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Wondo Genet College of forestry and natural resources

Department of Geographic information science(GISc)
Land suitability analysis for surface irrigation in shashemane zuriya

BY:- Cherinet Elias

Advisor:-Gezahegn Gr.(MSC)

Wondo Genet Ethiopia

Table of contents

1. Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of study............................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of problem...........................................................................................................3

1.3 Objectives of research..........................................................................................................3

1.3.1 General objective........................................................................................................................3

1.3.2 Specific objectives.......................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research question................................................................................................................4

1.5 Scope of the study.................................................................................................................4

1.6 Significance of study............................................................................................................4

2. Related literature review.................................................................................................5

2.1 Definition of Irrigation........................................................................................................5

2.2 Overview irrigation in Ethiopia..........................................................................................6

2.3 Development of irrigation in Ethiopia...............................................................................7

2.4 Assessments of Irrigation Potential and Evaluation Criteria..........................................9

2.4.1 Soil..............................................................................................................................................9
2.4.2 Slope.........................................................................................................................................10
2.4.3 Land..........................................................................................................................................10
2.4.4 Water availability......................................................................................................................11
2.5 GIS as a Tool for Irrigation Potential Assessment..........................................................12

2.5.1 Mapping....................................................................................................................................12
2.5.2 Spatial analysis..........................................................................................................................12
2.5.3 Neighborhood analysis.............................................................................................................13
2.5.4 Weighted overlay......................................................................................................................13
2.6 Remote Sensing and Applications....................................................................................14

2.6.1 DEM..........................................................................................................................................14
2.6.2Land use/ cover classification....................................................................................................14
3.1 Description of Study Area.................................................................................................15

3.1.1 Location....................................................................................................................................15
3.1.2 Population................................................................................................................................16
3.1.3 Climate......................................................................................................................................16
3.1.4 Land use....................................................................................................................................17
3.1.5 Soil type....................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Material and methods........................................................................................................17

3.2.1 Research design........................................................................................................................17

3.2. Materials to be used...................................................................................................................18
3.2.3 Data collection..........................................................................................................................18
3.3 Data analysis................................................................................................................................18
4 Expected output..............................................................................................................20
5 Budget and time table.....................................................................................................20
5.1 Work plan table..................................................................................................................20

5.2 Budget time table...............................................................................................................21

6 Reference.........................................................................................................................21

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of study
Irrigation is the technique of continuously providing crops water to maintain their healthy

growth. The required amount of water needed for irrigation varies depending on the crop as well

as the season and soil type. One of the most crucial steps in agriculture is irrigation, which

frequently makes the difference between a successful and unsuccessful harvest..(What Is

Fertilizer Application in Agriculture? - Agruculture Lore, n.d.) Irrigation is the application of

water to soil for the purpose of supplying the moisture essential for plant growth. It is thought of

by government agencies as a panacea for subsistence farming. But it has remained quiet

unprofitable and therefore unattractive especially in the developing nations of the world(Umweni

& Ogunkunle, 2014)

Today, some 40% of all world food is obtained from irrigated agricultural lands. However, food

production via irrigated agriculture does not correspond to the current rapid population

growth(Bagherzadeh & Paymard, 2015), but only 6 million ha (4%) of Sub-Saharan Africa's total

cultivated area is irrigated(Kadigi et al., 2019). Ethiopia comprises 112 million hectares (Mha) of

land. Cultivable land area estimates vary between 30 to 70 Mha. Currently, high estimates show

that only 15 Mha of land is under cultivation. For the existing cultivated area, our estimate is that

only about 4 to 5 percent is irrigated, with existing equipped irrigation schemes covering about

640,000 hectares. This means that a significant portion of cultivated land in Ethiopia is currently

not irrigated.

