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Corporate Social Responsibility is a transformational initiative or activity
practised by Indian corporations. Mandated by the government, it is a positive step
towards collective upliftment and well-being of the community. The CSR activities
in India need to be in alignment with the socio-economic development of the
society in some way or the other.

CSR Activities – Meaning

There is no definitive description that can define Corporate Social
Responsibility activities completely. Still, to help understand and get an idea of
what comprises of CSR, it has been defined under the CSR Rules. The definition
of CSR activities is as follows:

 Programs or projects which are relating to activities specified in the Schedule 7;

 Programs or projects which relating to activities that are undertaken by the
Board in that have been recommendations of the CSR Committee as per the
declared CSR policy. This would be subject to the condition that such policy
covers subjects enumerated in the Schedule.
This definition of CSR suggests that it allows companies to engage in projects or
programs relating to activities enlisted under the Schedule. While qualifying listed
companies must engage in CSR activities in India, flexibility has been given to
the company and CSR committee to decide which areas of development they want
to contribute in. The activities taken up must be compulsorily displayed on the
company website

The Companies Act, April 2013

The Companies Act 2013 has formulated Section 135 and is landmark legislation
that makes Indian companies answerable to the government about their CSR
expenditure. India is the first country to make the incorporation of Corporate
Social Responsibility activities mandatory for qualifying companies. It is, for sure,
a remarkable step towards growth, overall development and humanity.

Be it a private sector company or a public sector company, Corporate Social

Responsibility CSR has to be adhered to by all listed companies. If a company
falls in either of the following criteria for compulsion, they need to form a CSR
committee. Companies:

 That has a net worth of Rs. 500 crores or more, or

 That have an annual turnover of Rs. 1000 crores or more, or
 That generate a profit of Rs. 5 crores or more.

During any financial year, if any of the above financial strength criteria are met
then the rules of Section 135 apply. Prior to the compulsion of the Corporate Social
Responsibility clause, CSR activities in India were voluntary for the listed
companies. However, it was mandatory for them to disclose their CSR spending to
their shareholders. Under the Companies Act, the preference has to be given to
local areas in which the company operates.


The qualifying companies are required to form a CSR committee. They are needed
to spend at least 2% of its average net profit for the 3 previous consecutive
financial years on CSR initiatives. Mandatorily, a CSR committee has to be formed
by the qualifying company. It also has to appoint at least 3 Board of Directors
(Board). This Committee is responsible for preparing and recommend to the Board,
a policy and a plan that will specify the CSR activities to be undertaken (CSR
Policy). They would also suggest (and protect) the amount of expenditure to be
incurred on the activities referred. Monitor the implementation of CSR Policy and
activity is also their job. The Board will analyse the recommendations and
suggestions made by the CSR Committee and support the CSR Policy and
activities of the company.

The Role Of The Board Of Directors In CSR

The significant role of the board of directors of a company plays a crucial role in
the CSR activities of the company. The role of the Board includes:

 Approval of the Corporate Social Responsibility policy.

 Ensuring that the CSR plan gets implemented in its entirety.
 Full disclosure of the spends and plan of CSR policies which are related to its
 Displaying the same on the company website.
 Making sure that specified amount allotted is being spent by the company
in CSR activities.
 Though there is no penalty if the entire amount is not spent on CSR activities in
India, the CSR committee and the board’s report should include the reason for
the short spending.
ACT 2013
The following are the types of CSR activities in India that the qualifying listed
companies under the Companies Act 2013 can contribute to:

(I) Eradicating Hunger, Poverty And Malnutrition

This can be done by promoting health care and sanitation in rural areas. This can
also be a contribution to the Swach Bharat Kosh which has been set-up by the
Central Government. Blood donation camps can also be done as a part of a
company’s CSR initiative.

(Ii) Promoting Education

This can be inclusive of providing education to children and essential vocational
skill training that enhance employment or special education among women, elderly
and the differently-abled.

(Iii) Promoting Gender Equality.

