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It’s a material world

7a Teens’ Time: Everyday gadgets

Vocabulary 3 Postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami.

1 Połącz wyrazy, aby utworzyć nazwy różnych 1 Name one object that you can use to see
przedmiotów. Pamiętaj, że niektóre z nich at night.
piszemy łącznie, a niektóre osobno.
2 Name two objects that you can use to tidy
cloth opener sharpener clip tape your hair.
plant gum phones

1 pencil pencil sharpener 3 Name two paper objects.

2 chewing
4 Name two objects that can open things.
3 bottle
4 paper
5 Name two sharp objects.
5 table
6 head 6 Name five items that can decorate a room.
7 pot
8 sticky

2 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. Listen

1 I’ve got a bad cold and a cough. Listen
I need some .
4  10 Posłuchaj nagrania z ćw. 6 na stronie 91
a string podręcznika i wybierz właściwe obrazki.
b scissors
1 What are the paperclips like?
c tissues
2 Kevin wants something to sit on. Have you a b c
got a ?
a cushion
b torch 2 Why does Mark want a paperclip?
c vase
a b c
3 What time is it? Please look at your
and tell me.
a envelope
b watch 3 Where has Penny put the vase?
c ornament a b c
4 I’ve bought some flowers. Have you got
a to put them in?
a purse
4 Where is Steve staying?
b vase
c brush a b c
5 I want to open the door.
Where are my ?
a staplers 5 Where are Betty’s headphones?
b purses
c keys a b c
6 Let’s put all the documents in this .
a file b string c purse
Grammar Guide
Kod: A62C4P
5 Wybierz właściwą opcję. *7 Uzupełnij tekst podanymi czasownikami
w czasie past simple lub present perfect.

The first mobile phones that

people could buy
(1) appeared (appear)
in 1983. They were big and
heavy and very expensive.
You could only talk on them
for thirty minutes and it
1 At first, computers were very big, but they (2) (take)
much smaller. Our modern-day about ten hours to charge
computers fit under your desk and laptops them. Only a few people
and tablets are even smaller. (3) (have)
a became b have become them.
2 Laptops really popular only a few But today things are different. Mobile phones
years ago. (4) (change) a lot: they’re
a became b have become small and light, and simple mobile phones
aren’t very expensive.
3 I Canada, but I want to go there
next year. Last week my parents (5)
a didn’t visit b have never visited (buy) me a smartphone
for my birthday. I love it
4 Last summer we went to the USA, but we
and I use it all the time.
to Canada.
Oh! Here’s a message from
a didn’t go b haven’t gone my friend Jim. He says
5 John his glasses yesterday. he (6)
a lost b has lost (finish) his music lesson and
6 I can’t find my glasses. I think I them. he’s waiting for me at an
electronics shop in town.
a lost b have lost
He (7) (lose)
his mobile three days ago
*6 Przeczytaj uważnie zdania. Zaznacz ✓ trzy and he wants me to help
zdania poprawne, a ✗ zdania niepoprawne. him choose a new one.
Popraw błędne zdania i zapisz je w zeszycie.
1 ✗ Yesterday I have played football with
my friends.
2 The first modern computer appeared in
the twentieth century. Communication
3 Peter has started school in 2008.
8 Praca w parach.
4 Sarah has lost her pencil sharpener so
she is using mine. Uczeń A: Przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 85.
5 Oh no! I broke my torch. I can’t use it now. Uczeń B: Przeczytaj polecenie na stronie 89.
6 Has Tim ever used a tablet?
7 I haven’t never got a bad mark in English.
1 Yesterday I played football with my friends.
It’s a material world

