The Bloody Reluctant A 'Good' Vampire Campaign Concept

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Designed to be played over 4 Sessions/Adventuring Days, by 4-5 Characters of Levels 10-12

This adventure is designed for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons ™ and refers to rules, statistics and creatures
found within those sources. However, the NPC’s and storyline could easily be moulded to fit other TTRPGs.
It’s a horror themed ‘whodunnit’ that is (clearly) inspired by the great ideas in ‘Vampire: the Masquerade’™,
making them more compatible with D&D Character Creation, and the vast amount of D&D content available.
Story, design and art by Benjamin M. Cadenza. @ArtistBenjaminM. Designed on
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand,
Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wiz-
ards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of Wizards of the Coast. ©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA
Life After (Un)Death - Player Info.

ou are Vampires. With a conscience. Drinking blood effects both the drinker and the victim.
Yes, you must drink blood to survive, but you 1 Quantum (100mls) of Humanoid Blood heals 1 HP.
must do it in most moral way possible, perhaps
by finding ‘evil’ people to feed off, or confronting Consuming blood from Beasts gives Half HP, rounded
the sickness of feeding on monsters and beasts. down (minimum of 1) and the player must make a
You have got to at least try... Don't you? Constitution Saving Throw (DC = 8 + the total quanta of
Beast Blood drunk within the last hour) or be Poisoned
Campaign Aims... until they finish a long rest. Consuming Monster's blood
The jugular. has the same effect as Beasts, but the Constitution Save is
To find out who or what caused your vampirism. made at disadvantage. You cannot drink from Undead,
To cure it, or... Constructs, or Elementals, or creatures without blood.
To create a trusting and mutually beneficial situation in DM has discretion on Total Blood Quanta of creatures.
which you and your group can sustainably and ethically Whether you need Healing or not, you must drink at least
receive enough blood to survive as vampires. 10 Quanta of Blood before each Long Rest. At the end of
Player (Mis)Creation that rest, you must make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma Saving throw (DC 10 - the number of Quanta
Characters are created normally, with the following abilities: you have consumed that day) or roll on the Madness Table
Undead. Your creature type is Undead. in the Dungeon Masters Guide. The number of Blood
Undead Power. You get a +2 bonus to Strength, and one Quanta you must drink each day is cumulative, as is the
pther Ability Score of your choice. Maximum of 20. DC of the saving throws. E.g. If you only drink 2 Quanta in
Unholy. Healing Spells / Potions / Scrolls do not work on one day, the DC for that evening's rest will be 8. The next
you, nor can you cast them or touch them. You cannot gain day, you must consume 8, plus 10 for the new day. If you
temporary hit points. You cannot enter Holy Temples. You don't, the Save DC will be 18.
gain resistance to Necrotic Damage. A creature below half its Max HP counts as one size
Blood-Drinker. You gain HP by drinking Humanoid blood. smaller when determining its Blood Quanta. If the
Gaining 1 HP requires one ‘Quantum’ of blood (100 mls). creature is Tiny, the numbers on the Blood Drinking table
You can drink Beast and Monster Blood, (with conditions). are halved (rounded up). When a living creature regains
Shapechanger. If you are not in sunlight or running water HP, it also regains that many lost Blood Quanta.
you can use your action to polymorph into a Tiny bat.
While in bat form, you can’t speak, your walking speed is 5 You can extract 10 Quanta of Blood from a willing or
feet, and you have a flying speed of 30 feet. Your statistics, incapacitated bleeding target with a Survival/Medicine
other than your Size, Speed and Strength are unchanged. check of 10. You get 1 extra for every point above 10.
Anything you are wearing transforms with you, but Blood stored for later must be airtight to avoid clotting.
nothing you are carrying does. You cannot cast spells Bite Attack: To consume the blood of a creature that isn't
while in bat form. incapacitated, you must use an Action to make an
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. You takes 10 radiant damage unarmed strike (range: 5ft) against the target. If it hits, you
when you start your turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, deal 1d4+2 Necrotic Damage, drinking that many Blood
you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. Quanta, and gaining that many HP. This attack is made at
Harmed by Running Water. You take 10 acid damage if disadvantage unless the target is charmed, willing, or
you end your turn in running water. grappled by you or an ally. If the creature is incapacitated,
Forbiddance. Vampires cannot enter a residence without you can drink 6 Quanta per round. While biting an
an invitation from one of the occupants. Because you are incapacitated, willing or charmed target, you may spend
not a full strength vampire yet, this rule is not fully in an action to continue drinking without additional damage.
effect. Thus the invitation can be loosely affirmed. A
disguised vampire getting a positive response to ‘I would The following table describes how much blood creatures of
love to come for dinner some time’ would be enough. You different sizes have, and how much they can lose before
may enter a residence without invitation, but until you certain effects occur. E.g. Taking 1, 2 or 3 Exhaustion Points
receive it, you have half speed, disadvantage on ability (E.P.s), or going to 0 HP and starting Death Saving Throws.
checks, attacks and saving throws, and you cannot cast
spells or use your 'Shapechange' ability. Target Total No E.P. E.P. E.P. Death
Stake to the Heart. If a piercing weapon made of wood is Size Blood Effect. x1 x2 x3 Saves
driven into your heart (requires a natural 20 while you are Tiny 20 2 3/5 6/8 9/10 11+
conscious and not incapacitated), you are immediately
reduced to 0 hp. Sml. 40 4 5/11 12/16 17/20 21+

