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Panorama of the Bible


“A Broad Overview of the Scriptures”


The reception to “Panorama of the Bible” has been humbling not only in the thousands who
have taken the class but in the hundreds that have viewed the series online. Since 1981,
“Panorama” has undergone several revisions. This edition marks the latest (and perhaps
the last).

As always, the value of “Panorama” is in its breadth and the attention to the Panorama
Timeline. The Timeline sequences key people, places, events, and dates in a chronological flow.
It provides the skeletal framework for further (and deeper) studies.

With this “Revised Edition – 2018”, it is the hope and prayer that believers will take seriously
“the” Book – the divinely inspired revelation of God to His people. The prayer of the Psalmist
is mine as well, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law”
(Psalm 119:18 ESV).

Robert V. Cupp
BiLD Training Center
Winter, 2015

© 2018, Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas

The Training Center

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®
(ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good
News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Curriculum may be copied and used for personal and ministry purposes
as long as content remains unchanged.
Table of Contents


Session 1 | Prologue 11

Session 2 | Patriarchs 28

Session 3 | Redemption/Wanderings 43

Session 4 | Conquest 61

Session 5 | Apostasy 80

Session 6 | Kingship: United Monarchy 99


Session 7 | Kingship: Divided Monarchy 121

Session 8 | Exile 137

Session 9 | Return from Exile 154

Session 10 | Life of Christ 173

Session 11 | Church Age 190

Session 12 | Final Consummation 208

#1 PROLOGUE (Genesis 1-11)

God Universe Angels Man Fall Flood Tower

“Psalm 90:2” “Genesis 1:1” “Unfallen/Fallen” “Adam/Eve” “Serpent” “Noah” “Nimrod”
#2 PATRIARCHS (Genesis 12-50; Job)

Abram/Abraham Isaac Jacob/Israel Joseph

... ...
“Faith” “Peace” “Cunning” “Character”

#3 REDEMPTION (Exodus, Leviticus)

Bondage Moses Pharaoh 10 Plagues Exodus Event Sinai Event Tabernacle Event
... ...
“Egypt” “5 Excuses” “Who?” “Passover” “Salvation” “Word” “Worship”

AND WANDERINGS (Numbers, Deuteronomy)

Preparation Departure Rebellion Wandering Plains of Moab

... zzz
zzz ...
“Census” “Numbers 10:11” “Kadesh-Barnea” “40 Years” “Moses Dies”
“Cleansing” (12 spies)

#4 CONQUEST (Joshua)
Joshua Rahab Enter Conquer Possess Joshua’s Address
... ...
“Strong” “Spies” “Gilgal” “Central” “Tribal Allotments” “Choose Today”
“Courageous” “Jericho” “Southern” • “Northern”

#5 APOSTASY (Judges, Ruth) R R R


Incomplete Conquest Sin Cycle Book of Ruth
Minor (6)
... ...
Major (6)
“did not drive out” “Judges 2” “Rest”, “Rebellion”, “in the days of the judges”
“Rest”, “Rebellion”,
“Retribution”, “Repentance”,
“Restoration”, “Rest”
#6 KINGSHIP: UNITED MONARCHY (1-2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1-11)

Eli Samuel Saul David Solomon 931 BC

... ...
“Wicked Sons” “Prophet” “Jonathan” “Bathsheba” “Wisdom” “Death of Solomon”
“Priest” (Pss., Prov., Eccl., S. of S.)

#7 KINGSHIP: DIVIDED MONARCHY (1 Kings 12-22, 2 Kings)

722 BC
Jeroboam I ISRAEL Assyrian Captivity
19 Kings eg. “Ahab”, “Joram”
931 BC (all bad)
“The Prophets”
Death of
Solomon 586 BC
Rehoboam JUDAH Babylonian Captivity
(Solomon’s Son)
19 Kings eg “Hezekiah”,
1 Queen “Manasseh”
(most bad, some good)

#8 EXILE (Ezekiel, Daniel)

515 BC
605, 597, 586, 581 BC Length.... = 70 Years (Jer. 25, 29) 539 BC (516)
... Empires.. = Babylon, Medo-Persian ...
Babylonian Prophets. = Ezekiel & Daniel (Jeremiah) Cyrus Captures Rebuilding
Deportations Babylon the Temple
#9 RETURN + 400 SILENT YEARS (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther)

Zerubbabel Ezra Nehemiah
... Zechariah . . . (End of Old Testament)
“Rebuild Temple” “Rebuild People” “Rebuild Walls” Malachi

Persians Greeks Hebrew Independence Romans

... . . . (Between the Testaments)

#10 LIFE OF CHRIST (Gospels)


3-4 yrs. Triumphal Upper Betrayal,

Zechariah Joseph Baptism Temptations (Obscurity) (Opposition) Entry Room Arrest, Trials
... ...

Elizabeth Mary (≈ 30) “Satan” (Zech. 9:9) (Jn. 13-17)


Appearances Great Commission

... ...
(1 Cor. 15) (Matt. 28)

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