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TD 3

1. A gas at 20°C may be rarefied if it contains less than 10 12 molecules

per mm3. If Avogadro’s number is 6.023E23 molecules per mole, what air
pressure does this represent?

2. A tank contains 0.9 m3 of helium at 200 kPa and 20°C (RHe = 2077
m2/(s2⋅K)). Estimate the total mass of this gas, in kg, (a) on earth; and (b) on the
moon. Also, (c) how much heat transfer, in MJ, is required to expand this gas at
constant temperature to a new volume of 1.5 m3?

3. A closed tank contains 1.5 m of SAE 30 oil, 1 m of water, 20 cm of

mercury, and an air space on top, all at 20°C. If Pbottom = 60 kPa, what is the
pressure in the air space?
Data : g=9.81 m/s2 ; ρair=997,9613 Kg/m³ ; ρoil=888,889 Kg/m³ ; ρHg=13567,788

4. On this figure, sensor A reads

1.5 kPa (gage). All fluids are at 20°C.
Determine the elevations Z in meters of the
liquid levels in the open piezometer tubes B
and C.
The specific weights are γair ≈ 12.0 N/m3, γgasoline
= 6670 N/m3, and γglycerin = 12360 N/m3.

5. To show the effect of

manometer dimensions, consider this
figure. The containers (a) and (b) are
cylindrical and are such that pa = pb as
shown. Suppose the oil-water interface on
the right moves up a distance Δh < h.
Derive a formula for the difference Pa − Pb when (a) d << D; and (b) d = 0.15D.
What is the % difference?
Take γ = 9790 N/m3 for water and 8720 N/m³ for SAE 30 oil

6. The pressures at A and B are the same, 100 kPa. If water is

introduced at A to increase pA to 130 kPa, find and sketch the new positions of
the mercury menisci. The connecting tube is a uniform 1-cm in diameter.
Assume no change in the liquid densities

7. This tank has a 4-cm

diameter plug which will pop out if the
hydrostatic force on it reaches 25 N. For
20°C fluids, what will be the reading h on
the manometer when this happens?
8. This cylindrical tank has a 35-cm-high
cylindrical insert in the bottom. The pressure at point
B is 156 kPa. Find (a) the pressure in the air space;
and (b) the force on the top of the insert. Neglect air
pressure outside the tank.

9. The pipe flow in the figure below fills a cylindrical tank as shown.
At time t = 0, the water depth in the tank is 30 cm. Estimate the time required
to fill the remainder of the tank.

10. Water flows steadily through the round pipe in the figure. The
entrance velocity is Vo. The exit velocity approximates turbulent flow, u = u max(1
− r/R)1/7. Determine the ratio Uo/umax for this incompressible flow.
11. In some wind tunnels the test section is perforated to suck out
fluid and provide a thin viscous boundary layer. The test section wall contains
1200 holes of 5-mm diameter each per square meter of wall area. The suction
velocity through each hole is Vr = 8 m/s, and the test-section entrance velocity
is V1 = 35 m/s. Assuming incompressible steady flow of air at 20°C, compute (a)
Vo, (b) V2, and (c) Vf, in m/s.


A perfectly balanced 700-N weight and platform are supported by a steady

water jet. What is the proper jet velocity?
13. The 3-arm lawn sprinkler below receives 20°C water through the
center at 2.7 m3/hr. If collar friction is neglected, what is the steady rotation
rate in rev/min for (a) θ = 0°; (b) θ = 40°?

14. An airfoil at an angle of attack α provides lift by a Bernoulli effect,

because the lower surface slows the flow (high pressure) and the upper
surface speeds up the flow (low pressure). If the foil is 1.5 m long and 18 m
wide into the paper, and the ambient air is 5000 m standard atmosphere,
estimate the total lift if the average velocities on upper and lower surfaces are
215 m/s and 185 m/s, respectively. Neglect gravity.

15. If the approach velocity is not too high, a hump in the bottom of a
water channel causes a dip Δh in the water level, which can serve as a flow
measurement. If, as shown in the figure below, Δh = 10 cm when the bump is
30 cm high, what is the volume flow Q 1 per unit width, assuming no losses? In
general, is Δh proportional to Q1?
16. In a certain industrial process, oil of density ρ
flows through the inclined pipe in the figure. A U-tube
manometer with fluid density ρm, measures the pressure
difference between points 1 and 2, as shown. The flow is
steady, so that fluids in the U-tube are stationary. (a) Find
an analytic expression for p1 − p2 in terms of system
parameters. (b) Discuss the conditions on h necessary for there to be no flow in
the pipe. (c) What about flow up, from 1 to 2? (d) What about flow down, from 2
to 1?

