UCS405 Lec 24

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UCS405: Discrete


Lecture-24 Relations
Date: 11 Oct 2023
2 Relations

 PartialOrdering and Partially Ordered Set
 Lexicographic Ordering
 Hasse diagram
 Topological Sorting
 Lattices
 Special Types of Lattices

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

3 Relations

Partial Ordering
 A relation 𝑅 on a set 𝑃 is called a partial ordering, or
partial order, if it is:

 Reflexive
 Antisymmetric
 Transitive

 A set 𝑷 together with a partial order relation 𝑹, defined

on it, is called a partially ordered set, or poset, and is
denoted by (𝑷, 𝑹). Members of Pare called elements of
the poset.

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures


Example 1

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

5 Relations

Extremal Elements of POSET

 Maximal Element

 Minimal element

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures


Maximal and Minimal Elements

Let (S,≼ ) be a poset

 An element a ∈ S is called maximal if it is not less than

any element of the poset, i.e.,
 if there is no b ∈ S such that a ≺ b

 An element a ∈ S is called minimal if it is not greater than

any element of the poset, i.e.,
 if there is no element b ∈ S such that b ≺ a

Maximal and minimal elements are the “top” and “bottom”

elements in the Hasse diagram

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures


Maximal and Minimal Elements

Which elements of the poset ({2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 20,
25}, |) are maximal, and which are minimal?

 Maximal: 12, 20, and 25

 Minimal: 2 and 5

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

8 Relations


Infinite series

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures


Greatest and Least Elements

Let (S,≼ ) be a poset
 An element a is the greatest element of S, if it is
greater than all the other elements in the poset
 if b ≼ a for all b ∈ S

 An element a is the least element if it is less than

all the other elements in the poset.
 if a ≼ b for all b ∈ S

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures


Greatest and Least Elements

Let S be a set. Determine whether there is a greatest
element and a least element in the poset (P (S),⊆).

 Least element: empty set

 because ∅ ⊆ T for any subset T of S

 Greatest Element: The set S element in this poset

 because T ⊆ S whenever T is a subset of S.

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

11 Relations


UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures


Greatest and Least Elements

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

13 Relations

Upper Bound and Lower Bound

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

14 Relations

Upper Bound and Lower Bound

Find the lower and upper bounds of the subsets
{a, b, c}, {j, h}, and {a, c, d, f }

Subset Upper Lower

{a, b, c} e, f, j, h a
{j, h} -- a, b, c, d, e, f
{a, c, d, f} f, h, j a
{b, d, g} g, h a, b

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

15 Relations

Greatest Lower Bound (GLB)

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

16 Relations

Least Upper Bound (LUB)

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

17 Relations


Find the GLB and LUB of the subsets
{a, b, c}, {j, h}, and {a, c, d, f }

Subset GLB LUB

{a, b, c} a e
{j, h} f --
{a, c, d, f} a f
{b, d, g} b g

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

18 Relations


 Find the greatest lower bound and the least upper
bound of the sets {3, 9, 12} and {1, 2, 4, 5, 10}, if they
exist, in the poset (Z+, |)
Subset GLB Upper Bound LUB
All integers divisible by
{3, 9, 12} 1, 3 3 36
LCF of 3, 9, 12
All integers divisible by
{1, 2, 4, 5, 10} 1 1 20
LCF of 1, 2, 4, 5, 10

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

19 Relations


UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

20 Relations


UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

21 Relations

Determine whether the posets represented by each of the Hasse diagrams
in Figure are lattices

UCS405: Discrete Mathematical Structures

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