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Learning Episode 1: The Teacher

We Remember
1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards, and the
TEDx videos that you viewed, what competencies does a great teacher possess?
● Great teachers possess a diverse set of competencies, including deep content
knowledge, versatile pedagogical skills to engage students effectively, adept
classroom management abilities, strong communication and empathy to build
relationships, adaptability to cater to diverse student needs, commitment to
continuous learning, integration of technology for enhanced learning
experiences, proficiency in assessment and feedback, and a passion for
inspiring and guiding students towards success.

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?

● No, these competencies extend beyond just professional skills. They
encompass a blend of professional abilities like content knowledge,
pedagogical skills, and classroom management, along with personal attributes
like empathy, adaptability, effective communication, and a passion for
continuous learning. Great teachers integrate both professional expertise and
personal qualities to create a supportive and enriching learning environment
for their students.

3. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional competencies to

a lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and
report grades? Explain your answer.
● While possessing professional competencies is essential for effective teaching,
being a truly great teacher requires more than just executing lesson plans and
managing a class. It involves going beyond the technical aspects to cultivate
meaningful connections with students, fostering a supportive and inclusive
environment, understanding individual learning needs, inspiring curiosity and
critical thinking, and genuinely caring about students' growth and well-being.
Great teachers harness their professional competencies as tools to create
transformative learning experiences that extend beyond the curriculum,
leaving a lasting impact on their students' lives.

4. For a teacher to be great, which is more important - personal qualities or

professional competencies?
● Both personal qualities and professional competencies are vital for a teacher to
be great, but personal qualities often serve as the foundation upon which
professional competencies thrive. While professional competencies ensure
effective lesson delivery and management, it's the personal qualities like
empathy, adaptability, passion, and genuine care for students that truly elevate
a teacher from being good to being great. These personal attributes foster
strong connections, create a supportive learning environment, and inspire
students, ultimately shaping a teacher's lasting impact on their students' lives.

5. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

● The teachers we remember most are the ones who go beyond the curriculum,
connecting with us on a personal level. They're the ones who inspire,
challenge, and believe in us, nurturing not just our academic growth but also
our personal development. These memorable teachers show genuine care,
understanding, and passion for teaching, leaving an indelible mark on our lives
through their unwavering support, encouragement, and the way they instill a
love for learning that extends far beyond the classroom.


● Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement


- I possess strong communication skills, adaptability, and a genuine passion for

learning and teaching. My empathy and ability to connect with others shine
through in your interactions. However, there might be an opportunity for
further development in organization and time management to enhance
efficiency in lesson planning and classroom management. Additionally,
cultivating more patience and resilience could further bolster your ability to
navigate challenges effectively and maintain a supportive learning
environment for your students.

● Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?

- I demonstrate exceptional pedagogical skills, adeptly adapting teaching

methods to suit diverse learning styles while effectively assessing and
addressing student needs. My content knowledge is robust, allowing you to
explain concepts clearly and engage students deeply in the subject matter. My
proficiency in classroom management ensures a positive and structured
learning environment, fostering an atmosphere conducive to student growth
and participation. Additionally, my commitment to continuous learning keeps
you abreast of educational trends, enhancing your teaching strategies for
maximum impact.
● In which competencies do I need to develop more?

- There might be room for further development in integrating technology

effectively into teaching methods, leveraging its potential to enhance learning
experiences. Strengthening your abilities in utilizing digital tools and
resources could expand my teaching repertoire and better engage tech-savvy
students. Additionally, honing my assessment and feedback skills might
further refine your approach to evaluating student progress and providing
constructive guidance, fostering their academic and personal growth more

● Who are the teachers that we remember most?

- The teachers we remember most profoundly impact our lives far beyond the
classroom. They transcend the traditional role of educators by becoming
mentors, inspirations, and pillars of support. These memorable teachers
possess a unique blend of qualities that extend well beyond their professional
competencies. They're the ones who genuinely care, not just about the grades
we earn, but about our well-being and growth as individuals. They inspire us
with their passion for their subject, making learning captivating and
meaningful. These teachers foster a safe and inclusive environment,
embracing diversity and nurturing our confidence to express ourselves.
They're patient listeners, offering guidance and encouragement, shaping our
character and instilling values that extend far beyond academics. Their impact
lingers, not solely because of their expertise but due to their ability to connect
with us on a personal level, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.
Learning Episode 2: Embedding
Action Research for Reflective
Participate and Assist:
Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles by Teachers in the Field

1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research

Titles Conducted By Teachers.
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.
3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your
mentor as reference.

Inventory of Sample Action Research by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Author/Authors
Ex. Differentiated Instruction in
Mary Joy Olicia
Teaching English for Grade Four Classes
1. Improvement of Grade 3 Pupils’ Delia A. Alanano
Numeracy Skills through Project NIC
2. Enhancement of Learners’ Dominador E. Bersa
Performance in Mathematics through
Project FAIR
3. Improvement of Students Andrea Luz S. Englis Rolan C. Eullaran
Academic Achievement in Science
through Strategic Intervention Material

4. Enhancement of Learners Randy D. Duque

Reading and Numeracy Skills through
Project RANDY

5. Improvement of Learners Beda Jovenciana A. Davad

Mastery in Araling Panlipunan
Competencies through Project BED
Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s
find out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.

Questions My Answer
What have you noticed about the action 1. Identified problem to be solved in
research titles? Do the action research the title no. 1
(AR) titles imply problems to be solved? Grade 3 Pupils’ Numeracy Skills
Yes 2. Identified problem to be solved in
No the title no. 2
Learners’ Performance in Mathematics
If YES, identify the problems from the 3. Identified problem to be solved in
title you have given. Answer in the the title no. 3
space provided. Academic Performance in Science
4. Identified problem to be solved in
the title no. 4
Learners’ Reading and Numeracy Skills
5. Identified problem to be solved in
the title no. 5
Learners’ Mastery in Araling
Panlipunan Competencies
What interpretation about action Title of the Action Research:
research can you make out of your Improvement of Grade 3 Pupils’
answer in Question No. 1? Numeracy Skills through Project NIC

From the title, I think, the study

Write the Title and your interpretation of entitled "Improvement of Grade 3 Pupils’
the study from the title? Numeracy Skills through Project NIC"
suggests a specific focus on enhancing
numeracy skills among third-grade
students using a project-based approach,
likely referred to as "Project NIC." The
project might involve a structured
initiative aimed at improving numeracy
through innovative teaching methods,
activities, or curriculum adjustments. It
indicates a teacher's commitment to
implementing practical strategies and
evaluating their effectiveness in real
classroom settings. This action research
likely involves data collection, analysis,
and iterative adjustments to assess and
enhance the impact of the project on
students' numeracy skills. Overall, it
demonstrates the teacher's dedication to
evidence-based teaching practices and
student-centered learning, aiming to
drive meaningful improvements in
numerical literacy among Grade 3 pupils.
What do you think did the author/s do I think the author/s likely conducted a
with the identified problem as presented comprehensive exploration of the
in their titles? identified problem surrounding their
scope of study. This might have involved
extensive research into existing teaching
methods, curriculum analysis, and an in-
depth examination of factors impacting
numeracy learning. They might have
collaborated with other educators, sought
professional development opportunities,
or consulted educational resources to
gather diverse perspectives and
innovative strategies. Additionally, the
authors likely engaged in ongoing
reflection and assessment, seeking to
understand the root causes of numeracy
challenges and develop multifaceted
solutions that extended beyond a singular
project, aiming for a holistic
improvement in students' numerical


Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and enterpreted in the
previous activity.

My Answer
Key Questions Choose from the options given. You may
check more than one answer:
1. From what source do you think, Choices:
did the authors identify the problems of Copied from research books
their action research? From daily observationof their
teaching practice.
From difficulties they observed of
their learners.
From their own personal experience.
From the told experiences of their co-

2. What do you think is the Choices:

teacher’s intention in conducting the To find a solution to the problematic
action research? situation
To comply with the requirement of the
To improve teaching practice
To try out something, if it works
To prove oneself as better than the
3. What benefit do you get as a Choices:
student in FS 2 in understanding and Prepare me for my future job
doing action research? Get good grades in the course
Learn and practice being an action
Improve my teaching practice
Exposure to the realities in the
teaching profession
Become a better teacher everyday

4. In what ways, can you assist your By co-searching with my mentor

mentor in his/her Action Research By assisting in the design of the
Activity? intervention
By assisting in the implementation of
the AR
By just watching what is being done

1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that action research is a dynamic and iterative process that empowers
educators to actively investigate and improve their teaching practices within real
classroom settings. It emphasizes collaboration between teachers and students,
encouraging a participatory approach to problem-solving. Through cycles of planning,
action, observation, and reflection, action research fosters continuous improvement by
allowing teachers to implement evidence-based interventions, assess their impact, and
make informed adjustments. It promotes a teacher-led, inquiry-based approach that
not only addresses specific educational challenges but also contributes to broader
professional growth and the enhancement of student learning experiences.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future

teacher? Yes No . If yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that I realized that being an action researcher as a future teacher is crucial to
continuously improve my teaching practices, better understand my student's needs,
and adapt my methods to create a more effective and engaging learning environment.
It empowers me to actively address challenges, assess the impact of interventions, and
foster a culture of ongoing improvement based on evidence and reflection. Ultimately,
embracing action research allows me to be a more responsive and effective educator,
committed to the continual enhancement of both my teaching skills and my students'
learning outcomes.

I have observed and noticed that Action
From what teaching principles of
Research begins with a problem or a
theories can this problem be
problematic situation.

Write an example of a problematic

Certainly. One particularly challenging
situation that you have observed
situation I've observed is within a diverse
and noticed. middle school classroom where students
exhibit varying levels of proficiency in
English language skills. Despite the
teacher's efforts to create an inclusive
environment, language barriers often
hinder effective communication and
engagement among students. This
situation impacts not only academic
participation but also social interaction
and emotional well-being. Students
proficient in English tend to dominate
discussions, inadvertently marginalizing
those still developing their language skills.
Consequently, quieter students feel
hesitant to express themselves, leading to
a lack of confidence and limited
engagement in classroom activities.
Moreover, this language disparity creates a
sense of isolation for non-native English
speakers, affecting their sense of
belonging and hindering their integration
into the classroom community.
Recognizing the importance of fostering a
supportive and inclusive learning
environment, addressing this language
barrier becomes essential to promote
equitable participation, encourage
linguistic development, and ensure all
students feel valued and included in the
educational process.

What have I realized? What do I Through observing and reflecting on

hope to achieve? various classroom situations, I've come to
realize the critical importance of creating
inclusive and supportive learning
environments as a future educator. I've
recognized that diverse classrooms often
present multifaceted challenges, ranging
from language barriers to unequal
participation, impacting students'
academic progress, social interactions, and
overall well-being. This realization has
emphasized the significance of addressing
these challenges proactively, seeking
innovative strategies to foster equitable
participation and support all students'
learning needs. I hope to achieve a
classroom environment where every
student feels valued, empowered, and
included. I aim to implement inclusive
teaching practices that not only cater to
diverse learning styles and abilities but
also promote a sense of belonging and
mutual respect among students. I aspire to
facilitate engaging learning experiences
that encourage collaboration, critical
thinking, and empathy, nurturing a
community where students thrive
academically and personally, irrespective
of their backgrounds or language
proficiency. Ultimately, I aim to create a
space where every student feels heard,
supported, and inspired to reach their
fullest potential.

PLAN As a future action researcher, to address

the challenges of uneven participation
What strategies, activities, and during group activities in the high school
innovations can I employ to science class, several strategies and
improve the situation or solve the innovations could be employed.
problem? Implementing a structured rotation system
within groups, assigning specific roles or
responsibilities to each student on a
rotating basis, ensures equitable
participation and accountability.
Additionally, introducing peer assessment
mechanisms allows students to evaluate
their group members' contributions,
fostering a sense of responsibility and
encouraging active engagement.
Incorporating technology, such as online
collaboration tools or forums, provides
alternative platforms for quieter students
to contribute their ideas asynchronously,
ensuring everyone has an opportunity to
share their thoughts. Moreover,
diversifying group dynamics by
occasionally reshuffling students based on
their skill sets or language proficiencies
encourages interaction among students
with varying strengths, promoting peer-to-
peer learning and empathy. Introducing
cooperative learning strategies, like think-
pair-share or jigsaw activities, encourages
collaborative problem-solving, where each
student's input is valued and integrated
into the collective understanding.
Additionally, fostering a classroom culture
that celebrates diversity and promotes
inclusivity through discussions on cultural
differences, languages, and unique
perspectives creates a more welcoming
and respectful environment. Regular
check-ins and individual conferences
provide opportunities to assess and
support students' progress, addressing any
barriers or concerns they might face.
Overall, these strategies aim to create a
more inclusive and engaging learning
environment, ensuring every student feels
empowered to actively participate and
contribute to the collective learning
A possible title for the plan could be
If I conduct or implement my plan, "Enhancing Equitable Participation in High
what can be its title? School Science: A Multifaceted
Approach." This title reflects the
comprehensive nature of the plan,
addressing the challenge of uneven
participation through various strategies and
innovations aimed at fostering inclusivity
and active engagement among students
during science activities.


