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World of work

We all have responsibilities in our daily lives. These task and duties can include, for
example, completing homework, preparing for tests, taking part in extra- mural activities, and
completing household chores. We are accountable for how we fulfil the responsibilities.
How to organize one’s work.


Draw up a timetable. Some tasks take longer Start a task and focus
Plan your days, weeks than a day to complete. on completing it.
and months A large assignment and Avoid postponing and
studying for exams will procastinating.
always seem difficult
until you divide the tasks
into smaller, more
achievable portions.

Being efficient is simply about working smarter to complete tasks. Some people are more
energised and talkative, maybe even hyperactive, during the day and calmer when the sun
goes down.
This means, they should arrange their day so that they
can do household chores straight after school and
study later in the evening.
Reading for different purposes
There are many different reasons why we read, these include:

Writing for different purposes

Just as we read for different purposes, we also write for different purposes.
Keeping a journal

 A journal is a written record of news, events, experiences, or observations of a

personal nature.
 Reasons for keeping a journal:
− to record personal experiences
− record a journey
− describe daily life, etc.
 A journal is personal and can be private if you wish.
 You are writing for yourself and can write in any way you want.

 A summary is a brief statement or account of the main points contained in a longer

piece of writing.
 When you summarise a piece of writing, you need to use your own words and
combine them with some of the keywords of the text to communicate your point more
clearly and more effectively.
Steps to summarise:

➢ Read to understand

➢ Look for the main points

➢ Summarise

➢ Proofread

Improving Reading skills

Improve your writing skills.

Activity 1
In class, plan your time for one week.
a) Write a list of things you need to do in one typical week of your life, from Monday to
b) Prioritise the tasks and activities.
c) Draw up a timetable for the week, like the example below.
d) Fill in your tasks and activities, indicating how much time you will give to each task or

Activity 2: Keep a journal.

1. You can have a specific topic that you would like to write about, such as your school life,
experiences with friends and family, or your feelings and beliefs.
2. Decide on a regular time and place to write in your journal. (e.g., last thing at night in bed)
3. Find a safe place to keep your journal.

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