the thickness of the soft and flexible eye lens, and hence, the focal
length, which in turn, changes the converging power of the eye lens.

(b) The person is suffering from myopia, so he is advised to wear spectacles with
concave lenses. In myopia, a person cannot see distant objects clearly. This
defect is corrected using spectacles with concave lenses.

(c) The iris is a flat, coloured, ring-shaped membrane behind the cornea of the
eye. It controls the amount of light entering the eye by changing the size of
the pupil.

(a) Yes, it is unethical to label somebody based on skin colour because the skin
colour depends on the traits which pass from parents to offspring.
(b) Dark skin colour is an inherited trait. The skin colour is a characteristic
feature that is inherited from the previous generation.
(c) The school should take action on the wrong doers who promote racism by
implementing strict rules. 5
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

19. Hydrocarbons are compounds which are made only of carbon and hydrogen

Alkanes Alkenes Alkynes

Alkanes are Alkenes are unsaturated Alkynes are unsaturated
hydrocarbons in which all aliphatic hydrocarbons aliphatic hydrocarbons
the linkages between the which contain one double which contain one triple
carbon atoms are single bond. bond.
covalent bonds.
Alkanes are saturated Alkenes are unsaturated Alkynes are unsaturated
hydrocarbons with hydrocarbons with hydrocarbons with
general formula CnH2n+2. general formula CnH2n. general formula CnH2n-2.
They are less reactive Alkenes are most Alkynes are more
because of the non- reactive than alkanes and reactive than alkanes
availability of electrons in alkynes because of the because of the presence
the single covalent bond. presence of a double of a triple bond.
They undergo They undergo addition They undergo addition
substitution reaction. reaction. reaction.
Example: Ethane Example: Ethene Example: Ethyne

Structure of ethane:

Structure of ethene:

Structure of ethyne: 6
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

(a) Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals, plants and other
organisms from the remote past. They are formed by a continuous process of
burying and decomposition over a certain period.

Fossil formation:
 Some invertebrates living on the sea bed died and were buried in the
 More sand was accumulated and formed sandstone under pressure.
 After millions of years, dinosaurs living in the area died and their
bodies were buried in the mud.
 The mud got compressed into the rock, just above the rock containing
earlier invertebrate fossils.
 Again millions of years later, the bodies of horse-like creatures dying
in the area were fossilised in the rocks above the earlier rocks.
 Much later, because of erosion and water flow, some rocks wore out
and exposed the horse-like fossils.

Two methods to determine the age of fossils:

 When dug into the Earth, the fossils closer to the surface are more
recent as compared to the fossils found in deeper layers.
 The fossils can also be dated by detecting the ratios of different
isotopes of the same element in the fossil material. This process is
known as radiocarbon dating. When living organisms change into
fossils, their rate of radioactive C14 decay decreases slowly. In this
way, the age of fossils can be determined with the help of radioactive

(b) Two roles of fossils in tracing evolutionary relationships:

 To tell us about the similarities between two species
 To provide links between two groups indicating that perhaps one
species evolved from the other 7
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution


(a) A: stigma, B: pollen tube, C: Ovary, D: Gametophyte cells

(b) Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same
plant or different plant of the same species.

Significance of pollination:

Pollination is vital for completing the life cycle of plants and ensuring
production of fruit and seed whether agricultural crops or natural
vegetation/flora. If there is no pollination, then there will be no fertilisation,
no fruits or seeds will be formed and farmers will harvest no crop.

(c) Process of fertilisation

 When pollen grains settle on the stigma, they form a tube called the
pollen tube.
 The pollen tube grows through the style of the flower and enters the
 The tip of the pollen tube dissolves to release the pollen grain in the
 In the ovary, a female gamete fuses with the pollen grain to form a

(i) Ovule develops into seed after fertilisation.

(ii) Ovary develops into fruit after fertilisation. 8
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

(a) The phenomenon in which a part of the light incident on a particle is
redirected in different directions is called the scattering of light.
The colour of scattered light depends on the size of the scattering particles.
If the size of the scattering particles is small, then the wavelength of the
scattered light is small. If the size of the scattering particles is more, then
the wavelength of the scattered light is more. The blue colour of light with
shorter wavelength is scattered much more than the red colour with longer

i. The sky appears dark from the surface of the Moon because there is no
atmosphere to scatter light.
ii. The rainbow is formed by the dispersion of sunlight by raindrops in the
atmosphere. However, there is no atmosphere and water vapour present
on the Moon. So, no clouds are formed and there are no rains on the
Moon. So, a rainbow is never formed on the Moon.

(c) When the Sun is overhead (at noon), the light from the Sun has to travel a
relatively shorter distance through the atmosphere to reach us. During this
shorter journey of sunlight, only a little of the blue colour of light is
scattered. Because the light coming from the overhead Sun has almost all
its component colours in the right proportion, the Sun in the sky overhead
(at noon) appears white.

(a) A convex lens is used as a magnifying glass.

i. A convex lens forms a real and inverted image of the same size of the object
when the object is placed at a distance 2F1 in front of a convex lens. The
image is formed at 2F2.

ii. A convex lens forms a virtual and erect image of the object when the object
is placed between focus F1 and optical centre O. The image is formed on the
same side of the lens as the object. 9
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

(b) The convex lens will form a complete image of an object, even if its one-half
is covered with black paper. It can be understood by the following two
Case I: When the upper half of the lens is covered:
In this case, the rays of light coming from the object will be refracted by the
lower half of the lens. These rays meet at the other side of the lens to form
the image of the given object, as shown in the figure.