Thus, this is a purposeful human action to apply water for agricultural growth, particularly in dry

seasons when rainfall is inadequate or as a supplement.One way to improve crop productivity an

d satisfy Ethiopia's increasing need for food and other services is by implementing irrigation prac

tices. For Ethiopia's agricultural developments to be dependable and sustainable, irrigation

practices are crucial. Irrigation activities can be used to enhance subsistence farming, which is

the main industry in the nation. In a similar vein, irrigated agriculture, which accounts for 3.02%

of total agricultural production, will help fulfill the rising food demands brought on by the

world's rapid population expansion. Irrigation development has been a priority for the Oromia

regional state. In the region, there are currently 199 irrigation schemes. The irrigation schemes

constructed in the region irrigated 33,765.19 hectares of land, with 4,627.29 hectares of small-

scale irrigation, 2,800.01 hectares of medium-scale irrigation, and 26,338 hectares of large-scale

irrigation, benefiting 37,479 people(Muche Mekonen et al., 2022)

Shashemane Zuria's main economic activity is agriculture, much like it is in many other parts of

Ethiopia. The requirement to maintain crop output all year round and the region's diverse agro-

ecological zones make irrigation agriculture especially significant. The district is home to a wide

variety of crops, all of which profit from irrigation, including maize, teff, wheat, and barley. In

addition, irrigation techniques are used to raise fruits and vegetables. In Shashemane Zuria,

irrigation agriculture is vital to crop productivity and livelihoods, and advancing irrigation

techniques is critical to the region's agricultural sector's sustained growth. The irrigation potential

can be assessed by incorporating Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in the ArcGIS environment

and employing the weight overlay rule(Hagos et al., 2022) . In order to plan and carry out

irrigation projects that will be beneficial and increase agricultural output, the appropriateness of

the land for irrigation must be evaluated. Therefore, the primary goal of this study was to assess

whether a piece of land was suitable for surface irrigation by taking into account a number of

variables that have an impact on the development of surface irrigation, including slope, soil

texture, drainage, depth, land use/cover, and distance from water sources.

1.2 Statement of problem
Surface irrigation is a broadly used technique for delivering water to agricultural field to

distribute water across the land surface to gain more agricultural product for that suitable site for

surface irrigation needed. However, the process of identifying suitable site for surface irrigation

is difficult multifactorial and the scientific and systematic land suitable site for irrigation not

practiced different part of Ethiopia and Shashemane zuriya of need of this advanced site

selection for surface irrigation.

There are different problem for suitable site selection for surface irrigation: one primary

challenges for site selection for surface irrigation is soil characteristics, including texture,

permeability and water retention capacity. Different soil types varying degrees of suitability for

surface irrigation; the other challenges for site selection of surface irrigation slope of land, they

play critical role feasibility and efficiency of surface irrigation and water proximity particularly

also another challenges for surface irrigation, because of main need for irrigation water supply;

however without mechanized using water for irrigation they can lead to different problem for

irrigation area such as flooding and water quality issues. Therefore this research is need for

address to above problem by using GIS and remote sensing technology to comprehensive and

integrated approach to analyze and for suitable site for surface irrigation by considering the

different interrelated factors of proximity to river, slope, soil characteristics.

1.3 Objectives of research

1.3.1 General objective
To analyze potential physical land suitability for surface irrigation in Shashemane Zuriya, Oromiya,

1.3.2 Specific objectives

 To make land suitability for surface irrigation map of Shashemane zuria

 To identify suitable area for surface irrigation by analysis of different factors

 To identify key factors that influences the suitable site for surface irrigation

1.4 Research question

 How to make land suitability for surface irrigation map of Shashemane zuria?

 How can suitable areas for surface irrigation be identified by analyzing different factors?

 What are the key factors that influence the suitability of sites for surface irrigation?

1.5 Scope of the study

This work only looks at soil physical property, land use/cover, river proximity, and land slope to

determine land suitability for surface irrigation because the study's primary focus is on assessing

the physical land resource potential and its suitability for surface irrigation without taking the

chemical composition of the soil type into consideration. Creating maps that show the suitability

of different areas for irrigation development and analyzing the spatial distribution of different

land parameters to identify areas that are most suitable for irrigation development

1.6 Significance of study

Irrigation is the most common means of ensuring sustainable agriculture and cropping with

period of inadequate rain fall and drought. Irrigation applying water to assure sufficient soil

moisture is available for good plant growth, because it is used to enhance the rainfall that occurs

during the growing season.

Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops maintain landscapes and Re-vegetate disturbed soils

in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall. Irrigation also has other uses in crop

production, including frost protection suppressing weed growth in grain fields and

preventing soil consolidation.