NOTE: You are not a full strength vampire yet, so you do Med. 50 5 6/14 15/23 24/30 31+
not regenerate HP, or gain resistance to non-magical attacks. Lrg. 60 6 7/18 19/30 31/40 41+

Blood Consumption. PAGE 1 | PLAYERS INFORMATION |

Locations and NPCS - GM Only.

his campaign idea can to be used with any The Sewer Worker has sided with the vampires, on
sizeable city within the D&D lore, or within promises of power once the Vampires have taken over the
your own homebrew world. You may already city. They will tell you they know where the vampires are
have NPCs in your own homebrew city who hiding, and then will lead you into an ambush of vampires.
are appropriate for certain roles here. If not, N/S/A: Skyla(o), Assassin, Neutral Evil.
you can use the ideas outlined below to The Well Known Tavernkeeper is an ex-adventurer
generate a set of NPCs within the city. turned vampire hunting vigilante after arriving home to
City Locations find the initial murders and their family and friends dead.
If they can be convinced - with hard evidence - that it
The city requires at least one of each of the following places - wasn't the party, they'll join you against the Bad Vampires.
A Graveyard with crypts. N/S/A: Teresa(nce), Champion, Chaotic Good.
A Hospital or place of healing. The Less Known Tavernkeeper has sided with the
A Townsguard and guardhouse/jail. Vampires. If questioned, they will lie, saying they knows
A Library, with information on the city, lore, and vampires. nothing about how the Vampires got in to stage the Night
A Sewer System, connecting the city underground. 2 murders. If confronted further, they run to the cellars, to
A large, well known/reputed tavern. (The Dripping Chin) a vampire ambush , then flees. After you leave (either way)
A small, less known/reputed tavern. (The Rusty Musket) they message the Well Known Tavernkeeper, saying 'the
A Castle, Fort or protected residence of the Leader. murderers just left (are in) their tavern. Come now.'
A Theatre or place of public entertainment. N/S/A: Poldra(o), Thief, Neutral Evil.
A Temple, or place of holy worship.
A Museum, or place for art exhibitions. The City Leader is a cowardly, power-hungry tyrant, who
locks themself away immediately 'for safety' when the
NPCs murders begin, declaring a 'kill vampires on sight' law.
The city will need the following NPCs. These descriptions They immediately turn-coat and side with the bad
use 'You' to mean the players, and reference 'Events and vampires when they infiltrate their residence on Night 3.
Encounters' on the next page. N/S/A: Lord Kastrid, Blackguard, Chaotic Evil.
N/S/A: The suggested Name, Statistics, and Alignment. The Theatre Owner is clearly a few pages short of a
The Graveyard Groundskeeper lives in a hut at the manuscript. They have apparently not even heard of the
graveyard, spends nights digging up dead people to talk to killings, as they have been too busy with preparing for the
and/or grave-rob. They tell you the crypts were searched show. If the players can persuade the Theatre Owner they
stright after the first murders. They can tell you are mean no harm, (probably with bribery) they can search
vampires, but will keep your secret, if you keep theirs. the theatre before the show, and talk to the 'actors' who
N/S/A: Alga(o), Necromancer, True Neutral. are turned into vampires during the Night 1 Murders.
N/S/A: Cerala(o), Bard, Chaotic Neutral.
The Head of Medicine is a practical, no-nonsense ex- The Librarian has been researching Vampires since the
nurse, who wants to become a Vampire for immunity to murders and knows their lore, e.g. Forbiddance, returning
contagious diseases, like the plague which regularly to coffins to reform, that turning someone is what will
troubles the city. They will trade half their blood and make you a permanent, full-strength vampire. They will
sanctuary in the hospital, for being turned into a Vampire. trade information, safety, and half their blood for being
N/S/A: Tia(o), Priest, True Neutral. turned into a vampire (for time to read all of their books.)
The Head Detective is good-willed, determined but N/S/A: Merissa(i), Mage, Chaotic Neutral.
exhausted. They are forced to follow the law, and cannot The High Cleric is the head of the Holy Temple (or at
be seen to help you in any way. If they can be convinced of least one of its more militant sects) is one of the most
your innocence - with hard evidence - they may turn a powerful antagonists who isn't evil. They are sincere in
blind eye to your acts if nobody is around to witness it. their wish to protect of the people of the city, and have no
N/S/A: Det. Colson, Knight, Lawful Neutral. ulterior motives. Their ability to Turn Undead, and
The Museum Owner has sided with the vampires, Protection from Evil spells mean that characters may have
because they want to hedge their bets. If confronted, they to run away when the High Cleric and their acolyte
will 'woefully confess' they paid off the vampires to protect bodyguards arrive. Killing them is an unforgiveable crime
themselves and their child, and the museums reputation, in the city's eyes. N/S/A: H.C. Solomar, War Priest, Lawful
which is their only income since their partner died. Good.
Secretly, they believe the vampires will lose, but is willing The Lead Vampire is an elvish treasure hunter wearing a
to shift the danger to someone else to stop their museum cursed ring, turning them into a powerful vampiric puppet
being tarnished by any safety concerns. As payment, they of the vengeful Necromancer trapped in the ring. N/S/A:
gave the 'Eclipse Stone' magical item (see appendix) . Baron D' Vloss. Vampire Spellcaster, Chaotic Evil.
N/S/A: Sir/Lady Selespa, Conjurer, Neutral Evil.
Events and Encounters - GM Only.

