CC02 Group 1 Vision and Mission Analysis

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Class: CC02 Group 01

Mr. Lại Văn Tài


Nguyễn Quốc Bảo 2152422

Nguyễn Phương Nhi 2152839

Nguyễn Lê Anh Thư 2153019

Lê Ngọc Minh Thư 2152304

Ho Chi Minh City – 2024


I. Introduction.................................................................................................... 2
II. Nike’s Mission and Vision............................................................................ 3
1. Mission....................................................................................................... 3
2. Vision..........................................................................................................5
3. Outstanding activities associated with Nike's Mission and Vision............ 6
3.1. Find Your Greatness.......................................................................... 6
3.2. Unlimited You....................................................................................7
3.3. Nike By You (NikeiD).......................................................................8
3.4. Nike's Mission Statement History..................................................... 8
III. Comparison mission statement: Nike vs Adidas.................................... 10
IV. Recommendations......................................................................................13
V. Conclusion....................................................................................................16

I. Introduction

In the field of footwear and athletic apparel, few companies have as

much influence and recognition as Nike Inc. From its founding in 1964 as a
modest Japanese distributor of running shoes to its current position as a global
leader in sports apparel, Nike has carved a niche unique in the industry,
combining innovation, style and performance to create products that resonate
with athletes and consumers around the world.

At the heart of Nike's success is its diverse and innovative product

portfolio, spanning multiple categories and sports. From the iconic Air Jordan
basketball shoes to the cutting-edge Nike Flyknit running sneakers, the
company's commitment to performance and style is evident in every product it
produces. In addition to its core sports products, Nike also ventures into
lifestyle and streetwear, collaborating with designers, artists and cultural icons
to create limited edition collections that blur the lines between sports and

With a presence in more than 190 countries and territories, Nike's global
reach is unparalleled in the sportswear industry. The company operates a vast
network of retail stores, online platforms and strategic partnerships, allowing it
to connect with consumers on a truly global scale. In fiscal 2023, Nike reported
revenue of more than $51 billion, affirming its position as one of the largest
and most valuable sports apparel brands in the world.

At its core, Nike is a company driven by a single mission: to bring

inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. Founded by Bill
Bowerman, a track coach, and Phil Knight, a former middle-distance runner,
Nike initially operated under the name "Blue Ribbon Sports" before rebranding
in 1971. Since then, the company has grown exponentially, expanding its
products. In addition to shoes, there are also clothing, accessories and
equipment for many sports and activities.

What sets Nike apart from its competitors is not just their products but
their steadfast commitment to a higher purpose. At the heart of the company's
ethos is its purpose to "unite the world through sport to create a healthy planet,
vibrant communities and a level playing field for all". This ambitious purpose
goes beyond simply seeking profits; it speaks to Nike's belief in the
transformative power of sport to inspire positive change and promote
inclusivity. By leveraging its platform and resources, Nike aims to drive
meaningful impact in areas such as sustainability, social justice and community
engagement, leaving a lasting legacy. extends far beyond the field of sports.

In this assignment, we'll discuss deeper into Nike's mission and vision,
exploring how these guiding principles influence business operations, shape
corporate culture, and drive follow-through. Pursue excellence in everything
they do.

II. Nike’s Mission and Vision

1. Mission

Nike's mission statement, "to bring inspiration and innovation to every

athlete* in the world" reflects the company's values clearly and profoundly. It
highlights Nike's deep commitment to providing the highest-quality sporting
products and services while inspiring athletes around the world. Through this
mission statement, Nike hopes to establish itself as a pioneer in the sports and
fitness fields, providing motivation and new ideas to athletes regardless of age
and background.

Nike's mission to "bring inspiration" permeates their branding and

marketing efforts. As evidenced by their iconic "Just Do It" slogan, Nike
endeavors to motivate athletes to maximize their potential and push beyond
their comfort zones. Additionally, their promotion of well-known sports figures
allows Nike to catalyze the aspirations of ordinary individuals, especially
youth, go into sports and break outside their boundaries. Such role models
personify the narrative embodied in "Just Do It" that through tenacity and

perseverance, even lofty goals are within one's reach. Moreover, according to a
small survey on the Comparably website, 74% of Nike employees are
motivated by the company's mission, vision and core value and also think that
the company's mission is important while job searching. Ultimately, Nike has
effectively coalesced inspiration, empowerment, and self-actualization into
both their products and messaging.

