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u-blox M8 concurrent GNSS modules

Hardware Integration Manual

This document describes the features and specifications of the cost
effective and high-performance NEO-M8 modules, which feature
the u-blox M8 concurrent GNSS engine with reception of GPS,
GLONASS, BeiDou and QZSS signals.

UBX-13003557 - R08
NEO-M8 - Hardware Integration Manual

Document Information
Title NEO-M8
Subtitle u-blox M8 concurrent GNSS modules
Document type Hardware Integration Manual
Document number UBX-13003557
Revision and Date R08 21-Oct-2015
Document status Production Information

Document status explanation

Objective Specification Document contains target values. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
Advance Information Document contains data based on early testing. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
Early Production Information Document contains data from product verification. Revised and supplementary data may be published later.
Production Information Document contains the final product specification.

This document applies to the following products:

Product name Type number ROM/FLASH version PCN reference
NEO-M8N NEO-M8N-0-01 ROM 2.01 / FLASH FW2.01 N/A
NEO-M8Q NEO-M8Q-0-01 ROM 2.01 UBX-15015253
NEO-M8M NEO-M8M-0-01 ROM 2.01 UBX-15015253
NEO-M8T NEO-M8T-0-01 ROM 2.01 / FLASH FW 2.30 TIMRAW 1.02 UBX-15012993

u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Products, names, logos and designs described herein
may in whole or in part be subject to intellectual property rights. Reproduction, use, modification or disclosure to third parties of this
document or any part thereof without the express permission of u-blox is strictly prohibited.
The information contained herein is provided “as is” and u-blox assumes no liability for the use of the information. No warranty, either
express or implied, is given, including but not limited, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particular
purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time. For most recent documents, visit
Copyright © 2015, u-blox AG.
u-blox® is a registered trademark of u-blox Holding AG in the EU and other countries. ARM® is the registered trademark of ARM Limited in
the EU and other countries.

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NEO-M8 - Hardware Integration Manual

Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 3

1 Hardware description ............................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Connecting power ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.1 VCC: Main supply voltage ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 V_BCKP: Backup supply voltage .................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.3 VDD_USB: USB interface power supply ......................................................................................................... 5
1.3.4 VCC_RF: Output voltage RF .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Interfaces.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4.1 UART ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.2 USB .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4.3 Display Data Channel (DDC).......................................................................................................................... 6
1.4.4 SPI ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4.5 TX Ready signal ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 I/O pins................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Electromagnetic interference on I/O lines .......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

2 Design...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Pin description ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Minimal design ................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Layout: Footprint and paste mask ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Antenna ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.4.1 Antenna design with passive antenna ......................................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Active antenna design................................................................................................................................. 12

3 Migration to u-blox M8 modules ......................................................................................... 13

3.1 Migrating u-blox 7 designs to a u-blox M8 module ............................................................................................. 13
3.2 Hardware migration NEO-6 -> NEO-M8 .............................................................................................................. 13
3.3 Software migration ............................................................................................................................................. 14

4 Product handling................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Packaging, shipping, storage and moisture preconditioning ................................................................................ 15
4.2 Soldering ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.3 EOS/ESD/EMI precautions .................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Applications with cellular modules ...................................................................................................................... 20

Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Recommended parts ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
A.1 Design-in recommendations in combination with cellular operation..................................................................... 24

Related documents...................................................................................................................... 25

Revision history ........................................................................................................................... 25

Contact......................................................................................................................................... 26

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NEO-M8 - Hardware Integration Manual

1 Hardware description
1.1 Overview
u-blox M8 modules are standalone GNSS positioning modules featuring the high performance u-blox M8
positioning engine. Available in industry standard form factors in leadless chip carrier (LCC) packages, they are
easy to integrate and combine exceptional positioning performance with highly flexible power, design, and
connectivity options. SMT pads allow fully automated assembly with standard pick & place and reflow-soldering
equipment for cost-efficient, high-volume production enabling short time-to-market.
For product features see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9].
To determine which u-blox product best meets your needs, see the product selector tables on the u-blox

1.2 Configuration
The configuration settings can be modified using UBX protocol configuration messages, see the u-blox M8
Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [2]. The modified settings remain effective until power-
down or reset. If these settings have been stored in BBR (Battery Backed RAM), then the modified configuration
will be retained, as long as the backup battery supply is not interrupted.
For NEO-M8N module, configuration can be saved permanently in SQI flash.

1.3 Connecting power

u-blox M8 positioning modules have up to three power supply pins: VCC, V_BCKP and VDD_USB.

1.3.1 VCC: Main supply voltage

The VCC pin provides the main supply voltage. During operation, the current drawn by the module can vary by
some orders of magnitude, especially if enabling low-power operation modes. For this reason, it is important
that the supply circuitry be able to support the peak power for a short time (see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and
the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9] for specification).
When switching from backup mode to normal operation or at start-up, u-blox M8 modules must charge
the internal capacitors in the core domain. In certain situations, this can result in a significant current
draw. For low power applications using Power Save and backup modes it is important that the power
supply or low ESR capacitors at the module input can deliver this current/charge.
Use a proper GND concept. Do not use any resistors or coils in the power line.

1.3.2 V_BCKP: Backup supply voltage

If the module supply has a power failure, the V_BCKP pin supplies the real-time clock (RTC) and battery backed
RAM (BBR). Use of valid time and the GNSS orbit data at start up will improve the GNSS performance, as with
hot starts, warm starts, AssistNow Autonomous and AssistNow Offline. If no backup battery is connected, the
module performs a cold start at power up.
Avoid high resistance on the V_BCKP line: During the switch from main supply to backup supply, a
short current adjustment peak can cause high voltage drop on the pin with possible malfunctions.
If no backup supply voltage is available, connect the V_BCKP pin to VCC.
As long as power is supplied to the NEO-M8 module through the VCC pin, the backup battery is
disconnected from the RTC and the BBR to avoid unnecessary battery drain (see Figure 1). In this case,
VCC supplies power to the RTC and BBR.