What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.

Certainly, a solution to the issue of uneven participation in group activities in a high

school science class could involve implementing a structured peer collaboration
model. One approach could be the introduction of a cooperative learning framework,
like the Jigsaw Method. This method involves dividing the lesson content into
segments and assigning each segment to different groups. Each student becomes an
"expert" in their segment and then collaborates with members from other groups who
studied different segments. This fosters interdependence, where students must rely on
each other's expertise to complete a comprehensive understanding of the material.
Additionally, implementing a rotation system for group roles within activities ensures
that all students have equitable opportunities to lead discussions, record data, or
present findings. Providing clear guidelines and rubrics for assessing individual and
group contributions also encourages accountability and equal participation. This
solution encourages active engagement, collaboration, and a fair distribution of
responsibilities, ultimately leading to more inclusive and participatory group activities
in the science class.
Work on my Artifacts:
Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed action research.

Title: The Effects of Teacher-Student Relationships on the Academic Engagement of


This research explores relationships in schools, specifically interactions between
teachers and students. Initially, the research examined an overview of teacher-student
relationships and factors that contribute to these interactions. This overview included
both teacher and student perceptions and personal characteristics and then examined
the effects of teacher-student relationships on education and how teacher and student
behaviors affect educational outcomes. The overview of the research literature
concluded with how to develop positive relationships. Teacher expectations, attitude,
familiarity, and communication all play a role in cultivating relationships in the
classroom environment.
The purpose of the research was to determine if improving relationships between
teachers and students would decrease off-task behaviors during class.The intervention
involved four weeks of initiatives focused on developing improved teacher-student
relationships. The mean number of off-task behaviors per student during the weighted
baseline period (Mean = 44.33, SD = 14.89) was significantly higher than the mean
number of off-task behaviors during the intervention period (Mean = 31.08, SD =
9.68) [t(11) = 5.90, p < .001]. As the data was significant, the null hypothesis was
Learning Episode 3: Understanding
AR Concepts, Processes and Models
● What concepts have been emphasized in the task and info graphics? Give at least
1. Recognize the definition of AR and the application in the field of education.
2. Recognize the features of an Action Research
3. Learn about the various models and how to conduct a AR.
4. Recognize the process of AR.

● Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of
the three?
- Action research is a methodology that emphasizes practical application and
iterative processes to bring about change in a specific context. While there can
be variations, the three commonly recognized models—Lewin's Model,
Kemmis and McTaggart's Model, and Susman and Evered's Model—share
fundamental elements. These include a cyclical process involving planning,
acting, observing, and reflecting. Each model stresses collaboration between
researchers and participants, encouraging active involvement and engagement
throughout the research process. Additionally, they all aim to generate
practical solutions and insights that directly impact and improve the situation
or context under investigation.

● If you choose to compare with Model A-Mcniff & Whitehead, 2006, here are
the components.
Title and Author of the Action Research: The Effects of Teacher-Student
Relationships on the Academic Engagement of Students by Varga, Meagan

Key Entry from your Sample AR

OBSERVE The Problem
the relationship, or lack thereof, contributed to each student’s lack of
motivation, engagement,
and academic achievement are just a few obstac that students face in
REFLECT Reflection
The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic engagement
is profound and multifaceted. Meagan Varga's exploration of this
topic likely delves into the pivotal role these relationships play in
shaping students' educational experiences. A positive and supportive
connection between teachers and students cultivates an environment
where learners feel safe, understood, and motivated to actively
participate in their education. When students sense genuine care and
encouragement from their teachers, they often exhibit higher levels
of engagement, enthusiasm for learning, and a willingness to take on
academic challenges. This research area underscores the significance
of fostering strong relationships in educational settings, emphasizing
that beyond imparting knowledge, teachers have the power to inspire
and empower students, ultimately influencing their academic success
and holistic development.
PLAN Plan of Action
The plan aims to bolster academic engagement through enhanced
teacher-student relationships. It includes multifaceted strategies such
as targeted training for educators on relationship-building, fostering
open communication and rapport within the classroom, personalized
support sessions for students, and the establishment of peer
mentoring programs. Additionally, it incorporates mechanisms for
continuous feedback and evaluation to ensure the effectiveness of
these strategies. By prioritizing the development of strong teacher-
student connections and implementing practices that promote mutual
understanding and support, the plan aims to create a conducive
learning environment that encourages active engagement, academic
progress, and student well-being.
ACT Implementation
Implementing strategies to enhance teacher-student relationships and
improve academic engagement involves several key steps. First,
organize professional development sessions for educators, focusing
on relationship-building techniques and effective communication.
Encourage teachers to implement these strategies within their
classrooms, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.
Encourage regular check-ins between teachers and students to
discuss academic progress and offer personalized support.
Additionally, establish peer mentoring programs to facilitate student
support networks. Ensure continuous assessment and refinement of
these strategies through feedback mechanisms, such as student
surveys and progress tracking, allowing for ongoing adjustments to
optimize the impact on teacher-student relationships and academic
Research findings on the effects of teacher-student relationships on
academic engagement consistently highlight the substantial impact of
positive connections. Studies reveal that students who experience
supportive relationships with their teachers demonstrate higher levels
of academic engagement, increased participation in classroom
activities, improved attendance, and a stronger sense of belonging in
the learning environment. These positive relationships correlate with
enhanced motivation to learn, greater willingness to seek help when
facing academic challenges, and improved overall academic
performance. Moreover, students who feel understood, valued, and
respected by their teachers tend to exhibit more enthusiasm for
learning, leading to a more positive attitude towards school and
higher levels of intrinsic motivation. The research underscores the
pivotal role of nurturing strong teacher-student relationships in
fostering a conducive environment for increased academic
engagement and student success.
MODIFY Recommendation
Recommendations to optimize the impact of teacher-student
relationships on academic engagement encompass several key
strategies. First, schools should emphasize professional development
programs that equip educators with relationship-building skills,
emphasizing empathy, active listening, and cultural responsiveness.
Encouraging regular communication between teachers and students
through personalized check-ins, open discussions, and feedback
mechanisms fosters a supportive environment. Implementing
mentorship or peer support initiatives can further strengthen
connections among students and with teachers. Additionally, creating
a positive school culture that values and prioritizes these
relationships sets the groundwork for increased academic
engagement. Lastly, ongoing evaluation and refinement of these
strategies based on feedback from both teachers and students are vital
to sustaining and improving the positive impact of teacher-student
relationships on academic engagement.

What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how will
these be utilized in your practice?

- Action research, to me, embodies an iterative and participatory approach to

addressing real-world challenges within educational settings. It's a
methodology that empowers educators to delve deeply into their practice,
identifying issues, implementing interventions, and evaluating their impact in
a continual cycle of reflection and action. This concept underscores the
importance of being proactive in addressing classroom complexities and
leveraging research to inform practical solutions. In my practice, I intend to
utilize action research as a dynamic tool for ongoing professional growth and
improvement. It offers a structured framework to explore and refine teaching
methods, adapt to diverse student needs, and foster a more inclusive and
effective learning environment. By engaging in action research, I aspire to
cultivate a reflective practice, systematically assessing and adjusting my
teaching strategies based on evidence and feedback. It's not just about
problem-solving but also about fostering a culture of continuous learning,
collaboration, and innovation in my classroom. Action research will enable me
to better understand the impact of my teaching on student learning outcomes,
allowing me to tailor my approach to best meet the evolving needs of my
students while contributing to the broader educational community through
shared insights and best practices.
As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing?

- Absolutely, conducting action research as a future teacher is incredibly

worthwhile. It's a powerful tool that empowers educators to actively engage in
improving their teaching practices, addressing specific classroom challenges,
and enhancing student learning outcomes. Through action research, you're not
only problem-solving within your classroom but also contributing to the
broader educational field by sharing insights, strategies, and best practices. It
fosters a reflective teaching approach, enabling continuous improvement,
innovation, and a deeper understanding of the impact of your teaching
methods on student learning. Embracing action research equips you with
valuable skills, encourages a mindset of lifelong learning, and positions you as
an active agent of change in education.


- Conducting action research as a future teacher is invaluable because it

empowers you to proactively address classroom challenges, tailor teaching
methods to student needs, and continuously enhance the learning environment.
It fosters a deeper understanding of how your teaching impacts student
outcomes, encourages reflection, and drives evidence-based improvements in
your practice. Additionally, it positions you as a proactive and reflective
educator, contributing to the collective knowledge base in education while
promoting innovation and effective teaching strategies.

How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?

- Action research is an invaluable tool for every classroom teacher as it provides

a structured and systematic approach to improving teaching practices and
student learning experiences. Firstly, it encourages teachers to identify specific
challenges or areas for improvement within their classrooms, allowing for a
targeted focus on issues that directly impact students. Through cycles of
planning, action, observation, and reflection, teachers can implement
interventions, assess their effectiveness, and adapt strategies based on
evidence and feedback. This iterative process not only addresses immediate
concerns but also cultivates a reflective teaching practice, fostering a culture
of continuous improvement. Additionally, action research promotes teacher
collaboration and professional growth by encouraging educators to share
insights, best practices, and successful strategies with colleagues, contributing
to a collective pool of knowledge within the educational community. It
empowers teachers to take ownership of their professional development,
equipping them with the skills to make informed decisions and positively
impact student learning outcomes in diverse classroom settings.


Remembering my classroom How can we encourage collaboration

observations in FS1, I noticed that and teamwork when having a
there are many questions that I discussion?
raised in my mind. These include:
How do we motivate kids to take part
fully in the conversation?

How can we facilitate children's

engagement in practical activities?


Thinking deeply about those Encouraging collaboration and

problems, perhaps something must teamwork during discussions involves
have been done to solve the problem creating a supportive and inclusive
or answer the questions, like: environment where every voice is
valued. Setting clear expectations for
respectful communication and active
listening cultivates an atmosphere
where students feel comfortable
contributing. Utilizing group activities,
breakout sessions, or pair work
encourages interaction and
collaboration among students,
fostering teamwork through shared
goals and responsibilities. Providing
structured roles within discussions,
such as facilitator or note-taker,
distributes responsibilities and ensures
everyone has a role to play, promoting
engagement and teamwork.

Motivating kids to participate fully in

conversations involves tapping into
their interests and perspectives.
Starting discussions with engaging
prompts or topics relevant to their
lives captures their attention and
encourages active participation.
Employing various discussion formats
like debates, think-pair-share, or
storytelling sessions adds excitement
and variety, stimulating interest and
encouraging students to share their
thoughts. Recognizing and
acknowledging contributions,
irrespective of correctness, validates
their input and boosts their confidence,
motivating continued participation.

Facilitating children's engagement in

practical activities involves hands-on
and interactive approaches that cater to
diverse learning styles. Incorporating
real-world examples, experiments, or
demonstrations fosters curiosity and
engagement by making learning
tangible and relatable. Providing clear
instructions, offering choices when
feasible, and allowing opportunities
for exploration and creativity
encourages active participation in
practical activities. Additionally,
incorporating collaborative projects or
group tasks encourages teamwork,
problem-solving, and peer-to-peer
learning, enhancing children's
engagement and understanding of
practical concepts.


Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to Now that I'm in FS 2, I plan to create a

make a plan for my solution to comprehensive plan to address the
problem (choose from a,b,c) issue of a, b, and c in my classroom
because because it directly impacts the learning
experiences of my young students. By
devising a structured solution, I aim to
create a more conducive and engaging
learning environment that caters to
their developmental needs.
Implementing this plan will not only
address the specific challenge but also
enhance the overall quality of
education and support the holistic
growth of the children in my care. This
proactive approach aligns with my
commitment to providing a nurturing
and effective learning environment for
my students in their foundational
years, setting the stage for their future
academic success and personal


My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my Teaching



Direction: Check from the choices, what answers respond to the question correctly
and put an X if otherwise.
Action research requires a teacher to be:

__ blaming learners for their inability to learn.

2. There are many ways of doing action on research which follow a cyclical process.
The process include:

__ Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect
__ Reflect, Act, Plan, Observe
__ Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect
__ Modify, Observe, Plan, Reflect
3. As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as skill as a person who is
__ Systematic
__ Rigorous
__ Situational

4. On which of the following would you choose to conduct an Action Research.

__ Changes in the classroom practices. Why?
__ Effects of curriculum restructuring. Why?
__ Understanding of self as a teacher.
Teaching a new process to the students.

5. Which of the of the following relates closely to what action research is

Used to address practical problems in the practical problems in the classroom
__ Refers only to everyday life of the learner a life of the learners
__ Allows teachers to study their own classroom
Brings theories and practices together
Learning Episode 4: Matching
Problematic Learning Situation with
Probable Action
What five problems have you identified from the words that you have encircled?
Make a statement. Write in the space below;

Excellent! Let us see how we can assist and learn at the same time.

Suppose, the problem you have spotted is: COMPREHENSION

How can you assist your mentor, after knowing that the learners have difficulty in

Make a Choice for your ACTION.