Nike is continuously pioneering innovative advancements across their

product lines that enable athletes to improve their fitness performance and earn
accomplishments that it previously didn't even think possible. As stated in their
mission declaration - "to bring...innovation to every athlete in the world" - Nike
upholds this commitment by spearheading groundbreaking developments such
as assisting a runner in transcending the two-hour marathon barrier. To enable
this athletic record, Nike allocated substantial capital into research and design
to engineer the revolutionary Zoom Vaporfly Elite racing shoe. This highly
innovative footwear technology proved instrumental for Eliud Kipchoge of
Kenya achieving the first sub-two hour marathon completion at the 2019
INEOS 1:59 Challenge, demonstrating to the athletic community that
previously inconceivable records could be attained through Nike's leading-edge
sporting innovations.

The asterisk in Nike's mission statement redefines "athlete" to be more

inclusive. As stated by co-founder Bill Bowerman, "If you have a body, you are
an athlete." This captures Nike's belief that being an athlete applies to
everyone, not just professionals or talented sports stars. Accordingly, Nike
makes sports clothes, shoes, and gear meant for a wide range of people. The
company embraces the idea that all people have athletic potential. They provide
products for athletes of all abilities, fitness levels, body types and goals. With
their inclusive definition, Nike designs for the "athlete" in people everywhere,
not just elite competitors.

2. Vision

Nike’s vision to “do everything possible to expand human potential” is

about more than just making innovative sportswear - it focuses on empowering
athletes themselves to reach new performance heights, both physically and
mentally. This vision statement demonstrates Nike’s commitment to helping all
athletes achieve their maximum potential through leading modern sports
apparel. From amateur players to professional athletes, Nike leverages its
resources to supply cutting-edge designs to enable players to make more
progress every day. Hence, their mission statement centered on pushing
“human potential” reflects Nike’s broader goal - to equip customers across the
sporting spectrum to break their barriers through the company’s drive to keep
innovating. Nike aims beyond high-tech products to help unlock the untapped
athletic promise within people.

Nike is a people-focused company that aims to positively impact

communities it interacts with. Alongside business goals, Nike has corporate
social responsibility objectives to improve societies. Strategies include
programs promoting equality, diversity, and youth employment skills. Nike
partners with schools globally, providing scholarships to increase education
access. Additionally, environmental conservation is central to operations -
pursuing product sustainability through renewable materials and circular
production models. Significant investments in solar energy works towards
Nike’s renewable energy and emission reduction goals, targeting 100% clean
energy by 2025. Central to Nike’s identity is a mission of empowering people
and communities. This manifests through initiatives advancing equity, youth
development, education access, environmental sustainability and more. For
Nike, responsible and ethical growth accompanies commercial success. By
aligning social and environmental welfare alongside shareholder interests, Nike
strives for an all-around positive influence.

Nike has always committed to being excellent in every part of its

operations, from designing products to serving customers. They are always

pushing innovation further, making trendsetting items that do better than
industry averages and what buyers want. The level of detail and precision that
goes into every item they manufacture is second to none, ensuring customers
receive nothing, but the highest quality products. By regularly introducing new
technologies and designs, Nike strives to do better than typical expectations
and “expand human potential.” Their vision focuses on rising above standards
in any area – leading product design or providing exceptional service. This
dedication to being better than normal across all business facets has defined
Nike since it started. Therefore, Nike always tries to keep buyers happy
through great products and service stays central to Nike’s success.

Nike is devoted to empowering athletes of all abilities to maximize their

potential by delivering premier quality products and services. The company
recognizes varying athlete needs, embracing innovation to design tailored gear
meeting precise performance requirements. The ultimate goal is to make sure
every athlete has access to performance-driven footwear, apparel, and other
equipment that will give them a competitive advantage on the field or court.
Nike believes stretching athlete boundaries can unlock untapped potential. This
drives continual creation of optimizing technologies like Flyknit, Air Max
cushioning and more - engineered for elite performance and comfort. By
expanding access and pushing human limits, Nike furthers its mission of
enabling peak athlete achievement through purposeful, personalized product

3. Outstanding activities associated with Nike's Mission and Vision

3.1. Find Your Greatness

In 2012, Nike lost the London Summer Olympics sponsorship to

competitor Adidas. As the global athleticwear leader, Nike's marketing team
was tasked with reinventing branding to stay competitive. This sparked the
"Find Your Greatness" campaign - inspired by humanity's physical and spiritual
capacity for achievement, from athletic feats to acts of kindness and courage.

