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Communication Skills for Technicians

This communications skills training program helps technicians communicate appropriately and
clearly in any situation. Through this course, we aim to help technicians build on their
communication strengths and learn new and interesting techniques to add to their skillset. We
also provide personalized and constructive feedback to each participant making the learning from
each module valuable and lasting.

Technicians will learn the elements of communication and be able to flex each one to meet their
objectives. The information and practice gained through this course will help technicians bridge
the gap in their current verbal skills. They will resultantly be better positioned to contribute to
their organization through their improved communication with internal and external customers.

1. Core Components of Effective Communication

a. An Introduction | Components of Communication –

b. Verbal Communication

c. Importance of the Tone

d. Non – Verbal Communication

2. Communication Evolution Tool

a. Adjusting your style for a better approach

b. Communicating when stressed

c. Types of Barriers

3. Effective Verbal Communication

a. What You Say Matters

b. Effect and Impact of Power Words

c. Positive Communication

d. Words for Success

e. Words to Avoid

4. Non-Verbal Communication

a. Introduction | Body Language

b. Elements of Non-Verbal Communication

c. Do’s and Don’t

d. Interpretation of Various Body Signals

5. Asking Good Questions

a. Open Questions

b. Closed Questions

c. Probing Questions

Key Benefits:
Upon the completion of the program, the participants will be able to:

 A clear understanding of the role and importance of effective communication

 Increased self-awareness of one’s ability to communicate at all times

 Ability to identify one’s area of opportunity to recognize and correct common mistakes in

 Overall improvement in individual performance

Two Days

Problem Solving for Technicians

Effective problem-solving helps technicians to properly identify and systematically work through
a problem in a comprehensive manner, ensuring clarity when it comes time to make decisions or
recommendations. This program gives participants an overview of the entire creative problem-
solving process, as well as key problem-solving tools that can be used every day.
1. Definition of the Problem
2. Information Gathering
a. Different Types of Information
b. Methods to gather Information
3. Brainstorming
a. Techniques used to brainstorm
4. Generating Solutions
a. Generation of Ideas Techniques:
i. Free-association style brainstorming
ii. Brainwriting
iii. Mind mapping
5. Analyzing Solutions
a. Criteria for Solving Problems
b. Difference between Wants and Needs
c. Cost/benefit Analysis
6. Selecting a Solution
a. The Paired Comparison Analysis Tool
7. Next Steps
a. Identification of Tasks and Resources
b. Re-evaluation of the Solution and adapting it as necessary.

Key Benefits:
Upon the completion of the program, the participants will be able to:

 Apply a creative problem-solving process to solving problems

 Identify types of information to gather and key questions to ask in problem solving

 Identify the importance of defining a problem correctly

 Use basic brainstorming tools to generate solutions

 Evaluate potential solutions against criteria and perform a final analysis to select a

 Understand how to identify tasks and resources necessary to implement solutions

 Implement solutions and continue to identify improvements.

Two Days
Critical Thinking for Technicians

The Critical Thinking Training Course provides training for technicians in identifying support
structures, perspectives and arguments and how to critically evaluate the advantages and the
disadvantages of a proposed plan or an action, so that the right decisions can be made the first
time. Learn the difference between left brain and right brain thinking, removing the emotions
from decision making, evaluating both sides of an argument and critical questioning skills.

1. Introduction to Critical Thinking
a. Benefits of critical thinking in the workplace
b. Critical thinking as a management skill
c. What are the characteristics of a critical thinker?
2. A Critical Thinker’s Mindset
a. Can you develop a critical thinker’s mindset?
3. The Critical Thinking Process
a. Step 1 - Identifying the problem
b. Step 2 - Gather and evaluate your information
c. Step 3 - Generate alternative solutions
d. Step 4 - Select and implement a solution
e. Step 5 - Evaluate your solution
4. Developing Critical Thinking Skills
a. Asking questions
b. Active listening
c. Challenging assumptions

Key Benefits:
Upon the completion of the program, the participants will be able to:

 Translate an abstract idea into something tangible

 Minimize the impact of job pressures on your thinking processes

 React with curiosity instead of emotion

 Get a roadmap for developing your critical thinking skills

Two Days

Time Management for Technicians

Improving time management is a core skill for technicians wishing to work efficiently and
establish good habits. In this Time Management training course, technicians learn to develop a
clear sense of purpose, structure priorities, overcome negative behavior patterns, and leverage
practical strategies, tools, and techniques to develop and implement an effective time
management framework. Effective time management helps technicians make better decisions,
meet deadlines, and achieve their goals.

1. Aspects of Time Management
a. Planning & Goal Setting
b. Managing yourself
c. Dealing with other people
d. Your time
e. Getting Results
2. Fundamentals of Time Management
a. Focus is on time and resources
b. Pre-analysis of performance
c. Analysis of goals and objectives
d. Systemization of processes
3. Productive Work
a. Busy vs. Productive
b. Indecision & Delay
c. Overwork
d. Urgency v’s Importance
e. Prioritization

Key Benefits:
Upon the completion of the program, the participants will be able to:

 Identify the main obstacles to effective Time Management in your daily role
 Understand the nature of Time Management
 Understand a range of tools, techniques and concepts for Time Management
 Use these techniques to build an effective Time Management process that will enhance
technician’s productivity.

One Day

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