Toni Awards Script

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The Thirtieth Annual

Antoinette M. Humphries Toni Awards

(Spring 2024)

pg. 1
1. Recobe doing the intro
2. Esha & Kari – Mistaken Identity until Coby & Val come out.
3. Intro Video
4. REBEKAH (set onstage) As screen fly’s up
5. Golden Ticket award - Marieshka
6. Major minor award - Coby
7. Alumni incentive award - Val
8. Rising Star Award - Kyra & Kyndal
9. Golden Spirit Award - Yates & Coby
10.Standing Ovation Award - Enku & Kari
11.Volunteer of the Year – Marieshka
13.Spotlight Award - Anedra Small
14.Creative Scholar Award – Quinnes & Shiane
15.Teacher Superlatives - Kyndal & Tyler
16.Academic Achievements - Luther Wells
17.Presentation of New ETU Board – Val
18.Tribute introduction- Yates
20.Most Dedicated Student - Esha
21.Senior Medallion -Teacher
22.Senior Commitment -Teacher
24.Antoinette M Humphries Award -Teacher
25.Mr. & Mrs. Essential Theatre – Val & Coby

pg. 2
RECOBE (v.o.)
Good evening. Welcome to the 30 th Annual Antoinette M. Humphries Toni
Awards--an evening of talent, awards, and recognition. At this time, we ask that
you please silence all electronic devices. To avoid distractions, please refrain from
flash photography. Now, please welcome to the stage tonight’s host our very
own, Mr. and Miss Essential Theatre.

(Iesha and Jakari enter from stage right cove to center stage)

Good evening all! Welcome to our 30th annual Toni awards. My name is Iesha

And I am Jakari Dozie

Esha & Jakari

and we are your Mr. & Miss Essential Theatre
(Valerie and Jacoby enter from stage left to center stage)

Val & Coby

Hold!! Pause! Stop the films

What are yall doing here?

What do you mean, we are hosting the Toni’s like we did last year
What are you doing here?

We are hosting the Toni’s this year

pg. 3
They told us y’all would be late

Coby & Val

Well, we’re here now give us the mic

Esha & Kari

Well excuse us!
(Exit stage right)

Coby & Val

Good evening, we are your current Mr.

& Miss Essential Theatre for the 2023-2024 academic school year

And welcome to the 30 annual Antoinette M. Humphries Toni Awards.
Tonight, we celebrate and acknowledge future legends whose legacies begin right
here in the FAMU Theatre program. The Antionette M. Humphries Awards allows
us to shine a much-deserved light on those students who excel and exceed

We have to thank our amazing Essential Theatre family and community. Their
generous contributions, subscriptions and donations enable us to continue to
raise the bar for what theatre looks like here at Florida A&M University.


We have a great lineup for you guys this evening. Starting with an introduction of
our faculty and staff the only way the essential theatre knows how

A production! Roll clip!

pg. 4
(Curtains open to Video Screen)
Intro Video

Recobe (v.o.)
For our first performance of the night we will have a sultry number by our very
own Rebekah Tyson!

(Screen goes up on Bekah)

Rebekah’s Song

(Song ends, curtains close)

Recobe (v.o.)

To present our Next Award is Marieshka Robert

(Moe enters from the stage right and stands at that cove)

The Toni Awards Ceremony will always serve as a special occasion here at The
Essential Theatre. It is named in honor of the late First Lady of Florida A&M
University, Mrs. Antoinette M. Humphries, who was essential to making the
“Toni’s” a reality. Since its 1994 inception, her generosity and insight continues to
honor Essential Theatre students.
This evening we are going to begin our award presentations with the
Golden Ticket Award. There are 2 special people who we’d like to recognize who
have gone above and beyond for the Theatre program and jointly our Essential
Theatre productions

Golden Ticket 1
There are many factors that motivate individuals. For this special Awardee it
certainly isn’t power or financial gain. It is something more akin to the
opportunity and the ability to contribute-- to provide unwavering administrative
support to our program--and with a smile I may add. As we celebrate those who
work behind the scenes today, this recipients’ adaptability, problem solving and

pg. 5
many other valuable contributions cannot go unsung. Joyce Allen, join me
onstage to publicly receive your award.

(If they are NOT present, accept the award on their behalf. )

GOLDEN Ticket 2
The Essential Theatre is grateful to have the support of Formals by Vince who
provided the men's formal wear featured in our recent production of Romeo and
Juliet. Throughout the process of shopping for and securing costumes, Formals by
Vince was easily accessible and willing to help the Essential Theatre meet our
costuming goals. Cheers to Formals by Vince, the 2023 recipient of the Golden
Ticket Award.

