20 Urban Land Adjudication Map Preparation and Codding Guideline

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Federal Urban Land and Land Related Property

Registration and Information Agency

Urban Land Adjudication Map Preparation and Codding Guideline

(Version 1.1)

May, 2020

Addis Ababa
Table of Contents Page

Part One .................................................................................................................................. 1

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Objectives............................................................................................................................ 2
2.1. Main objective .............................................................................................................. 2
2.2. Specific objectives ....................................................................................................... 2
3. Scope .................................................................................................................................. 2
4. Important Inputs................................................................................................................... 2
Part Two .................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Creating, Organizing and editing geographic and attribute data........................................... 3
2.1. Database design and creation ..................................................................................... 3
2.2. Steps to create geo-database feature data set and feature .......................................... 4
classes ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1. File Geo-database creating process ......................................................................... 4
Part Three ............................................................................................................................... 9
3. Procedure of Delineating and assigning code for Adjudication Units.................................... 9
3.1. Assigning code for regions ........................................................................................... 9
3.2. Assigning code for towns/cities of the region...............................................................10
3.3. Delineating and Assigning Codes for the lower administrative unit of the city/town .....12
3.4. Extracting and assigning codes for Parcels, city blocks, neighborhoods and sections 13
3.4.1. Extracting and assigning codes for parcels..............................................................13
3.4.2 Extracting and assigning code for city blocks ..........................................................21
3.4.3 Extracting and assigning cods for roads, rivers, ditches and other related features .22
3.4.4 Extracting and assigning code for adjudication neighborhood .................................23
3.4.5 Extracting and assigning code for adjudication section ............................................24
Part Four ................................................................................................................................26
4. Adjudication map Preparation and layout............................................................................26
4.1. Adjudication map Content ...........................................................................................26
I. Adjudication Neighborhood map .................................................................................26
II. Adjudication Sector map .............................................................................................26
III. Parcel Index map ........................................................................................................27
4.2. Adjudication map Layout .............................................................................................27

Part One
1. Introduction
Adjudication map is one among the important inputs for urban land holding adjudication
process. It is an essential task and should be prepared in advance to facilitate the land
holding adjudication process properly. Tasks that undertaken to prepare adjudication

map are delineating boundary units (the lower administrative unit of the city/town,
sector, neighborhood and city block) on the Cadastral base map and assigning codes
for those delineated units, parcels, roads, green areas and rivers. Adjudication map
shall be prepared in accordance with the legal frameworks and standards containing
useful elements for the land holding adjudication process.
According to Urban Land Holding Registration Proclamation 818/2014 article number
12, an index map of a land holding adjudication neighborhood shall be prepared first by
the urban land holding registration institution. This indicates that, the adjudication
process unit of the neighborhood and the number of parcels within neighborhood should
be identified and given temporary identification code before conducting the land holding
adjudication process.
Urban land holding adjudication and registration regulation 324/2014 article no. 8 and 9
defined the number of parcels within neighborhood, coding and map contents of
adjudication neighborhood and sectors. It further stated that the lower administrative unit
of the city/town shall consist sectors/sections and a sector shall consist not more than
five land holding adjudication neighborhoods. Each of the neighborhoods consist not
more than 200 parcels and it shall be sub divided into blocks in order to carryout land
holding adjudication process. The urban real property adjudication and registration
directive 61/2018 also defined in such a manner.
Accordingly, delineating and assigning unique identification code for adjudication units is
a key activity which enables the delineated units expected to have clearly identified

boundary on the ground and on the Cadastral base map. Therefore, this guideline
provides the general procedural steps of preparing adjudication map and assigning

codes for different adjudication divisions (the lower administrative unit of the city/town,
sector, neighborhood, block and parcel including road and river). Moreover, the
guideline also incorporate delineating blocks, neighborhoods, sectors, the lower
administrative unit of the city/town and producing adjudication sector and neighborhood

map layouts based on the legal frameworks and standards.

