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Role-play a talk show.

The host interviews the panelists who talk

about their personalities and explain something they would like to change in their
lives. The host should give advice when possible. You are expected to use the unit’s
vocabulary, conditionals, and useful expressions for advice. DIEGO, STEPHANY,

[Opening theme music plays as the camera pans over the vibrant set of "The Mind Matters
Show." The audience applauds enthusiastically as the host, Jimy, walks onto the stage,

Jimy: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of "The Mind Matters Show"! I'm your host,
Jimy, and today we have a fantastic lineup of guests who are here to delve into the depths of
personality and self-improvement. Let's meet our panelists!

[The audience applauds as the camera focuses on each panelist in turn.]

Jimy: First up, we have Dr. Stephany Sojo, a renowned psychologist and author of
"Understanding the Mind: A Journey to Self-Discovery." Welcome, Dr. Sojo!

Dr. Sojo: Thank you for the invitation.

Jimy: Our second panelist is Mr. Diego Rojas, a successful entrepreneur advocating mental
health awareness. It's great to have you with us, Diego!

Dr. Rojas: I’m glad to be here, Jimy!

[Diego nods and smiles as the audience cheers.]

Jimy: Finally, we have Ms. Jeidy Chavez, a talented artist and mindfulness enthusiast.
Welcome to the show, Jeidy!

[Jeidy smiles and waves to the audience as they clap.]

Jimy: Now, let's jump right in! Dr. Sojo, let's start with you. You've spent years studying
personality and behavior. Can you tell us a bit about your own personality traits and
something you'd like to change?

Dr. Sojo: Absolutely, Jimy. As a psychologist, I've always been thinking about my own
personality. One trait I've identified is my own confidence. I'm critical of myself. While
working for excellence is admirable, I sometimes find myself paralyzed by self-doubt. It's
something I'd like to work on. In my childhood I was very shy If I had had confidence in
myself in that time, I would have had more opportunities but is something that I’ve worked
on, so is a process.

Jimy: That's a common struggle, Dr. Sojo. It's important to remember that nobody's perfect.
I wish I could be perfect. Have you considered practicing self-compassion as a way to
counteract those critical thoughts?
Dr. Sojo: Yes, definitely. I've been incorporating self-compassion techniques into my daily
routine, and I also think I have to be kind with my self I have to treat me like I treat others
because I love to be a gentle with others, so I've already noticed a difference. It's a journey,
but I'm committed to making positive changes. If only I had more time to go to therapy I
could change some habits.

Jimy: That's fantastic to hear. I wish I could incorporate that into my life. Now, Diego, as an
entrepreneur, you must have a dynamic personality. What's something you'd like to change
about yourself?

Mr. Rojas: Well, Jimy, I'm naturally a bit of a workaholic. I like to think of myself as a
productive and competitive person. While ambition has driven my success, I sometimes
forget other important aspects of my life, like spending time with family and friends. Can you
imagine how much time I haven’t spent with them at all? I wish I could find a better balance
in my personal life because I would like to travel to other places with them. That’s why
achieving a better work-life balance is definitely something I'm striving for.

Jimy: I wish I had more time to share with my family and friends but balancing work and
personal life can be challenging, especially in today's busy world. Have you thought about
limiting and scheduling time for rest and social activities?

Mr. Rojas: Absolutely. I've started implementing boundaries, like turning off work
notifications during family dinners and scheduling regular hangouts with loved ones. If I had
done this earlier, I would have enjoyed more quality time with my family and friends. I used
to be somewhat careless about this, but now it's all about prioritizing what truly matters.

Jimy: Wise words, Diego. If I could go on vacation with my family now, we'd go to Brazil.
And Jeidy, as an artist and mindfulness enthusiast, you must have a unique perspective on
personality and self-improvement. Is there something you'd like to change about yourself?

Ms.Jeidy : Well, Jimy, I've always been quite introverted and sometimes I think that if I could
overcome this tendency, a whole new world of connections and experiences would open up
to me. What defines me most is my introspective nature, but I'd like to be able to balance
that with greater ease in social situations. If I felt more comfortable stepping out of my
comfort zone, I think I could embrace new experiences with more enthusiasm. It's something
I've always wanted to achieve, to feel more comfortable expressing myself and connecting
with others on a deeper level.

Jimy: Stepping out of your comfort zone can be challenging, but it's often where the most
growth happens. Have you thought about gradually challenging yourself by engaging in
small social interactions or trying new activities?

Ms. Jeidy: Absolutely, that's a great idea. I've been pushing myself to attend social
gatherings and workshops, even if they made me a bit nervous at first. Each small step
would have helped me build confidence and expand my horizons if I had followed through
with it Despite being more on the introverted side, I've come to realize the importance of
nurturing my extroverted side, as it allows me to connect with others on a deeper level and
broaden my perspectives. When I think of my identity, I see it as a journey of self-discovery
and continual improvement, and embracing these experiences is an integral part of that

Jimy: That's fantastic progress, Jeidy. Remember, personal growth is a journey, and it's
okay to take it one step at a time.

[The audience applauds as Jimy turns back to the camera.]

Jimy: Well, friends, this concludes another interesting discussion on personality and self-
improvement. Remember, understanding ourselves and striving for positive change is the
key to leading a fulfilling life. Join us next time for more stimulating conversations on "The
Mind Matters Show". Until then, take care of yourselves and each other. See you again.

[Closing theme music plays as the camera fades out.]

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