(If they are NOT present, accept the award on their behalf.)
(Moe is walks off into stage right cove)
Here to present the Major/Minor Award is your Mr. Essential Theatre Jacoby
Jenkins and to present the Alumni Incentive Award is your Miss Essential Theatre,
Valerie Charmant St. Jean

(Jacoby walks in from stage left cove, while Val comes in from stage right cove)

Umm, Val why are you over there

What do you mean “why am I over here?” I told you we were presenting from this
cove that’s how I know you don’t listen when I talk

(Jacoby and Val bicker like they do)

Please present the awards!

Sorry king!

pg. 6
Yes yes yes sorry

The Major/Minor Award is given to a theatre minor who has played a major role
in the Essential Theatre by contributing their time and efforts to the program. This
individual is dedicated to immersing themselves in the program above the call of
duty. The recipient of the Major/Minor Award is ________________________.

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

The Alumni Incentive Award, first presented in 1999 to a sophomore or junior
theatre student, is founded on the philosophy of “giving what you can when you
can”. D. Christy Houston followed T’Keyah Crsytal Keymah’s philosophy and
created a $100 book voucher scholarship to encourage students in the vigilant
pursuit of excellence on the stage and in the classroom. The nominees are

The Recipient of the Alumni Incentive Award goes to ________.

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

(Jacoby and Val walk off into their coves)

(Kyndal and Kyra enter from stage left cove and stand there in silence)


The Rising Star Award serves a deserving freshman or sophomore student who
has clearly immersed themselves in the Essential Theatre after declaring
themselves a theatre major. This $200 book voucher will be awarded in $100
increments during the fall and spring semesters for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The nominees for the Rising Star Award are ___________________________.
pg. 7
The Recipient of the Rising Star Award goes to_________.

(Open the envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

Recobe (v. o.)

Here to present the Golden Spirit Award are Last year’s Recipients Yates Adams &
Jacoby Jenkins


The Golden Spirit Award honors former student Joel A. Crane. A 2002 technical
theatre graduate. This award allows us to cherish his memory as his life was
suddenly cut short in May of 2002.

We remember his booming voice, his bear hugs, his rich laugh, and his love for
the Essential Theatre. Through this award we see his spirit in the recipient. The
nominees are ____________________________. The Recipient of the Golden
Spirit Award goes to_________.

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

At this point I’m not surprised at the level of talent in this program.

Right! One thing about the Essential Theatre is the faculty are surely creating
legends and legacies of people whose names we will surely see in lights.

The Standing Ovation Award seeks to recognize valuable students. It is given to a
freshman or transfer student who has shown excellence in practical and scholarly

pg. 8
achievements in a very short amount of time. The nominees are
______________________. The Recipient of the Standing Ovation Award goes

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

For our next award it certainly goes to someone who goes above and beyond.
They’re neither a major nor a minor but they volunteer their time and show their
enthusiasm for the art and craft of theatre. This year’s Volunteer of the Year
Award goes to…..

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)
( Mo walk off with the winners if present.
At this time while we wait for our next award presentation, I would like to tell you
all the story of how our Mister and Miss Essential theatre were a little late getting
to the Toni's this morning. It all started when they took a wrong turn on West
Tennessee St...( Fairytale Harp sound)


(Val & Coby enter USR arguing

Addapearle enters DSL while they’re bickering)

Dorothy is that you?

Dorothy?? Hello Ma’am, we’re running late for an event we’re supposed to be
hosting, could you by chance tell us where the heck we are?

Why you’re in the Land of Oz

pg. 9

Okay ummm do you know the quickest way to Tallahassee?

(Addapearle tells them about the Wiz and sings “He’s the Wiz”
They cut her off during the first verse)

Ma’am. MA’AM! We’re running late so your little song will have to wait

Dang ok, well y’all just follow the yellow brick road back that way. But watch out
for (whispers)Evillene


(whispers) Evillene



(No Bad News begins to play)