2. Related literature review

2.1 Definition of Irrigation

Surface irrigation is the oldest and most common method of applying water to croplands. This

irrigation technique, which is also known as flood irrigation, works by applying water at a

specified spot and letting it run off the field surface. This allows the water to be sprayed and

distributed evenly, replenishing the crop root zone. This is in contrast to sprinkler or drip

irrigation, which applies water to the surface using sprinklers or drippers after being spread

around the area in pressurized pipes. Basin irrigation, border irrigation, furrow irrigation, and

uncontrolled flooding are just a few of the many forms that surface irrigation has taken on

throughout the years.(National & Handbook, 2006)

Irrigation is the technique of continuously providing crops water to maintain their healthy

growth. The required amount of water needed for irrigation varies depending on the crop as well

as the season and soil type. One of the most crucial steps in agriculture is irrigation, which

frequently makes the difference between a successful and unsuccessful harvest..(What Is

Fertilizer Application in Agriculture? - Agruculture Lore, n.d.)

The original forms of irrigation are surface techniques, which rely on the soil's surface to conduct

and absorb the water that is added. Surface irrigation system design and operation have typically

relied on both past performance and practical expertise. Field testing is sluggish, expensive, and

time-consuming due to the high degree of variability in the design parameters (soil infiltration,

soil surface roughness, soil water holding capacity, field slope, and channel shape Physically

based simulation models have been created over the past 30 years to enhance the design of

border and furrow irrigation systems (as well as contour irrigation for applications that are

comparable). The selection and application of models determine the water amount or depth to be

applied at each point during the advance and recession phases of irrigation, and are based on

sustainability, data availability, and prediction accuracy. It is typically necessary to establish a

relationship between the design variables and crop/orchard production in order to develop

optimization models for surface irrigation design. The following factors are needed to determine

such relationships: irrigation frequency and timing; critical water application depth; design

variables; crop or orchard productivity; irrigation expenses; and a relationship between the

design variables and revenues. Water discharge, furrow or border length, irrigation cutoff time,

space between furrows or border width, and minimum area to be irrigated are some of the design

variables for surface irrigation. There should be a relationship between production, costs, and net

benefits established by these variables. Using irrigation quality criteria, methodologies have been

developed to connect production and irrigation costs with irrigation choice variables. Furrow

length and irrigation duration are the most crucial design selection factors since they have a

bigger influence on costs and benefits than other factors. (Mirzakhail et al., 2012)

2.2 Overview irrigation in Ethiopia

Ethiopia comprises 112 million hectares (Mha) of land. Cultivable land area estimates vary

between 30 to 70 Mha. Currently, high estimates show that only 15 Mha of land is under

cultivation. For the existing cultivated area, our estimate is that only about 4 to 5 percent is

irrigated, with existing equipped irrigation schemes covering about 640,000 hectares. This means

that a significant portion of cultivated land in Ethiopia is currently not irrigated. This section

examines Ethiopia’s water sources for irrigation, current irrigation schemes, and potential to

increase irrigated lands. Our premise is that well-managed irrigation development is key in

helping Ethiopia overcome major challenges including population pressure; soil and land

degradation; 17 high climate variability, and low agricultural productivity. In addition,

agricultural water development is crucial to improve smallholder livelihood and income in

Ethiopia, since irrigation can help farmers increase their crop production, increase crop variety,

and lengthen their agricultural seasons. As explained in subsequent sections, the study estimates

that over the next two decades, Ethiopia could irrigate over 5 Mha with existing water sources,

contributing around ETB 140 billion per annum to the economy and ensuring food security for

up to six million households (~30 million direct beneficiaries)(Awulachew, 2010)

2.3 Development of irrigation in Ethiopia

Irrigation can be defined as an artificial application of water for the aim of supplying the

moisture in the plant root-zone to prevent stress that may cause reduced yield and/or poor quality

of harvested crops

Thus, this is a purposeful human action to apply water for agricultural growth, particularly in dry

seasons when rainfall is inadequate or as a supplement.One way to improve crop productivity an

d satisfy Ethiopia's increasing need for food and other services is by implementing irrigation prac

tices A study additionally demonstrated that developing irrigation on various sizes, through river

diversion, building micro dams, and other methods, is one of the greatest options to take into

consideration for dependable and sustainable food security progress. Since ancient times,

irrigation has been used in the nation to produce food crops for livelihood. On the other hand,

industrial crops were intended to be produced in the Awash and Rift valleys when contemporary

irrigation systems were initiated in the 1950s. The first official irrigation schemes were

established in the late 1950s by private concessionaires who ran farms for the production of

commercial commodities like cotton, sugarcane, and horticultural crops, Metri-Agro industry in

the upper Awash Valley and Amibara in the lower Awash Valley. Irrigated farming was

extended in the 1960s in the Rift Valley (Bilate farm) and all areas of the Awash Valley

(Metahara and Wonj in the middle Awash).