2. Objectives

2.1. Main objective

The main objective of this guideline is to make landholding adjudication map preparation
process clear and to produce uniform standard of assigning code starting from the
region down to the parcel from which the unique parcel code is to be derived.
2.2. Specific objectives

This guideline has the following specific objectives:

1. To guide how to demarcate and map the adjudication sector and neighborhood
of the towns/cities in accordance with legal framework.
2. To guide parcel unique identification code assignment process.
3. To show technical procedural steps of adjudication map preparation in order to
facilitate urban land holding adjudication processes.

3. Scope

This guideline is intended to be used in all towns/cities in the country where urban land
holding adjudication and registration is being practiced.

4. Important Inputs

1. Endorsed structural plan of the town/city.

2. The administrative boundary limit of the town/city.
3. Ortophoto/ the Cadastral base map of the town/city.
4. Appropriate GIS computer application (ArcGIS is often used to input, edit,
analyze, and store spatial and attribute data. Therefore the map preparation
steps here are to be processed by the available version of ArcGIS desktop

Part Two
2. Creating, Organizing and editing geographic and attribute data

2.1. Database design and creation

Geo-database is a core geographic information model to organize a GIS data in t o

thematic layers and spatial representations. It is a comprehensive serious of application
logic and tools for accessing and managing GIS data. Geo-database design task is a
relevant issue to vector dataset which is acquired to be handled with knowledge in
appropriate projection, local datum, ellipsoid and others.
In order to manage and access those organized GIS data, both the vector and raster
data should be archived systematically in such a way that every geo-database, geo-
dataset, feature class, image, folder and other vector files should be given a logical
name. The following Diagram illustrates the schema of the geo-database as per urban
cadastral surveying and mapping working manual No.44/2015.

Figure 2.1. Schema of database design

2.2. Steps to create geo-database feature data set and feature

ArcGIS software is used for creating geo-database and spatial and attributes data processing.

2.2.1. File Geo-database creating process

Geo-database is created using Arc Catalog or the Catalog window in ArcMap.

1. From start menu select Arc GIS folder and open the ArcCatalog directly or open

Map and click on the Catalog window. ArcCatalog window will be displayed as
shown below in the figure.

Figure 2.2. Arc Catalogue Dialog Box

2. Right-click the file folder in the Catalog tree where you want to create the database
Point to new Click on File Geo-database

Figure 2.3. Arc Catalogue ArcView dialog box

A new file geo-database is created in the location selected

3. Rename the file geo-database by right clicking on the default file geo-database name
created choose Rename type a new name to be given for the created file geo-

Figure 2.4. Arc Catalogue File Geo database interface

2.2.2. Feature dataset creation process

Feature dataset is one of the ma jor components in geodatabase creation which helps to
establish different functions which is not established outside of it. One among those functions is

1. Click on Catalog from standard tool bar. Catalog window opens.

2. Open the file folder in the Catalog tree where you create the file geo database and
right click on the file geo database you created Point to new Click on Feature dataset
from the dropdown listed. A new feature dataset window will be opened.

Figure 2.5. Arc Catalogue feature dataset interface

3. Type a name for the Feature dataset in the space provided click next. Another
new Feature dataset window is opened.

Figure 2.6. Arc Catalogue coordinate system setting dialog box

4. Navigate to the spatial reference select projected coordinate system UTM Africa set
to Adindan UTM Zone 37N click next and a new window will be opened where to set
the vertical coordinate system for z-values.
5. Click next and another window will popup where you enter the x, y, z and m-
tolerance value which mostly accepted the default value which is equivalent to 1mm
in the real world units.
6. Click Finish to complete the creation of a new Feature dataset in which you create
and manage feature classes.

2.2.3. Feature class creation process

There are two options to create feature classes.

1. Directly from the file geo database or
2. From the Feature dataset created under the file geo-database
For our purpose since creating feature classes directly from the file geodatabase can’t support
to apply topology rules creating it from the feature dataset is advantageous. The following steps
illustrate the creation process of feature classes from the feature datasets.

