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Muhammad Ahmed

In this segment, we delve deeper into the design structure and operational dynamics of our Stock
Control Management System (SCMS), providing a comprehensive overview of its functionalities
and operational framework. Through meticulously crafted diagrams, we elucidate the intricate
interactions between various system actors, including Staff, Order Managers, and Suppliers,
showcasing how they navigate and collaborate within the system to streamline inventory
management processes.
Moreover, we prioritize security considerations by identifying potential threats and proposing
robust controls to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data within the SCMS.
By addressing these security concerns proactively, we ensure that our system remains resilient
against cyber threats and unauthorized access, bolstering trust and reliability among
Furthermore, we delve into the transformative potential of innovation and data analytics in
driving organizational performance within the SCMS. By harnessing the power of data analytics
tools and leveraging innovative technologies, businesses can gain valuable insights into their
operations, streamline processes, and make informed decisions that drive success. This segment
underscores the pivotal role of innovation and data-driven strategies in enhancing operational
efficiency and maintaining a competitive edge in today's dynamic business landscape.
In addition to discussing the conceptual framework of the SCMS, we provide practical insights
into its implementation through Microsoft Visual Studio. By crafting a user-friendly graphical
user interface (GUI) that seamlessly integrates with an SQL database, we enhance usability and
accessibility for end-users. We walk through the development process of this GUI, highlighting
its intuitive design and functionality, which facilitate seamless navigation through the system's
features and functionalities.
Furthermore, we showcase the SCMS's database connectivity capabilities, demonstrating its
capacity to efficiently store, manage, and retrieve inventory data. By establishing robust database
connectivity, we ensure data accuracy, consistency, and availability, empowering businesses to
make informed decisions based on real-time insights and analytics.
As a result , this segment serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the intricacies of our
SCMS, from its design structure to its operational functionalities. By prioritizing security,
embracing innovation, and leveraging advanced technologies, we equip businesses with the tools
and resources they need to optimize inventory management processes, drive operational
efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth and success.

Step 1:
Import the data the UNSW_NB15 Dataset in spreadsheet file into R-Studio;

Step 2:
Use the R-Studio package to summary the data and show all the headings (i.e. labels)
for the selected UNSW_NB15 Dataset; Displaying summary and column names

Step 3:
Conduct data visualization, that include Boxplot, Histograms, line-plot, dotplot graphs, scatter
plot etc

• Boxplot:

• Histogram

Line Plot


Scatter plot

. Conduct Correlation Analysis for the UNSW_NB15 Dataset; correlogram: Visualization,
Correlation matrix plotting and K-means.
Correlation analysis:


Conduct Cluster Analysis and create Cluster plot for the Security dataset

Build Predictive models using glm function
Build Linear Regression model using spkts and sbytes features in RStudio

Build Multiple Linear Regression model using four features versus label

9. Write equation for the Linear Regression model based on your results.
• Intercept=0.4413
• spkts coefficient=−0.001535
• dpkts coefficient=0.0005807
• sbytes coefficient=0.000001191
• dbytes coefficient=−0.0000001733
• Therefore, the equation for the linear regression model is:
• label=0.4413−0.001535×spkts+0.0005807×dpkts+0.000001
• =0.4413−0.001535×spkts+0.0005807×dpkts+0.000001191× sbytes−0.0000001733×dbytes

STEP 10:
10. Write a Multiple Linear Regression equation for the MLR model.




