Pareto Diagram

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Navigation Title Pareto Diagram

Pareto Diagram Content Pareto Analysis is a statistical technique in decis

It uses the Pareto Principle (also known as the 8

When to Use a Pareto diagram When analyzing data about the frequency of prob
When there are many problems or causes and yo
When analyzing broad causes by looking at their
When communicating with others about your dat

Customization difficulty (1-3) 1

Explanation of sheets Pareto Diagram Main sheet for Pareto Analysis, during this sheet

How to customize 1) Firstly Decide what categories you will use to gro
2) In below table record category details and weigh
3) Weighted value is the appropriate scale for the m
4) Pareto diagram will be sorting and draw automat
5) Pareto diagram will be constructed in the order o

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Referesh / Update Data Some of our templates include Referesh/Update

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Other Macros / Buttons Other macros is applied on less than ~15% of ou

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All content is Copyright material of Simple Sheet
© 2020 Simple Sheets LLC
All rights reserved. The contents of this publicati
No part of this publication may be modified, man
atistical technique in decision-making used for the selection of a limited number of tasks that produce significant overall effect.
ciple (also known as the 80/20 rule) the idea that by doing 20% of the work you can generate 80% of the benefit of doing the entire job.

about the frequency of problems or causes in a process.

problems or causes and you want to focus on the most significant.
causes by looking at their specific components.
with others about your data.

Analysis, during this sheet you will input your data and preview pareto diagram

egories you will use to group items.

category details and weighted value for it
appropriate scale for the measurements you have collected.
sorting and draw automatically according to the priority of dataset
constructed in the order of highest to lowest category weight with accumulative percentage when go from left to right

atible with online service but some templates that including macros feature is still not supported with Excel Online
t replace our macros in case of using Online Template

s include Referesh/Update data macro button that can be replaced with Referesh All tool in Excel Online ribbon

s have Full Screen macro button that can be replaced with the itself web browser full screen tool

d on less than ~15% of our templats can be overcome by transferring to Desktop App "Open in Desktop App" button

te using Desktop App be sure that you signed in to your Microsoft account / Onedrive account
t material of Simple Sheets LLC.

e contents of this publication, including but not limited to all written material, content layout, images, formulas, and code, are protected und
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erall effect.
doing the entire job.
code, are protected under international copyright and trademark laws.
blisher, except in the case of certain noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Pareto Diagram
20 120%
18 100%
93% 100%
14 80%
72% 80%
10 54% 60%
6 30%
0 0%
Wrong working Inspectors not Delivery delay No enough Product quality Packing List Error Other..
guide qualified workers

Category Total Category Total Category Total

Product quality 4
Packing List Error 4
Delivery delay 11
No enough workers 5
Wrong working guide 18
Inspectors not qualified 15
Other.. 4

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