7b Reuse, renew, recycle

Grammar Guide
Vocabulary Grammar
Kod: A6U7E2
1 Wpisz do krzyżówki nazwy materiałów 4 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.
widocznych na zdjęciach. 1 This is / has been Lisa, my friend. I know /
have known her for five years.
Across 1
2 I have / have had my dog Sammy since my
2 2 3
S T O N E birthday. Here is / has been a photo of us in
the garden.
3 In many countries, people recycle /
have recycled paper and plastic. They
5 recycle / have recycled these materials for
many years.
6 4 We live / have lived in this house for five
years. We really like / have liked it here.
6 7 5 I have / have had my bag since Christmas.
8 It is / has been made of fabric.
6 Mike usually plays / has played football very
well. He is / has been on the school football
4 team for three years.
1 7
5 Wpisz określenia dotyczące czasu do
odpowiedniej kolumny w tabelce.
5 a few minutes a week Christmas
3 five o’clock last month my birthday
six years three hours
2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi przymiotnikami. two months 2005
1 This button isn’t square. It’s round .
2 The chair is . It isn’t soft. for since
3 What’s in this box? It’s very . a few minutes
It isn’t light at all!
4 There aren’t many pages in this book.
It isn’t thick. It’s .
5 This cardboard is thick. It isn’t flexible.
It’s .
6 That dress is only one colour. It isn’t 6 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując: for lub since.
colourful. It’s .
1 Katja has studied English for three
7 My jewellery isn’t matt. It’s made
of metal.
2 We have recycled old objects
3 Opisz w zeszycie wybrany przedmiot ze last year.
swojego pokoju. 3 I have lived in Spain many years.
4 They have been at school four hours.
Skills Reminder 5 Steve has had his motorbike 2011.
6 You have liked rock music five years.
Kolejność przymiotników 7 There have been recycling bins in my town
Pamiętaj, że w języku angielskim przymiotniki the New Year.
występują w zdaniu w określonej kolejności.
Ta kolejność jest następująca: opinia, rozmiar, 8 Mark has worked there a few years.
wiek, kształt, kolor, pochodzenie, materiał, cel,
66 np.: beautiful huge old round brown French bear
Speak Read
7 Odpowiedz na pytania, używając słów for 8 Przeczytaj teksty A–C na dole strony
i since. Następnie pracujcie w parach, aby i dopasuj je do wypowiedzi 1–3 poniżej.
uzupełnić tabelkę. 1 ‘We don’t recycle much. It’s terrible!’
Your 2 ‘We’re top at recycling.’ 
How long have you … You
partner 3 ‘We’re getting better at recycling.’ 
1 known your best
friend? 9 Przeczytaj teksty ponownie i wpisz A, B lub C
2 had your watch? obok każdego stwierdzenia.
3 lived in this town? 1 People don’t recycle much
plastic at all.  C
4 studied English?
5 been at this school? 2 You can recycle glass at any
6 had your favourite
3 People have become better at
recycling in the last ten years. 
4 You can take your old batteries to
How long have you known your best friend?
a supermarket to recycle them. 
I’ve known her for five years. 5 People don’t use the recycling bins
much yet. 
6 People recycle more in some parts
Maciek has known his best friend … of the country than in others.

How good is your country at recycling?

A Our country is the best in the world at
recycling! There are bottle banks at every
supermarket. Supermarkets also collect
old batteries, for example from torches or
phones. Once a month, there is a free paper
and cardboard collection in every town. And
people recycle plastic bottles too
– 80% of bottles are recycled. In
other countries in Europe, only C Every year people in this
20–40% of bottles are recycled! country throw away millions
of plastic bottles. Only 1% of
plastic is recycled! People throw
away lots of glass, metal, plastic
B Ten years ago, our country recycled and paper. There aren’t many
only about 15% of its rubbish. Today, it is recycling bins in the cities.
about 28%. People recycle about 42% of The government has just put out
all paper, 40% of plastic bottles and 55% more recycling bins, but people
of all metal cans. Some areas recycle haven’t started to use them much
more than others, but people yet.
everywhere are trying to
recycle more!

It’s a material world

7c Shopping habits

Vocabulary Speak
1 Przeczytaj teksty i wpisz brakujące litery 3 Wybierz najodpowiedniejsze reakcje.
w wyrazach. 1 ‘Do you like online shopping?’
a ‘No, I don’t like buying things from
I like (1) on l i n e sh o p p i n g . I usually websites.’
(2) b y clothes and books. I like b ‘Yes, I often pay in cash too.’
(3) br g on different websites to c ‘No, I’m not’.
compare prices. I sometimes find very cheap 2 ‘Do you use a password?’
things – they’re
(4) b ns! a ‘Of course I can remember it!’
You have to use a b ‘Of course! It’s important to shop safely.’
(5) p d c ‘I’m sure’.
when you log on to 3 ‘Can I pay by card?’
each website. It’s
a ‘Yes, I have a credit card.’
important to shop
(6) s y. b ‘No, sorry. You have to pay in cash.’
c ‘Yes, you are’.
4 ‘Do you usually browse the catalogue
before buying?’
We like buying things from
a ‘Yes, I want to see everything before
(7) ca s.
I buy anything.’
We look at all the pages
and then choose what we b ‘Yes, I buy the first thing I like.’
want. We look at c ‘Yes, I need something’.
(8) no s 5 ‘That’s my advert. Do you want to buy
in shops and cafés too. There my guitar?’
are sometimes interesting a ‘Yes, I often look for special offers.’
(9) ad s and special
b ‘Yes, I do. It looks great.’
(10) of s on them.
c ‘No, I don’t play the violin’.
6 ‘I often buy things from catalogues.’
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Dwa a ‘Really? I prefer going to shops.’
wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.
b ‘Really? I order things by post.’
bought cash credit exchanged c ‘That is mine’.
ordered pay post sold
4 Dokończ trzy pytania dotyczące zakupów.
1 My grandma usually gets things from
Następnie porozmawiajcie w parach.
a catalogue by .
2 I have just my old mp3 1 Do you prefer going to shops or buying
player. I got £20! from catalogues?
3 Can you by card or do you 2 How often do you ?
have to pay in ? 3 Where do you ?
4 I have just my old bike for 4 Have you ever ?
a new one – I didn’t have to pay much extra.
5 Do your parents use cards to Do you prefer going to shops
pay for things? or buying from catalogues? I prefer …

5 Pokoloruj kwadraty z literą „i” wymawianą tak jak w słowie „like” na niebiesko, a te z „i”
wymawianym tak jak w słowie „shopping” na czerwono. Przeczytaj głośno zdania.

