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Yuan Provido
Chem 2065
2065 AY2023-24

The Citric Acid Cycle

· The process of storing fuel molecules and transforming them into energy is known
as metabolism.
· Catabolism is defined as all chemical or enzymatic reactions involved in the
breakdown of organic or inorganic materials such as proteins, sugars, fatty acids, etc.
· Anabolism is the process by which the body utilizes the energy released by
catabolism to synthesize complex molecules. These complex molecules are then
utilized to form cellular structures that are formed from small and simple precursors
that act as building blocks.
· Amphibolic is a term used to described that the citric acid cycle is able to play a role
in both catabolism and anabolism.
Krebs Cycle
· It is a central metabolic pathway; part of aerobic metabolism
Tricarboxylic acid cycle
· tricarboxylic acid cycle(or TCA cycle), is from the fact that some of the molecules
involved are acids with three carboxyl groups.

why plants are able to produce carbohydrates from acetyl-CoA whereas animals can?t
-When using the intermediates of TCA cycle for anabolism, there will be depletion of such
intermediates, and therefore stops the citric acid cycle.
o That is why animals cannot use acetate as a sole carbon source.
-Plants have enzymes that can short-circuit the CAC

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