A. Conduct a tutorial lesson.
B. Show video lessons to help enhance comprehension.

The problem is: The solution is:

Learners encounter difficulty in Option B - Using video lessons to enhance
comprehension. comprehension for learners facing
difficulties is effective due to their
multisensory nature. Videos combine
visual and auditory stimuli, catering to
diverse learning styles and providing a
dynamic representation of concepts. The
visual component offers a concrete
representation, aiding in understanding
abstract or complex topics, while the
auditory aspect reinforces the content
through narration or explanations.
Additionally, videos often present
information in a structured and engaging
manner, maintaining student attention and
interest, ultimately facilitating improved
comprehension by offering a
comprehensive and interactive learning

C. Make a learning task to develop comprehension.

- In this learning task aimed at developing comprehension, students will engage
in a "Jigsaw Reading" activity. Divide the class into small groups and provide
each group with different sections of a text relevant to the lesson topic. Assign
each student within a group a specific role (e.g., summarizer, questioner,
clarifier, predictor). In their roles, students will individually read and
comprehend their assigned section of the text. Afterward, students from
different groups, who had the same role, will come together in expert groups
to discuss and deepen their understanding of their text section. Once they
reconvene in their original groups, each student will take turns sharing their
expertise about their section, ensuring that every member comprehensively
understands the entire text. Finally, facilitate a whole-class discussion to
consolidate the information, allowing students to collectively comprehend the
full text by piecing together each section's insights.


What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one
solution to the problem? Explain.

- The problem identified of learners encountering difficulty in comprehension

reveals multifaceted challenges that may stem from diverse learning styles,
varying prior knowledge, or the complexity of the material. Indeed, there can
be multiple solutions to address this issue. Comprehension difficulties might
arise due to individual differences in learning preferences, so employing a
range of teaching strategies—such as visual aids, interactive activities,
differentiated instruction, or peer-to-peer learning—can accommodate diverse
learning styles and cater to various student needs. Additionally, providing
additional resources, offering personalized interventions, or adapting content
to students' levels can offer alternative solutions. The complexity of
comprehension challenges often necessitates a multifaceted approach,
acknowledging that one solution may not fit all students and emphasizing the
importance of flexibility and adaptability in addressing this issue effectively.

Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of a teacher. This
scenario might be to the class you have observed and noticed.

Scenario A
Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty
learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and
invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no
progress was observed. This situation has been bothering Miss Fely.
Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?
- Miss Fely's problem revolves around the challenge of a significant portion of
her grade four learners being unable to classify animals into vertebrates and
invertebrates despite repeated lessons over two weeks. This issue highlights a
comprehension or retention difficulty among half of her students in
understanding this specific scientific concept. Despite her efforts, the lack of
progress suggests that the current teaching methods or approaches may not
effectively address the diverse learning needs within her class, leading to a
lack of understanding or retention of the classification criteria for vertebrates
and invertebrates.

Can you find a solution to solve her problem? Give your two suggestions your
two suggestions.

- To address Miss Fely's challenge with students struggling to classify animals

into vertebrates and invertebrates, two potential solutions could involve a
differentiated teaching approach and interactive assessments. Firstly, adopting
differentiated instruction techniques tailored to various learning styles within
the class can include visual aids, hands-on activities, and auditory explanations
to cater to diverse comprehension needs. Secondly, employing interactive
assessments like quizzes with immediate feedback or interactive games related
to animal classification can reinforce understanding while making the learning
process engaging and enjoyable for the students. These strategies aim to offer
varied approaches to learning the classification criteria, fostering a more
inclusive and effective learning experience for all learners.
What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem?

- To address Miss Fely's challenge with students struggling to classify animals

into vertebrates and invertebrates, a multifaceted solution could involve
interactive, hands-on activities combined with targeted revision sessions.
Introducing interactive learning stations or activities showcasing diverse
animals, coupled with visual aids and manipulatives, can engage students in
exploring and understanding classification criteria. Additionally, conducting
targeted revision sessions, providing concise summaries or mnemonic devices,
and encouraging peer discussions can reinforce the concept's comprehension.
This multifaceted approach aims to cater to diverse learning styles and
reinforce understanding through interactive, collaborative, and revisited
learning experiences.

How? Improve strategies in teaching and apply different teaching styles in her
- Miss Fely can improve her teaching strategies by incorporating diverse
teaching styles into her lessons to address students' difficulties in
understanding animal classifications. Implementing visual aids, such as
diagrams, posters, or videos, caters to visual learners, while incorporating
auditory elements like discussions, storytelling, or audio resources can benefit
auditory learners. Furthermore, hands-on activities, interactive games, or
group projects can engage kinesthetic learners. By incorporating these varied
teaching styles, Miss Fely can offer multiple entry points for students to
comprehend the classifications of vertebrates and invertebrates,
accommodating different learning preferences and enhancing overall
comprehension among her students.

Are they matched with the problem?

- Yes, employing diverse teaching styles like visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
approaches directly aligns with the problem of students struggling to classify
animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. These teaching strategies cater to
different learning preferences and address the comprehension difficulties faced
by diverse learners in understanding scientific concepts. Utilizing visual aids,
auditory explanations, hands-on activities, and interactive projects provides
multiple avenues for students to engage with and comprehend the
classification criteria, ensuring a more comprehensive and accessible learning
experience tailored to the varying needs of the students in Miss Fely's class.

Scenario B.
Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners come
from families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians who
stand only as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing, and shelter.

Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problems in the class of
Sir Ryan?
- In Sir Ryan's class, the most probable teaching-learning problems might
involve challenges related to student engagement and participation,
differentiated instruction, or classroom management. These issues could
manifest as limited student engagement during lessons, making it challenging
to sustain their attention and active involvement. Additionally, difficulties in
catering to diverse learning needs and abilities within the class might arise,
hindering the effective implementation of differentiated instruction. This could
result in some students struggling to grasp concepts or feeling disengaged due
to lessons not meeting their individual learning styles. Moreover, classroom
management concerns, such as maintaining a conducive learning environment,
fostering positive student behavior, or managing disruptions, could potentially
be prevalent issues impacting the teaching-learning process in Sir Ryan's class.
Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
- To address the potential issue of limited student engagement and participation
in Sir Ryan's class, implementing interactive and collaborative learning
activities could be a valuable solution. Introducing activities that encourage
student interaction, such as group discussions, cooperative projects, or peer-to-
peer teaching sessions, can foster a more engaging classroom environment.
Incorporating technology, like educational apps or interactive presentations,
could also capture students' interest and participation. Furthermore,
incorporating real-life examples or connecting lessons to student's interests
and experiences can enhance relevance and engagement. By diversifying
instructional methods and creating opportunities for active participation, Sir
Ryan can encourage a more dynamic and participative learning atmosphere,
thereby improving student engagement in the classroom.


After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic
situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better
teacher? Explain.

- Identifying problematic situations and finding solutions is an essential skill for

becoming a better teacher as it cultivates adaptability, reflection, and
innovation in one's teaching practice. By recognizing challenges, whether it's
students' comprehension difficulties, engagement issues, or classroom
management concerns, teachers develop a deeper understanding of their
students' needs and the dynamics within their classrooms. Seeking solutions
encourages teachers to be proactive in addressing these challenges, fostering a
more responsive and effective teaching environment. Moreover, the process of
problem-solving fosters reflection on teaching methods and approaches,
prompting educators to explore alternative strategies, differentiate instruction,
and tailor their teaching to better suit diverse student needs. Over time, this
iterative process of problem-solving and solution-finding equips teachers with
a repertoire of effective strategies, enhances their teaching flexibility, and
ultimately leads to improved student outcomes and a more conducive learning


Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts
What problematic situation prevails A problematic situation prevailing in the
in the classroom? classroom could be the challenge of limited
student engagement during lessons. This
issue might manifest as a lack of active
participation, disinterest in the subject
matter, or difficulties sustaining student
attention throughout the class sessions.

REFLECT The desired change in this scenario would

be to improve student engagement and
What changes do you want to achieve?
participation during classroom lessons. This
includes fostering an environment where
students are actively involved in the
learning process, showing interest in the
subject matter, and sustaining their attention
throughout the lesson. The goal is to create
a more dynamic and engaging classroom
atmosphere that encourages students to
participate, interact, and be invested in their
learning experiences.
What strategies will you use to To enhance student engagement and
improve the situation? participation in classroom lessons, a
multifaceted approach incorporating various
strategies will be implemented. This
includes the integration of interactive
teaching methods such as group discussions,
hands-on activities, and educational games
to stimulate interest and active involvement.
Additionally, leveraging technology through
interactive presentations, educational apps,
or online platforms will make lessons more
dynamic and engaging. Creating
connections to real-life scenarios, personal
experiences, or current events will enhance
relevance and captivate student interest.
Embracing differentiated instruction to cater
to diverse learning styles and encouraging
collaborative learning through group
projects or peer interactions will promote
active engagement. These combined
strategies aim to create an inclusive and
interactive learning environment that fosters
increased student engagement and
participation during classroom sessions.
What would be the title of your Title: "Enhancing Student Engagement: A
Action Research should you conduct Multifaceted Approach in Classroom
the study? Learning"
Add: solutions/ actions: Actions:
Implementing Interactive Teaching
Methods: Introduce group discussions,
hands-on activities, and educational games
to encourage active involvement and
participation during lessons.
Technology Integration: Utilize interactive
presentations, educational apps, or online
platforms to make lessons more dynamic
and engaging.
Establishing Real-Life Connections: Link
lesson content to real-life examples,
personal experiences, or current events to
enhance relevance and captivate student
Embracing Differentiated Instruction: Cater
to diverse learning styles by offering varied
instructional approaches to ensure every
student engages with the material
Promoting Collaborative Learning:
Encourage collaborative projects, peer-to-
peer learning, or group activities to foster
interaction and cooperative learning among
The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness
of these multifaceted strategies in enhancing
student engagement and participation within
the classroom setting.
Learning Episode 5: Preparing the
Learning Environment: An
1. Bulletin Board Display
- To pique kids' interest and broaden their horizons, I will kindly suggest and
ask my cooperating teacher to use Padlet, Canva, and Scratch to create
engaging bulletin boards with relevant images and content.

2. Small Group Discussion

- In order to help my mentor lead and begin this activity, I will ask for
permission to do so from my mentor. I'll get all the relevant data and subjects
ready. I will also allow them ample time and space to reflect on issues and
engage in discussions. Students will be able to manage their time better and be
more productive as a result.

3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. Google meet or zoom)

⮚ Not observed

Learning Environment 1
What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message
or theme does it convey?
- The display on the class bulletin board showcases an array of vibrant and
visually appealing materials, featuring students' artwork, educational posters,
and information related to ongoing classroom activities. The theme conveyed
through this display is one of inclusivity, creativity, and active learning. The
variety of student-created artworks highlights the celebration of individuality
and diverse talents within the class. Additionally, the educational posters and
displayed information signify a focus on learning, suggesting an environment
that values both academic growth and student expression. Overall, the bulletin
board exudes a message of collaborative learning, creativity, and a supportive
classroom community where every student's contribution is valued and

What makes it attractive to the learners?

- Several factors contribute to the attractiveness of the bulletin board display to
learners. The inclusion of students' artwork fosters a sense of ownership and
pride, as they see their creations showcased and celebrated. The use of vibrant
colors, visually engaging materials, and diverse displays capture students'
attention and make the board visually appealing. Additionally, the interactive
elements, such as educational games, puzzles, or interactive sections, might
pique students' curiosity and encourage them to explore and engage with the
board. The display's relevance to ongoing classroom activities, lessons, or
themes also makes it attractive, as learners perceive it as a reflection of their
current learning journey, fostering a sense of connection and interest in
classroom happenings.

Does it help in the learning process? How?

- Yes, an engaging and thoughtfully designed bulletin board display can
significantly contribute to the learning process in various ways. Firstly, it
serves as a visual reinforcement of classroom concepts or themes, providing a
constant reminder and reinforcement of the learning material. Learners often
benefit from visual aids, and the display can offer supplementary information,
diagrams, or examples that support classroom teachings.
- Additionally, an attractive bulletin board can spark curiosity and interest
among students, encouraging them to explore and inquire about the displayed
content. Interactive elements or educational games incorporated into the
display can prompt student engagement and hands-on learning experiences,
reinforcing concepts in a fun and interactive manner.
- Moreover, the display's celebration of students' artwork and contributions
fosters a sense of pride, ownership, and belonging within the classroom
community. It creates a positive and supportive learning environment,
promoting confidence and motivation among learners, which can positively
impact their overall learning experiences.

Learning Environment 2
If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where
is most likely the learning space of the students?
- In a distance learning setup using modules, the learning space of the students
is likely to be within their homes or personal environments. Students engaging
with modules often create dedicated learning areas within their homes, such as
a quiet corner, a desk, or any conducive space where they can focus on their
studies. This space could vary based on individual preferences and resources,
ranging from a designated study room to a shared area with family members.
The learning space becomes an extension of the classroom, personalized to
suit each student's comfort and conducive to their learning needs. Some
students might opt for quiet spaces free from distractions, while others may
prefer areas with easy access to resources like books, computers, or digital
devices to interact with the modules. Creating a comfortable and functional
learning space within their homes allows students to engage with the modules
effectively and maximize their learning experiences.

