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Literary Analysis:

4. Point of View:
 First-person: Narrator is a character in the story, uses "I" pronouns.
 Second-person: Narrator addresses the reader directly, uses "you"
 Third-person limited: Narrator focuses on the thoughts and feelings of
one character.
 Third-person omniscient: Narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of
all characters.
5. Tone and Mood:
 Tone: Author's attitude towards the subject matter or audience.
 Mood: Emotional atmosphere created by the text.
6. Conflict:
 Internal conflict: Struggle within a character's mind (man vs. self).
 External conflict: Struggle between a character and an outside force
(man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society).
7. Setting:
 Time and place in which the story occurs.
 Can influence characters, plot, and mood.
 May be symbolic or reflective of broader themes.

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