1. Click on Catalog from standard tool bar. Catalog window opens.

2. Open the file folder in the Catalog tree where you create the file geo database click
on the file geodatabase you created right click on the feature dataset you created
Point to new Click on Feature class from the dropdown listed. A feature class window
will be opened.

Figure 2.7. Arc Catalogue Feature class Dialog Box

3. Type a name for the Feature class in the space provided Determine the type of
features stored in the feature class to be created by selecting from the dropdown
lists. Click next. Another new Feature dataset window is opened click next another
new Feature dataset window is opened select the default configuration keyword then
click next.

Figure 2.8. Feature Class Dialog Box

4. Add the field name and data type to the feature class under the columns Click the
next blank write the field name appropriate to the feature class click the next blank
row under the data type column to set the data type.
5. To prevent nulls from being stored in the field click the field next to Allow nulls click
the dropdown arrow and click No.
6. To set the length of the character determine as per the feature class to be created.
7. Click finish to finish

Repeat all the above steps to create another feature class for example road

Part Three

3. Procedure of Delineating and assigning code for Adjudication Units

3.1. Assigning code for regions

Urban legal cadastre standard 03/2015 stated that unique parcel identification code shall
contain different level of administrative units (region, city/town, the lower administrative unit of
the city/town and the newly created adjudication divisions (sector, neighborhood, and blocks)
and parcels.
Region code shall take the two alphabetical letters of the region name as stated in the urban
legal cadastre standard 03/2015 article 13 sub article 2. Therefore, as a national standard the
regions shall take the following code:-
1. Addis Ababa = AA
2. Afar Regional Government = AF
3. Amhara Regional Government = AM
4. Benishangul Gumuz Regional Government = BG
5. Dire Dawa City Administration= DD
6. Ethio-Somale Regional Government= SO
7. Gambela Regional Government = GA
8. Harrari Regional Government = HR
9. Oromiya Regional Government = OR
10. Southern Nations, Nationalities & People Regional Government = SN
11. Tigray Regional Government= TG

Therefore unique parcel identification code (UPIC) is derived from the codes given for region,

town/city, the lower administrative unit of the city/town, neighborhood, block and parcel

containing 14 digits. For condominium additional six digit numbers are assigned; for

condominium block unit, floor and house number, the total will be 20. In addition to code

assignment for communication purpose each neighborhood shall have a given name not more

than two words consulting the lower administrative unit of the city/town administration and the


One of the first required tasks of urban land holding adjudication activities is identifying and
delineating proper sites of adjudication units such as Sector, neighborhood, and blocks with in
the lower administrative unit of the city/town. The selected area expected to have clearly
identified boundary on the ground and on the line map and containing consecutive number and
identification name (this is for the neighborhood) in which adjudication activity is carried out.

As stated in urban land holding adjudication procedural manual 25/2008, the identified boundary

of the lower administrative unit of the city/town is approved by the administration of the city

council and adjudication units (sector, neighborhood and city block) 0f the lower administrative

unit of the city/town shall be approved by the administration of the lower administrative unit of

the city/town council. In such a way, the registry office shall delineate and locate the accepted

adjudication units of the town/city on the ortophoto/the cadastral base map in order to simplify

the adjudication process.

3.2. Assigning code for towns/cities of the region

Consecutive unique code which is assigned by the region should be given for all towns/cities
with in a region. The regional government urban development bureau or urban land holding
registration and information Agency is responsible to assign three digit numeric codes for the
towns/cities that are found in the region. Hence if there is no directive endorsed by the region on
how to assign the town /city code, the bureau/agency may follow the followings steps in order to
assign town/city codes based on geographic location:

Steps for assigning town/city code

1. List all the towns/cities in the region with their spatial location,
2. Overlay the administrative boundary of the towns/cities on the administrative boundary
of the region
3. Assign consecutive three digit numeric codes (001,002,003 …) for all towns/cities in the
region starting from the northwest town to the south western in a serpentine or clock
wise way until all towns/cities in the region are given unique code.