Can you describe?

- The learning space within students' homes during distance learning through
modules varies based on individual preferences and available resources. Some
students might have a designated study area, such as a desk or a quiet corner,
equipped with a comfortable chair, adequate lighting, and essential learning
materials like textbooks, notebooks, and stationery. This space might be
personalized with motivational posters, organizers, or educational aids to
create a conducive learning environment. Others might adapt their shared
spaces, like the dining table or a common area, to accommodate their learning
needs, using headphones or dividers to minimize distractions. Digital devices,
such as laptops or tablets, may also be a part of the setup for accessing online
resources or interactive module content. Overall, the learning space within
students' homes during distance learning reflects a personalized, functional,
and comfortable area tailored to support their engagement with the modules.

How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for

- As a teacher, fostering a conducive learning environment within students'

homes during distance learning through modules involves offering guidance,
support, and resources. Firstly, I can provide detailed guidance on setting up
an effective learning space, offering tips on selecting a quiet area, ensuring
good lighting, organizing materials, and minimizing distractions. Additionally,
ensuring accessibility to learning resources by providing digital materials,
recommending online resources, or facilitating access to supplementary
materials is crucial. Maintaining open communication channels to offer
support, clarify doubts, and provide guidance, whether through virtual office
hours or communication platforms, remains essential for students' success.
Encouraging a positive atmosphere by recognizing efforts, praising
accomplishments, and fostering a sense of community through shared progress
updates can further motivate and engage students. Lastly, offering flexibility,
understanding individual circumstances, and providing additional support
when needed ensures an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all

As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.

Explain your choice: Why?

- As a teacher, I would prefer to manage Learning Environment 1 over Learning

Environment 2. In Learning Environment 1, students have access to a variety
of resources, including digital tools and a dedicated learning space, allowing
for a more structured and conducive environment for effective teaching and
learning. The availability of digital resources offers flexibility in delivering
content, engaging students with interactive materials, and fostering a more
dynamic learning experience. Moreover, a dedicated learning space promotes
a sense of routine and focus, potentially minimizing distractions and allowing
students to concentrate better on their studies. Additionally, the presence of
digital tools enhances communication, enabling seamless interaction and
support between students and the teacher. Overall, Learning Environment 1
presents a more conducive setting for effective teaching strategies, resource
accessibility, and enhanced student engagement compared to Learning
Environment 2.


Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that

- Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that the learning environment

plays a pivotal role in shaping the effectiveness of teaching and learning
experiences. The resources, tools, and spaces available greatly impact
students' engagement, participation, and overall learning outcomes. A well-
equipped and structured learning environment, such as the one observed in
Learning Environment 1, fosters a more conducive atmosphere for teaching
and learning. It highlights the significance of resource accessibility, digital
tools, and dedicated spaces in optimizing the learning experience. Moreover, it
emphasizes the importance of flexibility, communication channels, and
supportive measures to ensure an inclusive and engaging learning atmosphere.
This reflection underscores the critical role educators play in curating and
managing learning environments that promote student success and
The following issues with online learning are probably
a. accessibility in terms of time and place
b. Student attendance
c. Various Learning Styles
d. difficulties with technology
e. absence of electricity
The following issues with face-to-face learning are likely to
a. Flexible learning is not an option.
b. the distance between house and school
c. inadequate educational materials
d. Budgeting for expenses
e. peer-to-peer violence
These are the problems that are most likely to occur in the two
learning scenarios.

REFLECT As a teacher, the first thing you might consider doing for
your students is establishing a positive and supportive
classroom culture. Creating a welcoming environment
where students feel valued, respected, and safe is crucial.
This involves setting clear expectations, building rapport,
and fostering a sense of community within the classroom.
Greeting students warmly, introducing yourself, and
showing genuine interest in getting to know them can lay
the foundation for a positive teacher-student relationship.
Additionally, outlining classroom rules, expectations,
and routines helps set the tone for a productive learning
atmosphere. Prioritizing connection and a supportive
environment in the initial interactions can contribute
significantly to the overall classroom dynamic and
student engagement.
PLAN I have to give it my all and be willing to do what I can to
finish the assignment and meet the children's
requirements. In order to solve these issues, the teacher is
essential. And the precise steps that I can take are as
follows: before taking the necessary action, I have to ask
the principal for help and direction. Secondly, I will meet
with the parents to talk about their present situation.
Third, I'll seek assistance and involvement from the local
government. Fourth, I will create all necessary
educational materials in my capacity as a teacher. I will
adapt every facet of my teaching strategies to each
student's needs and unique circumstances in order to
provide accommodations for everyone. The ideal context
for these solutions is a two-learning environment.

Work on my Artifacts:
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive Learning

Title: My Conducive Learning Environment

Education is an essential part of life that molds individuals into resourceful members
of society. It is the cornerstone of civilization, promoting critical thinking, creativity,
and personal development. A conducive learning environment, therefore, becomes a
crucial factor in facilitating effective learning and academic success. This essay
delves into the features of my ideal learning setting, which incorporates both physical
and psychological aspects that stimulate creativity, learning, and personal growth.

My conducive learning environment is one that is quiet, well-lit, and clean. A quiet
environment is critical to me because it allows me to focus on my work without any
distractions. It provides a serene atmosphere for contemplation and deep thinking,
enabling me to grasp complex concepts and ideas effectively. The presence of ample
natural light is also important as it keeps me alert and energizes my mind.
Additionally, a clean, clutter-free space eliminates distractions and promotes mental
clarity, helping me to stay organized and focused on my learning objectives.

The availability of necessary resources and tools is an essential aspect of my

conducive learning environment. These include a comfortable chair and desk, a
functional computer with reliable internet access, books, writing materials, and other
learning aids. Having these resources at my disposal facilitates seamless learning by
providing easy access to information and enabling me to complete assignments

Furthermore, my conducive learning environment is not just physical but also

psychological. It is an environment that promotes a growth mindset, where mistakes
are perceived as learning opportunities rather than failures. In such a setting, I feel
safe to express my ideas, ask questions, and take intellectual risks. It cultivates a sense
of curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, fostering my intrinsic motivation and
engagement in the learning process.

Additionally, a conducive learning environment for me is one that embraces diversity

and fosters inclusivity. It is an environment that respects and values individual
differences, encouraging me to learn from others’ perspectives and experiences. This
enriches my learning experience and broadens my worldview, promoting my personal
and social development.

Lastly, a supportive network of teachers, peers, and family members is a crucial

component of my conducive learning environment. Their encouragement, feedback,
and guidance contribute significantly to my learning journey, boosting my confidence
and reinforcing my understanding of various concepts.

In conclusion, my conducive learning environment is a perfect blend of the right

physical conditions, psychological climate, necessary resources, and a robust support
network. It is an environment that not only facilitates effective learning but also
nurtures my personal growth and development. It caters to my unique learning needs,
Learning Episode 6: Enhancing a
Face-to-Face Learning Environment
Participate and Assist:
● Given the concepts and the infographics, how can you participate and assist in the
face-to-face learning environment?

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now
They only have a green board in front of We have now flat screen TVs and
the classroom projectors
Previously, students were supposed to be We can now take part in a virtual class
in the classroom to learn through Google Meet and Zoom
You must go to the library if you need to If you need to look something up, you
look something up. can browse it on google.


What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment
- The advent of technology has significantly transformed the traditional face-to-
face learning environment. The proliferation of digital tools and resources has
resulted in a more hybrid learning model, combining in-person instruction
with online learning. Moreover, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has expedited
this shift, with many educational institutions globally transitioning to remote
learning to ensure the continuity of education while adhering to safety
protocols. This has also led to a greater focus on personalized learning, with
technology enabling lessons to be tailored to individual students' needs and
pace. The change in the learning environment is thus driven by both
technological advancements and the need to adapt to unforeseen
circumstances, such as a global health crisis.
From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you
do it?
- Among the changes identified, the one that I can implement is the integration
of digital tools and resources into the learning process. As a learner, I can take
advantage of various online platforms and resources to enhance my learning
experience. For instance, I can use online databases and libraries for research,
online tutorials for self-paced learning, and digital note-taking tools for better
organization of my study materials. I can also participate in online discussion
forums and virtual study groups to collaborate with other learners.
Additionally, I can use digital tools like Zoom or Google Meet for virtual
meetings and presentations, allowing me to engage in interactive learning even
from a distance. By consistently utilizing these digital resources, I can foster a
more flexible, personalized, and engaging learning experience.

Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face
classroom will enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? Explain
your answer
- Yes, making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom
is likely to enable learners to achieve better learning outcomes. In a face-to-
face classroom, students have the opportunity to directly engage with their
teachers and peers, participate in discussions, ask questions, and receive
immediate feedback. This level of interaction promotes active learning,
collaboration, and deeper understanding of the subject matter, leading to
improved learning outcomes. Additionally, being physically present in a
classroom can help minimize distractions and create a focused learning

Write Action Research Prompts:

What common problem have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?
- A common problem that can be noticed in a face-to-face learning environment
is the potential for unequal participation and engagement among students.
Some students may be more extroverted and confident, dominating
discussions and taking up more speaking time, while others may be more
introverted or shy, leading to their voices and perspectives being marginalized.
This can create an imbalance in participation and hinder the overall learning
experience for certain students.

How would I solve the problem?
- "How can we ensure equal participation and engagement among all students in
a face-to-face classroom setting?"

Will it improve my teaching? How?

- Yes, addressing the problem of unequal participation and engagement in a
face-to-face learning environment can improve your teaching by creating a
more inclusive and equitable learning environment. This can enhance student
engagement, foster a sense of belonging, and promote active learning, leading
to improved teaching and learning outcomes.

What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how will you do it.
- To solve the problem of unequal participation and engagement in a face-to-
face learning environment, I will employ various strategies. Firstly, I will
implement inclusive teaching practices, such as using diverse instructional
methods to cater to different learning styles and encouraging all students to
actively participate. Additionally, I will create a supportive classroom culture
where all students' voices are valued, providing opportunities for quieter
students to contribute and ensuring equal speaking time. Regular formative
assessments will also be used to gauge participation and provide
individualized support as needed.

Work on my Artifacts:
Physical Environment
● Is the space inside the room more than enough for learners to move about?
● Does the room arrangement match with teaching-learning principles? Are there
several room arrangements in the school?
● Are the visual displays attractive and do they stimulate learning?
● Are the school premises safe and is the classroom space free from hazards?
● Are learners comfortable in terms of light and ventilation?

Psychological Environment
● Are there sets of rules and procedures followed? What are these?
● Are these sets of expectations that can motivate the learners to learn?
● Are these observable in the classroom?
- Classroom atmosphere based on trust, cooperation, and empathy
- Modeling of positive attitude, respectful behavior, constructive actions
- Avoidance of ridicule, sarcasm, superiority in the classroom
- Opportunities for learners to share their experiences and learning with each

Social Environment
● Are there opportunities for positive interaction inside the classroom?
● Are there outdoor activities that foster friendship, camaraderie and cooperation?
● How are individual needs and differences considered

Title: The Face-to-Face Learning Environment

Describe the physical environment:

The face-to-face learning environment is a carefully curated space designed to foster

engagement and facilitate learning. Typically, it features a classroom setup with desks or
tables arranged to accommodate group discussions or individual work, often facing the
front where the teacher's station resides—equipped with tools like a whiteboard, projector,
or smartboard for interactive teaching. Walls adorned with educational materials and
student work add vibrancy to the space, while accessible resources such as textbooks and
supplementary materials enrich the learning experience. Natural elements like lighting and
ventilation are optimized for comfort, and specialized areas like science labs or reading
corners may be present to cater to specific subjects or activities. Overall, it's a dynamic
environment carefully crafted to encourage interaction, collaboration, and a conducive
atmosphere for knowledge transfer.

Describe the psychological environment:

The psychological environment in face-to-face learning is a tapestry of emotional safety,

interpersonal dynamics, and motivational cues that deeply impact students' attitudes and
learning experiences. It hinges on cultivating a safe, encouraging space where students feel
valued, respected, and free to express themselves without fear of judgment. Strong teacher-
student relationships lay the foundation, fostering trust and open communication that
emboldens students to explore, question, and engage actively. Peer interactions further
enrich this environment, shaping a community where collaboration, empathy, and diverse
perspectives flourish. A positive motivational climate, celebrating effort and embracing
diverse learning styles, fuels intrinsic motivation. Inclusivity, coupled with challenges that
stimulate critical thinking and engagement, completes this landscape, nurturing a space
where students thrive emotionally, socially, and academically.