• Staff
• Order Manager
• Warehouse Manager
• Supplier
System Boundary:
Use Cases:

Manage Inventory:

• Description: This use case involves managing the inventory by adding, updating, or
removing products.
• Actors: Staff
• Includes: Track Supplies
Raise Purchase Order:

• Description: This use case involves raising a purchase order for products that need to be
reordered from the supplier.
• Actors: Staff
• Includes: Calculate Reorder Level
Approve Purchase Order:

• Description: This use case involves approving a purchase order by the order manager
before the goods are purchased.
• Actors: Order Manager
• Extends: Raise Purchase Order
Flag Shortages:

• Description: This use case involves receiving supplies from the supplier and updating the
• Actors: Staff
• Includes: Manage Inventory
Track Supplies:

• Description: This use case involves tracking supplies received, units sold, and any
wastage in the inventory system.
• Actors: Staff
• Excluded: Calculate Reorder Level
Calculate Reorder Level:
• Description: This use case involves calculating the reorder level for products in the
• Actors: Staff
• Excluded: Track Supplies


• productId: string
• name: string
• description: string
• price: float
• Relationships:
• category: Category
• supplier: Supplier


• categoryId: string
• name: string

Inventory Control System

• inventoryId: string
• productId: string
• quantity: int
• reorderLevel: int
• Relationships:
• product: Product
• warehouse: Warehouse
Warehouse Manager

• warehouseId: string
• location: string
• capacity: int
• Relationships:
• inventories: List<Inventory>


• supplierId: string
• name: string
• contactInfo: string
• Relationships:
• productsSupplied: List<Product>
• purchaseOrders: List<PurchaseOrder>


• orderId: string
• staff: Staff
• orderDate: Date
• approvalStatus: string
• Relationships:
• Product


• staffId: string
• name: string
• role: string
• Warehouse Manager

Threat Model for Stock Control Management System:
• Unauthorized User

• Inventory
• Purchase Order
• Supplier

Threats and Controls:

• Spoofing:

Threat: Unauthorized access to the system by impersonating a legitimate user.

Control: Implement strong authentication mechanisms like multi-factor authentication for
user login.

• Tampering:
Threat: Unauthorized modification of inventory data or purchase orders.
Control: Implement data encryption and integrity checks to detect and prevent tampering.

• Information Disclosure:

Threat: Unauthorized access to sensitive information such as supplier details or purchase

order details.
Control: Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict access to sensitive
information based on user roles.

• Denial of Service (DoS):

Threat: Disruption of inventory management operations or procurement processes.

Control: Implement the principle of least privilege, where users are granted only the
minimum level of access required to perform their tasks.

we need to identify the main entities and their relationships. Here's a list of data entities based
on the provided information:

• Product
• Category
• Warehouse
• Inventory
• Supplier
• Purchase Order
• Order Manager
• Staff
Now, let's define the relationships between these entities:

• Product - Category: One-to-Many (A product belongs to one category, but a category can
have many products.)
• Product - Inventory: Many-to-One (A product can be in many inventories, but each
inventory contains one product.)
• Inventory - Warehouse: Many-to-One (An inventory belongs to one warehouse, but a
warehouse can have many inventories.)
• Product - Supplier: Many-to-Many (A product can be supplied by multiple suppliers, and
a supplier can supply multiple products.)
• Supplier - Purchase Order: One-to-Many (A supplier can have many purchase orders, but
each purchase order is from one supplier.)
• Staff - Role: One-to-Many (A staff member can have one role, but a role can be assigned
to multiple staff members.)
• Staff - Procurement Order: One-to-Many (A staff member can raise multiple procurement
orders, but each procurement order is raised by one staff member.)
• Order Manager - Purchase Order: One-to-Many (An order manager can approve multiple
purchase orders, but each purchase order is approved by one order manager.)
• Purchase Order - Supply: One-to-Many (A purchase order can result in multiple supplies,
but each supply is associated with one purchase order.)
• Inventory - Reorder Level: One-to-One (Each inventory has one reorder level.)


Firstly, I made GUI on Ms Visual Studio 2022. According to the functions mentioned in the
instructions, I made a dashboard having directions of every page and navigates to respective
page and then I made 3 Pages.

This is the second page, Add.cs, designed specifically to facilitate the addition of inventory
items into the database. Through a meticulously crafted interface, users can seamlessly
select items to be included in the inventory system.