For Ethiopia's agricultural developments to be dependable and sustainable, irrigation practices

are crucial. Irrigation activities can be used to enhance subsistence farming, which is the main

industry in the nation. In a similar vein, irrigated agriculture, which accounts for 3.02% of total

agricultural production, will help fulfill the rising food demands brought on by the world's rapid

population expansion. Because irrigation development in Ethiopia has the ability to promote

economic growth and rural development, it can be seen as a foundation for food security and a

strategy for reducing poverty. Ethiopian irrigation practices are still in their early stages of

development. Thus, in an attempt to significantly decrease poverty and foster social

transformation, the government is pursuing plans and programs to develop irrigation. For a

period of 12 years (1990–2001), Ethiopia's average pace of irrigation development was therefore

between 1,090 and 1,150 ha/year. In keeping with this, the number of irrigation infrastructures,

ranging from modest to major irrigation schemes, is growing annually, demonstrating the good

development implications for the entire nation even if the constructed structures encountered

several difficulties. In Ethiopia, 10% of the projected potential irrigable land is actually irrigated,

compared to just 2% of cultivated land. In a similar vein, only 3% of Ethiopia's entire food

production comes from irrigated agriculture. Because of this, irrigated agriculture remains

unsatisfactory even with significant financial investment, public engagement, and government

strategic support. According to Belay and Bewket (2013), irrigation practices are essential for

reducing poverty by boosting productivity in rural regions, which enhances food security,

improves the status of rural communities, and improves the national economy. Local

governments have recently placed a great deal of emphasis on smallholder irrigation to help

farmers grow crops twice a year or more. According to Bacha et al, irrigators had significantly

higher land productivity, asset ownership, credit utilization, resistance to poverty, mean off-farm

income, mean food consumption, and expenditure on both food and non-food property than non-

irrigators. Among the most significant issues of Ethiopia government are the eradication of

poverty and the security of food. Therefore, government funds, donor programs, and non-

governmental organizations (NGOs) have been employed to develop irrigation. Irrigation does,

however, contribute a small amount to the national economy—roughly 3% of GDP—when

compared to its potential and rain-fed crops. Furthermore, due to several uncertainties, Ethiopia's

current irrigation development is not considerable in comparison to its irrigation potential.

(Kassie, 2020).

2.4 Assessments of Irrigation Potential and Evaluation Criteria

2.4.1 Soil
Soil is a significant factor to work out the suitability of land for sustainable surface irrigation and

agriculture. The kind of soil can affect productivity, irrigation practices, and irrigation

development. Soil suitability for irrigation is often determined by analyzing its physical

properties. Soil fertility, moisture content, depth, and drainage all affect how suitable a soil is for

irrigation and agricultural use. Physical soil characteristics, such as soil type, soil drainage, soil

depth, and texture classes, are regarded as the main soil elements for this study.(Wubalem, 2023)

Generally speaking, soil is defined as the fine earth that covers land surfaces as a result of

mineral stuff that has been carried by water, wind, or ice or as a result of rock materials

deteriorating in place. It is also an essential component of the natural world. Since the beginning

of human history, the ability to manage the soil for human advantage has grown, and with it, so

too has human society. By changing the balance between the soil and its natural environment,

this development has been made.(Nortcliff et al., 2007)Soil is the unconsolidated outer layer of

the Earth’s crust. It appears in a variety of forms (different textures, colour, structure and nutrient

content) and depending on a number of factors.(Baxter et al., n.d.)