Describe the social environment:

The social environment within a face-to-face learning setting is a vibrant tapestry of

interactions, relationships, and shared experiences that profoundly shape students' social
development and learning outcomes. It encompasses the dynamics among peers, teachers,
and the broader classroom community. Collaborative activities, group discussions, and
team projects foster a sense of belonging and encourage the exchange of ideas, diverse
perspectives, and collective problem-solving. Strong teacher-student connections and
supportive relationships create a foundation of trust and respect, promoting a classroom
culture where students feel valued and understood. Additionally, the social environment
extends beyond the classroom, encompassing extracurricular activities, clubs, and school
events that further strengthen bonds, encourage social skills, and cultivate a sense of
community. This environment not only enhances learning but also plays a crucial role in
students' social growth, empathy, and ability to collaborate effectively in diverse settings.
Learning Episode 7: Making On-line or
Virtual Learning Environment Safe and
● As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual
- Engaging and interactive activities tend to be relatively easy to implement in
virtual classes. For instance, using multimedia resources like educational
videos, interactive presentations, or online simulations can effectively capture
students' attention and facilitate learning. Additionally, incorporating breakout
rooms in video conferencing platforms allows for small group discussions and
collaborative work, mirroring the dynamics of in-person group activities.
Using digital whiteboards or collaborative documents also enables real-time
participation and contributions from students, fostering a sense of involvement
and active learning even in a virtual setting. These approaches often make the
virtual class experience more interactive, engaging, and effective for students.

● How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
- Students demonstrate active participation in various ways during lessons.
Engaging in discussions by asking questions, sharing opinions, and
contributing insights showcases their involvement. Actively responding to
prompts, whether through chat messages, raising hands in virtual platforms, or
using reaction features, reflects their engagement. Completing interactive
activities or exercises, collaborating with peers in group tasks, and offering
solutions or ideas during problem-solving exercises are additional indicators
of their active involvement. Overall, any form of voluntary interaction,
contribution, or engagement in lesson activities signifies students' active
participation in the learning process.

Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line learning environment?

✔ It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.

✔ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform.
✔ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses.
✔ Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive environment.

● As a future teacher, I feel that the online learning environment can be safe if I
prioritize clear communication of expectations and guidelines for respectful
online conduct. Establishing a culture of digital citizenship, where students
understand the importance of online responsibility and privacy, is crucial.
Utilizing secure platforms and regularly monitoring online activities allows me to
promptly address any issues and ensure a secure space. Moreover, fostering open
communication channels and providing resources for digital safety and support
empowers students to navigate the online sphere confidently. Building a positive
online community through collaborative activities and modeling positive
behavior sets the tone for a safe and inclusive virtual learning environment where
students can thrive academically while feeling respected and protected.

● I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is both challenging and

incredibly adaptive. It demands a reimagining of traditional teaching methods,
requiring educators to harness technology creatively while maintaining
engagement and connection with students. It offers immense flexibility and
accessibility, allowing for personalized learning experiences tailored to diverse
student needs. Yet, it necessitates proactive measures to ensure student
participation, understanding, and emotional support, often requiring extra effort
to bridge the physical distance and create a sense of community. However,
despite the challenges, it presents an opportunity for innovative pedagogical
approaches and the integration of a wide array of digital tools that can enhance
the learning process and prepare students for the evolving digital landscape of the

Write Action Research Prompts:

Identify the problems brought about by the online learning environment.

● The online learning environment, while offering flexibility and accessibility,

has brought forth several challenges. One of the primary issues is the digital
divide, where disparities in access to technology and reliable internet services
exist among students, hindering equal opportunities for learning. This
inequality exacerbates issues of equity, widening the gap between those with
ample resources and those without. Additionally, maintaining student
engagement and motivation in a virtual setting can be challenging, as it
requires a different level of self-discipline and independent learning skills. The
lack of physical interaction and face-to-face communication often leads to
feelings of isolation and disconnect among students, impacting their social and
emotional well-being. Moreover, the absence of immediate feedback and
personal interaction with teachers can impede students' ability to seek
clarifications or additional support, affecting their learning outcomes.
Cybersecurity concerns, such as data privacy and online safety, also pose
significant risks in the online space, demanding vigilant measures to safeguard
students' information and well-being.

How would you solve the problem?

● Addressing the challenges posed by the online learning environment requires a

multi-faceted approach. To bridge the digital divide, concerted efforts should
focus on providing equitable access to technology and internet connectivity for
all students, potentially through government initiatives, partnerships with
technology companies, or community-based programs. Enhancing student
engagement involves creating interactive and varied learning experiences,
incorporating multimedia resources, and fostering collaborative activities that
encourage active participation. To combat feelings of isolation, fostering a
sense of community through regular virtual meetings, group projects, and peer
interactions can be invaluable. Establishing clear communication channels and
offering additional support through online office hours or tutoring sessions can
address the lack of immediate feedback and guidance. Prioritizing
cybersecurity measures, including educating students on online safety,
implementing secure platforms, and ensuring data protection, is essential to
safeguard students' privacy and well-being in the digital space. Collaboration
between educators, policymakers, and communities is pivotal in implementing
these solutions effectively and ensuring a more inclusive, supportive, and
secure online learning environment for all students.

What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?

● To address the challenges of the online learning environment initially, my plan

involves conducting a thorough assessment of students' access to technology
and internet connectivity. Collaborating with local authorities and
organizations, I aim to secure resources or funding to bridge the digital divide,
ensuring equitable access for all students. Simultaneously, I'll design engaging
and interactive learning modules that cater to diverse learning styles,
incorporating multimedia elements and fostering collaborative activities.
Implementing regular virtual meetings, setting up communication channels,
and providing additional support through scheduled online office hours will
aim to enhance student engagement and bridge the gap created by the lack of
immediate feedback in the virtual space. Moreover, establishing stringent
security measures and educating students on online safety protocols will be a
priority to ensure their well-being. This initial plan intends to lay the
groundwork for a more inclusive, engaging, and secure online learning
environment while addressing immediate accessibility and engagement
Work on my Artifacts:
Topics/Title of Content or Instructional
Name of Website Materials

1. Thousands of lesson plans in an

enormous online teacher resource bank
arranged by topic, learning goal, grade
level, and theme. These lesson plans,
which cover grades K–12, are perfect for
any educator seeking well-crafted,
understandable, and structured lesson
plans. English teachers would particularly
benefit from this website as it offers more
than 500 fiction and literary resources.

2. An intuitive quiz tool that saves teachers

time while monitoring and assessing
student learning. You may construct
multiple-choice, true/false, or short-
answer questions using Socrative, and it
also offers reporting on student
experiences and results. For educators in
grades 6 through 12, it's ideal for
enhancing their assessment skills.

3. Students love this timeless, entertaining

quiz-style game. It's engaging and fun.
With Kahoot, you can make your own
test, formulate your own questions, and
receive prompt response. This is
undoubtedly a classic for teachers. It's
fantastic for online and in-person
learning, but it's most enjoyable in a
classroom setting. Every sixth through
twelfth student ought to have access to
4. An excellent resource for casual
assessments, understanding checks, and
individual or class-wide test reviews is
this classic flash card and quiz website.
Make your own quizlet or choose one
from the extensive collection of already
written reviews. For instructors working
with students in grades 6 through 12,
Quizlet is a great resource for extra online
learning materials that can help students
grasp challenging concepts and expand
their academic vocabulary.

5. a web-based evaluation tool that lets

instructors mark Google Docs, PDFs, and
other uploaded work and provide students
feedback right away. Instructors can also
upload their own resources, such as
rubrics, to make assessments that are
more conversation-based and
participatory. For educators in grades six
through twelve who wish to cultivate
deeper connections with their pupils,
feedback is perfect.

6. Numerous reading exercises, worksheets,

and chapters that are sure to keep kids
interested while they build important
comprehension and reading abilities. It is
appropriate for both in-person and remote
learning because it is very flexible and
simple to use. Because ReadTheory
offers resources for kids in grades K–12,
we suggest it to any educator wishing to
help their students become better readers.

7. vast array of straightforward, elementary-

through high school math lesson plans for
grades K–12. Its extensive library of
math lesson plans makes it especially
strong in this area. Ideal for seasoned
educators seeking basic lessons as well as
brand-new educators

8. a platform that uses videos to let

professors select or post YouTube videos,
then ask students to comment on them.
Instructors can utilize the video to make
tests or quizzes and get quick response.
By letting teachers know whether
students are watching the videos, how
many times they've seen each portion,
and whether the material is absorbed,
Edpuzzle also promotes student
accountability. Perfect for instructors or
distance learning

9. This website has a wealth of content and

videos that are perfect for mini-lessons
and brain breaks, making it a great tool
for K–8 educators. The videos stress
physical activity and full student
interaction while yet being instructional
and content-driven. For younger pupils,
GoNoodle is a great method to
decompress while staying focused on
their schoolwork. Additionally, their
YouTube channel is overflowing with

10. The website provides various tools for

monitoring, controlling, and enhancing
student conduct and education,
particularly for educators in grades 6-12,
promoting engagement and classroom
Learning Episode 8: Establishing My
Own Classroom Routines and
Procedures in a Face-to-Face /
Remote Learning
Participate and Assist:

Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the possible
assistance or participation that you can do to help her/him in doing the classroom
routines. Complete the matrix for the routines that you can employ before, during and
after classes in the classroom/remote learning to ensure order and discipline in your
classes. List down the problems which you have encountered while implementing
these routines.


After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you
noticed by answering the following questions:

● How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedures in the classroom/remote learning?

- After implementing classroom routines and establishing procedures for both

in-person and remote learning, I felt a profound sense of organization and
structure that positively impacted the learning environment. Witnessing
students seamlessly adapt to the established routines and procedures was
incredibly rewarding. In the physical classroom, the structured routines
promoted a sense of orderliness, enabling smoother transitions between
activities and maximizing instructional time. In the remote setting, having
clear procedures enhanced engagement and participation, fostering a more
focused and interactive online environment. Observing students confidently
navigate the established guidelines showcased their understanding and comfort
within the learning framework, contributing to a more conducive atmosphere
for learning. Moreover, seeing the routines support student autonomy and
accountability was gratifying, as it facilitated a smoother learning experience
for everyone involved.

● How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?

- My students responded positively to the classroom routines and procedures

that were established. Initially, there was a period of adjustment as they
familiarized themselves with the structure, but as they understood the purpose
and consistency behind the routines, their response was overwhelmingly
supportive. In the physical classroom, they appreciated the predictability and
organization that the routines offered, enabling smoother transitions between
activities and minimizing disruptions. For remote learning, having clear
procedures in place helped them navigate the online space more confidently,
leading to increased engagement and active participation. They embraced the
guidelines as they realized the value in maintaining a structured learning
environment, which allowed them to focus more effectively on their studies.
Overall, their acceptance and adherence to the established routines not only
fostered a more conducive learning atmosphere but also empowered them to
take ownership of their learning journey.

● What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and

- The feedback from the Resource Teacher regarding the classroom routines and
procedures was positive and encouraging. They acknowledged the
effectiveness of the established structure in promoting a conducive learning
environment for all students. The Resource Teacher appreciated how the
routines catered to diverse learning needs, ensuring clarity and consistency in
both in-person and remote settings. They noted that the routines facilitated
smoother transitions between activities, maximizing instructional time and
fostering a sense of organization within the classroom. Additionally, they
commended the clear communication of expectations and the emphasis on
student engagement, recognizing how these aspects contributed to a more
inclusive and supportive learning atmosphere. Their feedback highlighted the
success of the routines in promoting student autonomy while offering
necessary support, ultimately contributing to a more efficient and effective
learning experience.

● Was there a change in classroom environment/teacher-learning process after you

have implemented your classroom routines and procedures?

- Yes, there was a noticeable shift in the classroom environment and the
teacher-learning process after the implementation of the established routines
and procedures. The classroom became more structured and organized,
fostering a sense of predictability and stability for students. This allowed for
smoother transitions between activities, minimizing disruptions and
maximizing learning time. Students seemed more engaged and focused, as
they understood the expectations and felt more confident navigating the
learning process. The routines created a framework that supported diverse
learning needs, accommodating various learning styles and preferences.
Additionally, the teacher-learning process became more streamlined, enabling
educators to allocate time more effectively, provide targeted support, and
tailor instruction to better meet individual student needs. Overall, the
implementation of these routines and procedures positively transformed the
classroom environment, enhancing both student learning experiences and
teaching efficacy.

● What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and
- The Resource Teacher was impressed with the classroom routines and
procedures, noting their seamless integration into the learning environment.
They commended the clarity and consistency of the routines, noting how they
effectively guided students through various activities and transitions,
minimizing disruptions and maximizing learning time. Moreover, the
Resource Teacher praised the inclusivity of the procedures, acknowledging
how they catered to diverse learning needs and fostered an environment where
every student felt supported. Their feedback emphasized the evident impact of
these routines in creating a conducive space for learning, enabling both
students and teachers to thrive in their educational journey.