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Figure 1: Backup battery and voltage (for exact pin orientation, see data sheet)

1.3.3 VDD_USB: USB interface power supply

VDD_USB supplies the USB interface. If the USB interface is not used, the VDD_USB pin must be connected to
GND. For more information about correctly handling the VDD_USB pin, see section 1.4

1.3.4 VCC_RF: Output voltage RF

The VCC_RF pin can supply an active antenna or external LNA. For more information, see section 2.4

1.4 Interfaces
1.4.1 UART
NEO-M8 positioning modules include a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) serial interface
RxD/TxD supporting configurable baud rates. The baud rates supported are specified in see the NEO-M8 Data
Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9].
The signal output and input levels are 0 V to VCC. An interface based on RS232 standard levels (+/- 12 V) can be
implemented using level shifters such as Maxim MAX3232. Hardware handshake signals and synchronous
operation are not supported.

1.4.2 USB
A USB version 2.0 FS (Full Speed, 12 Mb/s) compatible interface is available for communication as an alternative
to the UART. The USB_DP integrates a pull-up resistor to signal a full-speed device to the host. The VDD_USB
pin supplies the USB interface.
u-blox provides Microsoft® certified USB drivers for Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems (also
Windows 8 compatible). These drivers are available at our website at

USB external components

The USB interface requires some external components to implement the physical characteristics required by the
USB 2.0 specification. These external components are shown in Figure 2 and listed in Table 1. To comply with
USB specifications, VBUS must be connected through an LDO (U1) to pin VDD_USB on the module.
In USB self-powered mode, the power supply (VCC) can be turned off and the digital block is not powered. In
this case, since VBUS is still available, the USB host would still receive the signal indicating that the device is
present and ready to communicate. This should be avoided by disabling the LDO (U1) using the enable signal
(EN) of the VCC-LDO or the output of a voltage supervisor. Depending on the characteristics of the LDO (U1) it is
recommended to add a pull-down resistor (R11) at its output to ensure VDD_USB is not floating if the LDO (U1)
is disabled or the USB cable is not connected i.e. VBUS is not supplied.
USB bus-powered mode is not supported.

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Figure 2: USB Interface

Name Component Function Comments

U1 LDO Regulates VBUS (4.4 …5.25 V) Almost no current requirement (~1 mA) if the GNSS receiver is operated as a
down to a voltage of 3.3 V. USB self-powered device.
C23, Capacitors Required according to the specification of LDO U1
D2 Protection Protect circuit from overvoltage Use low capacitance ESD protection such as ST Microelectronics USBLC6-2.
diodes / ESD when connecting.
R4, R5 Serial Establish a full-speed driver A value of 27 Ω is recommended.
termination impedance of 28…44 Ω
R11 Resistor 100 kΩ is recommended for USB self-powered setup.

Table 1: Summary of USB external components

1.4.3 Display Data Channel (DDC)

An I C compatible Display Data Channel (DDC) interface is available with u-blox M8 modules for serial
communication with an external host CPU. The interface only supports operation in slave mode (master mode is
not supported). The DDC protocol and electrical interface are fully compatible with the Fast-Mode of the I C
industry standard. DDC pins SDA and SCL have internal pull-up resistors.
For more information about the DDC implementation, see the u-blox M8 Receiver Description Including Protocol
Specification [2]. For bandwidth information, see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet
[9]. For timing, parameters consult the I C-bus specification [6].
The u-blox M8 DDC interface supports serial communication with u-blox cellular modules. See the
specification of the applicable cellular module to confirm compatibility.

1.4.4 SPI
An SPI interface is available for communication to a host CPU.
SPI is not available in the default configuration, because its pins are shared with the UART and DDC
interfaces. The SPI interface can be enabled by connecting D_SEL to ground. For speed and clock
frequency, see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9].

1.4.5 TX Ready signal

The TX Ready signal indicates that the receiver has data to transmit. A listener can wait on the TX Ready signal
instead of polling the DDC or SPI interfaces. The UBX-CFG-PRT message lets you configure the polarity and the
number of bytes in the buffer before the TX Ready signal goes active. The TX Ready signal can be mapped to
UART TXD (PIO 06). The TX Ready function is disabled by default.

The TX Ready functionality can be enabled and configured by AT commands sent to the u-blox cellular
module supporting the feature. For more information, see the GPS Implementation and Aiding Features
in u-blox wireless modules [7].

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1.5 I/O pins

RESET_N: Reset input
Driving RESET_N low activates a hardware reset of the system. Use this pin only to reset the module. Do not use
RESET_N to turn the module on and off, since the reset state increases power consumption. With u-blox M8
RESET_N is an input only.

EXTINT: External interrupt

EXTINT is an external interrupt pin with fixed input voltage thresholds with respect to VCC (see the NEO-M8
Data Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9] for more information). It can be used for wake-up functions
in Power Save Mode on all u-blox M8 modules and for aiding. Leave open if unused, function is disabled by

If the SAFEBOOT_N pin is “low” at start up, the u-blox M8 module starts in Safe Boot Mode and doesn’t begin
GNSS operation. The Safe Boot Mode can be used to recover from situations where the Flash has become

D_SEL: Interface select

The D_SEL pin selects the available interfaces. SPI cannot be used simultaneously with UART/DDC.
If open, UART and DDC are available. If pulled low, the SPI interface is available. See the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1]
and the NEO LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9].