It should be noticed that whenever a new town emerges in the region after the code assignment
is completed and in use, the new town/city shall be given the number next to the last town/city
code assigned in the region. In this case as an exception it may not preserve giving code for
towns/cities from the northwest town/city of the region to the south western town/city in a
serpentine way as stated in step-3.

Figure 3.1 Assigning codes for towns/cities in a region

Figure 3.2. Assigned codes & attributes fields for towns/cities in a region

Table 3.1 City code attribute table field property

Field Type Alias Allow Null Length

Name Text R_Name Yes 15

Regi onCode ” R_Code ” 2

Name ” T_Name ” 15
de ” T_Code ” 3

3.3.Delineating and Assigning Codes for the lower administrative unit of the
The lower administrative unit of the city/town comprises adjudication sectors, neighborhoods
and city blocks that are recognized by the city administration council for which a unique
identification code is assigned. Within the town/city boundary the recognized lower
administrative unit of the city/town shall be delineated on the Cadastral base map or it can be
taken from existing reliable map of the lower administrative unit of the city/town prepared in
appropriate coordinate system.
The lower administrative unit of the city/town code assignment shall be done starting from the
North West to the north east, south-east and south west in a serpentine or clock wise manner
depends on the administrative structure until the whole town/city is covered with a 2 digit
consecutive numbers (01, 02, 03 …).
When to use serpentine and clock-wise ways in code assigning lower administrative unit

1). serpentine way:-

 When lower administrative unit structure is considered as compact shape
 When lower administrative unit settlement is complex/irregular

2). Clock wise way:-

• When lower administrative unit shape is elongated and easy to assign the code
• When the city/town settlement is regular
• When codding can be finished in a single round from NW to west

Note:- this codding way can be applied to city/town ,lower administration unit ,section,
neighborhood, block and parcels

However for towns/cities having existing consecutive lower administrative unit of the city/town
codes (e.g. wereda- 1, wereda- 2, etc.) can be taken as it is unless there are changes in
administrative organization, boundary and area coverage among the lower administrative units
of the city/town.
As stated in the legal frameworks, if the estimated total number of parcels in the lower
administrative unit of the city/town is known, neighborhoods containing close/not more than 200
parcels and sectors containing close/not more than 1000 parcels have to be formed. Shapes of
neighborhoods and sectors should be as compact as possible (should not have elongated
boundaries). The number of neighborhoods and sectors with in the lower administrative unit of
the city/town, number of parcels in the neighborhoods and/or sectors can be optimized
considering the total number of parcels, total area of the lower administrative unit of the
city/town and variation of density of parcels in the lower administrative unit of the city/town.

Figure 3.3 Assigned code to sub-cities in a town/city

3.4. Extracting and assigning codes for Parcels, city blocks, neighborhoods and

3.4.1. Extracting and assigning codes for parcels

Extracting parcels

Parcel boundary can be extracted from the Cadastral base map or ortophoto of the town/city or

it can be obtained from reliable appropriate map of the town/city which is prepared in proper

coordinate system.

Creating folder by the city town name and then under this folder create geo-database (given as

city/town name cadaster) is the initial requirement in the extraction process. Feature dataset

should be created by the name of the lower administrative unit in the city/town. Feature dataset

can be as much as the number of lower administrative units such that if a city/town has five sub

cities/ wereda/ kebele the dataset can be five. The feature classes (section, neighborhood,

Block and parcel) created under an appropriate feature dataset should be extracted with their

appropriate boundary. In order to extract the parcel boundary it is required to trace the cadastral

base map or the ortophoto as a data source and follow the heads up digitization method of

feature data capturing. This can be done on ArcMap using editor Tool.
The following steps can be followed to work with Editor Tool in ArcMap to capture parcel

boundary by the head up digitization on the appropriate cadastral base map or ortophoto.


