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Century Eden Owners + CREH MOM - Summary

Sl No Discussed Concerns Status Remarks

Update on the current status of the borewells


How many additional borewells will be provided to meet the AS per MOM -
requirement of phase 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 Close Century -
Leakage and open taps to be addressed Close
1 Water Cleaning of sump and OHT AS per MOM -
Open Century -
Commissioning of WTP as water being supplied is not potable

No control on century Construction project people using tank

water/Electricity for all phases. Close Link # 5

STP is to be functional AS per MOM -

Close Century -
STP overflowing in Basketball court regularly AS per MOM -
Close Century -
STP sewage water back flow to be avoided by using tankers,
e.g-site-218 has Sewer backflow Close

Most of the rain water drains are flowing backwards, kindly

clear the SWD Inlet blockages on a regular basis, e.g 12th and
3 SWD 15th Cross has this problem Close

AS per MOM -
Opening issues has not been fixed yet. Residents surveyed Close Century -
Compound and report sent 05.12.2023
4 wall
Kindly provide a permanent solution by replacing the broken
concrete wall Close

Address the frequent voltage fluctuations AS per MOM -

Close Century -
Servicing of transformers AS per MOM -
Open Century -
5 Electricity /
BESCOM 3-phase connection not provided
AS per MOM -
Close Century -
Panels should maintained / covers should be locked and Panel AS per MOM -
key should be handed over to the nearest resident Open Century -
Working /
Non working
lights List
shared on
working 47% on actual - needs to be addressed Open 23.09.23 -
Link # 4

Temporary rectification - need to be addressed (every AS per MOM -

alternate day stops working after TEMPORARY rectification) Closed Century -
All the missing poles to be restored back AS per MOM -
Open Century -
6 Street Lights 05.12.2023
6 Street Lights
All cabling to be done underground without joints AS per MOM -
Open Century -
Covers for all the street lights to be fixed AS per MOM -
Open Century -
Open MCBs and Open wires to be fixed AS per MOM -
Open Century -
From Panel board a Cable has been run thought the SWD and AS per MOM -
a street light has been lit which is danger. E.g. Near site 504 Close Century -
Hume pipe installation Pending in North Side for the entry of AS per MOM -
Rain Water Drain Open Century -
Provide a suitable pipe for the smooth flow of Sewer flowing
into the Nala from HOSAHUDYA Village

Nala /
Water Body /
Rajkaluwe AS per MOM -
Open Century -
17th & 18th cross legal issue(Series 490 to 521) on Area
Dimensions (Schedule B) - Deed rectification and Masterplan

AS per MOM -
Close Century -
8 Legal Issues

Case No - OS207 / 2020 - Address the case Link # 6


Near OHT empty land inside EDEN - brief about the barren
land + Clean + Gated Close

Security posts to be created for every 6 cross

AS per MOM -
Open Century -

Patrolling not happening AS per MOM -

Close Century -
9 Security 05.12.2023
CCTV is not in working condition AS per MOM -
Close Century -
Exit entry checking of vehicles is not happening AS per MOM -
Close Century -
Security Not using My Gate App efficiently AS per MOM -
Close Century -

AS per MOM -
Entry of visitors / vendors / vehicles / maids - not being Close Century -
recorded in MyGate & Ledger
Safety & Speed breaker to be provided / Speed marker Boards to be
10 MyGate AS per MOM -
installed Open Century -
Safety &
10 MyGate

Bar bending / Cuttings in roads to be avoided

AS per MOM -
Close Century -

Put up a Notice Board at the clubhouse and Security Gate

where the customers are supposed to reach out the FM team
during the resale and rental. Obtain NOC from century /FM AS per MOM -
team prior to resale and update with a copy of sale deed Close Century -

Notice Board Under Construction guidelines as defined in the sale deed - AS per MOM -
11 Guidelines Draft shared Century -
Close 05.12.2023 -
Link # 7

Put up a Notice Board of Dos / Don'ts for Owners / AS per MOM -

Contractors and Workers Close Century -
Street Maintenance work not happening on regular basis on AS per MOM -
all crosses Close Century -
12 Cleaning
weed cutting not happening on regular basis AS per MOM -
Close Century -
Fencing to be provided for all parks and CA to avoid
encroachment. E.g Between 5th and 6th cross the CA site has AS per MOM -
Fencing of CA become a dumping yard for century construction materials
13 / Parks Close Century -

