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Rahul Josef R.

Samaranayake meaning on how positive and negative

traits are identified.
 Discuss how to properly identify and
A LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 5 describe certain traits the people show,
Week 7-8 (Sept. 18-29 2023) and how to classify them.
 Ask the learners what traits they know
about themselves and initiate a group
I. OBJECTIVES activity where they describe each other
1. Read the story: “Children’s Prattle”. in positive and negative ways.
2. Understand the story and reflect on its lesson.  Discuss pronouns, and what are their
3. Compare and contrast the different pronouns. purpose and proper usage in sentence
4. Identify the different pronouns in a sentence. construction.
5. Apply the correct rules and format of the types  Elaborate the differences between the
of pronouns. three types, and when they should be
used and how to properly identify
1. What is the story “Children’s Prattle” all about?  Discuss the cases that pronouns appear
2. What does it mean when someone “prattles in sentences, and their different types.
about”?  Elaborate the different ways in which
3. How does the story help people reflect on pronouns should be used and how they
themselves? should be used.
4. Why do we have different pronouns, and why is
it important we follow their proper format? D. GENERALIZATION
5. When do we use pronouns and how to properly  Children’s Prattle is a story written by
use them effectively? Hans Christian Andersen with the hopes
of teaching children the importance of
REFERENCE: Mendoza, Miranda, & Sentones, positive and negative qualities that one
COMMUNICATION pp. 37-49  While the parents of the children came
from great wealth yet still possessed
LEARNING RESOURCES: book and chalkboard kind and understanding characteristics,
the children on the other hand failed to
VALUES INTEGRATION: Knowing the importance of adopt the positive traits.
honesty and hard work, and the ability to effectively  Prattling is something very common
construct sentences using pronouns. with children, especially since they want
READING PROCESS: formation, identifying, labeling. to impress their friends and always look
like the very best among others. While
III. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURE striving to be the best is not a negative
quality, one should adopt the traits of
A. MOTIVATION the poor boy in the story, who despite
A. Read the sentences aloud and answer the following listened to all the prattling of the little
questions. girls prove them wrong about what was
1. KC is a tall girl for KC’s age. KC also loves to play said that day.
sports as well.  Pronouns are used to avoid repeating
2. Troy is quiet and always listens in class. Troy is the use of a noun more than once in a
also somebody that is smart and reviews a lot. sentence. The story that was read has
3. Althea is very good at taekwondo; Althea’s an abundance of examples on pronouns
coach is very proud of her that Althea received and how they are used. Pronouns
a better belt. always point to their corresponding
B. Elicit antecedent in a sentence, an
Ask: What did you notice with the sentences? antecedent being the noun that the
How did you sound while reading the pronoun is connected to.
sentences? Did it seem off?  Pronouns come in different types,
namely 3: indefinite pronouns,
B. PRESENTATION pronouns that are hard to identify in
 What is Children’s Prattle? What does it gender and number; interrogative
mean to prattle? pronouns which are used to ask
 What is the story about? What is the questions without mentioning a proper
lesson that can be learned from it? noun; and demonstrative pronouns,
 What are pronouns? pronouns that act as direct objects in a
 What are the different types of sentence, yet they have their own
pronouns? antecedents in the sentence and
 How do we use these pronouns? simultaneously receive verbs and point
 Why do we use pronouns? to proper nouns.

 Read and understand the story entitled:  Answer Activity (Page 41-44)
“Children’s Prattle” and discuss its  Answer Activity (Page 49-53)
Directions: Identify the antecedent, pronoun, and the
type of pronoun in each sentence. Encircle the
antecedent, underline the pronoun, and write before
the number the type of pronoun.

1. Kings and Queens are of the highest royalty;

they were revered as holy people in the past. –
2. Hello? Where can I find a cashier in this school?
– Interrogative
3. I need to find this last piece, that missing part
will complete the project. – Demonstrative
4. Could you please butter this bread? It’s so bland
eating it without condiments. – Demonstrative
5. Most of England were known to take part in
ballrooms and extravagant events. – Indefinite
6. The knights of the brotherhood are said to be
famous heroes in a mobile game, they are quite
famous indeed. – Indefinite
7. Is there a doctor who could help us? This man’s
choking to death. – Interrogative
8. The ballroom events were always the talk of the
town, they were always held in enormous
castles or in a big town plaza. – Indefinite
9. Princes and princesses would always be
important in these events. Events that would
always include royalty and politics. –
10. I’m not sure what we are looking for, an
heirloom of some sorts? - Interrogative

 Deliver a 2-3 minute speech in front of the

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