Nike used average teenagers instead of Olympians to connect better with
everyday people - they used ordinary people doing extraordinary things. More
than selling products, Nike sold an intangible feeling; that anyone, Olympians
or not, can strive for and attain greatness. The universal theme of inspiration
and empowerment proved an effective strategy for Nike to boost consumer
connections beyond transactional marketing. Fundamentally, the campaign
underscored how Nike recognizes inner human potential - harnessed through
their quality sporting products.

3.2. Unlimited You

Building upon messaging human potential, Nike launched the uplifting

“Unlimited You” video series in 2015. Featuring both renowned athletes and
everyday individuals alike, these cinematic short films spotlight people
transcending perceived physical and mental barriers to achieve exceptional
feats and firsts across sporting realms and beyond. For example, champion
runner Eliud Kipchoge stars in the series performing an awe-inspiring,
unprecedented marathon completed in under two hours. Yet Juliette Louvet
also takes the spotlight - an amateur runner inspiring viewers with her
emotional first-time completion of a half marathon. Through these inclusive
stories of determination, Nike amplifies their empowering belief that greatness
resides in everyone. Integral to showcasing unlimited potential, the
aesthetically stunning “Unlimited” platforms showcase Nike’s signature
footwear and apparel enabling these transcendent accomplishments. The brand
boldly declares “The only limit is you” while underscoring their role in igniting
self-belief through quality sporting gear designed to dismantle perceived
performance ceilings or societal constraints. Published through Nike digital
channels and social media, “Unlimited You” permeates mainstream culture
with inspiration - an intangible feeling at the heart of Nike branding. More than
product marketing, Nike sells the emotive notion that human potential is
waiting to be unlocked through the courage to push one’s limits. These
cinematic films vividly reflect Nike’s corporate identity as not just a

manufacturer but a cultural motivator helping athletes and non-athletes alike
pursue unlimited excellence.

3.3. Nike By You (NikeiD)

Nike pioneered mass sportswear customization by launching the NikeiD

platform in 2000, allowing customers to personally tailor shoe aesthetics online
to align with style and performance needs. This platform evolved into today’s
Nike By You - an omnichannel ecosystem blending digital creation with
in-store consultations for curated custom gear. Beyond basic online
modifications, Nike now hosts over 100 By You Creator Studios globally
where customers can book appointments to co-design customized footwear
shaped explicitly around individual requirements. Opened in 2018, Nike's new
flagship store in New York also offers a bespoke shoe design service where
customers can book an appointment with a consultant and have custom trainers
created on-site from ideation to materials to finalization. By individualizing
products through blending technological convenience and hands-on artisanship,
Nike removes barriers constraining human potential – delivering tailor-made
innovation that manifests self-expression.

3.4. Nike's Mission Statement History

Nike's mission statement has guided the company since it started. Over
the years, Nike has made small changes to the mission wording but kept the
main focus steady on inspiring athletes and pushing innovation globally. Even
as the mission statement was updated to match Nike's growth as a business and
society's values changing, the basic goals of driving human potential through
new product inventions stayed consistent over 50 years and expanded into
more countries. Though Nike adapted the wording when needed to connect
with different worldwide audiences, they kept building key brand ideals around
supplying high-quality products to help athletes challenge limits.

✓ Present (2024)

“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.”

Nike's current mission statement spotlights their pledge to motivate

athletes and use breakthroughs to serve their requirements. Their definition of
an "athlete" is very inclusive - covering individuals of all levels of ability and
in various sports and activities. Nike still focuses on creating state-of-the-art
products and services that empower athletes globally.

✓ The period from 2006 to 2017

“To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a
body, you are an athlete.”

In this strategic period, Nike expanded their mission statement by

including the powerful phrase, “If you have a body, you are an athlete”. This
phrasing codified Nike’s conceptualization of athletic potential as inherently
universal across age, background, and ability demographics. Though later
condensed in current missions, this spark continued expanding concepts of
athlete diversity reflected through modern marketing campaigns depicting
varied sports, races, genders, and more.

