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Proposed research question

● What is your proposed research question?

o What are the language dynamics within refugee settings, and how do they
contribute to a sense of patriotism among Ukrainian refugees in the
Western part of the country?

to what extent language dynamics within refugee settings in the Western part of Ukraine
contribute to a sense of their patriotism
What are the symbolic meanings behind the specific language uses among Ukrainian
refugees in the Western part of the country?

● Outline secondary questions that will need to be addressed in order to answer

your research question
o How do language dynamics influence social interactions and integration
within refugee communities and the host population?
o Are there examples of language shift or language loss among Ukrainian
refugees, and what implications does this have for their sense of
o How do language choices and linguistic practices contribute to a sense of
patriotism/national identity among Ukrainian refugees?
o What range of age are speaking Russian language?

Methodological issues
● Which two methods of research do you intend to use?
o Semi-interviews with refugees (who started to learn Ukrainian and use it
daily and the opposite, who still is using the language of the attacker.
o Participant observation
● What justification do you have for your choice?
- In terms of conducting semi-interviews, I believe it would give me a better
understanding of the refugees on another level and create a better
comprehension of their difficulties.
- While doing participant observation, I can be more careful and attentive to the
surroundings and environment I have lived in for 2 years since the beginning of
the war.

Practical and ethical considerations

● Are there any practical challenges to undertaking this research, and if so, how do
you intend to overcome them?
o There might be problems with finding enough people willing to share their
story as well as the topic of war is still very sensitive for almost everyone.
However, I would overcome this by warning people about the emotional
attachment of the questions. Also, I would try to make the questions easy
to understand and engage them to share their own experience as I know
that people from the occupied territories would love to be heard
● Are there any risks associated with undertaking this research?
o There is a risk of choosing the wrong person to talk to and observing
aggression in terms of language, Which is a debatable topic nowadays in
● What consideration have you given to potential ethical issues, and how will you
deal with them?
o Researcher Bias: one of the most vital ethical issues I might have, but I
know that precisely this IA would be a great chance for me to challenge
myself. During the interviews, I will not express my personal opinion on the
topic and implement active listening techniques so the person will feel
comfortable sharing
o Informed consent: As the consent and the purpose of the research should
be explained in my native language, it may provoke many questions about
the procedure.

Proposed research focus

● Identify an area of inquiry:
o Belonging / communication
● Identify the key or related concept(s) to be explored or the theory to frame the
o Cultural hegemony/communication/symbolism
● Identify the context/setting
o Ukraine during wartime, specifically in the Western part.
● How does your proposed research focus relate to existing literature?

Dra, no. 1/4 (2017): 233–63.


Proposed research sire

● Identify where you intend to undertake your research
o Western part of Ukraine- Truskavets, Lviv
● Outline the rationale for this choice
o I was very interested in the topic of the language even before the full-scale
invasion as I believe it is a valid symbol of culture and can be a marker of
identity for us. Also, after working with refugees while in Ukraine, I
observed how differently we perceive each other as people from one
country but with a massive gap between them in terms of culture and the
feeling of belonging, so I became curious if іthe language is one of the
reasons for it. In addition, I observed a lot of discrimination from both sides
just by standing in line for coffee, so participant observation was part of my
life. Now I want to make it a real research as the whole time we don’t even
realize how many question we can answer of at least explore by just paying
attention to the environment we are.
how I am going to know that the person is refugee?

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