ANT_ON: Antenna ON (LNA enable)

In Power Save Mode, the system can turn on/off an optional external LNA using the ANT_ON signal in order to
optimize power consumption. A pull-down resistor (10 kOhm) is required to ensure correct operation in backup
mode of the ANT_ON signal.

A configurable time pulse signal is available with all u-blox M8 modules. By default, the time pulse signal is
configured to one pulse per second. For more information, see the u-blox M8 Receiver Description including
Protocol Specification [2]

On NEO-M8T TIMPULSE 2 are available
The TIMEPULSE 2 outputs generate pulse trains synchronized with GNSS or UTC time grid with intervals
configurable over a wide frequency range. Thus it may be used as a low frequency time synchronization pulse or
as a high frequency reference signal.
The TIMEPULSE 2 pin should not be held LO during start-up.
By default the primary time pulse signal is enabled and configured to 1 pulse per second. For more information
see the u-blox M8 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification [2].

Electromagnetic interference on I/O lines

Any I/O signal line with a length greater than approximately 3 mm can act as an antenna and may pick up
arbitrary RF signals transferring them as noise into the GNSS receiver. This specifically applies to unshielded lines,
in which the corresponding GND layer is remote or missing entirely, and lines close to the edges of the printed
circuit board.

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If, for example, a cellular signal radiates into an unshielded high-impedance line, it is possible to generate noise
in the order of volts and not only distort receiver operation but also damage it permanently.
On the other hand, noise generated at the I/O pins will emit from unshielded I/O lines. Receiver performance
may be degraded when this noise is coupled into the GNSS antenna (see Figure 14).
To avoid interference by improperly shielded lines, it is recommended to use resistors (e.g. R>20 Ω), ferrite beads
(e.g. BLM15HD102SN1) or inductors (e.g. LQG15HS47NJ02) on the I/O lines in series. These components should
be chosen with care because they will affect also the signal rise times.
Figure 3 shows an example of EMI protection measures on the RX/TX line using a ferrite bead. More information
can be found in section 4.3.





Figure 3: EMI Precautions

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2 Design
2.1 Pin description
Function PIN No I/O Description Remarks
Power VCC 23 Supply Voltage Provide clean and stable supply.
GND 10,12,13 Ground Assure a good GND connection to all GND pins of the module,
, 24 preferably with a large ground plane.
V_BCKP 22 Backup Supply It is recommended to connect a backup supply voltage to V_BCKP in
Voltage order to enable warm and hot start features on the positioning
modules. Otherwise, connect to VCC.
VDD_USB 7 USB Power To use the USB interface, connect this pin to 3.0 – 3.6 V.
Supply If no USB serial port used connect to GND.
Antenna RF_IN 11 I GNSS signal The connection to the antenna has to be routed on the PCB. Use a
input from controlled impedance of 50 Ω to connect RF_IN to the antenna or
antenna the antenna connector.
VCC_RF 9 O Output Voltage VCC_RF can be used to power an external active antenna.
RF section
UART TxD 20 O Serial Port/ SPI Communication interface,.
MISO Can be programmed as TX Ready for DDC interface.
If pin 2 low => SPI MISO.
RxD 21 I Serial Port / SPI Serial input. Internal pull-up resistor to VCC. Leave open if not used.
MOSI If pin 2 low => SPI MOSI.
USB USB_DM 5 I/O USB I/O line USB bidirectional communication pin. Leave open if unused.
USB_DP 6 I/O USB I/O line
System TIMEPULSE 3 O Timepulse 1 Configurable Timepulse 1 signal (one pulse per second by default).
1 Signal Leave open if not used.
SAFEBOOT_ 1 I/O Timepulse 2 Configurable Timepulse 2 signal (must not be held LO during start-
N / Signal up)
2 (NEO-M8T)
SAFEBOOT_ I Reserved For future service, updates and reconfiguration, leave OPEN
EXTINT0 4 I External External Interrupt Pin.
Interrupt 0 Internal pull-up resistor to VCC. Leave open if not used. Function is
disabled by default.
EXTINT1 15 I External External Interrupt Pin.
(NEO-M8T) Interrupt 0 Internal pull-up resistor to VCC. Leave open if not used. Function is
disabled by default.
- Reserved Leave open.
SDA 18 I/O DDC Data / SPI DDC Data
CS_N If pin 2 low => SPI chip select.
SCL 19 I DDC Clock / DDC Clock.
SPI If pin 2 low => SPI clock.
ANT_ON 14 O ANT_ON ANT_ON (antenna on) can be used to turn on and off an optional
external LNA.
RESET_N 8 I Reset input Reset input
D_SEL 2 I selects the Allow selecting UART/DDC or SPI
interface open-> UART/DDC; low->SPI
RESERVED 16,17 - Reserved Leave open.

Table 2: NEO-M8 Pinout

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2.2 Minimal design

This is a minimal design for a NEO-M8 GNSS receiver.