✓ Before 2006

“To experience the emotion of competition, winning, and crushing


In the early days, Nike's mission statement was more directly centered
on competition and success. The company looked to spark sports' emotional
side and stressed aiming to beat competitors. Though even then innovation and
inspiration were inbuilt mission goals, the focus on winning was clearer at the
start. As Nike was first gaining ground as a young shoe company, messaging
spoke plainly to hardcore players invested in on-field dominance. However,
rapid expansion into broader sporting realms and consumer segments saw
messaging embrace more universal appeals. Therefore, the messaging needs to
tone down fierce competition while retaining the emphasis on inspiration and

innovation, Nike transitioned its branding to resonate with all kinds of

Nike's original mission statement had an intense competitive focus on

"winning" and "crushing competitors" that strongly resonated with hardcore
athletes. This messaging aligned closely with Nike's beginnings as a niche
sports shoe company battling for market share. However, as Nike rapidly
expanded into mainstream sporting goods and wider consumer segments, such
intense competitor-centric rhetoric risked alienating wider audiences.
Therefore, Nike pivoted branding to embrace more inspirational and
aspirational themes that celebrated athletic empowerment for all activity levels.

The 2006 - 2017 edition of “To bring inspiration and innovation to every
athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete.” showed this
strategic repositioning towards inclusivity. By boldly redefining “athlete” as a
universal designation, Nike’s messaging established resonance across age,
background, and skill demographics. While later condensed, this seminal
statement reinforced accessibility and human potential as enduring core values
of branding.

With its current positioning, Nike’s commitment to “To bring inspiration

and innovation to every athlete* in the world.” proves a worthy successor for
continuing gradual evolution in values. The refined broadening of “athlete*”
beyond elite competitors aligns with modern societal expectations of
responsible brands embracing diversity. Overall, current missions capture two
constants steering Nike’s growth since its founding: the commitment to inspire
athletic participation, updated to empower all customers from amateur players
to professional athletes through innovative designs.

III. Comparison mission statement: Nike vs Adidas

We have thoroughly analyzed Nike's mission statement and vision

throughout the years, including the current one. Our analysis has allowed us to

witness the company's remarkable achievements in each era and how their
mission and vision played a vital role in their journey.

Moving forward, we will now delve into the biggest competitor of Nike
in the same market area, Adidas. In this comparison, we will be looking at
three critical aspects of their mission and vision - Key Market, Contribution,
and Distinction. This will provide us with a comprehensive understanding of
who their customers are, what they do, how each brand positions itself
strategically in the market, and how its mission and vision inspire people

Nike Adidas

“To bring inspiration and

Mission “To be the best sports brand in the
innovation to every athlete* in the
Statement world.”

To provide the best sportswear to a

To provide sportswear to a diverse
diverse range of consumers
range of customers, including
worldwide and cater to broader
Key market athletes, active individuals, and
customers beyond athletes.
fashion-conscious consumers
(especially targeted to soccer and its

Innovation, and high-performance

athletic footwear, apparel, and Innovative and sustainable athletic
equipment products that enhance footwear, apparel, and accessories
athletes' performance while enhance performance and comfort
pushing the boundaries of design that blend with lifestyle and fashion.
and functionality.

Futuristic, sleek designs with Sporty, lifestyle-oriented with
Distinction dynamic shapes and classic designs and retro-inspired
performance-driven features. details products.

Table 1. Key market, Contribution, and Distinction of Nike & Adidas.

Our analysis of Nike and Adidas's mission statements has enabled us to

gain a comprehensive understanding of their respective customers,
contributions, and distinctions. While both companies are leading brands in the
sports industry, each has its unique approach to the market. Whilst Nike
focuses on inspiring and innovating for athletes worldwide, Adidas aims to be
the best sports brand in the world while catering to a broader range of
customers. Both companies have made significant contributions to the industry
through innovative and sustainable products that enhance performance.
Ultimately, it is the distinction in their product designs and positioning that sets
them apart from each other.

In addition to comparing Nike and Adidas across three aspects, we can

broaden our understanding by examining how their respective mission
statements inspire people worldwide. By doing this, we can gain insights into
how these companies' values impact a generation's thoughts and actions.

Nike's mission statement encourages individuals globally to embrace

their inner athletes, strive for excellence, and pursue greatness in sports and in
life. With its emphasis on inclusivity, innovation, inspiration, and global reach,
Nike motivates people to engage in physical activity, adopt a growth mindset,
and leave their mark on the world.

On the other hand, Adidas' mission is to become the best sports brand
globally, inspiring people to aim high, expect the best, embrace competition,
and lead a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, Adidas aims to make a meaningful
impact on a global scale by encouraging people to embody the values of
sportsmanship, determination, and success.