1. Creating Geo-database
To easily create geo-database, first create ‘Folder and then Geo-database’

Geo-database: - To store and manage spatial and non-spatial data. It is very initial requirement
in the extraction process of feature classes. Geo-database helps data integration and share of
geospatial data.
2. Creating Feature Dataset

Datasets helps to handle feature classes with their relationship. Here adjusting all necessary
requirements (projection type, measurements etc...) is important to keep the feature classes
coincident one to another. That helps to read all feature classes from same projection and

The feature dataset given above ‘Kebele_02’ can be sub city or wereda according to the cities/

towns lower administrative unit. Feature dataset can be as many as the number of city/town

lower administrative units. For example, if a city/town has five subcities/weredas/kebeles, the

feature dataset must be five as equal to the lower administrative unit.

N.B. Cities/towns administrative boundaries should have separate feature dataset under which

the legal administrative boundary feature classes can be stored.

3. Creation of feature classes

Feature classes are individual entities representing either in point, line, and polygon associated

with their attribute data.

The feature classes must be traced and extracted on the specified zoom in display or scale of
the base map/orthophoto.

To access Editor Toolbar

1. From start menu select Arc GIS folder and open ArcMap
2. Click the Editor Toolbar button on the standard toolbar to display the Editor Tools or go
to customize in the main menu to toolbars/Editor

Figure 3.4. Arc Catalogue Dialog Box

You will have the Editor Toolbar in the ArcMap window. The tools will become active as you add
the parcel feature layer in the table of content and start capturing the parcel boundary.

To capture parcel boundary in ArcMap

1. Add the parcel feature class and the cadastral base map or ortophoto into the table of
content of the ArcMap.

2. Go to editor toolbar and select start editing

Figure 3.5. Arc Editor Dialog Box

3. Then you will have a create feature window

Figure 3.6. Create Feature Dialog Box

4. To define feature template properties right click on the parcel feature template in the
create feature window and select properties. A template properties window will be
displayed where you define the feature template properties.

5. To define the snapping select Editor Toolbar point to snapping select snapping toolbar
check on the use snapping box.

Figure 3.7. Snapping Dialog Box

6. To set the snapping tolerance go to snapping toolbar select option set snapping
tolerance or you can use the default snapping tolerance.

7. To set preference for the capturing of the feature data, go to Editor Toolbar select
option; editing options dialog box opened. In the dialog box fill the appropriate display

Figure 3.8. Editing Dialog Box

8. Now choose the feature template parcel and select polygon as the construction tool
from the create features dialog box.

Figure 3.9. Construction Tools Dialog Box

9. Now by zooming in to the desired parcel start digitizing the boundary of the parcel
starting from one corner to the end corner of the parcel. Double click on the last corner
of the extracted parcel or right click on the last corner vertex of the parcel and select the
finish sketch from the drop down lists to finish the digitization.

Figure 3.10. Feature Extracting

10. After finishing digitizing all the parcels it is required to save your work go to editor
toolbar select editor select save first and stop editing next to save and complete your
feature data capturing.

Note: - Use the auto complete polygon tool as a con struction tool to make complete parcel
Use trace tool to avoid gap between parcel polygons.
Assigning code for parcels
As stated in urban land holding adjudication and registration regulation 324/2014 all parcels
located within the land holding adjudication neighborhood shall be assigned with a unique
identification code by the adjudication team. The parcels should hold a consecutive code within
a city block where they are confined as stated in urban land holding adjudication and
registration directive 61/2018 . The code assignment shall be done starting from the parcel
located at the northwestern part of the city block to the north east, south east and to the south

west in a serpentine or clock wise way until the whole parcels under each city block within the
adjudication neighborhood are given a three digit numeric code.
Note that whenever roads, rivers, cannels, and other related features appears first to the parcel
then the parcel will acquire the next code to the code given to the feature. For instant if a road
passing in the northern part of the adjudication neighborhood appears it will get the first code
(001). The coding will continue in such manner until the whole parcels and other features
considered as a parcel get codes.
Exception for merging and split new parcel identification code is assigned next to the last of the
block last identification code.