Figure 4: NEO-M8 passive antenna design

2.3 Layout: Footprint and paste mask

Figure 5 describes the footprint and provides recommendations for the paste mask for NEO-M8 LCC modules.
These are recommendations only and not specifications. Note that the copper and solder masks have the same
size and position.
To improve the wetting of the half vias, reduce the amount of solder paste under the module and increase the
volume outside of the module by defining the dimensions of the paste mask to form a T-shape (or equivalent)
extending beyond the copper mask. For the stencil thickness, see section 4.2.
Consider the paste mask outline when defining the minimal distance to the next component. The exact
geometry, distances, stencil thicknesses and solder paste volumes must be adapted to the specific
production processes (e.g. soldering) of the customer.
1.0 mm 0.8 mm
[39.3 mil] [31.5 mil]
[31.5 mil]
0.8 mm
[118.1 mil]
16.0 mm [630 mil]

3.0 mm

Stencil: 150 µm
[43.3 mil]
1.1 mm
[23.5 mil]

[31.5 mil]
0.6 mm

0.8 mm

[39.3 mil]
1.0 mm

10.4 mm [409.5 mil]

12.2 mm [480.3 mil]
12.2 mm [480 mil]

14.6 mm [575 mil]

Figure 5: NEO-M8 footprint / NEO-M8 paste mask

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2.4 Antenna
2.4.1 Antenna design with passive antenna
A design using a passive antenna requires more attention to the layout of the RF section. Typically, a passive
antenna is located near electronic components; therefore, care should be taken to reduce electrical noise that
may interfere with the antenna performance. Passive antennas do not require a DC bias voltage and can be
directly connected to the RF input pin RF_IN. Sometimes, they may also need a passive matching network to
match the impedance to 50 Ω.
Figure 6 shows a minimal setup for a design with a good GNSS patch antenna.

Figure 6: Module design with passive antenna (for exact pin orientation see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T
Data Sheet [9])

Use an antenna that has sufficient bandwidth to receive all GNSS constellations. See Appendix.

Figure 7 shows a design using an external LNA to increase the sensitivity for best performance with passive

Figure 7: Module design with passive antenna and an external LNA (for exact pin orientation see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1]
and the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9])

The ANT_ON pin (antenna on) can be used to turn on and off an optional external LNA.
The VCC_RF output can be used to supply the LNA with a filtered supply voltage.

A standard GNSS LNA has enough bandwidth to amplify GPS/GLONASS/BeiDou signals.

An external LNA is only required if the antenna is far away. In that case the LNA has to be placed close
to the passive antenna.

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2.4.2 Active antenna design

Active antennas have an integrated low-noise amplifier. Active antennas require a power supply that will
contribute to the total GNSS system power consumption budget with additional 5 to 20 mA typically.
If the supply voltage of the NEO-M8 receiver matches the supply voltage of the antenna (e.g. 3.0 V), use the
filtered supply voltage available at pin VCC_RF as shown in Figure 8.

Active antenna design using VCC_RF pin to supply the active antenna

Figure 8: Active antenna design, external supply from VCC_RF (for exact pin orientation see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the
NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9])

In case the VCC_RF voltage does not match with the supply voltage of the active antenna, use a filtered external
supply as shown in Figure 9.

Active antenna design powered from external supply

Figure 9: Active antenna design, direct external supply (for exact pin orientation see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the
NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9])

The circuit shown in Figure 9 works with all u-blox M8 modules, also with modules without VCC_RF

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3 Migration to u-blox M8 modules

3.1 Migrating u-blox 7 designs to a u-blox M8 module
u-blox is committed to ensuring that products in the same form factor are backwards compatible over several
technology generations. Utmost care has been taken to ensure there is no negative impact on function or
performance and to make u-blox M8 modules as fully compatible as possible with u-blox 7 modules. No
limitations of the standard features have resulted. If using BeiDou, check the bandwidth of the external RF
components and the antenna. For information about power consumption, see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1].
It is highly advisable that customers consider a design review with the u-blox support team to ensure the
compatibility of key functionalities.

3.2 Hardware migration NEO-6 -> NEO-M8

Pin Name Typical Pin Name Typical Assignment Remarks for Migration

1 Leave open. / TIMEPULSE Leave open. No difference
selects the -> Different functions, compatible only when not
2 SS_N SPI Slave Select D_SEL
interface using SPI for communication.
Timepulse 1
3 TIMEPULSE 1 TIMEPULSE 1 Timepulse 1 (1PPS) No difference
External Interrupt External Interrupt
4 EXTINT0 EXTINT0 No difference
Pin Pin
5 USB_DM USB Data USB_DM USB Data No difference
6 USB_DP USB Data USB_DP USB Data No difference
7 VDD_USB USB Supply VDD_USB USB Supply No difference
If pin 8 is connected directly to pin 9, the RESET
function is not available. If the RESET function
shall be used, a 3k3 resistor from pin 8 to pin 9 in
conjunction with an open drain buffer is required
Pin 8 and 9 for u-blox 6. For NEO-M8 modules pin 8 can be
must be connected to pin 9 or can be left open. Do not
8 RESERVED RESET_N Reset input
connected populate the 3k3 resistor.
together. Behavior of RESET_N has changed; For u-blox 7
and M8, a RESET will erase the time information in
the BBR, which has maintained in u-blox 6.
Therefore, with u-blox 7 and M8 a RESET will not
result in a hot start, etc.
Can be used for Can be used for
active antenna or active antenna or
9 VCC_RF VCC_RF No difference
external LNA external LNA
supply. supply.
10 GND GND GND GND No difference
GNSS signal
11 RF_IN RF_IN GNSS signal input No difference
12 GND GND GND GND No difference
13 GND GND GND GND No difference
ANT_ON (antenna on) can be used to turn on and
off an optional external LNA.
SPI MOSI / -> Different functions, no SPI MOSI and
Used to turn on
Configuration configuration pins with NEO-M8. If not used as
MOSI/ and off an
14 Pin. ANT_ON default configuration, it must be set using
CFG_COM0 optional external
Leave open if software command!
not used. It is not possible to migrate from NEO-6 to NEO-
M8N, if NEO-6 pin 14 is connected to GND. In this
case, migrate to NEO-M8M!
MISO/ Configuration
15 RESERVED Leave open.
CFG_COM1 Pin. Leave open
if not used.

