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CS F213: Object Oriented Programming

Dipanjan Chakraborty
Department of CS&IS

What are Enumerations

A list of named constants that define a new data type and its legal

An enumeration object can hold only a value that was declared in
the list

Other values are not allowed

In Java, an enumeration defines a class type

In Java, an enumeration can have constructors, methods, and
instance variables, can implement interfaces

However, an enumeration can not inherit another class or be
extended by another class

Enumeration example
1 enum BITSPilani {
2 Dubai, Hyderabad, Goa, Pilani
3 }

The identifiers Dubai, Hyderabad, etc. are called
enumeration constants
– Implicitly declared as a public, static final
member of BITSPilani

Their type is BITSPilani

These constants are called self-typed 3
Enumeration example
1 BITSPilani bp;
2 bp = BITSPilani.Hyderabad;
4 if (bp == BITSPilani.Goa) //false
6 switch(bp) {
7 case Hyderabad:
8 //DoSomething;
9 break;
10 case Goa:
11 //DoSomething;
12 break;
13 ...
14 }

Values() and valueOf() methods

The values() method returns an array that
contains a list of the enumeration constants

valueOf(String str) returns the enumeration
constant whose value corresponds to the
string passed in str

Values() and valueOf() methods
1 for (BITSPilani bp : BITSPilani.values())
2 System.out.println(bp);

1 bp = BITSPilani.valueOf(“Pilani”); // Pilani

Enumerations are Class Types

Each enumeration constant is an object of its enumeration

The constructor is called when each enumeration constant is

Each enumeration constant has its own copy of any instance
variables defined by the enumeration

Constructors can be overloaded

Let’s see an example

Enumerations are Class Types

All enums inherit java.lang.Enum class by default (an exception as enums can
not inherit classes)

Built-in methods:
– final int ordinal(): returns the ordinal value of the invoking constant.
Values start at 0
– final int compareTo(enum-type e): If the invoking constant has an
ordinal value less than e’s, then compareTo( ) returns a negative value. If
the two ordinal values are the same, then zero is returned. If the invoking
constant has an ordinal value greater than e’s, then a positive value is


CS F213: Object Oriented Programming

Dipanjan Chakraborty
Department of CS&IS

Type Wrappers

Java uses primitive data types for efficiency
– These do not inherit the Object class

However, object representations of primitive data
types are required at times:
– Primitive data types can not be passed by
– Some Java data structures only operate on objects

Type Wrappers

Double, Float, Long, Integer, Short, Byte,
Character, Boolean

Constructors are deprecated for memory

Instead the static valueOf() method may be used
– static Character valueOf(char ch)

Numeric Type Wrappers

Double, Float, Long, Integer, Short, Byte
– Inherit the abstract class Number

Number declares the following methods, these are implemented by the Numeric Type
– byte byteValue( )
– double doubleValue( )
– float floatValue( )
– int intValue( )
– long longValue( )
– short shortValue( )
Numeric Type Wrappers

– static Integer valueOf(int val)
– static Integer valueOf(String valStr)
throws NumberFormatException
– Integer iOb = Integer.valueOf(“OOP”);


Modern versions of Java have included two important
features: autoboxing and auto-unboxing

Autoboxing is the process by which a primitive type is
automatically encapsulated (boxed) into its equivalent
type wrapper whenever an object of that type is
needed. There is no need to explicitly construct an

Integer iOb = 100;

Auto-unboxing is the process by which the value
of a boxed object is automatically extracted
(unboxed) from a type wrapper when its valueis

There is no need to call a method such as
intValue( ) or doubleValue( )

int i = iOb;
In methods and expressions
1 static int m(Integer v) { 1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2 return v; 2 Integer iOb = m(100);
3 } 3 System.out.println(iOb);
4 }

1 Integer iOb; 1 Integer iOb = 100;

2 ++iOb; 2 Double dOb = 98.6;
3 dOb = dOb + iOb;

Similar behaviour for Characters and Booleans

Autoboxing and Auto-unboxing adds an

They should be used only when an object
representation of a primitive type is required

For all other cases stick to the primitive type
for efficiency

CS F213: Object Oriented Programming

Dipanjan Chakraborty
Department of CS&IS


Java’s way of embedding supplemental
information into a source file

Does not change the actions of the program:
leaves the semantics of a program unchanged


Information for the compiler — Annotations can be
used by the compiler to detect errors or suppress

Compile-time and deployment-time processing —
Software tools can process annotation information to
generate code, XML files, and so forth.

