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I was singing when my friend asked me a question.

The past continuous often occurs in time clauses with when.
memorize: The verb in the main clause is in the past continuous
It tells about the action that started first.
The verb in the when clause is in the simple past.
They were driving to the store when shopping cart hit their car.
Ellen was standing on the corner when she saw the accident.
When the shopping cart hit their car, they were driving to the store.
When she saw the accident, she was standing on the corner.

I feel great when I sleep well
(Yo me siento genial cuando duermo bien)

When I sleep well, I feel very great.

(Cuando duermo bien, me siento genial)

Daniel always carries his charger when he goes out of the city.
(Daniel siempre lleva su cargador cuando sale de la ciudad)

My parents walk in the park when they have free time.

(Mis padres caminan en el parque cuando ellos tienen tiempo libre)
¿Qué y cuáles son los pronombres
de objeto?
Los pronombres objeto son los pronouns que sustituyen al objeto directo y son los que
reciben la acción del verbo. Son utilizados para no volver a repetir el objeto de una frase.
Tabla de object pronouns
Object pronoun Traducción
Me Me, mí
You Te, ti
Him Él, lo, se
Her Lo, se, ella
It Lo, se
Us Nosotros, nos
You Vosotros, vos
Them Los, ellos
 I gave him my pen. (Le di mi boligrafo).
 I like it. (Me gusta (eso)).
 Don’t call me again, please. (No me llames otra vez, por favor).

Exercises: personal pronouns.

I am hungry.
The doughnut is for
You are hungry.
The cherries are for
John is hungry.
The hamburger is for

She is hungry.
The chestnuts are for
The mouse is hungry.
The cheese is for
We are hungry.
The rice is for
You are hungry.
The soup is for
The children are hungry.
The pizza is for

A. Reemplaza los objetos de las siguientes frases con el pronombre objetivo que
 My mother wants to talk to (Sara).
 Be careful; she lied to (the lawyer) before and she may do it again.
 That bee stung( to Peter) on his shoulder.
 Didn’t you invite to (Peter and Mary) to the party?
 The mirror shattered when Carol dropped (the mirror) on the floor.
 The concert was very successful. We really liked (that concert).
B. Rellena los espacios en blanco con el object pronoun correcto:
 Julia never eats nuts. She doesn’t like _____. (Julia nunca come nueces. A ella no le
 I never watch TV. I don’t like _____. (Nunca veo la televisión. No me gusta).
 I don’t know that man. Do you know _____? (No conozco a ese hombre. ¿Lo
 Anne hates cats. She ‘s afraid of _____. (Anne odia a los gatos. Ella les tiene
 Where is mummy? I want to talk to _____. (¿Dónde está mi madre? Quiero hablar
con ella).
 We are Julie’s good friends. She loves _____. (Somos muy buenos amigos de Julie.
Ella nos quiere).
 Lately, I’m missing my sister. I should phone _____. (Últimamente, echo de menos
a mi hermana. Debería llamarla).
 I’m looking for Mathew. Have you seen _____? (Estoy buscando a Matthew. ¿Le
has visto?)
A. her, him, him, them, it, it.
B. them, it, him, them, her, us, her, him.
What Is the Future Progressive Tense?

The future progressive tense is used for an ongoing action that will occur in the future. For

John will be baking a cake.

They will be painting the fence.

Examples of the Future Progressive

Here are some examples of the future progressive tense (shaded):
 The Moscow State Circus will be performing in
Cheltenham for the next 3 weeks.
 We will be celebrating like kings if it works.
 The next time you see a spider's web, please pause
and look a little closer. You will be seeing one of the
most high-performance materials known to man.
(Biologist Cheryl Hayashi)
 She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes.
("She'll" is a contraction of "she will.")

Forming the Future Progressive Tense

The future progressive tense is formed like this:
"will be"
[present participle ("verb-ing")]

(This is the construction for singular and plural.)

Forming the Present Participle

The word that ends "-ing" is known as a present participle. It is
formed like this:

Add "ing" to most verbs:

 play > playing
 shout > shouting
For verbs that end "e," remove the "e" and add "ing":
 prepare > preparing
 ride > riding
For verbs that end "ie," change the "ie" to "y" and add "ing":
 lie > lying
 untie > untying
For verbs whose last syllable is written [consonant-vowel-consonant]
and is stressed, double the final consonant and add "ing":
 run > running
 forget > forgetting

The Negative Version

If you need the negative version, you can use the following
"will not be"
[present participle]
 The Moscow State Circus will not be performing in
Cheltenham for the next 3 weeks.
 We will not be celebrating like kings if it fails.
Remember that "will not be" can be said or written (especially in
informal writing) as the contraction "won't be."

The Question Version

If you need to ask a question, you can use the following word order
for a yes/no question:
[present participle]
 Will the Moscow State Circus be performing in
 Will we be celebrating like kings?
You can use the following word order for a question-word question:
[question word]
[present participle]
 When will the Moscow State Circus be performing in
 Why will we be celebrating like kings?
You can use the following word order for a choice question:
[present participle]
choice A
choice B
 Will the Moscow State Circus be performing in New
York or Washington?
present participle A
present participle B
 Will we be celebrating like kings commiserating like

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