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Pin Name Typical Pin Name Typical Assignment Remarks for Migration

Power Mode
16 Pin / SPI Clock. RESERVED Leave open.
Leave open if
not used.
17 RESERVED Leave open. RESERVED Leave open. No difference
DDC Data / SPI No difference for DDC. If pin 2 low = SPI chip
CS_N select
DDC Clock / SPI
19 SCL DDC Clock SCL No difference for DDC. If pin 2 low = SPI clock
Serial Port Serial Port / SPI
20 TxD TxD No difference for UART. If pin 2 low = SPI MISO
Serial Port Serial Port / SPI
21 RxD RxD No difference for UART. If pin 2 low = SPI MOSI
Backup Supply Backup Supply Check current in Data Sheet
22 V_BCKP Voltage V_BCKP Voltage If on u-blox 6 module this was connected to GND,
no problem to do the same in u-blox M8.
Supply voltage Supply voltage
1.75 – 2.0V 1.65 – 3.6V
6Q/M/P/V/T: 2.7 – 3.6V
2.7 – 3.6V
24 GND GND GND GND No difference

Table 3: Pin-out comparison NEO-6 vs. NEO-M8

Make sure that the RF path (antenna and filtering) matches that of the GNSS constellations used.

3.3 Software migration

For an overall description of the module software operation, see the u-blox M8 Receiver Description
including Protocol Specification [2]
For migration, see u-blox 7 to u-blox M8 Software Migration Guide [8].

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4 Product handling
4.1 Packaging, shipping, storage and moisture preconditioning
For information pertaining to reels and tapes, Moisture Sensitivity levels (MSL), shipment and storage
information, as well as drying for preconditioning see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T
Data Sheet [9].

Population of Modules
When populating the modules, make sure that the pick and place machine is aligned to the copper pins
of the module and not on the module edge.

4.2 Soldering
Soldering paste
Use of “No Clean” soldering paste is highly recommended, as it does not require cleaning after the soldering
process has taken place. The paste listed in the example below meets these criteria.
Soldering Paste: OM338 SAC405 / Nr.143714 (Cookson Electronics)
Alloy specification: Sn 95.5/ Ag 4/ Cu 0.5 (95.5% Tin/ 4% Silver/ 0.5% Copper)
Melting Temperature: 217 °C
Stencil Thickness: see section 2.3
The final choice of the soldering paste depends on the approved manufacturing procedures.
The paste-mask geometry for applying soldering paste should meet the recommendations.

The quality of the solder joints on the connectors (’half vias’) should meet the appropriate IPC

Reflow soldering
A convection type-soldering oven is highly recommended over the infrared type radiation oven.
Convection heated ovens allow precise control of the temperature, and all parts will heat up evenly, regardless
of material properties, thickness of components and surface color.
As a reference, see the “IPC-7530 Guidelines for temperature profiling for mass soldering (reflow and wave)
processes”, published in 2001.
Preheat phase
During the initial heating of component leads and balls, residual humidity will be dried out. Note that this
preheat phase will not replace prior baking procedures.
• Temperature rise rate: max. 3 °C/s. If the temperature rise is too rapid in the preheat phase it may cause
excessive slumping.
• Time: 60 – 120 s. If the preheat is insufficient, rather large solder balls tend to be generated. Conversely, if
performed excessively, fine balls and large balls will be generated in clusters.
• End Temperature: 150 – 200 °C. If the temperature is too low, non-melting tends to be caused in areas
containing large heat capacity.
Heating/ Reflow phase
The temperature rises above the liquidus temperature of 217°C. Avoid a sudden rise in temperature as the slump
of the paste could become worse.
• Limit time above 217 °C liquidus temperature: 40 – 60 s
• Peak reflow temperature: 245 °C

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Cooling phase
A controlled cooling avoids negative metallurgical effects (solder becomes more brittle) of the solder and
possible mechanical tensions in the products. Controlled cooling helps to achieve bright solder fillets with a good
shape and low contact angle.
• Temperature fall rate: max 4 °C/s
To avoid falling off, the u-blox M8 GNSS module should be placed on the topside of the motherboard
during soldering.
The final soldering temperature chosen at the factory depends on additional external factors like choice of
soldering paste, size, thickness and properties of the base board, etc. Exceeding the maximum soldering
temperature in the recommended soldering profile may permanently damage the module.

Figure 10: Recommended soldering profile

u-blox M8 modules must not be soldered with a damp heat process.

Optical inspection
After soldering the u-blox M8 module, consider an optical inspection step to check whether:
• The module is properly aligned and centered over the pads
• All pads are properly soldered
• No excess solder has created contacts to neighboring pads, or possibly to pad stacks and vias nearby

In general, cleaning the populated modules is strongly discouraged. Residues underneath the modules cannot be
easily removed with a washing process.
• Cleaning with water will lead to capillary effects where water is absorbed in the gap between the baseboard
and the module. The combination of residues of soldering flux and encapsulated water leads to short circuits
or resistor-like interconnections between neighboring pads.
• Cleaning with alcohol or other organic solvents can result in soldering flux residues flooding into the two
housings, areas that are not accessible for post-wash inspections. The solvent will also damage the sticker
and the ink-jet printed text.
• Ultrasonic cleaning will permanently damage the module, in particular the quartz oscillators.
The best approach is to use a “no clean” soldering paste and eliminate the cleaning step after the soldering.

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Repeated reflow soldering

Only single reflow soldering processes are recommended for boards populated with u-blox M8 modules. u-blox
M8 modules should not be submitted to two reflow cycles on a board populated with components on both sides
in order to avoid upside down orientation during the second reflow cycle. In this case, the module should always
be placed on that side of the board, which is submitted into the last reflow cycle. The reason for this (besides
others) is the risk of the module falling off due to the significantly higher weight in relation to other
Two reflow cycles can be considered by excluding the above described upside down scenario and taking into
account the rework conditions described in section Product handling.
Repeated reflow soldering processes and soldering the module upside down are not recommended.