Figure 3.11. Clock wise parcel Codding

Figure 3.12. Serpentine way parcel codding

3.4.2 Extracting and assigning code for city blocks

I. Extracting city blocks

A city block is the sum total of parcels together that is bounded by road or other natural features
with in a neighborhood. This adjudication unit can be delineated and extracted by tracing on the
cadastral base map or ortophoto as a data source. We follow the same steps and procedural
approach like the extraction of parcels stated under 1.3.1. The only thing that makes it different
is we need to create a city block feature class under an appropriate feature dataset.

II. Assigning identification code for city blocks

City blocks can be coded with a two digit numeric code (01, 02, 03 …) as it was stated under
urban cadastral standard article article 13 sub article 13.1 number-5. The two digit numeric
code is given for all blocks found within a given neighborhood starting from the block located at
the north west of the adjudication neighborhood to north east, south-east and south west in a
serpentine manner until the neighborhood is covered.

Figure 3.13. Clock wise block codding Figure 3.14. Serpentine way block

3.4.3 Extracting and assigning cods for roads, rivers, ditches and other related

Roads and rivers which are treated as special parcels can be extracted from the cadastral base

map or ortophoto of the town/city considering the delineated adjudication neighborhood. The

extraction procedure and the steps are similar to that of extracting parcel boundary stated under

1.3.1. But if a road or a river crossing the adjudication neighborhood appears it will be

delineated by cutting the road or the river where the road or the river touches the boundary of

the adjudication neighborhood.

As it is stated in urban land holding adjudication and registration directive 61/2010, the whole

roads, greeneries, rivers, ditches and other related features found to the north, northeast and

east of the adjudication neighborhood shall be adjudicated first. But codes are given to them with

a three digit number considering their spatial location to other parcels. Unlike coding other

parcels at the block level roads, rivers and other related features crossing the adjudication

neighborhood shall be coded at the neighborhood level. For the roads to have a block code to

meet the 14 digit UIC (Unique Identification Code) standard it shall hold:

• The roads located at the North, Northeast and East direction of the first block has to take
that block code.
• The road located at the South, Southwest and West direction of the block, has to take
that block code if the road is the end boundary of the city/town.
• The road crossed by another road or by the river, should be delineated by considering
the road or river width, road type (Aspalt, koblston, gravel) and direction (West to East,
North to East and North to South).
 Exception: - when the road crosses the river overlaid by bridge, then road has to be cut and
the river continues until the end of the neighborhood.
The above coding works for the roads found within the adjudication neighborhood and the same

approach is followed for the rivers, canals/ditches, lakes, swamp area, gorge, pond, creeks

features crossing the neighborhood at a particular location.

Figure 3.15. Delineating and Assigning Cod of Road

3.4.4 Extracting and assigning code for adjudication neighborhood

I. Delineating and extracting adjudication neighborhood

As stated in the urban real property adjudication and registration regulation-324/2006, article 8
sub-article 3 neighborhoods should contain close/not more than 200 parcels within the
neighborhood unit boundary. By maintaining ≤ 200 parcels to exist within the neighborhood to
be delineated in a similar way of delineating and extracting of parcels and blocks stated above,
first a neighborhood feature class is managed in the geo-database created to capture the
neighborhood feature data from the cadastral base map or orthophoto as a source data.
Hence, viewing of parcels on the Cadastral base map and orthophoto is needed to estimate the
number of neighborhoods and sectors within the lower administrative unit of the city/town. If the
Cadastral base map contains parcel feature, it can be used with some verification on the field
and editing to add sketch of the missing parcels verified on the ground is necessary. If the
Cadastral base map doesn’t contain parcel feature, parcels can be extracted by on screen
digitization overlaying on ortophoto, verification and field checking. Digitizing and field
verification of parcels can be done in the registry office of the town/city using the sketch drawn
and attribute data collected when land holding files are organized in blocks.