Runtime processing — Some annotations are available
to be examined at runtime.
1 @interface MyAnno { ●
Annotations are based on interface
2 String str();
3 int val(); ●
The @ sign indicates an annotation type being declared
4 } ●
All annotations comprise solely method declarations,
no bodies

Annotation can not include the extends clause
1 @MyAnno(str = "Annotation
– All annotations automatically extend
Example", val = 100)
2 public static void myMeth() { // ... java.lang.annotation package

Any declaration can have an annotation associated
– classes, methods, fields, parameters, and enum
constants can be annotated
– The annotation fields must be given values (like
data members)
Annotations: Retention Policy

SOURCE: is retained only in the source file and is
discarded during compilation

CLASS: is stored in the .class file during compilation.
However, it is not available through the JVM during run

RUNTIME: is stored in the .class file during compilation
and is available through the JVM during run time
– offers the greatest annotation persistence
Annotations: Retention Policy
1 @interface MyAnno {
2 String str();
3 int val();
4 }

Default policy is CLASS

Obtaining Annotations at Run Time

reflection can be used to obtain the annotations
– java.lang.reflect package

Obtain the class (getClass())

Obtain the (getMethod(String methodName)

Obtain the annotations (getAnnotation(Class<A> annotationType)

To obtain all annotations that have runtime retention associated
with an item:
– getAnnotations()
Annotations: Retention Policy
1 class Meta {
2 @MyAnno(str = "Annotation Example", val = 100)
3 public static void myMeth() {
4 Meta ob = new Meta();
5 try {
6 Class<?> c = ob.getClass(); // Generics
7 Method m = c.getMethod("myMeth");
8 MyAnno anno = m.getAnnotation(MyAnno.class);
9 System.out.println(anno.str() + " " + anno.val());
10 } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) {
11 System.out.println("Method Not Found.");
12 }
13 }

AnnotedElement interface

Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()
– Returns all non-inherited annotations present
in the invoking object

default boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<?
extends Annotation> annotationType)
– Returns true if annotation annotationType is
associated with the invoking object
Annotations: Default Values
1 @interface MyAnno {
2 String str() default "Testing";
3 int val() default 100;
4 }

Marker Annotations

An annotation with no members
– Used to mark an item

Can be determined with isAnnotationPresent()

Single-Member Annotations

Only one member present

Value can be directly specified without the
name of the member
– @MyAnnotation(100)

Built-in Annotations

@Retention (described earlier)

@Documented: marker annotation for another annotation
indicating that an annotation needs to be documented

@Target: specifies the types of items to which an annotation can
be applied. It is meant to be an annotation for another
– e.g. @Target( { ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR,
ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE } )
Built-in Annotations

@Inherited: marker annotation to be used on class declarations

Causes the annotation of a superclass to be inherited by a

@Override: marker annotation for methods. A method
annotated with @Override must override a method from a
superclass. If it doesn’t, a compile-time error will result. It is
used to ensure that a superclass method is actually overridden,
and not simply overloaded.

@Deprecated: indicates that a declaration is obsolete and not
recommended for use
Built-in Annotations

@FunctionalInterface: marker annotation for interfaces
– Indicates that an interface contains only one abstract method

@SafeVarargs: marker annotation that can be applied to methods and
– indicates that no unsafe actions related to a varargs parameter

@SuppressWarnings: specifies that one or more warnings that might
be issued by the compiler are to be suppressed
– The warnings to suppress are specified by name, in string form.
Type Annotations

Modern versions of Java allow annotations to be specified in
most cases in which a type is used
– e.g. the return type of a method, the type of this within a
method, a cast, array levels, an inherited class, a throws
clause, generic types

A type annotation must include ElementType.TYPE_USE as a

Refer to example in the textbook
Repeating Annotations

A repeatable annotation must be annotated with
@Repeatable annotation


No annotation can inherit another

All methods declared by an annotation must be without parameters.

They must return one of the following:
– A primitive type, such as int or double
– An object of type String or Class
– An object of an enum type
– An object of another annotation type
– An array of a legal type.

Annotations cannot be generic (Generics will be covered later)

Annotation methods cannot specify a throws clause.
How are Annotations Used?

It is possible to write Annotation Processors

These may take a Java source code (or byte code) and generate
Java source code

Used during compile time

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