ou don't need to follow the Starting Scene or Nightly Events and Massacres
these suggested events. You may wish to make a
more free-form, sandbox campaign with no Every night, the 'Bad Vampires' stage another mass murder.
adversarial vampires or nightly murders, where The players can attempt to predict and stop them. These
only the final 'Campaign Aims' are relevant. battles should include 2 full strength Vampires, and 4-6
However, for more of a guiding storyline, use Vampire spawn. Killing one full strength Vampire kills half
these prompts for nightly events. the Spawn, and will cause the remaining one to turn to mist
and flee to the sewers.
Starting Scene (Read to Players) Night 1. At midnight that evening (after the 'Starting
The story begins with an experience band of travelling Scene') there is another mass-murder is at the Lesser
adventurers, following clues to the next big prize, who find Known Tavern, during a special 'All Evening Happy Hour'.
themselves in a large, well known city, taking a night's rest in The scheming Tavern Owner was in on it, put down the
its largest, most well known tavern - The Dripping Chin. price to draw people in. The H.D. and guards arrive too
After a night of well earned revelry, you wake up early, not late, near the end of the murders (or battle with players)
long before sunrise, with nauseous stomachs, a heavy and the Vampires flee. Detective work reveals that of the
headache, and zero recollection of the evening before. patrons at the Tavern during the murders, 6 of them are
Opening your eyes, you look around to find your mouths, missing afterwards. Further investigation reveals they're
chins and chests are covered in blood, and your canine teeth the actors in the show the next evening. The Head
are unnaturally long and sharp. Detective will discover this, and go to the theatre that
Searching the nearby upstairs rooms of the tavern, you find evening to question the actors in the play. However, the
the other guests dead in their beds, their necks punctured lead vampire is there to cast Modify Memory on the
and bodies drained of blood. Detective, and they leave believing nothing suspicious
Then, you hear a bellow of the tavern-keeper, returning happened.
home from holiday to find his spouse, child and patrons dead. Night 2. The next evening, there is a show at the local
"Guards! Guards! There's been murders!" theatre, and an exhibition at the museum, both drawing
Then comes the clanging of alarm bells... hundreds of people to each. The High Cleric's people will
be surrounding the museum , and the Head Detective's
ROLL INITIATIVE! guards will surround the theatre. The 6 actors have
The party are on the 3rd floor, with the Well Known
already been turned into vampire spawn (and 2 full
Tavern Keeper and 2 Guards on the ground floor,
strength Vampires) the night before. They attack at the
and moving up a floor per turn using dash actions. opening scene, and there is a huge battle in the theatre.
Each turn another 2 guards arrive outside the The townsguard joins the fight on initiatve round 3.
building armed with spears and heavy crossbows. Night 3. The following evening, the law cancels any public
At round 3, the Head Detective calls from outside:
"We have the tavern surrounded! You might as well
gatherings and forces people to return to their homes,
just surrender and come outside while you still
making a sundown curfew to stop the vampires. They
have a life to negotiate with." inform them not to invite anyone into their home, not even
the law. This is the vampires' plan, and hundred of
vampire spawn rise from the sewers to set fire to the city,
trapping people in their homes. In the chaos of putting out
The party must escape death (or imprisonment with the fire - which the players can assist to gain the trust and
