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Ritual Steps

“Mind repeating that again, Inca?”

Mcnus was used to weird requests. His lifetime of adventures made him meet people who asked
favors of him. Some of those favors were odd, but Mcnus still complied with them anyway, hoping that
he would get something out of those he helped. In this case, the request he got was weirder than
“I want you to undergo a ritual with me,” Ingita repeated.
Mcnus stared at Ingita. She was brown cat with reddish brown fur. She had tan underbelly with
tan fingers and toes. Her piercing blue eyes were the opposite of her fire magic. The priestes wore a
green loincloth, and golden jewelry. She wore a golden necklace that coverd her neck and the top of her
navel, two golden bracelets on her wrists, a golden anklet on her right ankle, and a golden tail ring with
green jewels on her tail. She wasn’t wearing her golden headdress for the moment, revealing her short
red hair.
“I heard the part about the ritual,” Mcnus stated. “But why are you asking me to take off my
clothes for that ritual.”
“Que timido eres,” Ingita rolled her eyes at the black cat. “Nudity plays an important part in
magic rituals. By exposing your true self to the elements, you can make the magic surrounding you
resonate with the ritual.”
“I can understand the naked part,” Mcnus groaned. “But what I don’t understand is why do I
have to lie down on the floor so that you can step on me.”
“How much do you know about magic?” Ingita asked Mcnus, trying to show her patience with
him. “I can tell you everything you need to know.”
“The only thing that I know about magic is that I barely know a thing about it,” Mcnus crossed
his arms. “So I suggest you try to convince me to do this thing rather than ask out of the blue.”
“Very well,” Ingita sighed. “I’m a priestess. My powers are spiritual in nature. That’s why I need
to expose myself to the elements. It’s why I walk barefoot all the time.”
“All us walk barefoot,” Mcnus pointed at his paws to punctuate his point.
“Como sea,” Ingita sighed, annoyed at the black cat’s impatience. “Priestesses like me and other
magic users who rely on spirits and nature, depend a lot on their paws. Since our paws are constantly
touching the earth, they connect us to the world, therefore bringing us its power.”
“If you recharge by walking barefoot, why do you even need a ritual?” Mcnus demanded,
seeing the fallacy of her explanation.
“Because rituals accomplish better results,” Ingita pointed at him. “The magic of two beings
resonate with each other. The person who undergoes the ritual delivers their energy to the magic user
so that they can enhance their powers.”
“So you want me to undergo some sort of ritual trample to help you recharge faster?” Mcnus
stared incredulously at Ingita.
“Si,” Ingita nodded.
“Do I look like a paw slut to you?” Mcnus asked her angrily.
“Si,” Ingita smirked at him.
“I am not a paw slut!” Mcnus growled at the fire priestess.
“Do you think I’m blind?” Ingita was the one feeling offended this time. “I saw the way you stare
at Aileen’s paws when you think we’re not looking. I see how Aileen uses her paws a lot to fight you
even though she could crush you with her arms. And I saw the way you enjoyed her rubbing her paws
over your face last night while the rest of us were asleep.”
“You saw us do that?” Mcnus was blushing so hard that it was noticeable under his dark fur.
“Si,” Ingita gave a lustful grin. “I saw the way Aileen wrapped her paw over your snout and how
you relaxed, as if you wanted to inhale her scent and savor her flavor. I saw how the other paw joined to
turn your head around. And I saw how you submitted to those paws when they grabbed your cheeks.”
“I get it! I get it!” Mcnus desperately gestured at Ingita to stop talking.
“Don’t get embarrassed,” Ingita teased. “For a huge woman, she’s got a cute pair of paws
despite her large foot size.”
“I’d rather keep my paw fetish private,” Mcnus stated. “I don’t like being teased so frequently
with it.”
“But you enjoy having an excuse to indulge when those paws step on you,” Ingita countered.
“Why are you asking me to do this?” Mcnus asked. “You do know that I am with Aileen. She
