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Last October 1 I went to the torture museum, a museum that I really like for its large number of
instruments and history from that me, this is a museum that is located in the historic center of
Mexico City and the cost of Admission is $60 pesos.

The museum has 6 exhibi on rooms, and although it is a fairly small museum compared to others,
it has a lot of content, in rooms 1 and 2 you can see devices used for public humilia on

In rooms 3 and 4 you can see those instruments intended specifically for women and some other
torture devices and in rooms 5 and 6 I found instruments and devices used in case the vic m was
sentenced to the death penalty.

I really like that the museum lets you see what the punishment was like at that me. For both minor
and major punishments, it undoubtedly contains very well cared for and quite terrifying specimens.
I highly recommend this museum for those who want to know the me of the inquisi on, but if you
are very sensi ve I do not recommend it since it contains quite strong and explicit images not
suitable for everyone.

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