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The world's forests are indeed under tremendous pressure from industries and practices
that deforest these important ecosystems. However, the suggestion put forth in the
reading passage that the creation of an International Protection Fund will help protect
these areas is flawed for several reasons.

Firstly, agriculture is itself a destructive force upon the forest ecosystem. With the rising
populations, farmers are under constant pressure to increase harvest yields by using
modern agricultural technology and practices. These include harmful practices such as
fertilizer and pesticide use, which have been proven to be detrimental to the surrounding
environments because they create runoff waste and water pollution. This in turn leads to
deforestation at a rate much worse than that of logging. Continued promotion of
agriculture as a solution to deforestation is not a good idea.

Secondly, paying villagers and tribal communities a stipend is an inadequate solution to

the deforestation problem. Dispersed money from the International Protection Fund would
mean that money would go to forest owners. More often than not, these owners are in fact
governments, not residents. Therefore, a payout of this sort would not end up in the hands
of these forest dwellers. Additionally, there is no guarantee that if governments received
money, that it would be appropriately used to protect the forest.

Finally, if money is spent promoting biodiversity by encouraging the planting of new forest,
there is no doubt that people will plant trees which have commercial purposes. If people
merely plant plantation forests, this would do nothing in the way of promoting the goal of
forest biodiversity. As you can see, the development of an international monetary fund to
protect developing countries' forests is rather inadequate.

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