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Project Title: Student guidance app


1.SEWMEHON ENGDA ………………………………….…………………...WOUR/1746/12
2.HAREGEWOIN MENBERU ………………………………………………. WOUR/1028/12
3.FANUEL ESHETU ………………………………………….……………... WOUR/0780/12
4.FUAD ABDURAHMAN ………………………………….………………WOUR/0859/12
5.BEZA KEBEDE ………………………………….…………………... WOUR/0424/12

Submitted to: Bezawit E.

Table of Contents
Background of organization .......................................................................................................................... 3
existing system .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Statement of the problem ............................................................................................................................ 3
proposed system ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Functional requirement ......................................................................................................................... 3
Nonfunctional requirement .......................................................................................................................... 4
General objectives of welcome app ............................................................................................................. 5
1.8 The specific objectives of this project are listed below ...................................................................... 5
2.system requirement specification ............................................................................................................. 5
overview........................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1.1 scope .................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 General Constraints ................................................................................................................................ 6

1.1 Background of organization
Welcome App is an application which goals is arise from the students .this
Welcome App play important role for students and others in the university
in order to get information about the compass to the users and users
specially guests who are new can easily accesses it.

1.2 existing system

In general there is manually existing system no automated application to
navigate and to give clear information about system so we try to solve this
by giving simple mobile application which give background image or
information about university

1.3 Statement of the problem

The main problem around university is there is no condensed documented
mechanism to give clear information about the organization specially new
coming students and other gusts do not know areas like
staffs,dormitories,cafterias etc.

1.4 proposed system

So in order to resolve those problems we proposed an android app which is
welcome app.

1.5 Functional requirement

These requirements can help ensure that the welcome app provides a smooth
and enjoyable orientation experience for new students at the university.
✓ Orientation Information: Provide new students with information about
the university, campus association’s, student unions, to help them
understand the organization and its culture.
✓ Campus Map: Include a map of the campus to help new students find
their way around the buildings, facilities, and cafeteria’s.
✓ Integration with Student Information System: Integrate with the
university's student information system to allow students to view their
dorm, blocks.
✓ Resources: Provide new students with access to resources that may help
them during their first year, such as academic advising, counseling
services, and career services.
✓ Social Connections: Enable students to connect with each other, such as
through a chat or forum system, to foster a sense of community and
✓ Feedback Mechanism: Allow new students to provide feedback on the
app and the orientation process, which can help improve future
✓ Security and Privacy: Ensure that the app is secure and protects student
data and privacy.

1.6 Nonfunctional requirement

Non-functional requirements are the characteristics or qualities that a software
application should have, beyond the basic functional requirements. These
qualities describe how the software should behave or perform, rather than what
it should do. Some examples of non-functional requirements that a welcome
app for fresh students in a university should meet include:
✓ Usability: The app should be easy to use and navigate for new students
who may not be familiar with the university's technology systems.
✓ Performance: The app should load quickly, respond promptly to user
actions, and have minimal downtime or latency.
✓ Scalability: The app should be able to handle an increasing number of
users and data over time, especially during peak periods such as
orientation week.
✓ Reliability: The app should function consistently and reliably without
any errors or crashes.
✓ Availability: The app should be available to new students whenever
they need it, without any scheduled maintenance or downtime during
critical periods.
✓ Security: The app should protect user data and privacy through secure
authentication, encryption, and access control mechanisms.

✓ Compatibility: The app should be compatible with various devices,
operating systems, and web browsers, to ensure that new students can
access the app regardless of their device preference.
✓ Accessibility: The app should be accessible to users with disabilities,
including those who use assistive technologies such as screen readers or
speech recognition.
✓ Maintainability: The app should be easy to maintain and update, with
clear documentation and code quality.
✓ Compliance: The app should comply with legal and regulatory
requirements, such as data protection laws and accessibility guideline

1.7 General objectives of welcome app

A welcome app is a software application designed to provide a personalized and
interactive experience for new students, typically in the context of an organization,
event, or community. The primary purpose of a welcome app is to introduce new
students to the university, its offerings, and to help them navigate the transition to
their new environment..

1.8 The specific objectives of this project are listed below

✓ To reduce wastage of time for new student to find their dorm.
✓ To give clear image of campus
✓ To create satisfaction for both student and university administrator.
✓ To Enable users to access at any time .

2.system requirement specification

Welcome App is simple new created app which gives information about services
and offices available in the KIOT campus.

2.1.1 scope
The project is done step by step from gathering to implementation. each steps are
controlled and negotiated by team in order to remove the risk which arises at any
Welcome App is developed for providing information within their give
detail information about the services and offices like dormitory placement ,office
no , map to the students. The system allows Users to access the information of
their university with in the app

This SRS document has been created for the Welcome App which is complete
solution for users who want to get information.

2.2 General Constraints

✓ Application is installed.
✓ Proposed web application will be implemented with android & for the
database purpose, we can use for firebase.
✓ Users may access Welcome App by their mobile by installing the app.
✓ Welcome App can potentially have more than hundreds of users.
✓ It is unrealistic to provide training for everyone. Therefore, the system
should be
designed for easy to use.
Therefore, the above listed requirements shall be fulfilled in order to run Welcome
App correctly.

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