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Corbett Davis

Professor Gonzalez



Reading Response Two

I saw the “Global Black Rhetoric's Unleashed” panel at the Knights Write Showcase,

where graduate students and scholars shared their research papers to demonstrate black rhetoric's

and literacies. Each presenter had a distinctive topic that still tied to black rhetoric in their own

way while still staying engaging (except for the first one, that one confused me.) The

presentation that stuck out to me and seemingly the audience the most was the one about the tv

show “The Boondocks.” Her presentation was done well with the fact that it was engaging with

the audiences age range, she also used a clip from the show which caused some laughter from the

audience. She talked about how the Boondocks highlighted many African American problems

through crude and very in your face humor and punchlines. The clip she showed that I mentioned

earlier featured the African American family the show is centered around, as they had to pretend

to be slaves for a wealthy business owner at his amusement park named “Freedom Land.”

I learned about black rhetoric's in the form of dialects, history, dance, music, and even as

mentioned earlier tv shows. It comes in so many different forms which I had never really

considered before, and not just black but all rhetoric can be delivered this way which I find

interesting. I’m hoping to be able to look outside of the box as the presenters did in how I gather

data as well as the sources I use. I wanted to know more about how they landed on their

presentation ideas considering how much I struggled with mine and mine still does not feel

exactly right. I wanted to ask how much time they spent perfecting their topic but at the time I
didn’t know how. The benefit for the audience is the gift of being educated on a topic they are

unfamiliar with, as for the presenters they can present their findings and research as well as raise

awareness for their purpose of writing. It is also good practice for the speakers on their public

speaking which they can fine tune if they plan on doing more panels. It is beneficial for both

audience and speaker to end events such as Knights Write Showcase as both sides are able to

enhance their mind and skills which they can use to better their writing and presenting.

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