Wave soldering
Base boards with combined through-hole technology (THT) components and surface-mount technology (SMT)
devices require wave soldering to solder the THT components. Only a single wave soldering process is
encouraged for boards populated with u-blox M8 modules.

Hand soldering
Hand soldering is allowed. Use a soldering iron temperature setting equivalent to 350 °C. Place the module
precisely on the pads. Start with a cross-diagonal fixture soldering (e.g. pins 1 and 15), and then continue from
left to right.

The u-blox M8 module can be unsoldered from the baseboard using a hot air gun. When using a hot air gun for
unsoldering the module, a maximum of one reflow cycle is allowed. In general, we do not recommend using a
hot air gun because this is an uncontrolled process and might damage the module.
Attention: use of a hot air gun can lead to overheating and severely damage the module.
Always avoid overheating the module.
After the module is removed, clean the pads before placing and hand soldering a new module.

Never attempt a rework on the module itself, e.g. replacing individual components. Such
actions immediately terminate the warranty.
In addition to the two reflow cycles, manual rework on particular pins by using a soldering iron is allowed.
Manual rework steps on the module can be done several times.

Conformal coating
Certain applications employ a conformal coating of the PCB using HumiSeal or other related coating products.
These materials affect the HF properties of the GNSS module and it is important to prevent them from flowing
into the module. The RF shields do not provide 100% protection for the module from coating liquids with low
viscosity; therefore, care is required in applying the coating.
Conformal Coating of the module will void the warranty.

If casting is required, use viscose or another type of silicon pottant. The OEM is strongly advised to qualify such
processes in combination with the u-blox M8 module before implementing this in the production.
Casting will void the warranty.

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Grounding metal covers

Attempts to improve grounding by soldering ground cables, wick or other forms of metal strips directly onto the
EMI covers is done at the customer’s own risk. The numerous ground pins should be sufficient to provide
optimum immunity to interferences and noise.
u-blox makes no warranty for damages to the u-blox M8 module caused by soldering metal cables or
any other forms of metal strips directly onto the EMI covers.

Use of ultrasonic processes

Some components on the u-blox M8 module are sensitive to Ultrasonic Waves. Use of any Ultrasonic Processes
(cleaning, welding etc.) may cause damage to the GNSS Receiver.
u-blox offers no warranty against damages to the u-blox M8 module caused by any Ultrasonic Processes.

4.3 EOS/ESD/EMI precautions

When integrating GNSS positioning modules into wireless systems, careful consideration must be given to
electromagnetic and voltage susceptibility issues. Wireless systems include components that can produce
Electrical Overstress (EOS) and Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI). CMOS devices are more sensitive to such
influences because their failure mechanism is defined by the applied voltage, whereas bipolar semiconductors
are more susceptible to thermal overstress. The following design guidelines are provided to help in designing
robust yet cost effective solutions.
To avoid overstress damage during production or in the field it is essential to observe strict
EOS/ESD/EMI handling and protection measures.
To prevent overstress damage at the RF_IN of your receiver, never exceed the maximum input
power (see the NEO-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet [9].

Electrostatic discharge (ESD)

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden and momentary electric current that flows between
two objects at different electrical potentials caused by direct contact or induced by an
electrostatic field. The term is usually used in the electronics and other industries to describe
momentary unwanted currents that may cause damage to electronic equipment.

ESD handling precautions

ESD prevention is based on establishing an Electrostatic Protective Area (EPA). The EPA can be a small working
station or a large manufacturing area. The main principle of an EPA is that there are no highly charging materials
near ESD sensitive electronics, all conductive materials are grounded, workers are grounded, and charge build-up
on ESD sensitive electronics is prevented. International standards are used to define typical EPA and can be
obtained for example from International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or American National Standards
Institute (ANSI).
GNSS positioning modules are sensitive to ESD and require special precautions when handling. Particular care
must be exercised when handling patch antennas, due to the risk of electrostatic charges. In addition to
standard ESD safety practices, the following measures should be taken into account whenever handling the
• Unless there is a galvanic coupling between the local GND (i.e. the
work table) and the PCB GND, then the first point of contact when
handling the PCB must always be between the local GND and PCB
• Before mounting an antenna patch, connect ground of the device

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• When handling the RF pin, do not come into contact with any
charged capacitors and be careful when contacting materials that
can develop charges (e.g. patch antenna ~10 pF, coax cable ~50 –
80 pF/m, soldering iron, …)

• To prevent electrostatic discharge through the RF input, do not

touch any exposed antenna area. If there is any risk that such
exposed antenna area is touched in non ESD protected work area,
implement proper ESD protection measures in the design.

• When soldering RF connectors and patch antennas to the receiver’s

RF pin, make sure to use an ESD safe soldering iron (tip).

Failure to observe these precautions can result in severe damage to the GNSS module!

ESD protection measures

GNSS positioning modules are sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Special precautions
are required when handling.
For more robust designs, employ additional ESD protection measures. Using an LNA with appropriate
ESD rating can provide enhanced GNSS performance with passive antennas and increases ESD
Most defects caused by ESD can be prevented by following strict ESD protection rules for production and
handling. When implementing passive antenna patches or external antenna connection points, then additional
ESD measures can also avoid failures in the field as shown in Figure 11.