won’t be happy to have your paws claiming her man.”
“It’s not really two-timing if you don’t have sex,” Ingita corrected him. “Besides, you’re helping a
comrade become stronger.”
“At my expense,” Mcnus pointed at himself. “I’m the one who’s getting stomped by Aileen after
this. And not in the good and fun way.”
“I’ve seen Aileen stomp you in the bad way,” Ingita deadpanned, reminding Mcnus that she was
present for his destructive sparring matches with the cougar. “I’m sure that you will enjoy it anyway.”
“I’m not two-timing Aileen,” Mcnus stated.
“Would it help if I told you that the ritual will also enhance your powers a bit?” Ingita pressed on
further, undeterred by the black cat’s refusal to participate. “There’s a chance that you can finally beat
Aileen in a fight. Imagine submitting her paws to a tickling session to celebrate your victory. Or forcing
her to stay still as you work on her paws without her doing anything about it.”
Mcnus actually considered the words of the fire priestess. As much as he loved Aileen, the
cougar always had the upper hand in the relationship. Her huge and dexterous paws gave her a power
edge in the relationship. But he always wondered how would it feel to make those paws submit to him
at one point on his life.
He imagined nibbling them. He imagined biting the sole hard enough to make her moan. He
imagined suckling each toe like candy. He imagined restraining the paws so that he could tickle them. He
considered thrusting into the hole that her paws made when they were put together. It was too good of
an offer to refuse.
This is a trap, Mcnus thought. She’s using my fetish against me. I must resist.
“Will it make it easy for you if I give you an excuse?” Ingita teased as she sat on top of a chair
that was resting in the ancient house where the meeting took place.
“How will you convince me?” Mcnus felt nervous at the smirk she gave him.
“Fire is far from the only magic I can do,” Ingita raised her legs, pointing her paws at him.
“I’m not that desperate for paws,” Mcnus glared at her, resisting the urge to stare down at her
feet and admire her toes.
“You will be after my spell is done,” Ingita flashed her teeth in a mischievous smile. “Ahora,
mirame las patas.”
Slowly, but surely, Mcnus’ eyes moved downward. At first it was a peek, then he realized that he
was giving them a look. Soon enough, his body was kneeling down to stare at her paws.
“Te gustan mis patas,” Ingita told him in Spanish. “Tu amas mis patas. Quieres tocarlas. Quieres
que te toquen. Quieres besarlas. Quieres lamerlas. Quieres que te pisen.”
Mcnus felt the temperature of the room rise. He developed tunnel vision as he stared at those
paws. The background are those paws turned in a spiral of flame that made the paws shine brighter and
emanate a warmth that relaxed him.
I can’t resist those paws coming out of the fire, Mcnus thought. It’s like I am staring at the feet of
a goddess.
Ingita’s paws pressed on Mcnus’ cheeks, making him blush. Their warmth felt like putting a hot
towel on his face. It relaxed him. The black cat moaned as the paws of the fire priestess rubbed all over
his face.
“Will you help me now, Mcnus?” Ingita’s voice came out of the fire, making it seem like her
paws were talking to him.
“Yes,” Mcnus relaxed into the paws.
“Good,” Ingita’s paws covered his eyes, as if hiding a surprise for him. “Then go to sleep. I’ll
have a surprise for you waiting after you wake up.”
“Yes, my goddess,” Mcnus spoke without being prompted. It earned a mocking laugh from Ingita
as her paws pushed him to the ground.
“Don’t tell Aileen that you told me that,” Ingita teased. “She’d get jealous.”
Somehow, the name of Aileen didn’t get cause any reaction to Mcnus. He was too content with
the reddish brown paws on him to care.
“I only serve your paws,” Mcnus moaned as he put his hands on his pants and removed them so
that he could be fully naked.
“I’ll hold you on to that,” Ingita told him. “Sleep for a bit, dear Mcnus. I need you fully recharged
when you wake up.”
Mcnus closed his eyes and surrendered to the darkness, knowing that his goddess was going to
save him when he opened his eyes again.

