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Mousumi Chttopadhyay

The lord of the fifth house in the sixth house

According to Lomesh Samhita –
सुतेशं ष र:फ थे पु श ु मा ु यात्।
मृ ु तो ा पु ोवा धनपु ोथवाभवे त्।।
According to Yavana Jataka –
रपु गत नयािधपितयदा रपुजनािभरतं कु ते नरम्।
थततनुं ब दोषयुतं सदा धनसु तैरिहतं खलखेचरै :।।
According to Garga Jataka –
पं चमपित ु े श ि यमा जै ह नम् ।
रोगयुतं धनरिहतं ू र: खचर: करोित ू रतरम् ।।
When the lord of the fifth house is in the sixth house, the son does not survive, a son may be
adopted or bought or there may be enmity with the son. One behaves enmically and is full of
faults. One has a sturdy build. When the lord of the fifth house is a malefic planet, one is poor
or without a son. One may be poor, ailing and interested in weapons. One has many enemies.
One’s brain is wayward, one’s education is incomplete, there are obstacles in one’s progress and
enemies may trouble.
Experience : If Saturn is the fifth lord then the above mentioned inauspicious results are

The lord of the sixth house in the sixth house

According to Lomesh Samhita –
ष े शे रपु भाव थे जाित: श ु व वेत्।
पर ाित भवे ्
ं भूमौ न चलित धुरवम् ।।
According to Yavana Jataka –
िनजगृ हे रपु भावपतौ नरो रपु गत: कृपण खलो त:।
सतु िनज थलल सुख: सदा भवित ज रत: पशु योिषत:।।
According to Garga Jataka –
रपु भवनपे रपु थे नी ै री सु खी कृपण:।
न िह ज तोिप सीदित थानकवासी भवे नुज:।।
When the lord of the sixth house is in the sixth house, one is friendly with people of other
castes whereas people of one’s own caste are enmical. One has permanent property. One may
join hans with one’s enemies. One will be miserly, bad and abandoned by everyone. However,
one is happy in one’s place and is engrossed in looking after one’s spouse and animals. One is
ailing, but happy and always stays in one’s own place. As per Mansaagri, one stays in a bad
place. One is victorious after fighting with enemies, is ailing and there are hardships in one’s
Experience : If Saturn is the sixth lord then the above mentioned inauspicious results are

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