IV. Recommendations

In navigating the evolving landscape of the athletic apparel industry,

Nike must strategically position itself to capitalize on emerging trends while
mitigating potential challenges. Here are several recommendations for Nike to

1. Adaptation to technological advancements:

Nike should prioritize investment in research and

development to stay at the forefront of
technological innovations. Embracing
advancements such as wearable technology, smart
fabrics, and 3D printing can enhance product
offerings and consumer experiences. Contrary to the
notion that technological investments may incur high costs, strategic
allocation of resources towards innovation can yield long-term competitive
advantages, driving revenue growth and brand loyalty.

2. Expansion of sustainability initiatives:

While there may be concerns about the initial costs associated with
sustainability initiatives, Nike should recognize the long-term benefits of
prioritizing environmental stewardship. By implementing sustainable
practices throughout its supply chain, Nike can reduce operational costs,
mitigate risks associated with resource scarcity and regulatory compliance,
and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Moreover, as
sustainability continues to gain traction globally, failure to prioritize

environmental responsibility may result in reputational damage and loss of
market share.

3. Emphasis on inclusivity and diversity:

Contrary to potential skepticism surrounding the efficacy of inclusive

marketing strategies, Nike should recognize the tangible benefits of
embracing diversity. By authentically representing diverse voices in its
marketing campaigns and product offerings, Nike can cultivate a stronger
emotional connection with a broad spectrum of consumers. Moreover,
fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace can drive innovation, creativity,
and employee satisfaction, ultimately contributing to enhanced brand
reputation and financial performance.

4. Strategic partnerships and collaborations:

Despite apprehensions about the complexities of forging partnerships, Nike

should leverage strategic collaborations to amplify its impact and extend its
reach. By partnering with complementary brands, influencers, and
organizations, Nike can access new markets, tap into niche consumer
segments, and drive innovation. Additionally, collaborative initiatives can
provide cost-effective opportunities for market expansion and brand
differentiation, outweighing any perceived risks associated with partnership

5. Investment in consumer engagement and community building:

While there may be skepticism about the ROI of community engagement
initiatives, Nike should recognize the invaluable benefits of fostering a loyal
and engaged customer base. By investing in experiential marketing, social
media engagement, and community events, Nike can cultivate a tribe of
brand advocates who champion its products and values. Furthermore,
building strong relationships with consumers can provide invaluable insights
for product development and marketing strategies, facilitating continuous
innovation and market relevance.

Furthermore, maybe in the next five-year period, Nike will have a new
Vision - Mission pair adapting all the customers’ insights.

- Vision: to cultivate a diverse and inclusive community that transcends


- Mission: champion diversity, equality, and inclusion in every facet of

our business, from product design to marketing, fostering a global
culture of acceptance and belonging.

- Vision: to forge strategic partnerships that amplify our impact and

extend our reach.

- Mission: collaborate with like-minded brands, influencers, and

organizations to push boundaries, spark creativity, and drive positive
change in the athletic apparel industry and beyond.

In conclusion, while there may be valid concerns and opposing

viewpoints regarding the implementation of these recommendations, Nike must
adopt a forward-thinking approach to navigate the complexities of the athletic
apparel industry. By embracing innovation, sustainability, inclusivity, strategic

partnerships, and consumer engagement, Nike can solidify its position as a
global leader and drive sustainable growth in the years to come.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, the in-depth analysis of Nike's mission and vision

statements provides a comprehensive understanding of the company's core
values and strategic direction. Nike's mission to bring inspiration and
innovation to every athlete, regardless of background or ability, underscores its
commitment to empowering individuals to reach their full potential through
sports and fitness. The evolution of Nike's mission over the years, from a focus
on competition to a more inclusive definition of athleticism, reflects the
company's adaptability and responsiveness to changing societal expectations.

Furthermore, Nike's vision to expand human potential through

cutting-edge sportswear and a focus on empowering athletes at all levels
highlights its dedication to pushing boundaries and fostering personal growth.
By leveraging its brand ideals and high-quality products, Nike continues to
inspire athletes globally and drive positive change in communities through

Overall, Nike's mission and vision statements serve as guiding principles

that shape the company's culture, innovation, and impact on society. As Nike
remains at the forefront of the athletic apparel industry, its unwavering
commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and empowerment positions it as a
leader in driving athletic achievement and inspiring individuals to strive for


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