An hour later, Mcnus opened his eyes. The first thing that he saw was that the house where he
met Ingita had been cleaned. Not only that, but there were torches lit on, illuminating the place and
giving it a ritualistic appearance.
“Ya despertaste,” Ingita spoke, making Mcnus turn his head around to see her.
The fire priestess was wearing her golden headdress with feathers coming out of the top. It
made her look more authoritative.
“You look beautiful,” Mcnus muttered.
“Still under the spell, I see,” Ingita advanced towards Mcnus. “Que bien. It means that the ritual
will go without problem.”
“How does the ritual trample work?” Mcnus asked, feeling curious over the procedure even as
he was charmed with the thought of Ingita’s paws.
“The planet is alive,” Ingita stated. “We wall take part of that life through the soles of our feet
when we stand. But we take more when we lie down on our backs so that the lifeforce of the planet can
heal us. By stepping on your body, my paws will be connected to the world through you. Our magic will
mix in and become stronger as my paws take the power your body is absorbing and they also hammer
my power into you as well.”
“Then I surrender myself to you, my goddess,” Mcnus said with a submissive tone.
Ingita didn’t say anything. She just gave a grin.
Mcnus moaned when her paws stepped on him. She was smaller than Aileen, but Ingita was a
lot heavier than he expected and her paws were larger for someone of her body size. One paw was on
his belly and the other one on his chest.
“Que rico,” Ingita moaned with delight as she felt the warmth of Mcnus fur under her pads
followed by a tingling sensation that ran up her legs as she felt the magic of the black cat surging
through her paws. “Your power is moving from my pads all the way to my head. How does it feel down
below, Mcnus?’
“Ahh,” Mcnus moaned as he felt a warmth enveloping his entire body as Ingita’s paws were
balancing on top of him.
Little by little, Ingita’s paws were trampling Mcnus as she focused on his chest and belly. She
started speaking some sort of ancient language as she was belly dancing. The black cat beneath her feet
was moaning as her paws relaxed and empowered him. The dancing trample session caused the flames
to flicker with Ingita’s movements.
Ingita clapped her arms, creating a ring of swirling flames that danced with her movements.
She was stepping on Mcnus chest with her left paw and the right paw was on his snout. His nose
and mouth were covered by the left outermost toe of the right paw while the other remaining toes
rested on the top of his snout and face.
Aileen, Mcnus thought with some clarity. Her paws feel like Aileen.
Ingita twirled, grinding her paw pads on his chest and face. Then she stepped back and forth so
that her left paw could press on Mcnus’ face. The black cat purred into the paws as they took turns
stepping into his face.
The fire priestess purred in delight at the love that Mcnus gave her paws as they dominated him
underfoot. She extended her toe claws and gave the tuxedo cat a belly scratch that made him wiggle his
legs in pleasure.
She noticed the erection that was between his legs and smiled.
It’s not cheating if it’s just a pawjob, Ingita thought with a smile as she danced lower across his
body until she stepped on his groin.
“Ahh!” Mcnus moaned. “More please.”
He stared at the paws on his crotch. The way her pads enveloped his balls. The way her toes
played with his shaft. It reminded him of Aileen’s dexterous paws. He moaned in pleasure as he saw
those reddish brown paws turn into Aileen’s paws.
The paws on his dick kept dancing, trampling and stroking him until he eventually came.
He came into her paws, but he still felt horny. The paws didn’t relent as they continued
trampling his naked body.
“Good boy,” Ingita muttered as she poured a glass of water down her legs to clean up her paws
and his body
Ingita grinned as she felt stronger. The magic power inside of her was a flame being fanned by
the love of her partner. The reddish brown cat kept dancing all day long, reaching the zenith of her
power by the time the sun set.

“What happened?” Mcnus asked a few hours later after awakening from his nap.
“You helped me to complete the ritual,” Ingita told Mcnus. “How do you feel now?”
“I feel great!” Mcnus beamed. “I feel like there’s a fire inside of me. I’ve never felt so strong in
my life.”
“I told you that the ritual was worth having,” Ingita bragged. “What will you do with your new
strength now?”
“I’m going for a sparring match with Aileen,” Mcnus declared. “And maybe we can have some
fun after that.”
“Try to not to let the power go to your head,” Ingita advised Mcnus. “Aileen can still beat you if
you decide to beat her with brute strength. Just use your fighting skills and mix them in with the powers
that I gave you.”
“You seem to know a lot about how I should fight,” Mcnus remarked.
“You’re not the first warrior I blessed with this ritual,” Ingita grinned at Mcnus.
“May I have another blessing some day?” Mcnus stared at her paws, blushing as he imagined
their warmth and passion on him.
“I’ll give you another sessions if you ever ask, or if I ever felt like it,” Ingita teased as an outline
of fire surrounded her paws, promising him another session in the future.
With a grin, Mcnus parted from Ingita, ready to enjoy a sparring session with Aileen. And looking
forward to what he was going to do to those cougar paws after winning.

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