1. What factors/ conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines

and procedures?
● Several factors and conditions prompted the establishment of classroom
routines and procedures. Firstly, there was a recognition of the diverse
learning styles and needs among students. Creating structured routines catered
to these differences, offering clarity and support for all learners. Additionally,
the aim was to minimize disruptions and maximize instructional time,
especially in an environment where transitions between activities could
sometimes be chaotic. This desire for a more organized classroom drove the
implementation of clear procedures. Furthermore, considering the shift to
remote learning, there was a need for guidelines that would ensure
engagement and participation in a virtual setting. The desire to create an
inclusive environment where every student felt supported and understood also
played a pivotal role in establishing these routines and procedures. Overall, the
goal was to create a conducive and supportive learning environment that
fostered both academic growth and a sense of belonging for all students.

2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after

employing your classroom routines?
● Yes, there was a notable improvement in classroom management after
implementing the established routines. The structured frameworks
significantly contributed to a more organized and efficient classroom
environment. These routines minimized disruptions during transitions between
activities, leading to smoother and more focused instructional periods.
Students quickly adapted to the predictability of the routines, which in turn
reduced off-task behavior and increased overall engagement. Additionally,
having clear procedures in place helped establish expectations, leading to a
more disciplined and respectful atmosphere. This improvement in classroom
management allowed for better utilization of instructional time and created a
conducive space for effective teaching and learning. Overall, the
implementation of these routines positively impacted classroom dynamics,
enhancing management and facilitating a more productive learning

3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

● Yes, the teaching-learning process showed improvement after implementing
the classroom routines and procedures. The structured frameworks enhanced
the efficiency of instruction by minimizing disruptions and maximizing
instructional time. With clear procedures in place, teachers were able to focus
more on delivering content and engaging students rather than managing
transitions or behavioral issues. Students, in turn, benefited from a more
organized environment that allowed for better concentration and participation
in learning activities. The routines also facilitated a smoother flow of lessons,
enabling educators to plan and deliver content more effectively. Moreover, the
inclusivity of these procedures catered to diverse learning styles and needs,
ensuring that all students could engage with the material more comfortably.
Ultimately, the teaching-learning process improved as a result of these
established routines by fostering a more conducive and focused environment
for both educators and students.

What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
- While facilitating this learning episode, several valuable insights emerged.
Firstly, the significance of structured routines and clear procedures became
evident in maintaining an organized and conducive learning environment.
These frameworks not only minimized disruptions but also supported diverse
learning styles, fostering inclusivity within the classroom. Secondly, the
adaptability of these routines, particularly in transitioning between in-person
and remote learning, highlighted their versatility and effectiveness in various
educational settings. Additionally, the impact of these routines on student
engagement and participation underscored the importance of creating a sense
of predictability and structure for learners. Moreover, it became apparent that
effective classroom management significantly influences the teaching-learning
process, allowing for more focused and productive instructional sessions.
Overall, the experience emphasized the crucial role that well-established
routines and procedures play in optimizing the learning experience for both
educators and students.

Write Action Research Prompts:

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines
● Establishing classroom routines presented several challenges. Initially,
ensuring that the routines catered to diverse learning styles and needs was a
hurdle. Balancing structure while allowing flexibility for individual
differences required careful planning and adaptation. Additionally,
transitioning between in-person and remote settings posed a challenge, as the
routines had to seamlessly accommodate both environments. Overcoming
resistance or skepticism from some students or adapting routines to suit
varying comfort levels with change also presented obstacles. Furthermore,
sustaining student engagement and buy-in for the established routines over
time required consistent reinforcement and clear communication of their
benefits. Addressing these challenges demanded flexibility, creativity, and
ongoing evaluation to refine and adapt the routines for optimal effectiveness in
the classroom.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
● Employing several strategies. Firstly, I plan to conduct thorough assessments
of students' learning styles and needs to tailor routines that accommodate
diverse preferences. Flexibility will be key, allowing for adjustments to meet
individual requirements. Additionally, I intend to create routines that
seamlessly transition between in-person and remote learning, ensuring
continuity and effectiveness across different settings. Open communication
with students will be vital, explaining the rationale behind the routines and
encouraging their active involvement in their development. Moreover, I'll
implement consistent reinforcement and positive reinforcement strategies to
sustain student engagement and foster buy-in for the established routines.
Regular evaluations and feedback loops will enable continuous improvement
and adaptation of the routines to better suit the evolving needs of the
classroom. Overall, a combination of flexibility, clear communication, student
involvement, and ongoing assessment will guide my approach to addressing
these challenges in establishing effective classroom routines.

3. Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are
● To enhance my classroom routines, several strategies come to mind. Firstly,
involving students in the process by seeking their input and feedback can
foster a sense of ownership and understanding of the established routines.
Clear and consistent communication about the purpose and expectations of
each routine is crucial, supported by visual aids or reminders to reinforce these
guidelines visually. Practicing and reinforcing routines regularly, especially at
the start of the academic year or when introducing new procedures, helps
solidify them in students' minds. Flexibility is key; being open to adjustments
based on student needs or changing circumstances ensures the routines remain
relevant and effective. Positive reinforcement for adherence to routines,
coupled with regular reflection and adjustments based on feedback, allows for
continuous improvement. Additionally, integrating engaging activities within
routines maintains student interest and involvement, making the classroom
experience more dynamic and enjoyable.

4. (Based on my answers in nos. 1- 3), the possible title of my action research on
this episode is
● "Optimizing Classroom Routines: Strategies for Engagement, Adaptability,
and Student Involvement"
Learning Episode 9: Creating my
Classroom/ Remote Learning
Management Plan
Participate and Assist:
My Classroom Management Plan
Philosophical Statement
"Within my classroom, I envision a nurturing and inclusive environment where structure
and freedom coexist harmoniously. I believe effective classroom management is rooted
in mutual respect, clear expectations, and consistent reinforcement of positive behavior.
I aim to create routines and procedures that provide a framework for students to thrive
academically and socially. My philosophy emphasizes the importance of building strong
relationships with students, understanding their individual needs, and fostering a sense
of belonging and trust. I believe in proactive approaches to behavior management,
focusing on prevention through engaging lessons, differentiated instruction, and a
supportive classroom community. I strive to instill values of responsibility, empathy,
and collaboration, guiding students towards self-discipline and self-regulation.
Ultimately, my classroom management plan is a reflection of my commitment to
creating a safe, inclusive, and dynamic learning environment where every student feels
valued, respected, and empowered to achieve their full potential."
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Establishing clear and concise classroom rules and procedures is fundamental in
creating a structured and conducive learning environment. These rules encompass
behavioral expectations and guidelines for various classroom activities. They outline
expectations for respectful communication, active participation, and responsible
behavior. Additionally, procedures delineate the steps and protocols for routine
activities such as entering and exiting the classroom, transitioning between activities,
seeking permission to speak, or handling classroom materials. When communicated
effectively, these rules and procedures contribute to a sense of predictability and safety
within the classroom. They offer students a framework for understanding behavioral
boundaries and facilitate a smooth flow of activities, minimizing disruptions and
maximizing instructional time. Moreover, involving students in the establishment of
rules and procedures can foster ownership, understanding, and compliance. Regular
reinforcement and practice of these guidelines ensure that students internalize and
adhere to the expectations, creating an environment conducive to learning and mutual
Teacher-Student Relationships
Fostering strong teacher-student relationships stands as a cornerstone. I believe these
relationships are fundamental in cultivating a supportive and conducive learning
environment. My approach centers on building rapport through genuine connections,
actively engaging with students to understand their interests, challenges, and aspirations.
Open communication is paramount; I encourage students to share their thoughts,
concerns, and ideas, fostering an atmosphere of trust and respect where everyone feels
valued and heard. I aim to offer individualized attention, recognizing and addressing
diverse needs and learning styles. Additionally, I emphasize positive reinforcement,
acknowledging and celebrating student achievements and efforts, cultivating a culture of
encouragement and mutual respect. By prioritizing these relationships, I intend to create
a classroom where every student feels supported, empowered, and motivated to thrive
academically and personally.
Schedules and Time frames
In the realm of classroom management, schedules and time frames are the backbone of a
structured and effective learning environment. A meticulously crafted schedule
delineates the flow of daily activities, optimizing the allocation of time for various
subjects, lessons, and activities. Time frames allow for the organization of each
segment, ensuring that transitions between activities are smooth and purposeful. The
schedule acts as a blueprint, providing a framework that guides students and teachers
through the day's agenda, allowing for a balanced distribution of instructional time.
Moreover, it sets clear expectations for students, fostering a sense of routine and
predictability that enhances their focus and engagement. Flexibility within these
schedules accommodates unforeseen circumstances or additional discussion time,
enabling a dynamic yet structured classroom atmosphere. By adhering to well-planned
schedules and time frames, educators maximize teaching opportunities, utilize time
efficiently, and create an environment conducive to meaningful learning experiences.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements
Creating an effective classroom structure, design, and arrangement is foundational to a
well-managed learning environment. The physical layout of the classroom significantly
impacts student engagement and interaction. Thoughtful consideration is given to the
arrangement of desks or seating, whether in traditional rows for focused individual
work, collaborative clusters to encourage group discussions, or a hybrid layout that
offers flexibility for various activities. Learning zones are delineated to create distinct
areas for different tasks, such as a cozy reading corner, a designated space for
discussions, or zones for group work. The flow of movement within the classroom is
carefully planned to minimize disruptions during transitions. Aesthetics are also
considered, with visual elements such as educational posters, student work displays, or
thematic decorations enhancing the learning atmosphere. Functional spaces ensure
accessibility to resources, technology, and materials, while prioritizing student comfort
with ergonomic furniture, appropriate lighting, and adequate ventilation. The seating
arrangement is adjustable, allowing for easy adaptation to different teaching methods
and activities, ensuring equal accessibility for all students. Ultimately, a well-thought-
out classroom structure, design, and arrangement contribute significantly to a conducive
learning environment, supporting effective classroom management and enhancing the
overall learning experience.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
In any learning environment, ensuring classroom safety through established rules and
procedures is paramount. Safety rules encompass various aspects, including physical
well-being, emotional safety, and the maintenance of a secure environment. This entails
guidelines for maintaining cleanliness, proper use of equipment, and adherence to
emergency protocols. Clear procedures for emergency drills, such as fire drills or
lockdowns, are essential to prepare students for potential crises. Additionally, fostering
emotional safety involves encouraging respect, empathy, and inclusivity among
students, creating a supportive and accepting atmosphere. Rules regarding respectful
communication, conflict resolution, and the prohibition of bullying or harassment
reinforce emotional safety. Moreover, procedures for reporting safety concerns,
addressing injuries, or handling hazardous materials are critical components of
classroom safety protocols. Regular reinforcement, practice, and discussions about
safety rules and procedures are fundamental in ensuring that every student feels secure,
supported, and able to focus on their learning in a safe environment.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
In managing classroom behavior, employing effective strategies for rewards and
consequences is essential. Positive reinforcement through rewards acknowledges and
encourages desired behaviors, fostering a positive classroom atmosphere. These rewards
can range from verbal praise and acknowledgment of effort to tangible incentives like
extra privileges or a reward system. Consistency in offering rewards ensures that
students understand the connection between their actions and positive outcomes.
Conversely, consequences for disruptive or inappropriate behavior provide clear
boundaries and guidance. Consequences should be proportionate to the behavior, aiming
to redirect students rather than merely punishing them. Implementing a progressive
discipline approach, where consequences escalate based on the frequency or severity of
behavior, allows for flexibility and fairness. Communicating these rewards and
consequences clearly, along with the rationale behind them, establishes expectations and
empowers students to make informed choices. Striking a balance between positive
reinforcement and appropriate consequences creates a supportive environment that
encourages responsible behavior and academic engagement.


1. What salient components have you noted?

● In devising effective classroom management plans, several salient components
emerge as critical pillars. Clear and consistent expectations form the
foundation, delineating behavioral guidelines and academic standards. The
integration of positive reinforcement strategies, coupled with student
involvement in rule establishment, nurtures a sense of ownership and
accountability among learners. Flexibility within the plan allows for adaptive
responses to diverse student needs and unforeseen circumstances, ensuring
inclusivity and fairness. Cultivating strong teacher-student relationships
underscores trust, respect, and open communication, fostering a supportive
learning environment. Efficient time management, safety protocols, structured
routines, and ongoing reflection on strategies ensure an organized, secure, and
conducive atmosphere for learning and growth within the classroom. These
interconnected components collectively contribute to the holistic framework of
an effective classroom management plan, facilitating an environment that
nurtures both academic success and personal development for students.