Small passive antennas (<2 dBic and Passive antennas (>2 dBic or performance Active antennas
performance critical) sufficient)







LNA with appropriate ESD rating

Figure 11: ESD Precautions

Protection measure A is preferred because it offers the best GNSS performance and best level of ESD

Electrical Overstress (EOS)

Electrical Overstress (EOS) usually describes situations when the maximum input power exceeds the maximum
specified ratings. EOS failure can happen if RF emitters are close to a GNSS receiver or its antenna. EOS causes
damage to the chip structures. If the RF_IN is damaged by EOS, it is hard to determine whether the chip
structures have been damaged by ESD or EOS.

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EOS protection measures

For designs with GNSS positioning modules and wireless (e.g. GSM/GPRS) transceivers in close proximity,
ensure sufficient isolation between the wireless and GNSS antennas. If wireless power output causes the
specified maximum power input at the GNSS RF_IN to be exceeded, employ EOS protection measures to
prevent overstress damage.
For robustness, EOS protection measures as shown in Figure 12 are recommended for designs combining
wireless communication transceivers (e.g. GSM, GPRS) and GNSS in the same design or in close proximity.
Small passive antennas (<2 dBic and Passive antennas (>2 dBic or Active antennas (without internal filter which need the
performance critical) performance sufficient) module antenna supervisor circuits)

Bandpass Bandpass

Filtler Filtler




LNA with appropriate ESD rating and GNSS Band pass Filter: SAW or
maximum input power Ceramic with low insertion loss and
appropriate ESD rating

Figure 12: EOS and ESD Precautions

Electromagnetic interference (EMI)

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is the addition or coupling of energy causing a spontaneous reset of the
GNSS receiver or resulting in unstable performance. In addition to EMI degradation due to self-jamming (see
section 1.5) any electronic device near the GNSS receiver can emit noise that can lead to EMI disturbances or
The following elements are critical regarding EMI:
• Unshielded connectors (e.g. pin rows etc.)
• Weakly shielded lines on PCB (e.g. on top or bottom layer and especially at the border of a PCB)
• Weak GND concept (e.g. small and/or long ground line connections)
EMI protection measures are recommended when RF emitting devices are near the GNSS receiver. To minimize
the effect of EMI a robust grounding concept is essential. To achieve electromagnetic robustness follow the
standard EMI suppression techniques.
Improved EMI protection can be achieved by inserting a resistor or better yet a ferrite bead or an inductor (see
Table 4) into any unshielded PCB lines connected to the GNSS receiver. Place the resistor as close as possible to
the GNSS receiver pin.
Alternatively, feed-thru capacitors with good GND connection can be used to protect e.g. the VCC supply pin
against EMI. A selection of feed-thru capacitors are listed in Table 4.

4.4 Applications with cellular modules

GSM uses power levels up to 2 W (+33 dBm). Consult the Data Sheet for the absolute maximum power input at
the GNSS receiver.
See the GPS Implementation and Aiding Features in u-blox wireless modules [7].

Isolation between GNSS and GSM antenna

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In a handheld type design, an isolation of approximately 20 dB can be reached with careful placement of the
antennas. If such isolation cannot be achieved, e.g. in the case of an integrated GSM/GNSS antenna, an
additional input filter is needed on the GNSS side to block the high energy emitted by the GSM transmitter.
Examples of these kinds of filters would be the SAW Filters from Epcos (B9444 or B7839) or Murata.

Increasing interference immunity

Interference signals come from in-band and out-band frequency sources.

In-band interference
With in-band interference, the signal frequency is very close to the GNSS constellation frequency used, e.g. GPS
frequency of 1575 MHz (see Figure 13). Such interference signals are typically caused by harmonics from
displays, micro-controller, bus systems, etc.

GPS Carrier
Power [dBm]
Jamming 1575.4 MHz GPS
signal signals

g signal
GPS input filter
-110 characteristics
Frequency [MHz]

1525 1550 1575 1600 1625

Figure 13: In-band interference signals

Figure 14: In-band interference sources

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Measures against in-band interference include:

• Maintaining a good grounding concept in the design
• Shielding
• Layout optimization
• Filtering
• Placement of the GNSS antenna
• Adding a CDMA, GSM, WCDMA band pass filter before handset antenna

Out-band interference
Out-band interference is caused by signal frequencies that are different from the GNSS carrier (see Figure 15).
The main sources are wireless communication systems such as GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, Wi-Fi, BT, etc.


900 950 signals 1575 1800 1900

GPS input filter

Frequency [MHz]

0 500 1000 1500 2000

Figure 15: Out-band interference signals

Measures against out-band interference include maintaining a good grounding concept in the design and
adding a SAW or band pass ceramic filter (as recommend in section 4) into the antenna input line to the GNSS
receiver (see Figure 16).

Figure 16: Measures against out-band interference

For design-in recommendations in combination to Cellular operation see Appendix

See the GPS Implementation and Aiding Features in u-blox wireless modules [7]