2.4.2 Slope
Slope, which is typically given as a percentage, is the inclination or gradient of a surface. Due to

its impact on runoff, drainage, erosion, and the selection of irrigation methods, it is crucial for

both the development and management of soil. The choice of irrigation techniques is

significantly influenced by the land's grade of slope. Slopes lower than 2% are excellent

candidates for surface irrigation, as per FAO standard 14 recommendations for evaluating slope

gradient. However, slopes higher than 8% are usually not advised for surface irrigation.(FAO,


2.4.3 Land
Land referred to as the terrestrial bio-productive system, which includes soil, vegetation, other

biota, and the ecological and hydrological processes that function within it. According to another

definition, land is any definable portion of the Earth's surface that is immediately above or below

the surface, including the near-surface climate, the soil and terrain forms, the surface hydrology

(including shallow lakes, rivers, marshes, and swamps), the near-surface sedimentary layers and

the groundwater reserve that are associated with them, the populations of plants and animals

(biodiversity), the pattern of human settlement, and the tangible effects of both past and present

human activity (terracing, water storage or drainage structures, roads, buildings, etc.).(Sommer et

al., 2018).

In this sense, definitions of land cover or land use serve as a foundation for precisely and

systematically assessing the fiscal sustainability of different potential irrigation sites. In order to

assess land suitability for irrigation with land suitability classes, it is necessary to match the

topography, soil properties, and current land cover/use. This presents potential lands for future

agricultural output.

2.4.4 Water availability

According to (Albaji et al., 2015) In the near future, the water resources that are currently

accessible will not be able to meet the varied needs, which will undoubtedly lead to the search

for newer lands for irrigation in order to attain sustainable global food security. Whether there

will be enough freshwater to meet the expanding demands of both agricultural and non-

agricultural users is a crucial topic(Alexandratos Jelle, 2012) In reality, where rainfall is

insufficient to meet crop demand across a large portion of the world, water has always been the

primary constraint restricting crop productivity.(Steduto et al., 2012). Therefore, consideration of

water limitations should be given when evaluating irrigation potential. Ensuring that there is an

adequate supply of irrigation water is crucial. A portion of the scheme's investment will sit idle,

agricultural output will suffer, returns will decrease, and there will be a shortage of water for part

of the irrigation season. (FAO, 2001).Therefore, (Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of

the United Nations, 1985) states that the quantity and seasonality of the water supply are crucial

factors in determining whether or not a piece of land is suitable for irrigation. Determining the

precise places to which water can be economically transported and quantifying the amount of

water available for irrigation are crucial in making the decision to increase its use. In order to

enable gravity-based irrigation of the entire field, it is desirable that the water supply be situated

above the command area. In order to reduce the size of the delivery channels and pipes, it is also

preferable for the water source to be close to the center of the irrigated area.

2.5 GIS as a Tool for Irrigation Potential Assessment
2.5.1 Mapping
Mapping is the fundamental application of GIS where things are editing tasks as well as for a

map based query and analysis. It is the most common view for a user to work with geographic

information system. It represents geographic information as a collection of layers and other

elements in a map view. Common map elements include the data frame, scale bar, north arrow,

title, descriptive text, and a symbol legend (Kebede, 2010)

A map is a symbolic representation that highlights the connections between various space

elements, including themes, locations, and objects. While some maps are dynamic or interactive,

many others are static, glued to paper or another sturdy media. Maps can illustrate any space,

actual or imaginary, without taking context or scale into consideration, even though they are

most frequently employed to show geography. The region that is being mapped can be two

dimensional, like the earth's surface, three dimensional, like the earth's interior, or even more

abstract, of any dimension, like what happens when modeling phenomena with a lot of

independent variables(Iverson & Dervan, n.d.). Mapping is the main application of GIS where

things are editing tasks as well as for a map based query and analysis

2.5.2 Spatial analysis

The process of using overlay and other analytical approaches to look at the positions,

characteristics, and relationships of features in geographic data in order to answer a question or

learn something new. From spatial data, new information is generated or extracted through

spatial analysis. Use satellites and monitoring stations to keep a watch on the conditions of

Earth's systems, including water, pollution, ecosystems, urban development, etc(Roy, 2016). You

can use spatial analysis to work with a GIS to find patterns, support decisions, and get answers to

queries. Since it encompasses all of the techniques, adjustments, and procedures that can be used

to transform geographic data into meaningful information, spatial analysis is, in many respects,

the essence of a geographic information system.

