Circular Measure Notes 4

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Playges C\ors NUL Senool. Addivcionck Moknemokes Yori, Civuhor meoanre Teacher’, Mohammad Modu Hovilo Solakion of WIN. & Est FR C Page 48) $ dd) 1Q0°= BK vod ® ao= tos Or rgor=nvad a fe Ba =v Sa ce Oe LN: — = Gaeorats 7a YBo ; 4 pee TER, 4 B= —_ ” \Bo \%o o ~ 2 a= we = X vod = & vod \u NG \o @® %+ w vad =\80", A0 @) BR ~ 3x0" 4 aoe ® F vod = \g0° @® on _oH\a0 @® Krad = 0" a al =v \ vod = 20 = 14.3" My, ok By wo = WOKS nw = 183.3" WP \ vod = S80 Bw eck cod = WORD'S6 wk = 146. 7° QD \Q0°= n vad G® rG0'= TK vod aro » re We Se 120 BO = os = THI», og a De on \g0 = 9.436 Tad = 9.653 vad BD Go" = w ood ee SS \SO ss a \RO = 4g 008 Foe 3 & 4, Conesk ve age \n your eadeder \che 2 Cwoom)® Casio Gx-WNES PLYS 5 one) AEN QD 4009 GOanh GO coo Cee = 3.0) NAGS = = 0. =0.40F = 9.90) Faw St oy (ERNE) (ERE (0) {ox =0-44 = GPx = ow (0-44) <%= 0.933 GD Woe= 0.469 GEO rom x =0-43 WS = 006' (C0469) Vv x= rom’ (0.49) = 0.694 = 0.443, Rre-rengirste Voasieage 14 tap oguantitins & a8 4 SE wgloned Ww AUdh a. Woy Ado: when a is Gromped Vn HH Wokig 4 Wen 1s ro dhomad W Ane nome vakio ; tok io, AS ig Aquiled, When Wis Aso da\eds AW aw io Vdhed, rxwoen wie ag Holved 4 and Soon , Wed We aw Sor w NOwen OS KH Ge | Wc\er Acedrly OF, Ge Ais weedy Veogor tional ko G. Whe velation\s awelen ab We SH. We sgn [oS io wEead OF Sowers ak and io edhad Ne Aap oF Peopsr Aon. For Wt & a We wom eke BW to Sy Lr Awere Yio Khe Coreenponding, Naan of &) amd Ya iS he correngonding, Naine of %. Ave leo amd Bean of s2cror Cninen Ane Gangle 15 readiom) % To Ane Haye 5 an AVeEndn om Omae, OF Y vad O& We cemer O Of Lhe Sede. Lek oe tre ove lengtn MN de, AN=S ond Boe Ane Area Of Ane setior MON, ANG Moms “aot: “ven Ane omAoginerganer ‘in trogi Pode Ae Ore length MN Coreen pndingly, re ceanhe “in Legh > UAE WAG. WH \NSTAORE oq Ade onale B Al mean & Roeeengendina, WNeramre WW AN Owen, OF Le aecroe MON: Youn Voorn We Owe engin Ging Le Oveo, ot Le sects? oxe Greoky YLoQTPMANAL KO Loe OOHMPe F sqQphendea OF ade LENE OF Ae Sec. ee, One REO wn i Cav earngererca, OF NE Orde oma aQACOAed WAWN QO Irae aadrended lay, spe Gryde OF O ay a = pease 2 Were & = eoSish Q UR oS rere, g Aon TOStorn”r. Zywrrovdyy e aren of sector MON _ pcos a omph mSsrended ley ke Gmae, QSrended wy NY &O. S 8 Grade FO a = hea 8 Qn 2(R= hr) were 916 Aw Todos, or ove engin» d =" 8 wrece 6 = vodink, 9 = ome in mor ° Worked Esoorge 52 To are aalosendn om ome 6K wodiomA O& Ve Lente OF @ wale “Writ vodins Bom. Ring Sve Vangitn oF Noe a6 G Vo Levens OCR Boiskkons, Geen Awolk- co Sve OS 23 Oe AMANO S = vd =erh = AB am Bed) A Woeted © NA S% Find whe area S ae SLOT Wh NHe Kosvon sv Wem , SooWon Were Q=tB,P=6 8 6 om oo TRO = 49 = ‘st Gx cS) =\78 Ur aH) Warked Exomele $% Ginten Ano O secroe oF 0 Gee Yon eakine Bum omd Oren GA UM’, od secror ome, md Lhe Gewmwmerce Of Le seeror, Solukions Lor ke sector anche : Bor “ 9 vadion. Bord Grined xnok, geetor aren = 64 ss =v 4 C8 8 = 64 * 329 =64 ao ae Br 28 9 = 2 CaBKom Kr) Ragrmarer of Xn Seror = BX Sr HC larga = \gox OL) = \oxi6 = ar um (ed \52 “Yromn You» Now, Atala Haw HP

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