17. After discarding any constants of integration, determine the

appropriate value of the unknown velocities u or v which satisfy the equation
of two-dimensional incompressible continuity for:
(a) u = x2y; (b) v = x2y; (c) u = x2 – xy; (d) v = y2 – xy

18. A reasonable approximation for the two-dimensional

incompressible laminar boundary layer
on the flat surface is
2 y y2
u=U ( − ) for y≤ δ
δ δ2
1/ 2
where δ ≈Cx , C=const
(a) Assuming a no-slip condition at
the wall, find an expression for the
velocity component v(x, y) for y ≤ δ. (b)
Then find the maximum value of v at the station x = 1 m, for the particular case
of airflow, when U = 3 m/s and δ = 1.1 cm.

19. Consider a steady, two-dimensional, incompressible flow of a

newtonian fluid with the velocity field u = –2xy, v = y 2 – x2, and w = 0. (a) Does
this flow satisfy conservation of mass? (b) Find the pressure field p(x, y) if the
pressure at point (x = 0, y = 0) is equal to pa.

20. A proposed three-dimensional incompressible flow field has the

following vector form:
V = Kxi + Kyj – 2Kzk
(a) Determine if this field is a valid solution to continuity and Navier-Stokes. (b)
If g = –gk, find the pressure field p(x, y, z). (c) Is the flow irrotational?

21. A constant-thickness film of viscous liquid

flows in laminar motion down a plate inclined at angle
θ. The velocity profile is
u = Cy(2h – y) v = w = 0
Find the constant C in terms of the specific weight and
viscosity and the angle θ. Find the volume flux Q per
unit width in terms of these parameters.

22. A two-dimensional incompressible flow field is defined by the

velocity components
u=2V(x/L-y/L) v=-2Vy/L
where V and L are constants. If they exist, find the stream function and velocity

23. When tested in water at 20°C flowing at 2 m/s, an 8-cm-diameter

sphere has a measured drag of 5 N. What will be the velocity and drag force on
a 1.5-m-diameter weather balloon moored in sea-level standard air under
dynamically similar conditions?
For water at 20°C take ρ ≈ 998 kg/m3 and μ ≈ 0.001 kg/m⋅s. For sea-level
standard air take ρ ≈ 1.2255 kg/m3 and μ ≈ 1.78E−5 kg/m⋅s.

24. A student needs to measure the drag on a prototype of

characteristic length dp moving at velocity Up in air at sea-level conditions. He
constructs a model of characteristic length dm, such that the ratio dp/dm = a
factor f. He then measures the model drag under dynamically similar
conditions, in sea-level air. The student claims that the drag force on the
prototype will be identical to that of the model. Is this claim correct? Explain.

25. Water at 20°C (ρ = 998 kg/m3) flows through an inclined 8-cm-

diameter pipe. At sections A and B, pA = 186 kPa, VA = 3.2 m/s, zA = 24.5 m, while
pB = 260 kPa, VB = 3.2 m/s, and zB = 9.1 m. Which way is the flow going? What is
the head loss?

26. Glycerin at 20°C is to be pumped through a horizontal smooth pipe

at 3.1 m3/s. It is desired that (1) the flow be laminar and (2) the pressure drop
be no more than 100 Pa/m. What is the minimum pipe diameter allowable?
For glycerin at 20°C, take ρ = 1260 kg/m3 and μ = 1.49 kg/m⋅s.

27. For the configuration shown in

the figure, the fluid is ethyl alcohol at 20°C,
and the tanks are very wide. Find the flow rate
which occurs in m3/h. Is the flow laminar?
For ethanol, take ρ = 789 kg/m3 and μ =
0.0012 kg/m⋅s.
28. Clift et al give the formula F ≈ (6π /5)(4 + a/b)μUb for the drag of a
prolate spheroid in creeping motion, as
shown in the Figure. The half-thickness b
is 4 mm. If the fluid is SAE 50W oil at 20°C,
(a) check that Reb < 1; and (b) estimate the
spheroid length if the drag is 0.02 N.
For SAE 50W oil, take ρ = 902 kg/m3 and μ = 0.86 kg/m⋅s.

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