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To: Jonathan

From: Kenny
Subject: Employee Disciplinary Reminder

Good employees should have good discipline towards themselves and their professional
responsibility. Those who happen to prefer ignoring the regulations stated by the company need
to be reminded or further notice of penalty

It has come to my attention that your behavior of professional discipline has been lacking in the
past two months. Your punctuality has been nowhere to be found in our company’s data. In
addition to your unsatisfactory manner, we have found out of a poor habit you tend to do which
is taking self-made extended hours of breaks. As your HR Manager, it is my responsibility to
ensure all employees in this company are able to achieve a standard of discipline and

In order to maintain a great and healthy working environment and place in our beloved
company, a light and minor decision has been made for you to be given a reminder through this
letter hoping an improvement will be made in the future to gain a better work performance.If a
further misconduct of behavior is made, a further penalty than just a reminder will be given.

Sincerely, Kenny

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