Women empowerment programmes can be launched by setting up affordable
hostels for women. Establishing old age homes, daycare centres and other facilities
for senior citizens is another option. Orphanages can also be set up and managed
by the CSR committee.

(Iv) CSR Initiatives Related To The Environment

Contributions can be made towards environmental sustainability. Activities that
help in maintaining the ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, promote
animal welfare, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil,
air and water including contribution to the Clean Ganga Fund set-up by the Central

(V) Protection Of National Heritage, Art And Culture:

This can include the restoration of heritage sites, buildings of historical importance
and works of art. Public libraries can be set up as well.

(Vi) Measures Can Be Taken Towards The Benefit And

Support Of Armed Forces Veterans, War Widows And
(Vii) Contributions To The Prime Minister’s National
Relief Fund Or Any Other Fund Set Up By The Central
Government, For Welfare, Development And Relief Of
The Schedule Caste, Tribes, Other Backward Classes,
Women And Minorities.
(Viii) Contributions Or Funds Provided To The
Development Of Technology Located Within The
Central Government Approved Academic Institutions.
(Ix) Contributions Can Be Made Towards Rural
Development Projects And Slum Area Development.
Indian companies were always very generous when it came to voluntary
contributions to social welfare. But since it has been made compulsory, more
impactful steps have been taken up.

In quantitative terms, the CSR spending by top Indian companies in 2018 was
47% higher after the mandate. The power and energy sector contributed over 2400
crores, The sector of banking and financial services contributed 1353 crores while
the IT Industry generated about 1100 crores for the corporate social
responsibilities. As of 2016, about 460 companies have been listed as CSR
contributors for the country. Some of the big guns are ITC, Tata Group, Infosys,
Ambuja Cement, Ultratech Cement, Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Chemical and
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

Contributions were majorly towards two sectors – health and education. About Rs
3,893 crore were spent as CSR in the last financial year in those two areas of
development. 1029 crores were spent on rural development projects whereas 525
crores were diligently contributed towards equality and empowerment.

Jaquar Foundation- A mission to enhance the lives of the underserved

We, at Jaquar, firmly believe in actively contributing to the social and economic
development of the communities in which we operate. That's precisely why, we
toil relentlessly to reach out to the underserved through our varied CSR activities
and community projects, being carried out under the aegis of Jaquar Foundation.
'Sanitation, Health and Education form the core of our projects, through which we
aim to create a Swachchha, Swastha Avam Shikshit Bharat'.
Message From The Promoter
The Jaquar Group is a rapidly growing multi-diversified bathroom solutions
provider. Today, it caters to various socio-economic segments with brands such as
Artize in the luxury category, Jaquar in the premium section and Essco in the
value segment.

Jaquar Group is the undisputed market leader of the organised market for bath
fittings in India, and one of the fastest growing in its category across the world.

A key part of our vision is to actively contribute to the social and economic
development of the communities that we are a part of. Our subsidiary, Jaquar
Foundation, has been focusing on building a better, sustainable way of life for the
weaker and less privileged sections of society.

The goal? To make a 'Swachchha, Swastha, Sikshit, Avam Kushal Bharat'. We are
confident that we are making a difference and we look forward to growing
responsibly and making a positive impact on the lives of more and more people.

Rajesh Mehra
Promoter and Director, Jaquar Group
Message From The Head, Jaquar Foundation
Jaquar Foundation was established in the year 2015 with the mission to
continually spearhead Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of the Jaquar
Group for the betterment of society

Our key CSR objectives include: Helping to build a community that is

economically viable and socially harmonious, creating sustainable livelihood
opportunities around the natives, and supporting weaker sections of society
through initiatives that lead to social and financial inclusion.
Jaquar Foundation's activities already cover the fields of education, health,
sanitation, rural development and skill development. We have over 30 ongoing
projects in association with state technical education departments (ITI) of
Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, Kerala, Maharashtra, Assam, Haryana, Chandigarh and

In establishing our centres, we work proudly alongside Industry / Knowledge

partners like GMR, Aditya Birla Group, Art of Living, DHFL, Don Bosco, Skill
Development Institute, D.G. Prisons, and more.

