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(Third conditional) If the students hadn’t been (not be) late for the exam, they would

have passed (pass).

(Third conditional) If the weather hadn’t been (not be) so cold, we would have gone to
the beach.
(Second conditional) If she had (have) her laptop with her, she would email (email) me.
(Third conditional) If the baby had slept (sleep) better last night, I wouldn’t have been
(be) so tired.
(Second conditional) If Lucy had (have) enough time, she would travel (travel) more.
(Second conditional) If I wanted (want) a new car, I would buy (buy) one.
(Second conditional) If José didn’t speak (not speak) good French, he wouldn’t move
(not move) to Paris.
(Third conditional) If we had tidied (tidy) our flat, we wouldn’t have lost (loose) our keys.
(Third conditional) If Luke hadn’t sent (not send) flowers to his mother, she wouldn’t
have been (not be) happy

(Second conditional) If the children were in bed, I would be able to (be able to)
have a bath.
(Second conditional) If you weren’t (not be) so stubborn, we wouldn’t have
(not have) so many arguments!

(Third conditional) If Julie hadn’t gone (not go) to Sweden, she would have
gone to Germany.

(Third conditional) If we hadn’t had (not have) an argument, we wouldn’t have

been late.
(Second conditional) If you arrived early, it would be (be) less stressful.

(Third conditional) If I hadn’t gone (not go) to the party, I wouldn’t have met
(not meet) Amanda.
(Second conditional) If Julie liked chocolate, I would give (give) her some.

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