Spatial analysis techniques can range from extremely complex to extremely basic. This course

will adopt an approach that views spatial analysis as existing on a continuum of complexity,

from the most basic types that arise very quickly and intuitively when the eye and brain look at a

map to the more complex types that call for sophisticated mathematical knowledge and complex

software.(Systems, 2001)

2.5.3 Neighborhood analysis

Neighborhood analysis refers to a set of technique that can be used examine spatial distribution

relationships between datasets. It is often used by geographers to determine the relationship

between distance from a feature (river or social service) and one or more outcomes (behaviours

and events of river or social significance). Because these tools are designed to work specifically

with spatial data, they are particularly useful as part of studies that aim to determine the effects

of features and outcomes in relation to their physical location.(Card et al., n.d.)

2.5.4 Weighted overlay

Weighted overlay is a step in the spatial analysis process, which is dependent on how much

weight each subclass has on each theme map. A new map was created by using a weighted

overlay to integrate all factor layer maps into fresh information, producing a unique value for

each pixel. Weighted overlay analysis employs an evaluation scale that goes from the least

suitable factor to the most suitable factor in order to prioritize the influence of these factor

values. In order to identify eligible land for irrigation, weighted overlay only accepts integer

raster as input, such as a raster of land cover, soil types, slope, and Euclidean distance output (the

straight line from the center of the source cell to the center of each surrounding cell). Applying a

same measurement scale of values to many and distinct inputs to produce an integrated analysis

is known as weighted overlay. Geographic difficulties frequently call for the use of GIS to

analyze a wide range of variables. For example, determining the best location for irrigation

necessitates weighing variables including soil, slope, land cover, and distance from water.(Yang ,


2.6 Remote Sensing and Applications

2.6.1 DEM
The digital representation of the land surface elevation with respect to any reference datum is

called a digital elevation model, or DEM. Any digital depiction of a topographic surface is often

referred to as a DEM.The most basic type of digital topography representation is called a

DEM.DEMs are used to calculate aspect, slope, and elevation at any given place in the

landscape. The DEMs can also be used to identify terrain features such as channel networks and

drainage basins.(Report, 2017). DEMs are employed in many development domains and are a

fundamental component of any modeling or process quantification incorporating the topography

of the earth. Since the earth's surface controls water flow, for example, precise elevation or

topographical information—typically represented as elevation map layers—is essential to the

management of water resources.(Goodrich & Woolhiser, 1990)

2.6.2Land use/ cover classification

Classifying land use and land cover involves mapping and classifying various land use and land

cover types in a given geographic area. The way the land is used and the kinds of natural or

artificial elements that exist in a certain area are both greatly informed by this

classification.Classifying land according to its intended use usually entails dividing it up into

groups, such as urban areas, forests, wetlands, water bodies, agricultural land, and barren terrain.

In contrast, the categorization of land cover concentrates on the physical characteristics of the

land surface, including flora, soil, water, and man-made structures.To categorize land use and

cover, remote sensing technologies—such as satellite imaging and aerial photography—are

frequently employed. These technologies offer a way to remotely gather comprehensive data

about the surface of the Earth. After that, this data is processed and analyzed using Geographic

Information Systems (GIS) to produce intricate maps of land cover and use.(Aksoy et al., 2013)

The resulting maps of land cover and use classification are useful for many purposes, such as

identifying good locations for agriculture, urban planning, natural resource management,

irrigation, environmental monitoring, and disaster relief. They offer crucial data for land

management and environmental conservation decision-making processes.(LaGro, 2004)


3.1 Description of Study Area
3.1.1 Location
Shashemene is found in Oromia Regional State, West Arsi Zone, and located 250 km south of

the capital Addis Ababa, and 25 km north of Hawassa. Has an elevation of 2,028 metres.

Shashamene Zuria is situated nearby to the localities Kuyera Dedeba and Melka Oda. The area

lies within the Rift Valley. Latitude 7.25° or 7° 15' north and Longitude 38.6667° or 38° 40' 0"


3.1.2 Population

The national (2007) national census reported a total population for Shashemane zuria is 351,898

from them49.6 %( 174,711) are men and 50.4 %( 177,187) are women.

Source: Ethiopian Statistics Service (web).

3.1.3 Climate

The agro climatic zone of the study area ranges from weina dega to dega which characterize

most of the Ethiopian high lands. The rainfall distribution is bimodal having two rainy seasons

per year which means maximum rainfall from first June to the end of August and minimum
rainfall from the beginning of March to the end of May. The mean annual rainfall recorded by

GTZ for 3 years (1999-2001) was 1299.5mm and for the mean annual temperature were 16.75º c

It receives an annual rainfall of 700–950 mm, and has an annual temperature range of 12 – 27ºC.