Moving on to the third page, Delete.cs, which serves as a pivotal tool for
managing the database by removing redundant or obsolete inventory items.
With its intuitive design, users can efficiently delete items from the system,
ensuring data accuracy and optimization.
Transitioning to the fourth page, Edit.cs, users gain access to a comprehensive
platform for refining and updating inventory data within the database. This
page empowers users to make precise edits to existing items, enhancing data
integrity and operational efficiency.

Within the database, a meticulously organized table data and records.

Providing tangible evidence of database connectivity, this section showcases

my robust connection with the SQL Database. Through detailed visuals and
comprehensive documentation, viewers gain insight into the system's data,
records, and entries, reaffirming its reliability and functionality.

Finally, the SQL Server main page serves as the central hub for database
management, offering a comprehensive overview of database details,
connections, and stored values. This page provides users with a holistic view of
the database's architecture and operational dynamics, facilitating efficient
data management and analysis.

Innovations and data analytics stand as indispensable pillars in enhancing a business's overall
health and performance trajectory. By harnessing the power of data analytics tools and
leveraging advancements in information systems, businesses gain invaluable insights into their
operational intricacies, client behaviors, and prevailing industry trends. This analytical prowess
empowers enterprises to expedite their expansion plans, streamline operational procedures, and,
most importantly, make informed, data-driven decisions that drive success.

The integration of new information systems within a business often catalyzes profound structural
transformations. These changes manifest through the reorganization of departments, the
establishment of novel roles such as data scientists or analysts, and the infusion of cutting-edge
technologies into existing workflows. Moreover, the deployment of advanced analytics tools
frequently necessitates the restructuring of systems architecture and the fortification of
underlying infrastructure to support robust data processing and analysis capabilities.

Accompanying the technological metamorphosis is a fundamental shift in organizational culture.

Companies embarking on the journey of data-driven decision-making must cultivate an
environment that champions the utilization of data to inform actions and strategies. This cultural
shift entails initiatives aimed at fostering a data-centric mindset among employees, including
comprehensive training on data analytics tools and methodologies, as well as the promotion of
collaborative knowledge-sharing endeavors across teams.
In conclusion, this report encapsulates a comprehensive exploration of our Stock Control
Management System (SCMS), unravelling its intricate design, operational functionalities,
and the transformative impact of innovations and data analytics within the
organizational ecosystem. Through meticulous analysis and visualization, we've
navigated through the system's structural framework, delineated its operational
dynamics, and shed light on the pivotal role of data-driven decision-making in driving
organizational success.

From the inception of our SCMS project to its implementation and evaluation, we've
traversed a journey marked by innovation, diligence, and a relentless pursuit of
excellence. The development of a user-friendly interface using Microsoft Visual Studio,
coupled with seamless integration with an SQL database, underscores our commitment
to delivering robust solutions that cater to the evolving needs of modern businesses.

Moreover, our exploration of innovations and data analytics underscores the imperative
for organizational adaptability and cultural evolution in the face of technological
disruption. By fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making and embracing
structural changes, businesses can position themselves for long-term success in a
rapidly evolving digital landscape.

As we reflect on the insights gleaned from this report, it becomes evident that the fusion
of technological advancements with strategic insights holds the key to unlocking new
avenues of growth and competitiveness. By leveraging innovations and data analytics,
businesses can not only optimize their operational efficiencies but also gain a
competitive edge in the marketplace.

In essence, this report serves not only as a testament to technical prowess but also as a
blueprint for organizational transformation. By embracing the principles of innovation,
data-driven decision-making, and organizational adaptability, businesses can chart a
course towards sustained growth, resilience, and success in an increasingly dynamic and
competitive business environment.

• Lucidchart. (n.d.). Network Diagram. Retrieved from

• Lucidchart. (n.d.). Flowchart. Retrieved from


• Creately. (n.d.). Process Diagram. Retrieved from

• Lucidchart. (n.d.). Organizational Chart. Retrieved from

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