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Part 2: When and where do you use a computer?

eg: I normally study online on a computer at home from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the
evening, I use my laptop to entertain myself by watching movies and listening
to music.
ans: My major is Marketing so my future occupation requires me to use a
computer every day to market social projects and seeds for my company. I
usually use my laptop to study online with my lectures at home, chat with my
friends in the evening and entertain myself by putting my hair down after a long
day at school.

Part 3:
Q1: My grandmother doesn’t know how to use the computer. Your
eg: I think computers have many complicated functions. Therefore, you should
teach your grandmother basic computer skills, such as typing and accessing the
Internet. Additionally, you can help her sign up for a computer course for the
ans: Hi. It’s my pleasure to talk to you. In my point of view, I personally
suggest that you should instruct your grandmother on some basic skills and
functions on the computer such as typing, accessing the net, watching comedies
on Youtube, etc.

Q2: The last time you used your computer. Your purpose.
eg: The last time I used my laptop was yesterday. I have compiled materials to
prepare for the upcoming exam. After finishing the assignment, I used it to
watch a movie and listen to music.

ans: Hi. Nice to talk to you. My recent time using my laptop was 3 hours ago.
Me and my teammates were required to make a presentation for the final exam.
I checked some materials on the e-learning website of my university and
listened to some favourite tunes on YouTube while studying.

Q3: Nowadays people use computers a lot. This is not good. Your opinion.
eg1: It is true that computers are widely used in every aspect of people’s lives,
such as work, study, and entertainment but humans seem to be overly dependent
on them. They gradually lose their creative potential and become less active.

eg 2: Computers are used by children for online studying and amusement.

However, children should not spend much time on the computer because it can
lead to health issues such as game addiction and nearsightedness. Therefore, I
think that children should only use computers under adult supervision.

ans: Hi. Nice to talk to you. Technology is developing every day, especially
computers. Due to your using purpose, it will cause some pros and cons. Using
a laptop for online studying and entertainment allows you to enhance your
knowledge. Children often use computers to learn English or seek information.
However, children should manage time on their laptops because it may lead to
health issues such as heart disease, myopia, etc. Therefore, parents should
protect their children from computer addiction.

Part 4: The club has a plan to adjust our website in order to attract more
members. Your feelings and suggestions
eg: Hi Luo,
How are you? I hope you’re fine. I told you about the food club I participated
in, didn’t I? The club has a plan to adjust the website in order to attract more
members. This is a great plan and I'm looking forward to it. I think the club
should hire a web programmer to do that. What do you think? Write back

ans: Hi Man,
What are things up to you? I hope everything goes well with you. Have you
heard the notice from our club that they are planning to make an innovation for
the club’s website to access more users who will be our future members? I
cannot tell you how excited and delighted I am about this news because I have
been looking forward to it for a long time. I strongly advocate that we hire a
web programmer to support us in changing the web’s structures. What do you
think? Tell me if you have any suggestions.
Don’t forget to drop me a line soon!
All the best,

ans: Dear Miss Cactus,
My name is Bien Hoang Hai Yen and I have been a member of the computer
club since 2022. I am writing this email to express my feelings and my
suggestions regarding the upcoming plan of the club.
According to the email I have received, the club tends to carry out an innovation
for the club website in order to engage many future potential members. Truth be
told, I cannot tell you how overjoyed I am about this news. This will be a big
turning point for our club to restructure the web which will be suitable for Gen
From my perspective, the club should hire a web programmer to support us in
changing the new web version. Moreover, the content should use some trendy
sayings to appeal to users, especially the young, who access our web by
advertising mode. Images and illustrations are used in many posts on the
website. Besides, we can upgrade our web by conducting a survey to analyze
insights of our potential members.
Hopefully, my suggestions would be helpful to you. I am looking forward to
receiving your response as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Bien Hoang Hai Yen

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