Addapearle runs off USL
(Evillene(Z) enters from the house singing No Bad News (first verse))
(Evillene(K) enters from USR (being pushed in the wheelchair) singing the second
(The Evillenes are terrorizing Val & Coby until Addapearle stops them and
interrupts the song)
Addapearle enters (Coby & Val hide behind her)
pg. 10
“Evillene leave these people alone they have somewhere to be”
Evilenes together
“Who me? I wasn’t doing anything”
“Yeah right! And what are both of y’all doing here, I thought it was Kyra's day?”
“I tried to tell her that!”
Evillene (Z)
“Girl please it is ALWAYS my day!”
“And why are you in a wheelchair?”
“Girl the winkies were at it again with that damn water!!”
They begin to converse nonchalantly
(Interrupting) “I hate to break up this family moment but we're kind of in a rush!
Can one of y’all help us?”
“I don't do all of that, you need to call Ms. Goody Two Shoes for that one
Evillene (K)
“Yeah, both of em!”
“Yall are getting on my last nerve!” (pulls two hankies from her bag and waves
Both Glindas enter from opposite sides of the stage singing “Believe in yourself”
(interrupts) “Yeah yeah yeah we get it… believe believe believe. Now can one of
you help us?”
Glinda (Rae)
“Oh, testy, are we?”
Glinda (Dupe)
“That’s no way to address two southern bells like ourselves”
Glinda (Rae)
“My thoughts exactly”
Evillene (Z)
“I think that’s the only way to address these two Cowbells”

pg. 11
Evillene (K)
(Mockingly) “My Thoughts exactly!”
The pairs begin to approach each other angrily bickering. Addapearle and Val are
trying to keep them apart
(screaming) “Ladies! Ladies! Ladies!”
They all hold
“Don’t you all see?” Begins to sing “Home” with excessive riffs and runs
(interrupts) “Val! Val! Why don’t we leave the singing to them, huh?”
“I agree!!” begins to sing home
They sing home as a collective
Val & Coby sneak out through DSL Cove as they’re singing

( Mrs. Small is walking simultaneously as they are exiting the stage)

Students of all majors participate in Essential Theatre productions. The Spotlight
Award recognizes students, regardless of the major, who immerse themselves in
our creative endeavors. The faculty select students in each area of production
who have shown that they can rise to the occasion. These students have an
energy and enthusiasm that is almost impossible not to catch. They inspire their
peers, impress their professors, and serve as a light on and off the stage. Please
hold your applause until all names are called. The winners of the Spotlight Awards

(As recipients walk on stage to receive their award they wait there until all are
present. As they walk off Quinnes and Shiane walk on stage)

Single Black Female, Two Trains Running, Pipeline, and The Wiz are all shows that
gave FAMU such an amazing production season.


pg. 12
We work hard. We give our all—Blood, sweat, and tears. We give our weekends.
We give our late nights. Some say that we see each other more than we see and
talk to our families. On top of all of that, we are scholars.

This next award upholds those exact values. This award is given to a junior or
senior who sustains a 3.0 while maintaining their excellence in performance,
design, management, and many other areas in the theatre. The nominees for the
Creative Scholar Award are ________________________. The Recipient of the
Creative Scholar Award goes to_________.

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

We realize that theatre is integral to education, and that its value exceeds its
ability to broaden our understanding of culture and to entertain. To study the art
of theatre engages students in a scholastic exploration of professional
possibilities. The FAMU Theatre program encourages comprehensive exploration
that includes an integrated curriculum, productions, student generated projects,
professional internships, theatre conferences and competitions, community
engagement and international study. We want you to know, Essential Theatre
students explore, engage and excel. Here to disclose the honors, awards and
achievements of Essential Theatre students is the Associate Director of Theatre
Mr. Luther Wells.


pg. 13
Academics play a major role in what we do here, and after all we are a part of an
institution of higher learning. Therefore, scholastic achievement and professional
development is taken seriously. This evening we are here to acknowledge our
students that have received honors, awards and achievements. If you are present
please stand as I call your name.


Dean’s List

Honor Roll



(As Mr. Wells leaves Valerie will walk up)

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." - Warren Bennis. I
began my presidency in the summer of 2022 with a string of goals for ETU.
Everyone on the E-Board knows my favorite line is “Imma just make a poll” or
pinging your phone by typing your name 12 times so you like the message.
Through their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, they have truly proven
themselves to be a remarkable team. We raised the bar and hit some pretty nice
milestones. We raised over $500 through fundraisers and conquering
competitions. We placed first in the 2022 Homecoming Float Parade. We served
over 100 families and individuals through generous donation efforts. We reignited
the flame for the Antionette M. Humphries “Toni Awards”. Through the
unwavering diligence of our Board and ETU members we have certainly set the
bar. Under the leadership of the next board, I know they will exceed expectations
and continue to raise the bar for what The Essential Theatre Union will do. With
pg. 14
that said, I would like to present your 2023-2024 Executive Board. I ask that you
please hold your applause until all names are called.