1 I l i k e s h o p p i n g o n l i n e .

2 I l i k e T i m ’s b i k e .

3 D i d h e f i n d h i s c r e d i t c a r d ?

4 G i v e h i m t h e p a p e r c l i p s .

5 W h a t t i m e i s i t ?

6 Dopasuj odpowiedzi do właściwych pytań. Jedna odpowiedź została podana dodatkowo.
1 What’s the object you want to sell? a a It’s a watch.
2 What’s it made of? b The watch face is round.
3 What size is it? c It’s made of leather, plastic and metal.
4 What shape is it? d Only £15.
5 How long have you had it? e For two years.
6 What are its good qualities? f You use it to tell the time.
7 How much do you want to sell it for? g It’s 07886 736542.
8 What’s your phone number? h It looks new and it’s a good watch for an
eight- to ten-year-old.
i It’s big and thin.
*7 Wyobraź sobie, że chcesz sprzedać deskorolkę. Napisz ogłoszenie, w którym:
• opiszesz wygląd deskorolki,
• napiszesz, dlaczego ją sprzedajesz,
• podasz dane kontaktowe do osoby piszącej ogłoszenie.

For sale!

7 Test yourself

Vocabulary 3 Fill the gaps with the words in the box.

colourful fabric flexible
Znam nazwy różnych przedmiotów hard leather metal ornament
codziennego użytku. square torch watch
In the wordsnake find the names of four
personal items, five household items and seven My (1) is great! I use it to tell the
stationery items. time. It’s made of silver (2) so it’s
shiny and (3) . It’s waterproof, so
p a p e r c l i p t a b l e c l o t h c h e w ing I can swim with it on.

gu m
ecanopenerstickytapeor n
I’ve got three big cushions in my bedroom and
I love them! They’re made of (4) .
a m e

They’re red and green and yellow – they’re very

n tpencilsharpenerpotpla (5) . I sit on them and do my
homework. They aren’t round; they’re
en v

el (6) .
opepursestaplerkeyscu s h
o n s

My new shoes are really cool. They’re made of

ci black (7) . They’re light and
(8) so they’re comfortable to
walk in.
?  odręcznik: ćw. 4–6, s. 91
P Score: / 16
Score: /8
Znam nazwy niektórych materiałów Speak
oraz przymiotniki służące do opisywania
przedmiotów. 4 In pairs, describe the following objects. Say
what they are made of and what size and
shape they are.
2 Put the adjectives in the box into the
cardboard flexible glass heavy 2
leather matt plain round rubber
soft square stone thick thin

adjectives 4

The can opener is made of …

?  odręcznik: ćw. 4 i 5, s. 91
P Score: / 14 and … . It’s … and …
Grammar 7 Make sentences in present perfect adding for
or since.
Znam różnicę pomiędzy czasami past 1 I / be / in class / three o’clock
simple i present perfect.

5 Complete the sentences using past simple or 2 we / live / here / 2011

present perfect. Write T (True) for sentences
that are true for you and F (False) for sentences 3 they / know / their neighbours / ten years
that are false for you.
1 I (do) my homework
yesterday. 4 you / have / that watch / a long time
2 I can’t phone my friend because
I (lose) my phone.
3 I (never / use)
this bottle opener. 5 he / study / French / five years
4 I (not go) to school last
5 I (not travel) to
?  odręcznik: ćw. 8, s. 93
P Score: /5
any foreign countries but I’d like to travel
around the world one day. Communication
?  odręcznik: ćw. 7 i 8, s. 91
P Score: /5 Potrafię rozmawiać o różnych sposobach
robienia zakupów oraz o przedmiotach
wokół mnie.
Znam różnicę pomiędzy czasami present
simple i present perfect. Potrafię stosować 8 Put the fragments of the dialogue in order.
określenia for i since.
A: An mp3 player. I saw it in an advert on
6 Complete the text with the verbs in present the school noticeboard.
simple or present continuous. A: I like buying from catalogues.
A: Yes, it was!
Lucy (1) (be) my cousin. She A: No, I don’t. Do you use a password when
(2) (live) in London, near me. you shop online?
She (3) (live) here since 2011. B: Me too. I like browsing all the pages
Before that she and her family lived in Brighton. before I buy. But I like online shopping
Lucy (4) (go) to the same the most. Do you like it?
school as me. She (5) (have)
B: Was it a bargain?
short brown hair and blue eyes. She
(6) (have) short hair B: Of course! What was the last thing you
since September. bought?

Score: /6
?  odręcznik: Phrase Book,
P Score: /7
s. 94

9 Pracujcie w parach. Pomyśl o jakimś przedmiocie i go opisz. Czy twój partner zgadnie, o jaki
przedmiot chodzi? Następnie zamieńcie się rolami.

They’re black and light. They’re made Are they headphones? Yes, they are!
of plastic. I wear them on my head.
I use them to listen to music.
Total score: / 61


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