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Recommended parts
Recommended parts are selected on data sheet basis only. Other components may also be used.
Part Manufacturer Part ID Remarks Parameters to consider
Diode ON ESD9R3.3ST5G Standoff Voltage>3.3 V Low Capacitance < 0.5 pF
Semiconductor ESD9L3.3ST5G Standoff Voltage>3.3 V Standoff Voltage > Voltage for active antenna
ESD9L5.0ST5G Standoff Voltage>5 V Low Inductance
SAW TDK/ EPCOS B8401: B39162-B8401-P810 GPS+GLONASS High attenuation
TDK/ EPCOS B3913: B39162B3913U410 GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou For automotive application
TDK/ EPCOS B4310: B39162B4310P810 GPS+GLONASS Compliant to the AEC-Q200 standard
ReyConns NDF9169 GPS+ BeiDou Low insertion loss, Only for mobile application
muRata SAFFB1G56KB0F0A GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou Low insertion loss, Only for mobile application
muRata SAFEA1G58KB0F00 GPS+GLONASS Low insertion loss, only for mobile application
muRata SAFEA1G58KA0F00 GPS+GLONASS High attenuation, only for mobile application
muRata SAFFB1G58KA0F0A GPS+GLONASS High attenuation, only for mobile application
muRata SAFFB1G58KB0F0A GPS+GLONASS Low insertion loss, Only for mobile application
TAI-SAW TA1573A GPS+GLONASS Low insertion loss
TAI-SAW TA1343A GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou Low insertion loss
TAI-SAW TA0638A GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou Low insertion loss
LNA JRC NJG1143UA2 LNA Low noise figure, up to 15 dBm RF input
Avago ALM-GN001 LNA Low noise figure, with pre-LNA filter,
concurrent GNSS
Avago ALM-GN002 LNA Very low noise figure, with post-LNA filter,
concurrent GNSS
Inductor Murata LQG15HS27NJ02 L, 27 nH Impedance @ freq GPS > 500 Ω
Capacitor Murata GRM1555C1E470JZ01 C, 47 pF DC-block
Ferrite Murata BLM15HD102SN1 FB High IZI @ fGSM
Feed thru Murata NFL18SP157X1A3 Monolithic Type For data signals, 34 pF load capacitance
Capacitor NFA18SL307V1A45 Array Type For data signals, 4 circuits in 1 package
for Signal
Feed thru Murata NFM18PC …. 0603 2A Rs < 0.5 Ω
Capacitor NFM21P…. 0805 4A
Resistor 10 Ω ± 10%, min 0.250 W Rbias
560 Ω ± 5% R2
100 kΩ ± 5% R3, R4

Table 4: Recommended parts

Recommended antennas
Manufacturer Order No. Comments
Hirschmann ( GLONASS 9 M GPS+GLONASS active
Taoglas ( ) AA.160.301111 36*36*4 mm, 3-5V 30mA active
Taoglas ( ) AA.161.301111 36*36*3 mm, 1.8 to 5.5V / 10mA at 3V active
INPAQ ( B3G02G-S3-01-A 2.7 to 3.9 V / 10 mA active
Amotech ( B35-3556920-2J2 35x35x3 mm GPS+GLONASS passive
Amotech ( A25-4102920-2J3 25x25x4 mm GPS+GLONASS passive
Amotech ( A18-4135920-AMT04 18x18x4 mm GPS+GLONASS passive
Amotech ( Amotech AGA363913- GPS+GLONASS+ BeiDou active
INPAQ ( ACM4-5036-A1-CC-S 5.2 x 3.7 x 0.7 mm GPS+GLONASS passive
Additional antenna Manufacturer: Allis Communications, 2J, Tallysman Wireless

Table 5: Recommend antenna

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A.1 Design-in recommendations in combination with cellular operation

Cellular and GNSS

Product Receiver Chain
Simultaneous operation

Passive GNSS Active GNSS

Antenna Antenna

3G/4G cellular
On-chip LNA

2G cellular




MAX-6 Any • •   
NEO-6 Any • •   
LEA-6 Any • •   
EVA-7 M •  
C •   
MAX-7 W •   
Q •   
N • •    
NEO-7 M •   
P • •    
EVA-M8 M •  
C •   
MAX-M8 W •   
Q •   
N • •    
M •   
Q • •    
T • •    
S • •    
T • •    
PAM-7 Q • • • •    
C • • •    
Q • • •    
• = integrated  = optimal performance

Table 6: Combinations of u-blox GNSS modules with different cellular technologies (2G/3G/4G).

See the GPS Implementation and Aiding Features in u-blox wireless modules [7]

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Related documents
[1] NEO-M8 Data Sheet, Docu. No. UBX-13003366
[2] u-blox M8 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification (Public version), Docu. No. UBX-
[3] GPS Antenna Application Note, Docu. No. GPS-X-08014
[4] UBX-M8030 Data Sheet, Docu. No. UBX-13001634
[5] GPS Compendium, Docu. No. GPS-X-02007
[6] I C-bus specification, Version 2.1, Jan 2000,
[7] GPS Implementation and Aiding Features in u-blox wireless modules, Docu. No. GSM.G1-CS-09007
[8] u-blox 7 to u-blox M8 Software Migration Guide, Docu. No. UBX-13003254
[9] NEO/LEA-M8T Data Sheet, Docu. No. UBX-14006196

For regular updates to u-blox documentation and to receive product change notifications, register on
our homepage (

Revision history
Revision Date Name Status / Comments
R01 11-Oct-2013 jfur Objective Specification
R02 23-Jan-2014 jfur Status changed to Advance Information.
NEO-M8Q-0 and NEO-M8M-0 added
Table 6: Blocking dependence on different cellular technology (2G/3G/4G) added
Recommended parts updated
R03 13-May-2014 jfur Document status changed to Early Production Information.
Updated Table 4 (Recommended parts); added: Combinations of u-blox GNSS modules
with different cellular technologies (2G/3G/4G); updated Figure 7.
R04 28-Oct-2014 jfur Added NEO-M8T product variant, updated SAFEBOOT_N pin description.
R05 02-Dec-2014 julu Document status changed to Production Information.
R06 20-Apr-2015 jfur/amil Updated Table 4 (Recommeded parts) and Table 6, NEO-M8T PCN FW TIMRAW 1.02
R07 02-Jun-2015 julu Updated section 1.5 (added Electromagnetic interference on I/O lines).
R08 21-Oct-2015 julu Updated product type number to NEO-M8M-0-01 and NEO-M8Q-0-01,added relevant
PCN references, Updated Figure 5.

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For complete contact information, visit us at

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