Together, we look forward to achieving new milestones in improving the lives of

as many people as we can, in as many ways as we can./p>

Kanwar Shamsher Relan

Head, Jaquar Foundation


Shiksha (Education) 35 Schools - 9,000 Students

Kaushal (Skill)

Skill Development Programme in plumbing (PAN India)

4 Training Centres are operational - 800 Trainees/Year
8 new Training Centres to be operational by year end - 700 Trainees/Year
Swastha (Health) Indoor treatment for various cri
-Approx. 700 patients treated so far. O.P.D (Mobile Dispensary)
-Approx. 120 patients per day

Rural Development Drinking Water R.O Plant in 4 Villages

- Approx. 15000 habitats Benefited

Swachcha (Sanitation) Toilets Schools

- Approx. 9,000 Students/Day user Public places
- Approx. 15,000 Person/Day user
Jaquar Foundation is committed to being recognized as a leader in the field of CSR
and recognizes that doing so, will add significant value to society. CSR activities at
Jaquar Foundation are broadly identified as follows:

 Promoting Education
 Skill development
 Health care
 Sanitation
 Other need based initiatives in compliance with Schedule VII of the Companies
Act, 2013

Jaquar Foundation is committed to being recognized as a leader in the field of CSR
and recognizes that doing so, will add significant value to society. CSR activities at
Jaquar Foundation are broadly identified as follows:

 Promoting Education
 Skill development
 Health care
 Sanitation
 Other need based initiatives in compliance with Schedule VII of the Companies
Act, 2013

Jaquar Foundation is committed to being recognized as a leader in the field of CSR
and recognizes that doing so, will add significant value to society. CSR activities at
Jaquar Foundation are broadly identified as follows:

 Promoting Education
 Skill development
 Health care
 Sanitation
 Other need based initiatives in compliance with Schedule VII of the Companies
Act, 2013


Focus Areas

The CSR projects of JF (Jaquar Foundation) are mainly aimed at skilling India in
various disciplines, providing quality education, facilitating health care facilities
to the weaker section of the society and helping the Swachh Bharat Mission by
providing proper sanitation facilities in communities in the target villages and
public places. The entire endeavor is to do something positive to protect and
sustain the environment and contribute to society.

In order to make a long-term impact, JF shall contribute to quality of life by

supporting innovativeprograms in health, education, skill development, as well as
sanit ation projects.


CSR Committee

To ensure un-interrupted implementation & compliance of various projects /

programs undertaken, the company has formed the above committee which is
comprised of the following Directors of the Company. Jaquar Foundation has two
authorized personnel who approve each expenditure, Mr. Kanwar Shamsher and
Mr. Kanav Mehra who independently report to Mr Rajesh Mehra, Chairman, CSR

 Mr. Rajesh Mehra - Chairman
 Mr. S K Mehra - Member
 Mr. Ajay Mehra - Member
 Mr. Parichay Mehra - Member


CSR Budget

The Board shall approve overall limits for CSR Activities to be undertaken by the
Company. Within the overall limits approved by the Board, the CSR Committee
shall approve individual projects / programs.


Validity of CSR Policy

This policy is effective from April 1, 2018 and may be amended by the Board as
required from time to time.


Presently, our focused projects are:


Promoting Education

Amongst children from weaker / poor section of society. We will extend financial
support to schools for their education.Below are the key areas where we will make
substantial contribution in development of society:

 Setting up and running educational institutions and hostels
 Setting up and running mid-day meal kitchens
 Training of teachers and headmasters
 Improving quality of education in existing schools
 Augmenting and supporting infrastructure in educational institutions
 Offering scholarships and financial assistance to needy and meritorious students
 Bridging drop-out children and mainstreaming them to formal schools
 Making adults functionally literate
 Developing educational material and methodologies
 Education for mainstreaming disabled children


Health care

We will sponsor hospitals / health institutes for the treatment of patients from
underprivileged sections of society for various types of diseases.