Case II: When the lower half of the lens is covered:

In this case, a ray of light coming from the object is refracted by the upper
half of the lens. These rays meet at the other side of the lens to form the
image of the given object, as shown in the figure.

The only difference between the image will be that it will have less
intensity. 10
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

24. Given:
Object distance u = −20 cm
Object height h = 4 cm
Radius of curvature R = 20 cm
Radius of curvature = 2  focal length
i.e. R = 2 f
20 = 2  f
f   10
f = 10 cm
According to the mirror formula,
1 1 1
 
v u f
1 1 1
 
v f u
1 1  1 
 
v 10  20 
1 1 1
 
v 10 20
1 3

v 20
v 
v = 6.67 cm
The positive value of v indicates that the image is formed behind the mirror.
So, it is a virtual image.
Image dis tance
Magnification m  
Object dis tance
v 6.66 6.66
m    0.33
u  20 20
0.33 
h'  0.33  4  1.32 cm
The positive value of the image height indicates that the image formed is
erect. 11
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution


25. c;
(iii) The single cell of Amoeba was undergoing binary fission and the single cell
of yeast was undergoing budding.
(iv) The elongated nucleus was dividing to form two daughter nuclei in Amoeba.
Amoeba reproduces by binary fission, wherein a single cell of Amoeba divides
into two equal daughter cells. The mother cell elongates and its nucleus divides
into two (karyokinesis) followed by the division of the cytoplasm (cytokinesis).
Yeast reproduces by budding, wherein outgrowths called buds appear on the
surface of the cells. The nucleus of the parent cell splits into a daughter nucleus
and migrates into the daughter cell. The bud detaches from the mother’s body
and gives rise to a new daughter cell.

26. C; (iii), (iv) and (i)

Parental identity is lost in binary fission. Binary fission may cause some change
and the daughter cells will be somewhat different from the parent cell and
parental identity will be lost.

27. (d)
The image is formed on the screen, and hence, for all the positions of the
object, the concave mirror forms an inverted and highly diminished image of the

28. (d)
As the convex lens forms an image of a distant tree, it will focus the light rays
on its focal point. Hence, if the student is viewing through the lens, an inverted
image of the tree will be obtained at the focus of the lens. This image will now
be projected on the retina of the eye. 12
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

29. (c)
For best results, the following conditions must be satisfied:
1. The angle of incidence must be nearly equal to the angle of emergence.
2. The angle of refraction must be less than the angle the incidence.
sin i
3.  1.5 (since refractive index of glass is 1.5)
sin r
Of the 4 observations, the third and fourth observations are correct.

30. (b)
In a prism, the ray of light from air (rarer medium) into glass (denser medium)
bends towards the normal. The ray of light from glass (denser medium) to air
(rarer medium) bends away from the normal. In both cases, when a ray of light
passes through a prism, it bends towards the base of the prism.

31. (a) P and Q

Dissolving chloride salts of calcium or magnesium in distilled water will make
the water hard and lather formation will take place with difficulty.

32. (c)
Red litmus paper remains red and blue litmus paper turns red.

33. (d)(II), (IV), (VI)

Hard water consists of a high concentration of anions, such as the sulphate
anion (SO42).

34. Analogous structures have similar functions but are different in their structural
details and origin. Analogous structures indicate different ancestry. From the
given plants, potato and sweet potato are analogous structures. They perform
similar function but have different origins. Potato is a modified stem meant for
the storage of food. Sweet potato is a modified root also meant for the storage
of food. Therefore, potato and sweet potato are analogous structures in plants. 13
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

35. Given:
Height of object h = 6 cm
Focal length f = ?
Object distance u = −15 cm
Image distance v = 30 cm
1 1 1
 
f v u
1 1
 
30 15
1 1
 
30 15
12 1
 
30 10
 f  10 cm

In a convex lens, the object and image positions:

Position of Position of Nature of
Size of image
object image image
Real and
At infinity At focus F2 diminished, point-
Between F2 and Real and
Beyond 2F1 Diminished
2F2 inverted
Real and
At 2F1 At 2F2 Same size
Between F1 and Real and
Beyond 2F2 Enlarged
2F1 inverted
Infinitely large or Real and
At focus F1 At infinity
highly enlarged inverted
Between focus On the same
F1 and optical side of lens as Enlarged Virtual and erect
centre O object

From the above observation, it is clear that when the object is moved away
from the lens, the image moves towards the lens. Hence, the size of the image
Hence, it can be concluded that the screen should be moved towards the lens
to focus the image of the object on it again. Thus, the magnification of the
images reduces. 14
Board Paper – 2016 (Set 3) Solution

36. Physical properties:

(i) It is a colourless liquid with a characteristic pungent smell.
(ii) It is miscible with water.
Chemical properties:

(i) It is a weak acid and hence turns blue litmus red.

(ii) It reacts with active metals such as Zn, evolving hydrogen.
2CH3COOH  Zn  (CH3COO)2 Zn  H2 15

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