surrender and/or high persuasion), which is most easily done acceptance of the law - the vampires infiltrate the City
when the players remember that vampires are able to turn Leader's Residence and take over.
into bats. You might allow them to roll History checks to see
if they remember this (or tell them if you're feeling generous). Night 4. The following sunrise, the Head Detective and
At the end of the 2nd round, the dead bodies rise as the High Cleric and their respective associates are
Vampire Spawn, and (as part of framing the party) cry out summoned to the leader's castle, where they have their
'Flee masters! Take batform and go! We will deal with them!' Memories Modified to believe they have defeated the
and attack the Tavern Keeper and Guards arriving. vampires. The leader commands them to give an
After fleeing, the party must find a hideout (or perhaps immediate public announcement that the vampires have
more than one) in the city from which to stage their been killed, and in celebration, there will be a day-festival
operations. Then it becomes a 'whodunnit', with players in the City Centre (or park), where everyone is to gather
being fugitives of the same crime they're trying to solve. immediately. Non-attendance will be seen as evidence you
That day, the sewer entrances lock, and the drains close up, are still hiding more vampires. Upon gathering, the
causing sewage, filth and rats to begins backing into the Vampire spawn will rise from the sewers again, using the
houses and streets of the city. These conditions get worse as Eclipse Stone taken from the Museum to cause a Solar
the days pass, causing another quarter of the population to Eclipse, then begins the Festival Massacre, their final
leave the city each day (mostly the rich and privileged). mass murder of the City, with blood collecting in the
sewers for their own orgiastic festival of feasting.
Additional Information - GM Only.
Antagonists Madness
The Bad Vampires. They are driven by their vengeful Players know they can go mad from not drinking blood.
creator and leader to massacre the City (see below for However, if they harm the innocent, they must also make a
more details). They frame the party for the murders while Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma Saving throw (their
they gain more Vampire Spawn minions. At first, their choice), DC 10, to avoid rolling on the Madness table. Players
main hideout is in their crypt lair below the City Sewers, have disadvantage on the Save for putting someone in Death
and there is another smaller hideout in the cellars of the Saving Throws. It's an automatic fail if they kill someone. It is
Lesser Known Tavern. They have paid off each locations up to you (the DM) whether to use the temporary or
respective NPCs with promises of power. If evicted from permanent madness table, depending on the situation.
the sewers, they kill the Graveyard Groundskeeper and
move into the crypts there. On Night 3 they move to the Death
City Leader's residence. If a character dies, they turn into mist (see Vampire stats) and
The Lead Vampire. The leader of the Vampires is a move unerringly (at 40ft per round) into the graveyard, and
spellcaster, able to cast Modify Memory, and who will the nearest body in a coffin. They re-form around it,
attempt to use this on players during battles and then flee becoming conscious and normal again in 8 hours. Escaping
to save themselves. They wear a powerful magical ring, the coffin requires help (the DM may use the Groundskeeper
giving Mirror Image and Blur (the Blur is permanent, for this). Unfound characters risk being buried alive forever.
while the Mirror Image recharges with each short rest). Full strength vampires choose where they go to re-form.