2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom

management plan?
● Utilizing gathered information is pivotal in crafting a classroom management
plan that resonates with the unique dynamics of students and the teaching
environment. This approach integrates insights from past experiences,
observations, and relevant research, enabling educators to tailor strategies that
effectively address specific needs and challenges. Understanding students'
diverse backgrounds, learning styles, and behavioral tendencies informs the
creation of targeted interventions and approaches that foster engagement and
support academic growth. By leveraging information, educators can set
realistic expectations, establish clear guidelines, and design procedures that
align with the class's dynamics, maximizing the plan's relevance and
effectiveness. Ultimately, utilizing information in crafting a classroom
management plan enhances its ability to create a nurturing, inclusive, and
conducive learning atmosphere, promoting both academic achievement and
holistic student development.
3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were
implementing your plan?
● When implementing my classroom management plan, several significant
observations emerged. Firstly, I noticed a tangible shift in the overall
classroom atmosphere. The structured routines and clear procedures fostered a
more organized environment, reducing disruptions and creating a smoother
flow between activities. Students seemed more engaged and responsive,
demonstrating increased accountability and ownership of their behavior.
Moreover, the positive reinforcement strategies integrated into the plan had a
noticeable impact on student motivation and participation. Recognizing and
celebrating their efforts encouraged a more positive outlook towards learning.
Additionally, I observed improved teacher-student relationships. By
consistently applying fair consequences and maintaining open communication,
trust and respect between myself and the students deepened, fostering a
supportive and collaborative learning environment. Overall, the
implementation of the plan yielded visible improvements in classroom
dynamics, enhancing student engagement, behavior, and the overall quality of
the learning experience.

4. Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management plan that

were not tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on
● In reviewing my classroom/remote learning management plan, I recognized
certain aspects that might not have been perfectly aligned with all students'
needs. For instance, while some procedures worked well for most students, a
few struggled to adapt due to differing learning styles or individual
preferences. To improve, I plan to employ a more diversified approach. This
involves incorporating multiple teaching methods and varied modes of
interaction to cater to different learning styles, ensuring inclusivity. Moreover,
seeking direct feedback from students about the effectiveness of certain
procedures or activities will be crucial. This feedback loop will provide
valuable insights into their experiences and allow for adjustments that better
accommodate diverse needs. Additionally, I aim to enhance the flexibility of
the plan, allowing for more adaptability in addressing individual student
requirements. Ultimately, by actively seeking and implementing feedback,
diversifying instructional strategies, and fostering greater flexibility, I aim to
refine my management plan to better suit the diverse needs of all students in
the classroom or remote setting.

1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were
mostly followed/complied with?
● In my classroom/remote learning management plan, the established routines
and procedures were the elements most consistently followed and complied
with by both myself and the students. The structured frameworks for
transitioning between activities, guidelines for respectful communication, and
protocols for submitting assignments were consistently adhered to. These
established routines provided a sense of predictability and clarity, minimizing
disruptions and maximizing instructional time. Students demonstrated a high
level of compliance with these routines, showcasing a clear understanding of
expectations. The consistent application of these procedures facilitated a
smoother learning environment, allowing for seamless transitions and a
focused atmosphere for learning.

2. What elements in you plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?
● The most challenging elements to implement in my plan were the strategies
involving individualized support for diverse learning needs. Tailoring
instruction to accommodate varying learning styles, abilities, and interests
presented difficulties due to the wide spectrum of student requirements. It
demanded more time, resources, and adaptability to effectively meet each
student's unique needs within the classroom or remote learning environment.
Balancing personalized support with the demands of a structured curriculum
was complex, requiring continuous adjustments and differentiation to ensure
equitable learning opportunities for all.


What were your realizations after creating and implementing your

classroom/remote learning management plan?

- Creating and implementing my classroom/remote learning management plan

brought several realizations to light. Firstly, I realized the pivotal role of clear
and consistent routines in establishing a conducive learning environment.
These routines significantly contributed to minimizing disruptions and
fostering a more organized classroom atmosphere. Additionally, I recognized
the value of flexibility within the plan, especially when catering to diverse
student needs. Adapting teaching strategies to accommodate various learning
styles and preferences was essential for equitable learning experiences.
Moreover, I realized the importance of ongoing reflection and adaptation.
Continuous assessment of the plan's effectiveness allowed for timely
adjustments, ensuring its responsiveness to the evolving dynamics of the
classroom or remote setting. Overall, the process underscored the significance
of a dynamic and student-centered approach, prompting a continuous strive for
improvement and adaptability in facilitating effective learning experiences.

Write Action Research Prompts:


The problems/challenges I encountered in my writings my classroom

Management Plan
- The challenges I encountered while drafting my classroom management plan
were primarily centered around finding the right balance between structure
and flexibility. Ensuring that the plan accommodated diverse student needs
while maintaining a structured framework was a significant hurdle. It was also
challenging to anticipate all potential scenarios and create procedures that
were both comprehensive and adaptable. Additionally, incorporating effective
strategies for individualized support and differentiation posed difficulties, as
catering to various learning styles and abilities required careful planning and
continuous refinement. Striking this balance between structure and
adaptability while addressing diverse student needs was a complex challenge I
encountered in crafting my classroom management plan.


I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by implementing

several strategies. Firstly, I aim to conduct more extensive research and gather
diverse perspectives to inform the plan. This will involve seeking insights from
experienced educators, exploring varied teaching methodologies, and staying
updated on best practices in inclusive education. Additionally, I plan to engage in
professional development opportunities focused on differentiated instruction and
classroom management techniques, enhancing my toolkit to address diverse
student needs effectively. Moreover, I aim to collaborate with colleagues, seeking
input and feedback to refine the plan and ensure its practicality across different
learning contexts. Regular reflection and adjustments based on ongoing feedback
will be integral to refining and adapting the plan over time, ensuring its
responsiveness to the evolving needs of my students. Ultimately, by leveraging
research, professional development, collaboration, and continuous reflection, I
aim to overcome these challenges and create a more robust and inclusive
classroom management plan.

Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these

situations/problems, I aim to implement a multifaceted approach. This involves
seeking mentorship from seasoned educators to gain practical insights and
guidance. Additionally, I plan to engage in ongoing professional development
opportunities focused on diverse teaching methodologies and classroom
management techniques. Collaborating with colleagues and participating in peer-
sharing platforms will offer diverse perspectives and innovative solutions.
Moreover, conducting regular self-assessments and seeking feedback from
students and colleagues will provide valuable insights for continuous
improvement. Lastly, remaining adaptable and open-minded to new approaches
while consistently refining the plan based on evolving student needs and
educational best practices will be key strategies in enhancing the effectiveness of
my classroom management plan.

Based on my answer in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on

this episode is "Enhancing Classroom Management: Leveraging Mentorship,
Professional Development, and Collaboration."

Work on my Artifacts:
Paste your Classroom/Remote Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan

1. Classroom Rules:

- Respect: Treat others with kindness and respect.

- Responsibility: Be accountable for your actions and belongings.
- Active Participation: Engage in-class activities with enthusiasm.

2. Procedures:

- Entry Routine: Enter quietly, prepare materials, and begin warm-up.

- Transition Protocol: Move swiftly and silently between activities.
- Question Format: Raise your hand and wait to be called upon.

3. Rewards and Consequences:

- Rewards: Verbal praise, extra privileges, or recognition for positive behavior.

- Consequences: Progressive discipline approach for disruptive behavior.

4. Schedule and Timeframes:

- Structured Time Blocks: Allocate time for various activities.

- Flexibility: Allow for adjustments to accommodate discussions or extra activities.

5. Teacher-Student Relationships:

- Open Communication: Encourage dialogue and feedback from students.

- Positive Relationships: Build trust and rapport through mutual respect.

6. Classroom Design and Arrangements:

- Layout: Arrange desks for group work or discussion clusters.

- Visual Aids: Display schedules, rules, and learning materials.
This text-based representation highlights key components commonly found in a
classroom management plan. Visual representations often include diagrams or charts
to illustrate these elements more graphically.
Learning Episode 10: Writing My
Learning/Lesson Plan
Participate and Assist:
Request lesson plan exemplars/lesson plan templates from your Resource Teacher. If
not available, you can make us of the basic components of a lesson plan.

Basic Components of a Lesson Plan

1. Lesson Title - Clear and descriptive title for the lesson.

2. Objective(s) - Specific, measurable learning goals for the lesson.
3. Materials Needed - List of resources required for the lesson (books, materials,
technology, etc.).
4. Introduction/Engagement - How the lesson will begin to capture students' attention
or activate prior knowledge.
5. Instructional Procedures - Step-by-step breakdown of what will be taught, how it
will be taught, and activities involved.
6. Differentiation - Strategies to accommodate different learning styles or abilities.
7. Assessment/Evaluation - Methods to assess student understanding or learning
during or at the end of the lesson.
8. Closure - How the lesson will conclude, including a summary or reflection.
9. Homework/Extension - Assignments or tasks for students to complete outside of
class related to the lesson.
10. Reflection - Notes on what worked well, what needs improvement, and any
adjustments for future lessons.

1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/learning plan?
- When crafting a lesson plan, several crucial factors come into play.
Understanding the learning objectives is paramount—knowing what I aim to
achieve helps structure the content and activities effectively. Considering
students' diverse needs and learning styles ensures the plan accommodates
various preferences and abilities. Adapting teaching strategies and materials to
suit the specific context, whether in a physical or virtual setting, is vital for
engagement. Additionally, incorporating assessments and evaluations
throughout the plan helps gauge student progress and understanding,
informing future adjustments. Overall, the lesson plan is a flexible blueprint
that integrates goals, student diversity, teaching strategies, and assessment
methods to create a comprehensive learning experience.

2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/learning plan?

- In developing lesson plans, one common challenge is striking the right balance
between detail and flexibility. Ensuring that the plan is comprehensive enough
to guide the lesson effectively while allowing room for adjustments based on
real-time student needs can be tricky. Additionally, accounting for various
learning paces among students and predicting the time each activity might take
can sometimes pose challenges, potentially requiring adaptability during the
lesson itself. Integrating diverse teaching methods to address different learning
styles within a limited timeframe is another aspect that demands thoughtful
consideration and planning.

3. What feedback was/were given by tour Resource Teacher in your first

draft/succeeding lesson/learning plans?
- My Resource Teacher provided valuable feedback on the initial drafts and
subsequent lesson plans. Initially, they emphasized the importance of aligning
lesson objectives with specific learning outcomes, ensuring clarity and
measurability. They also encouraged more detailed descriptions of
instructional strategies and methods to engage diverse learning styles. As I
progressed, the feedback focused on refining assessments to better gauge
student understanding and recommending varied approaches to accommodate
different student abilities. Additionally, there was guidance on incorporating
more interactive elements to enhance student engagement and participation
within the lessons. Overall, the feedback continuously emphasized the need
for clarity, differentiation, and active student involvement in the learning

4. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your/lesson learning plans?
- The strongest aspect of my lesson plans was their clarity in outlining learning
objectives and the step-by-step instructional procedures. This clarity helped
guide the teaching process effectively. However, there were areas for
improvement. One key aspect was diversifying assessment methods to better
capture students' understanding and progress. Incorporating more varied
activities and materials to cater to different learning styles was another area
that needed enhancement. Additionally, finding ways to integrate more
opportunities for student interaction and collaboration within the lesson plans
emerged as an essential area for improvement to foster a more engaging
learning environment.

Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given matrix.
Take note that you must have provisions to do this lesson on a face-to-face, modular
or through online learning.

Questions Answers
1. How did you arouse students’ The methods of arousing interest and
interest? What motivational implementing motivational techniques
techniques did you indicate in your vary across the different modes of
plan? learning. In face-to-face settings,
interactive activities and immediate
feedback can boost engagement. In
modular learning, self-directed
exploration and achievable goals play a
significant role. For online learning,
interactive tools and gamification can
enhance motivation by creating a
dynamic and engaging virtual
2. How did you respond to the diverse Addressing diverse learners involves
types of learners? tailoring teaching methods and materials
to accommodate various learning styles,
abilities, and needs

2.1 gender, needs, strengths, interests and Addressing gender inclusivity,

experiences individual needs, strengths, interests,
and experiences involves creating a
supportive and respectful learning
environment that values diversity across
all learning modalities. It requires
intentional incorporation of diverse
perspectives, customization of learning
experiences, and fostering an inclusive
atmosphere that respects and celebrates
each student's uniqueness.

2.2 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic Acknowledging linguistic, cultural,

and religious backgrounds. socio-economic, and religious
backgrounds involves fostering an
inclusive and respectful learning
environment. It requires incorporating
diverse perspectives, providing
accessible resources, and creating
opportunities for discussions that
embrace and celebrate diversity across
all learning modes.

2.3 with disabilities, giftedness and Addressing the needs of students with
talents disabilities involves providing tailored
accommodations and support in various
learning environments. Catering to
giftedness and talents requires offering
challenging and stimulating
opportunities that go beyond standard
curriculum expectations. Across all
learning modes, it's crucial to provide
inclusivity, flexibility, and support
structures that enable all students to
thrive in their learning journey.

2.4 in difficult circumstances In challenging circumstances, whether

due to external factors or personal
difficulties, being adaptable,
understanding, and offering additional
support becomes essential. Across
different learning modes, maintaining
communication, providing flexibility,
and offering extra resources or
assistance can help students navigate
challenging situations effectively.

