Intermediate 1

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● Home improvement: converting or modernizing a home
● Neutral: colors like brown, grey and white
● Overwhelming: very strong or too intense
● Dark: colors like black or brown
● Rearrange: move to another location
● Replace: exchange an item for another
● Combine: look good together
● Get rid of: discard
● Repaint: to paint again
● Redo: do something again
● Work well
● Repair
● Option

Making informal suggestions

● With base form
○ Why don’t you verb it yourself
○ I think you should verb it yourself
○ I know what you should do. Call my friend

● With verb + ing

○ Have you thought about verb + ing it yourself?
○ Try calling my friend

● Responding a strong yes

○ Good idea
○ That’s a good idea
○ It sounds good to me

● Weak yes / maybe

○ I guess it’s worth a try
○ Maybe I’ll do that

● No
○ I don’t think so
○ No, I don’t like that idea

Stative passive voice

● The cakes are baked
● The door is opened
● The lake is frozen
● The window is broken
● Vocabulary
○ Bend - bent (doblado)
○ Break - broken (roto)
○ Clog - clogged (obstruido)
○ Crack - cracked (agrietado)
○ Flood - flooded (inundado)
○ Freeze - frozen (congelado)
○ Jam - jammed (atascado)
○ Stain - stained (manchado)

● Private life: The things I do at my house are part of my private life, nobody
knows about them except me!
● Have privacy: I only have privacy in my bedroom. I can be alone there
and nobody knows the things I do
● No one else’s business: My private life is no one else’s business. The
only person who needs to know about it is me and only me!
● In public: He always plays his guitar in public so people can listen to him
● Public figure: Mariah Carey is a public figure. If she goes to a public
space, many people will recognize her
● The general public: The incredibly rich take cars, taxis, and even
helicopters to work. However, the general public has to use public
● Right: If the government does something that you don’t agree with, it is
your right to protest. No person can stop you from expressing your opinion
● Disturb: Paparazzi disturb celebrities all the time, even when the celebrity
is only trying to relax
Giving permission and Expressing prohibition
● Permission
○ I can eat in the cafeteria
○ I am permitted to park at ICPNA’s parking lot
○ I am allowed to use my cell phone
○ You must watch your hands
○ Drinking water is permitted during class
○ Asking questions is allowed in the classroom
○ I am supposed to do my homework every day (EXPECTATION)

● Prohibition
○ I can’t go to the party
○ I am not permitted to park at ICPNA’s parking lot
○ You are not allowed to go into the teacher’s room
○ You must not eat in the classroom
○ Eating candy isn’t allowed in the classroom
○ Talking on the phone isn’t permitted during class
○ No eating allowed in the classroom
○ No talking permitted during class
● Retirement: when someone gets older and stops working
● Community: a group of people living together
● Retirement community: a place where older people live
● Childhood
● Adolescence
● Adulthood
● Infant (baby) - Toddler - Child (Kid) - Adolescent (Teenager) - Adult
● Infant - Toddler - Kid - Teenager - Adult - Elder

Talkin about plans and Talking about needs

● Planning + infinitive
○ We are planning to study together
○ He is planning to take the test
● Going + infinitive
○ We are going to study together
○ He is going to take the test
● Need + infinitive
○ We need to study together
○ He needs to take the test
● Thinking about + gerund
○ We are thinking about studying together
○ He is thinking about taking the test

Review of future forms

● Make a prediction
○ She will go to a good school
○ She is going to go to a good school
● State a future plan
○ The teenagers are going to work part-time this summer
○ The teenagers are working part-time this summer
● Scheduled events
○ The kids are going to go to summer camp on August 2nd
○ The kids are going to summer camp on August 2nd
○ The kids go to summer camp on August 2nd
● Raise a family
● Be born
● Go to school
● Enroll in college
● Get a job
● Fall in love
● Leave home
● Retire
● Buy a house
● Get married
● Get divorced
● Get pregnant
● Have children

Modals of future possibility

● Sentences
○ I may go to college in the fall
○ They may not go to college in the fall
○ He might go to college in the fall
○ They might not go to college in the fall
○ They could go to college in the fall
● Yes/No questions and short answers
○ With be
■ Will you be home by midnight?
● I may be. I don’t know
● I might be. I don’t know
● I could be. I don’t know
● I may not be. I’m not sure
● I might not be. I’m not sure
○ With other verbs
■ Are you going to go to college?
● I may. It’s hard to say right now
● I might. It’s hard to say right now
● I could. It’s hard to say right now
● I may not. We’ll see
● I might not. We’ll see
● Argument: when two people fight or disagree about something
● Get into an argument: when a conversation turns into a fight or
disagreement about something
● Argue: to fight or disagree with someone
● Converse: to talk informally
● Conversation: two or more people talking to each other
● Strike up a conversation: start a conversation
● Carry on a conversation: to continue talking with someone
● Discuss: to speak about something in detail
● Discussion: a conversation in which people speak about something in
● Gossip: informal conversation in which people talk about others who are
not present
● A piece of gossip: a detail someone has heard about another person
● The latest gossip: the most recent information someone has heard about
another person
● Juicy gossip: an exciting detail someone has heard about another person

Interrupting someone politely

● Excuse me. May I interrupt for a moment? My name is…
● I’m sorry to interrupt / I beg your pardon
● I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is…
● Excuse me. Sorry to bother you, Alfred, but I have a question
● Could I interrupt for a second? I just wanted to say/ask something

Participial and prepositional phrases

● Who is Jose Ortega?
● Who is Rosa Bardales?
● Which boos are mine?
● Which one is your sister?
● Who are your friends?

● He’s the guy chatting on the phone
● He’s the guy on the phone
● She’s the woman wearing glasses
● She’s the woman in front of the class
● They’re the ones lying on the floor
● They’re the ones in the drawer

● I get my news online
● I get my news on TV
● I get my news on the radio
● International news (about the world)
● National news (about my country)
● Local news (about my city)
● News program
● News site
● Entertainment news
● Sport news
● Tabloid news
● News story
● Trump was in the news recently
● Tell someone the news
● Hear the news
● Spread the news: expand the news
● Word of mouth: someone told me

Review of the Present Perfect

● Have you heard the news?
○ Yes, I have. I heard it this morning
○ No, I haven’t. What happened?
● How long have you been a reporter?
● How long has she been a reporter?
○ I’ve been a reporter for six months
○ She’s been a reporter since May

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