The ring is cursed, turning the wearer into a Vampire, and
a puppet for the vengeful soul of a dead necromancer who The Cure
was trapped inside the ring by the city's founder, an It is up to you if or how vampirism can be cured e.g. multiple
ancestor of the current leader, who recently lost it to Remove Curses, Death & Resurrection, a Wish spell. This
thieves. If the ring can be cut off (requires intent and campaign is balanced to have players as Vampires, so there
Natural 20 to achieve), the original wearer is restored, the should be no quick or easy options available to them.
thief who stole and unwittingly put on the ring. They will
help destroy the remaining bad vampires. Eclipse Stone
The Well Known Tavern Keeper. After the murders, they A powerful magical item, only usable once a year. When
go straight to the Librarian that day to learn more about activated, it launches skywards unstoppably, growing until it
vampires and how to kill them. They will come to ambush causes a mile wide eclipse shadow centred on the person
you, along with mercenaries (stats: Thug), after receiving who activated it. After 8 hours, it shrinks and falls back to
the tip off from the Lesser Known Tavernkeeper. They and earth, to be found again.
their mercenaries are armed with a spear-stake, a
crossbow which fires wooden bolts, and 3x Vials of Holy Vampire Bat Swarms
Water that can be sprayed in a 10 foot cone as an action.
In this adventure, when a Vampire's 'Swarm of Bats' hits a
The High Cleric. They and their group of 'Acolytes' will humanoid with their Bite attack, they extract Blood Quanta
hunt you down using Locate Object on one of your equal to the amount of damage dealt. If needed, the Bad
belongings (which the Bad Vampires included in their Vampires will bite into the stomachs of these carriers to
disguise of the party during the framing), and after extract the Humanoid Blood and regain that much HP.
becoming familiar with the party, using Scrying spell. They At the Festival, they summon the swarms into a huge,
will arrive either during or at the end of one long rest in swirling storm that surrounds the crowds of thousands.
your hideout. They may also come to the town's alarm Moving through it ( 20ft high, 20ft thick) is difficult terrain,
bells (50% chance of arriving). and triggers 4 attacks from the swarms (this should kill a
The Head Detective. Use this NPC and their townsguard civilian, not players). Disengaging reduces this to 2 attacks.
(stats: 'Guard') to ensure the players feel hounded and The Sewer / Lair Effects
remain careful of being seen as suspicious by civilians.
Bad deception checks with civilians, or low stealth rolls The Bad Vampires spend the early campaign hidden in
when returning to the hideout could result in the detective ancient crypts, below the Spawn infested sewers. After Night
finding them. They can be persuaded to imprison you for 2, the sewers are cleaned out, ready for the Festival
later execution, rather than kill you immediately, and will Massacre. Vampire 'Lair Effects' fill the sewers with fog
only truly accept you are not the killers if more murders (reduced vision), and cause the plants of the city directly
still occur while the entire party is locked away under above their hideout to wither. Battling through the sewers to
watch, at which point he will secretly set you free. After reach their crypts should be very difficult, but not impossible.
the first murders the Head Detective checks the Too difficult for the townsguard to achieve, without the aid of
Graveyard, where they search the Crypts and the the the Royal Guard, who are too busy protecting the Leader.
Graveyard Groundskeeper's home, and find nothing. These effects move to the Leader's Residence after night 3 .

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