(Teshome et al., 1999)

3.1.4 Land use

Major crops grown around Shashemene area are cereals such as teff, barley, wheat, maize,

sorghum, and root crops like potato and sweet potato and vegetables such as cabbage, spinach

and onion as cash crops. Annual crops are predominant and rain-fed agriculture is mainly

practiced using draught power(Teshome et al., 1999)

3.1.5 Soil type

Shashamane district, even though about nine soil types observed in the district, it is mainly

dominated by Vitric Andosols, Eutric Vertisols, Mollic Andosols, Haplic Luvisols , Haplic

Luvisols and Lithic Leptosols which account about 29.06%, 20.81%, 18.55%, 16.55% ,7.67%

and 5.67% of the area respectively(Zone & Hunduma, n.d.)

3.2 Material and methods

3.2.1 Research design
This study aims to make a land suitability for surface irrigation map of Shashemane zuria, to

identify suitable areas for surface irrigation by analysis of different factors, to identify key

factors that influence the suitable site for surface irrigation by using different spatial data from

different secondary sources, then the data preparation for analysis after that, analysis by

proximity, weighted overlay, and other analysis for each data by varieties of criteria, then find

suitable areas for surface irrigation, and finally advise society to use which area is suitable for

surface irrigation and which area is not suitable for irrigation for effective agriculture.

3.2. Materials to be used

 Computer
 Pens and papers
 Flash disk
 ARCGIS software
 QGIS software

3.2.3 Data collection

Data collection and evaluation are the first steps in land suitability analysis for surface irrigation.

Primary and secondary data is most essential to appropriate suitable site for surface irrigation,

but this study will focus on secondary data because of GIS and remote sensing technology for

data collection the soil Isric website, slope data extracted from DEM, land use land cover data

from usgs and river data from also from DEM.

3.3 Data analysis

The necessary information will be collected from multiple sources, and the potential suitability

of the area for surface irrigation will be determined using the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Toolbox's

Weighted Overlay tool, which is based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)

methodology. The major factors were developed and weighted to determine land

suitability(Ceballos-Silva & López-Blanco, 2003). The key irrigation suitability criteria

addressed during this study were slope, altitude, soil texture, soil drainage, soil depth, available

water storage capacity, land use/land cover, and distance from water sources(Nasir et al., 2019).

Finally, using the Weighted Overlay tool of the Spatial Analyst Toolbox in the ArcGIS

software then the reclassified and weighted factor maps are overlaid, and the final irrigation

suitability map is generated.

Data sources



Slope Drainage Texture Depth
order LULC



Weighted overlay

Land suitability site

4 Expected output
Identification of Suitable Areas: A clear delineation of areas within Shashemane Zuria that are

highly suitable, moderately suitable, marginally suitable, and not suitable for surface irrigation

based on factors such as soil type, slope, drainage, and proximity to water sources (river).

Detailed maps production of detailed maps showing the spatial distribution of land suitability for

surface irrigation, providing a visual representation of the suitability of different areas within

Shashemane Zuria.

Overall, the expected outcome is to provide decision-makers, planners, and stakeholders with

actionable insights into the suitability of land for surface irrigation in Shashemane Zuria,

supporting sustainable agricultural development and improved food security in the region.

5 Budget and time table

5.1 Work plan table
A sequence action in the month from when I selected this proposal title and if this proposal title

will be accepted up to the report of final research

No activity Dec Jan Feb March April May June

1 Title selection 

2 Proposal writing 

3 First draft proposal writing 

4 Second draft proposal writing 

5 Final proposal writing 

6 Submit the final proposal 

7 Presenting proposal 

8 Download data 

9 Organize the downloaded data 

10 Analyze the organized data  

11 Final research submission 

5.2 Budget time table

The cost budget shows the total cost or an expense that is going to be full filled for the purpose

of materials and different activities.

No Materials and activates Estimated cost(birr)

1 personnal 1000
2 Field area check 500
3 Stakeholder engagement 1500
4 Reporting and presentation 300

5 Transportation 400
6 Pen and papers 200

7 Contingency and Miscellaneous 900

8 Total 4800

6 Reference
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