 Setting up and running clinics and hospitals

 Running mobile medical vans and ambulances
 Organizing health camps
 Providing financial assistance and waivers for needy patients, on a case-to-case
 Preventing and treating communicable diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and
 Treating and rehabilitating persons with disabilities
 Promoting awareness about various health issues and generating demand for
 Ensuring access to potable drinking water and hygienic sanitation


Skill development

As our nation is in shortage of skilled labours, we will contribute to recognize
Institutes / Organisations for the training of interested youths in country:

 Centres focussed on young women and girls

 Setting up and running skill development centres.
 Career Counselling Centres
 Skills trainings be expert agencies/NGOs which can be linked with employment
 Trainings include Basic and Advanced Computer trainings, Plumbing training,
Stitching Courses, Embroidery Courses etc.
 Placement Cell dedicated to link the students with employment.



We will construct public utility complex (toilets), night shelters, public places in
coordination, cooperation and consultation with the concerned Authorities.

 Toilets construction and maintenance at schools/colleges/ institutes.

 Public utility complexes at public places

Through Reliance Foundation, our philanthropic arm, we work with
communities and implement development programmes focusing on Rural
Transformation, Health, Education, Sports for Development, Disaster
Response, Arts, Culture & Heritage, and Urban Renewal to achieve
comprehensive, inclusive, and sustainable societal development.
Additionally, our businesses conduct CSR activities locally.

Founded in 2010,
Reliance Foundation was set up to drive the
philanthropic initiatives of RIL.
Throughout our journey, we have made a difference to the lives of

70+Million people
across India
From the remotest villages and towns to metropolitan cities, we have nurtured
stories of hope, resilience, and transformation.

We are creating change in the areas of Rural Transformation, Health, Education,

Sports for Development, Disaster Response, Arts, Culture & Heritage, and Urban

Reliance Foundation has also established strategic partnerships with
organizations that have the technical expertise and experience to
undertake various programmes in the identified focus areas of operation.
Rural Transformation
Our Rural Transformation initiatives address critical development indicators such
as rural livelihoods, water, food and nutrition,
women’s empowerment, and access to knowledge resources. Our initiatives have
so far reached 17.6+ million people.
We are committed to enhancing India’s healthcare ecosystem through community
health initiatives and health outreach to
vulnerable communities. We also strive to make primary, secondary, and tertiary
healthcare services accessible to all. During
the COVID-19 pandemic, Reliance launched a multi-pronged response by
leveraging infrastructure and resources.

Our “Health for All” initiatives include:

ASMAN – Project Alliance for Saving Mothers and Newborns: First-of-a-kind

project in partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, MSD India, Tata
Trusts, and USAID

Health Outreach Programme: Providing medical care through Mobile Medical

Units (MMUs), Static Medical Units (SMUs), Community Health Centres (CHCs)
and health camps
Access to comprehensive healthcare services through Motikhavdi Medical Centre
in Jamnagar and Community Care Centre & Reliance AIDS Care Hospital in

Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital & Research Centre is a 345-bed quartenary

care hospital in Mumbai. Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Lodhivali is an 82-bed,
state-of-the-art hospital that caters to an industrial and rural population in Raigad,

We aim to provide opportunities for the young to develop themselves into future
citizens who contribute to society.
Disaster Response
We provide a quick response to mitigate the effects of natural disasters. This
includes early warnings, mobilisation and distribution of relief
materials, and supporting local governments to help communities affected by
disasters, including post-disaster relief.
Our initiatives in sports include Reliance Foundation Youth Sports (RFYS),
Reliance Foundation Young Champs (RFYC), Reliance Foundation Jr.
NBA, and Reliance Foundation Olympics Initiatives. Our initiatives offer a
platform for budding athletes across India to develop their talent and
prowess in various sporting segments.

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