II. Assigning codes & naming of adjudication neighborhood

More attention has to be given while assigning code for adjudication neighborhoods found within

a particular lower administrative unit of the city/town; the whole neighborhoods delineated in

each sections within a given lower administrative unit of the city/town should be assigned with a

consecutive code irrespective of their location starting from the northwestern section to the

southwestern section in a serpentine way until all the neighborhoods in the lower administrative

units of the city/town are given a unique code so as to avoid repetition of UPIC (Unique Parcel

Identification Code) and to maintain its uniqueness. In addition to this neighborhoods shall be

named by a phrase by the consultation of the lower administrative unit of the city/town council

and the community living within that particular neighborhood.

Figure 3.16. Assigning code for Neighborhood

3.4.5 Extracting and assigning code for adjudication section

I. Delineating and extracting adjudication sector

Urban real property adjudication and registration directive 61/2018 article 13 sub article 2 stated
the how to delineate adjudication section. Accordingly an adjudication section is delineated
containing ≤ 1000 parcels/≤ 5 adjudication neighborhoods within it. Having this in mind the
extraction of adjudication section can be done by tracing the cadastral base map or ortophoto as
a source data and following the heads up digitization method for adjudication section feature
data capturing. This can be done as the same procedures stated above for extracting parcel, city
block and adjudication neighborhood feature class.
II. Assigning identification code for adjudication sector

As stated in urban land holding adjudication and registration standard 05/2015 article 6 sub
article 6.1 the delineated & extracted adjudication sections are given a two digit numeric code
(01, 02, 03,) in a serpentine or clockwise way beginning from the Northwest of the lower
administrative unit of the city/town to the Northeast then to the Southeast and Southwest
direction consecutively.

Figure 3.17. Assigning code for Adjudication Sector

Part Four
4. Adjudication map Preparation and layout
4.1. Adjudication map Content

I. Adjudication Neighborhood map

As per the urban land holding adjudication and registration regulation 324/2014 article 9
& urban land holding adjudication and registration standard 05/2015 article 6 sub article
6.2 number 6 it should incorporate:
i. Sector boundary
ii. Sector code
iii. Neighborhood boundary
iv. Neighborhood code & name
v. GCP at least two
vi. Block boundary
vii. Parcels
viii. Road/s
ix. Cadastral map sheet no.
x. Inset map
xi. Coordinate
xii. Legend
xiii. Scale
xiv. North arrow
II. Adjudication Sector map

As per the urban land holding adjudication and registration standard 05/2015 article 6,
sub article 6.1 number 8 & 9 it should incorporate:
i. Sector boundary
ii. Sector code
iii. Neighborhood boundary
iv. Neighborhood code
v. Neighborhood name
vi. GCP
vii. Blocks
viii. Parcels

ix. Roads
x. Cadastral map sheet no
xi. Inset map
xii. Coordinate
xiii. Legend
xiv. Scale
III. Parcel Index map

i. UPI,
ii. Parcel Dimension and shape
iii. Sector, neighborhood, block code
iv. Adjacent parcels
v. Adjacent road/s
vi. Corner marks
vii. Coordinate
viii. Scale
ix. North Arrow

4.2. Adjudication map Layout

Figure 4.1. Adjudication Neighborhood Map Layout

Figure 4.2. Adjudication Sector Map Layout

IV. City block map layout

I. Sector boundary
II. Sector code
III. Neighborhood boundary
IV. Neighborhood code & name
V. GCP at least two
VI. Block boundary
VII. Parcels
VIII. Road/s
IX. Inset map
X. Coordinate
XI. Legend
XII. Scale
XIII. North arrow



Figure 4. 3 (a) city block map layout and (b) parcel index map layout


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