To be replaced in Main road Median and Side Pavements

14 Dead Trees Ongoing

Plumber /
15 Electrician Need clarification Close
etc. with

Electricity &
16 Water with Need clarification Close Link # 5

Multi Storey Owners need to identified and explained the single dwelling
17 Close
Construction concept in EDEN

WIP - 24 representatives are in the committee AS per MOM -

Close Century -

Email id creation AS per MOM -

Close Century -
18 committee
formation Ad-Hoc WhatsApp group Formation AS per MOM -
Close Century -

Phase-1 WhatsApp group formation (131 still untraceble) AS per MOM -

Close Century -

No GST Number in Invoice AS per MOM -

Close Century -

19 CAM charges
CAM invoices to be rectified as per actual area - Refer Point AS per MOM -
19 CAM charges 8a Close Century -
It is agreed in the previous meeting that the CAM charges will AS per MOM -
kept in abeyance until the open issues are not closed. Close Century -
No approval taken to utilize the fund AS per MOM -
Open Century -
Utilization report n/a AS per MOM -
20 Sinking Fund Open Century -
Audit of Sinking Fund AS per MOM -
Open Century -
REH MOM - Summary
Remarks- Century

2 Borewell is running smoothly.As Residents increase will be provide the

additional borewell point.

Ongoing activity with high cost. We will take the next cleaning drive on receipt of
CAM from maximum residents

WTP is not a part of the project deliverables but we can share a couple of


STP comissioning is done and operation is in observation




CLOSED, Had a walk with committee member and showed each n every
points mention in the list. If there are still any points left or new openings due
to waer and tear, we can fix it.


Ongoing activity with high cost. We will take the next servicing drive on receipt
of CAM from maximum residents

Century would provide single phase, but the cables are provisioned for 3 phase

Once the work completes, key will handled by FM team/adhoc committee. Last
mile work left.

95% of the job is done to refix the lights and their connections which were in
good state earlier.


Missing poles installation WIP.

Additional capital expenditure for the repair. Work finished till 14th
Cross.Balance will be completed within a week.

Covering of Plates done 95%

WIP, will be finished on or before March 2024. It is a rework due to wear & tear.


Huge capital expenditure and necessary approvals needed. Can create more issues.
However existing set up will be monitored to avoid inconvience to residents

Due to statuatory restirctions the nala cannot be concealed with pipes as blockages
would lead to water being flushed back to the village.But nala is cleaned now, we
will cut the weeds any in the pathway. Any additional capital expenditure can only
we reviewed on receipt of CAM charges from maximum residents
we have reached out to customers were the physical area is less and shared the
revised CAM invoice. In most cases, the sale value was calcuated basis the actucal
size of the plot and therefore no concerns. Cases where area considered for CAM
billing had to be relooked is taken care and revised invoice is shared

As the case is not filed on century, we would need an update on current status
from the impacted party to proceed further and assist.


Staffing can be improved and quality of manpower too. We urge all residents to
pay the CAM charges. Already requested the agency to appoint new gaurds,Will
deploy the extra gaurds and they will take care every 6 cross.

Has been initiated.Strict instruction given to Security Supervisor.


Strict instruction given to Security Supervisor and Gaurds, and Mygate is being
use effectively. Without Mygate approval no delivery, cabs , gas delivery is not

Strict instruction given to Security Supervisor.


will install the speed limit board before March 10th 2024 and as well as security
will instruct the visitor to maintain the speed limit
Covered under construction guidelines



Closed. Notice Board set up in CH

Weed cutting completed from 1st to 18th cross and it’s a regular pracrtice which is
going to happen further and Street maintenance is happening daily. 2nd time weed
cuting started from 1st cross

Closed Fencing of the parks will be reviewed once we have the CAM for most

Looking at options to revive before replacing the trees.Asso painting on trees to

avoid the damage occurs from termite in all the trees is on progress

CLOSED.Dedicated Electrician appointed


Covered under Construction guideline. Anamolies to be dealt through FM &

Adhoc committee


Closed.We have shared the revised invoice

Closed.Revised invoice with CAM charges for 500 series plots shared

No such agreement. In fact it was agreed that Century will initiate work basis the
inputs received from the owners however the owners will continue to pay the

No CAM paid for since release deed and even after club house was handed over.
Century has spent over and above the Corpus amount.

Utilization report is available for you review.

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