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1. Subject: BASIC SAFETY.
2. Participants: Initial Cabin Crew
3. Duration: 10 days
4. Instructor: Đặng Huy Nhựt
5. Objectives: After this Basic Safety course, the trainees will:
a. A full understand of their responsibilities and compliance with the VNA policies about the safety and
emergency procedures
b. The necessary knowledge and skills to operate all safety equipments on board
c. Competency and proficiency to perform SOP procedures.
d. Give them basic instructions and guidelines to assist the passengers under emergency situations.
e. Recognize the all signals of abnormal/emergency situations so can act promptly in abnormal/emergency
f. Get necessary knowledge and basic techniques which supply to survival on land, water , jungle or desert
after a forced landing or ditching , know the post-survial- the after effects.
6. Training method: Theory & on ground practice.
7. Requirements for participants: Install Basic safety manual and CCOM at home.
8. Training aids: White board, flip chart, projector and safety equipment demo, video.

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Time Training Method/ Phương pháp Contents/Nội dung – instructor’s activities/Hoạt Trainee’ Training Aids
objectives/mục động của giáo viên s /Dụng
tiêu từng phần activitie cụ trợ
s giảng
Day 1 Know about the Self introduction and conducting the training objectives Introdu
Mornin class’s 5 Chapters : ce
g regulations - Policy
8-8:30 General about - Safety equipments
the safety - Standard operating procedures
- Emergency Procedures
- Survival
They know the What do you see the CA do on Chapter 1: POLICY Read Project
8:30- meaning of all board?( safety and service) 2.1 COMPETENCE OF CABIN CREW : CCOM 2.2 / each or or
8:45 the course VAR 13.011 part, flip
training , 1.Why must you attend the 1.CA can study the necessary knowledge and Present chart/
duration , and training course? skills required to ensure pax safety and security in class, black
as VAR and VNA requirements
the 2.How many subjects are others board
2.Initial training (ground course): 7 subjects
participations there in training class? Listen,
3. After finishing initial training course, CA can Questio
3.How many point do you get be issued : n and
when you pass for each  Qualification certificates for Cabin Crew – present
subjects? er will
 Identification Cards – DTV
 Crew Member Certificates(CMCs) – DTV
after finish Supervised line flights.

4.Conversion training: 3 days full course for new

aircraft A321/B787/A350 and 1 day different
4.what is different of the
course for learn new aircraft of airbus from A330
conversion training full course
to A350
and short course? 5.Practical training: cabin drills and hands-on
5.When do you do practical operation of equipments in Initial training,
training? recurrent training , requalification training .

6.Supervised line flying require CA perform the

assigned duties and execute the procedures
6.What is supervised line associated with cabin operations Page 2 of 3
7.Operational safety Recurrent training : for all
cabin crew every 12 calendar months.
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