Project Initiation Documentation

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<Project Name> Project Initiation Documentation


Project ID
Project Name
Project Manager
Project Executive

Project Information

Historic of Versions

Date Author Reason for new version Version


<What is the context for the project? Briefly state what business need, problem or opportunity is
the project going to address.>

Project Objectives

<List here your project objectives.>

Expected Benefits

<Outline the key benefits to be realised by the project.>

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<Project Name> Project Initiation Documentation

Options Appraisal

<Briefly describe what options have been considered for this project. Identify the preferred option.>

Option Description Implications Risks

Do nothing
Do the minimum
Do something
Preferred Option:

Business Case

<Provide a brief justification for the project based on expected benefits and anticipated costs and

In Scope Out of Scope

<Outline what is in scope for the project> <Outline what is out of the scope of the

<List here the key deliverables of the project>

Key Deliverables

High-Level Timescale

<Use the diagram below to identify your key milestones.>

Milestone 1 Milestone 3

Milestone 2
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<Project Name> Project Initiation Documentation

<List any known constraints and deadlines impacting the schedule of the project.>

High-Level Budget

<Identify what budget needs are anticipated, providing a rationale for each rubric.>

Estimate Comment
Total Budget

Project Organization

<Use the diagram below to illustrate the project organization, such as Project Board and the project

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Name Responsibilities

Senior User
Senior Supplier
Project Assurance

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<Project Name> Project Initiation Documentation

Project Approach

<Define what will be the approach to be followed in the management of the project, including
how PRINCE2 will be tailored to suit the project.>

Quality Management Strategy

<Define what will be the approach regarding quality management in the project.>

Configuration Management Strategy

<Define what will be the approach regarding quality management in the project.>

Risk Management

<Define what will be the approach regarding quality management in the project.>

Communication Management Strategy

<Define what will be the approach regarding communication management in the project.>

Project Controls

<List what controls will be used for the monitoring of the project.>
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<Project Name> Project Initiation Documentation

Key Project Assumptions

<Outline key project assumptions which can impact the project if proven false.>

ID Assumption Importance Impact if false

Key Project Risks

<Outline key project risks which can impact the project if they materialize.>

ID Risk Probability Impact Mitigation

Success Criteria

<List the criteria on which the success of the project will be measured.>

ID Success Criteria

Project Initiation Documentation Sign-off

<List the names of the approvers of the Project Initiation Documentation.>

Name Role Approved on Signature

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