Dakarai Williams-Community Service Representative

Tyler Joseph-Historian
Keith Wesley-Parliamentarian
Kimrhody St. Jean-Treasurer
Kyndal Jones- Secretary
Jacoby Jenkins-Vice President
Valerie Charmant St. Jean-The Essential Theatre President

(The current E-Board Member will hand over the certificate to the board member taking their
place as they are called.)

Your presence here today is a testament to the power of hope and the strength of
the future of ETU. And I am deeply honored to be a part of this moment with you.
So today your journey together begins. Let it begin with courage, with
determination, and with a shared commitment to continue to grow ETU past any
of our wildest dreams. Thank you.

(As they take their seats, YATES is approaching the podium)

“Small Speech”



The Most Dedicated student is the opportunity for our peers to highlight
someone for their unwavering commitment to the program. This is measured
through their ability to recruit new theater majors, encourage and support
current theatre majors, and most importantly spend time working in the theatre.

pg. 15
The nominees for Most Dedicated student are______________________. The
Recipient of the Most Dedicated Student goes to_________.

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

(As Maesa exits the stage, Hines is walking on stage)

(The professors make their way to the stage. Screen comes down. Soft jazz plays)

We never say “goodbye”, we always say “see you later” during this bittersweet
moment we have all been waiting for. Now is the time to honor our 2023-2024
spring and summer graduating seniors.

(Faculty will take over from here. Mr. & Miss Essential Theatre stay close by)
(Each Seniors enters from the house as their bio is read)

Gary Calhoun
Valerie Charmant St. Jean
Jakari Dozie
Jacqui Paige
Cierra Hutchins
Imani Henry
Recobe Scott
Nia Williams

(Screen flies out. Seniors join Christina on stage)

We want you to know that we appreciate and value the special parts of YOU that
you all have brought to this program., these hallways, this theatre. Certainly all of
us will miss your presence, but its time you move on to bigger things.

pg. 16
Our wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. That your
dreams stay big and your worries stay small. And while you are out there getting
where you’re going , know that we’ll be here rooting for you and will always be
your mentors.. And when you reach your destination –we’ll be waiting for a
check with lots of zeros on the end. Just saying.

The next award goes to the senior who is an image of what it is to be artistically
and scholastically successful. They’ve established sound professional relationships
with faculty and peers. They have also shown their commitment to the entirety of
the theatre program during their tenure here.

The Senior Commitment nominees are __________________________. The

Recipient of the Senior Commitment award goes to_________.

(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)
(Seniors will walk off stage before Mr. Wells begins)


It is indeed an honor to present the Antionette M. Humphries Award to a student
that is committed to excellence in serving our theatre department. Every day they
deliver on that commitment, whether it be in the office performing administrative
task, onstage performing, or backstage working as a member of the technical
crew. They excel in academic studies and have a quest for knowledge. This
prestigious award comes as a scholarship in the amount of $3,500. Ladies and
gentlemen allow me to introduce the winner of the Antionette M. Humphries

pg. 17
(Open the Envelope and read the name on the card. If they are not present, then
accept the award on their behalf.)

(As Wells walks off VAL and JACOBY walk on to the stage)

Essential Theatre students hold and have held prestigious King and Queen titles at
the university. Naturally, that’s who we are.

In fact, the very first Mr. FAMU was the Essential Theatre’s very own Charles
Wesley Lattimore, Jr. And you know we can’t forget about our former King of
Orange and Green Chazriq Clarke.

With their heads held high, the women of Essential Theatre are stepping
graciously too. We all know our Former Queen of Orange and Green Kristine
Wallace serves with grace and class.

Yeaaaaa. You’re right. But the title Mr. and Miss Essential Theatre holds a special
place in our heart.

Selected by their peers, these lovely students are knowledgeable about the
theatre program and hold a 2.5 or higher GPA and represents what we are all

So without further ado…


pg. 18
Your new 2024-2025 Mr. and Miss Essential Theatre are

(Open the envelope and JACOBY will read the Mr. ET and VAL will read the Miss
(Once the winner takes the stage and VAL and JACOBY adorn the new Mr. & Miss
with their sashes, the music will cue in)

(Award music cues in)

This concludes our program. We thank you for joining us this evening in the
celebration of our student and their achievements and awards. Until this time
next year, have a great evening!

(Close of show)

Draft #4
April 14,2024

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