2.5 from indigenous groups Creating an inclusive learning

environment for students from
indigenous groups involves integrating
their cultural perspectives, fostering
connections with their communities, and
respecting and celebrating their
traditions and knowledge across all
learning modes.
3. What instructional strategies will In both face-to-face and remote learning
you employ in face-to-face or in a settings, employing instructional
remote learning delivery for this strategies that foster engagement,
lesson? Explain. interaction, and cultural understanding is
crucial when addressing lessons
involving indigenous perspectives. For
face-to-face delivery, I would integrate
experiential learning by inviting
indigenous community members or
elders for guest lectures, storytelling, or
traditional activities to offer firsthand
insights into their culture. This approach
not only enriches the learning
experience but also creates a direct
connection between students and the
indigenous community, promoting
cultural understanding and respect.
Additionally, incorporating group
discussions, role-playing activities, and
multimedia presentations showcasing
indigenous art, music, and history would
enhance engagement and provide
diverse perspectives.

For remote learning delivery, I would

utilize various online tools and resources
to replicate the immersive experience.
This might include virtual guest lectures
or panel discussions with indigenous
representatives, utilizing video
conferencing platforms. Engaging
multimedia presentations,
documentaries, or interactive websites
showcasing indigenous cultures would
be accessible for students to explore at
their own pace. Discussion forums or
collaborative projects could encourage
dialogue and shared exploration of
indigenous perspectives, allowing
students to interact despite physical
distance. Online resources like digital
archives or virtual tours of cultural sites
could provide an immersive experience,
fostering a deeper understanding of
indigenous traditions and heritage
despite the remote setting.
4. Was the language used appropriate The language used should be tailored to
to the level of the students? Explain match the students' comprehension level
your answer briefly. and familiarity with the subject matter.
It's essential to strike a balance between
complexity and accessibility, ensuring
that the language used is neither too
simplistic nor overly complex for the
students' level. For instance, when
discussing indigenous perspectives,
using terminology that's culturally
sensitive yet accessible helps maintain
engagement and understanding. It's
crucial to offer explanations for any
specialized terms or concepts while also
respecting the cultural nuances of the
language employed. This approach
ensures that students grasp the content
without feeling overwhelmed by
unfamiliar vocabulary, fostering a
conducive learning environment that
respects their level of understanding
while introducing new and culturally
significant information.
5. What types and levels of questions When formulating questions about
did you formulate? Are they the indigenous perspectives, I aimed for a
higher order thinking skills (HOTS)? mix of both lower-order and higher-
Write two (2) examples. order thinking skills (HOTS) to
encourage critical thinking and deeper
understanding. Here are examples of

Lower-Order Thinking Skills (LOTS):

1. What are some common traditions of
the indigenous community we've
- This question prompts recall and
recognition of previously learned
information about indigenous traditions.

Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS):

2. How might the historical context
influence the preservation of indigenous
languages and cultural practices today?
- This question challenges students to
analyze the impact of historical events
on the current status of indigenous
cultures, encouraging critical thinking
and inference-making.

6. What instructional resources will In teaching about indigenous

you use? Why? Cite the possible perspectives, utilizing a variety of
online resources that you can utilize instructional resources enriches the
whether done in the classroom or in learning experience and offers diverse
remote learning? insights. For classroom settings,
resources like cultural artifacts, guest
speakers from indigenous communities,
documentaries, and books authored by
indigenous writers provide firsthand
perspectives and tangible connections to
the culture. In remote learning, online
resources play a pivotal role. Platforms
like virtual museums or cultural heritage
sites offer immersive experiences, while
digital archives or documentaries
accessible through websites or streaming
platforms provide visual and auditory
aids. Utilizing online forums or
discussion boards fosters interaction and
shared exploration among students.
Additionally, educational websites
curated by indigenous organizations or
universities offer reliable information,
ensuring authenticity and accuracy in
learning materials. These resources aim
to provide a comprehensive
understanding of indigenous
perspectives while accommodating
diverse learning styles and accessibility
needs across both classroom and remote
7. Are your modes of assessment Absolutely, aligning assessment
aligned with your learning methods with learning outcomes and
outcomes and activities? Cite a activities is crucial for evaluating
specific example. students' attainment of the intended
goals. For instance, if the learning
outcome emphasizes understanding
indigenous perspectives through critical
analysis, the assessment method should
reflect this goal. Let's consider a
scenario where students engage in group
discussions about the impact of
colonization on indigenous cultures. The
learning outcome could be to "evaluate
the cultural implications of colonization
on indigenous communities." To align
with this outcome, the assessment might
involve a group project where students
create presentations analyzing the
effects of colonization on various
aspects of indigenous cultures. Here, the
activity (group discussions) directly
aligns with the learning outcome, and
the assessment (group presentations)
evaluates students' ability to critically
evaluate and articulate their
understanding of indigenous
perspectives influenced by colonization.
8. Will your perfomance tasks ensure Performance tasks are designed to
the mastery of the learning evaluate students' mastery of learning
competencies? Explain briefly. competencies by assessing their
application of knowledge and skills in
real-world scenarios. In the context of
understanding indigenous perspectives,
performance tasks that involve in-depth
analysis, synthesis of information, and
application of cultural understanding
ensure a comprehensive assessment of
learning competencies. For instance, if
the learning competency involves
analyzing the impact of indigenous
cultures on contemporary society, a
performance task might entail creating a
multimedia presentation or a research-
based project that requires students to
demonstrate their understanding and
application of cultural insights in
addressing current societal issues. Such
tasks allow students to showcase their
mastery by applying learned concepts in
authentic, meaningful contexts,
providing a robust evaluation of their
competencies in understanding
indigenous perspectives.
9. In a scale of 1-10, How will you rate I'd rate it at an 8 out of 10. The plan
your learning plan(s)? Justify your integrates diverse instructional
answer. strategies, resources, and assessment
methods to engage students in
understanding indigenous perspectives
effectively. It incorporates a variety of
activities, both in-person and online,
catering to diverse learning styles and
needs. However, further enhancements
could include more specific details on
differentiation for diverse learners and
clearer benchmarks for assessing
mastery of learning outcomes.
10. If this lesson is not implemented In transitioning this lesson on
face-to-face, how are you going to indigenous perspectives to remote
do it remotely? learning, I'd employ a multifaceted
approach leveraging digital resources
and interactive online tools. Curating
multimedia content, such as
documentaries, virtual tours, and
culturally rich websites, would offer
students an immersive experience
despite physical distance. Scheduled
virtual sessions via video conferencing
platforms could host guest speakers
from indigenous communities or
facilitate discussions to provide direct
insights. Collaborative projects using
online platforms would encourage
research, analysis, and presentation of
findings, fostering teamwork and critical
thinking. Additionally, establishing
online forums or discussion boards for
reflections and dialogue on cultural
insights would promote engagement and
interactive learning remotely. Adaptable
assessments, such as research papers or
multimedia projects, aligned with
learning outcomes, would evaluate
students' grasp of indigenous
perspectives in this remote setting.

Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?
- Lesson planning serves as a foundational element within the instructional
cycle due to its pivotal role in ensuring effective teaching and learning
outcomes. It acts as a roadmap, guiding educators through the process of
aligning learning objectives, selecting appropriate instructional strategies
and resources, and designing assessments that accurately measure student
progress. By systematically organizing and detailing the sequence of activities
and content delivery, lesson plans facilitate a coherent and structured
learning experience. They provide a framework for educators to cater to
diverse learner needs, adapt teaching methods, and foster engagement.
Moreover, lesson planning encourages reflection and continuous
improvement, allowing teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of their
strategies and make necessary adjustments to optimize student learning.
Ultimately, it's this deliberate and systematic approach through lesson
planning that contributes significantly to the success and impact of the
instructional cycle.
Write Action Research Prompts:


1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my learning/lesson plans,

One significant hurdle was striking the right balance between detail and
flexibility. Ensuring that the plans were comprehensive enough to guide the
lesson effectively while allowing room for adaptation based on real-time student
needs was a constant challenge. Additionally, catering to diverse learning styles
and abilities within a single plan required thoughtful consideration and creative
approaches to make the content accessible and engaging for all students. Time
management proved another challenge, balancing the allocation of time for
various activities while ensuring the coverage of essential content within the
stipulated class duration. Overcoming these challenges necessitated continuous
reflection, adjustments, and seeking innovative strategies to create comprehensive
and adaptable lesson plans..


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

Implementing a more flexible framework that allows for adaptations based on
student needs and real-time assessments could be beneficial. Additionally,
exploring a wider range of instructional strategies and resources tailored to
diverse learning styles and abilities can improve engagement and accessibility.
Creating a more detailed and organized time management structure, perhaps
through prioritizing key learning objectives, can help in better utilizing class
time. Embracing continuous professional development by seeking insights from
colleagues or educational resources might also provide innovative approaches to
lesson planning. Ultimately, combining these strategies with regular reflection
and feedback integration into future plans could lead to more effective and
adaptive lesson designs.


3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these

Implementing various strategies can be highly effective. Embracing a more
flexible planning approach that allows for adjustments based on real-time student
feedback and needs can enhance adaptability. Exploring a diverse range of
instructional methods, resources, and technologies tailored to different learning
styles and abilities can improve engagement and accessibility. Creating a detailed
yet flexible time management structure by prioritizing essential content and
activities can optimize class time effectively. Seeking continuous professional
development opportunities, such as workshops, collaborations with colleagues, or
exploring educational resources, can offer innovative approaches to enhance
lesson planning. Lastly, integrating regular reflection sessions into the planning
process to assess the effectiveness of strategies and make necessary adjustments
for future plans can lead to continual improvement.


4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this
episode is
"Enhancing Inclusive Remote Lesson Planning: Addressing Challenges and
Diverse Learner Needs." This title encapsulates the core themes of your research,
focusing on the improvement of lesson planning strategies, particularly in remote
settings, while ensuring inclusivity and addressing the diverse needs of learners.

To further enrich my knowledge in writing my learning/lesson plans whether in the

clasroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help
me in these activities. (include books, websites, youtube videos and the like and share
these to your peers.)

1. "Understanding by Design" by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe: Offers
insights into creating effective lesson plans focusing on outcomes and
2. "The First Days of School" by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong:
Provides practical strategies for classroom management and lesson planning.
Websites and Online Platforms:
1. TeachThought: Offers articles, resources, and strategies for lesson planning
and remote teaching.
2. Edutopia: Provides lesson planning guides, teaching strategies, and resources
for both in-person and remote learning.
3. Common Sense Education: Offers digital tools and resources for educators to
enhance lesson plans for remote learning.
YouTube Channels:
1. TED-Ed: Provides engaging and informative educational videos suitable for
various subjects and grade levels.
2. Teaching Channel: Offers videos showcasing effective teaching practices and
lesson planning strategies.
3. Educational Blogs:
4. Cult of Pedagogy: Provides articles, podcasts, and resources focusing on
teaching strategies, lesson planning, and classroom management.
5. Cool Cat Teacher: Offers insights into educational technology, lesson
planning, and effective teaching methods.


These are the basic skills in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself on the level of
difficulty of doing the following based on your experience.

4 - very difficult
3 - difficult
2 - moderate in difficulty
1 - not difficult

4 - very 3- 2 - moderate in 1 - not

difficult difficult difficulty difficult

1. Stating learning outcomes

2. Identifying learning resources to be

3. Sequencing the lesson in an engaging
and meaningful manner
4. Planning specific learning activities

5. Identifying strategies to be used

6. Formulating higher order thinking

questions (HOTS)
7. Integrating lesson concepts to real life
8. Integrating values in the lessons

9. Formulating assessment tools

10. Identifying performance tasks

11. Giving assignments

12. Planning for lesson closure/synthesis

13. Others
(please specify)
Work on my Artifacts:
Paste one (1) lesson plan and write your simple reflection.

Lesson Plan: Exploring Cultural Diversity Through Folktales

- Students will analyze folktales from different cultures to understand diverse
perspectives and values.

- Selection of folktales from various cultures
- Whiteboard/Chart paper
- Writing materials

1. Introduction (10 mins): Begin by discussing the concept of cultural diversity.
Engage students in a brief discussion about different cultures and their unique traits.

2. Folktale Exploration (30 mins): Present a selection of folktales from diverse

cultures. Read one or two aloud or provide them as reading materials. Encourage
students to note down the key elements, values, and lessons depicted in each tale.

3. Group Discussion (15 mins): Divide students into small groups. Have them discuss
the folktales they read, sharing insights about the cultural values depicted in each
story. Each group selects a representative to present their findings to the class.

4. Reflection and Comparison (15 mins): Reconvene as a class. Facilitate a discussion

on the similarities and differences among the cultural values presented in the
folktales. Encourage reflection on how understanding diverse perspectives can enrich
our understanding of the world.

5. Wrap-Up and Reflection (10 mins): Conclude the lesson by asking students to
reflect in their journals or on a shared platform about what they learned and how they
feel about exploring different cultures through folktales.

Creating this lesson plan was an exciting opportunity to integrate cultural exploration
into the curriculum. The use of folktales allowed students to engage with diverse
perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding of cultural values. During the lesson,
students actively participated in discussions and demonstrated a growing appreciation
for cultural diversity. However, I noticed the need for more structured guidance
during group discussions to ensure all students actively contributed. Overall, this
lesson successfully initiated conversations about cultural diversity, and I plan to
incorporate more interactive elements to further engage students in future sessions.

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