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Education is a Problem of Globalization.

A person of the 21st century is based on universal human values

and today's realities physically healthy, morally, intellectually developed,
to be an independent thinker and at the same time to the processes taking
place in the world it should not be indifferent, it should be in active
contact with the outside world. Today's globalization processes, science
and technology development, innovation society the need creates many
opportunities for young people. Quick decisions before them acceptance,
formation of innovative thinking, increase of intellectual potential
along with the vital requirements of being loyal to national and universal
valuesis putting High spirituality, broad worldview in the growing young
generation,formation of thinking, education in the spirit of awareness and
vigilance is the demand of the timesturned. The reason is age, which does
not have the ability to think, analyze, perceive there is a possibility that
the generation will only become a manqurt doing the task. Manqurts
while He doesn't think about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. They are
necessary for humans It does not reach the value of free will, rights and
values. Grow up in this place the coming young generation, the manners
of confidence in our country and its future upbringing in education,
personal life, future work activities, among the community is of great
importance in acting decisively. In every spiritual, conscious person
he should have a sense of pride in his homeland and try to be worthy of
It is correct to develop, form and train the young generation on the basis
of national values Education is an important task for every state and
society. Homeland in children education of feelings, ancestors' past,
experiences, culture, world science and It is important to provide
information about its place in the field of culture.A person of the 21st
century is based on universal human values and today's realities
physically healthy, morally, intellectually developed,to be an independent
thinker and at the same time to the processes taking place in the world
it should not be indifferent, it should be in active contact with the outside
world. Today's globalization processes, science and technology
development, innovation society the need creates many opportunities for
young people. Quick decisions before them acceptance, formation of
innovative thinking, increase of intellectual potential along with the vital
requirements of being loyal to national and universal values is putting
High spirituality, broad worldview in the growing young generation,
formation of thinking, education in the spirit of awareness and vigilance
is the demand of the times turned. The reason is age, which does not have
the ability to think, analyze, perceive there is a possibility that the
generation will only become a manqurt doing the task. Manqurts
while He doesn't think about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. They are
necessary for humans It does not reach the value of free will, rights and
values. Grow up in this place the coming young generation, the manners
of confidence in our country and its future upbringing in education,
personal life, future work activities, among the community is of great
importance in acting decisively. In every spiritual, conscious person
he should have a sense of pride in his homeland and try to be worthy of
It is correct to develop, form and train the young generation on the basis
of national values Education is an important task for every state and
society. Homeland in children education of feelings, ancestors' past,
experiences, culture, world science and It is important to provide
information about its place in the field of culture. Man is responsible for
creating goodness in himself, for spiritual growth at the same time, that
the role of education in human development is extremely large cannot be
denied. The issue of human education, their defects, animal saving from
defects has been an ancient concern of our ancestors. Person, nation,the
state and level of human spirituality have different effects on the
development of society possibility has been known since ancient times.
All advancements in community life,opportunities for development,
certain opportunities for the formation of a perfect human personality
related to That is why there are depressions and stagnation in the
development of society circumstances, not only from economic and
political factors, but also people's minds, beliefs,it is also necessary to
look for the level of worldview and moral maturity In the effective
organization of national education in our country during the years of
independence the material and technical base of educational institutions
and secondary schools increasing attention to strengthening has become a
serious issue. For this purpose In 2004-2009, the national program for the
development of school education was adopted.According to it, there are
more than ten thousand general education in our country strengthening
the material and technical base of schools, the educational process
fundamental improvement of the content, material and material work of
teachers Great work is being done on moral stimulation. In general, the
last systematic reforms in the issue of improving national education in
our country is being implemented. Continuous spiritual education on June
20, 2019 acceptance of the concept was one of the first steps in this
regard. Continuous It is one of the priority directions of implementing the
concept of spiritual education the population's knowledge of child
education, pedagogical culture increase,effective methods and
implementation of continuous spiritual education of citizens regular
familiarization with the forms. The concept is the younger generation
priority tasks aimed at bringing work in education to a new level,
defined the main goals and directions in the effective organization of
national education in the years of independence in our country the
material and technical base of educational institutions and secondary
schools increasing attention to strengthening has become a serious issue.
For this purpose In 2004-2009, the national program for the development
of school education was adopted.
According to it, there are more than ten thousand general education in
our country strengthening the material and technical base of schools, the
educational process fundamental improvement of the content, material
and material work of teachers Great work is being done on moral
stimulation. In general, the last systematic reforms in the issue of
improving national education in our country is being implemented.
Continuous spiritual education on June 20, 2019 acceptance of the
concept was one of the first steps in this regard. Continuously It is one of
the priority directions of implementing the concept of spiritual education
to increase the knowledge and pedagogical culture of the population on
child education,effective methods and practice of continuous spiritual
education of citizens increase regular familiarization with the forms. The
concept is the younger generation priority tasks aimed at bringing work in
education to a new level,defined the main goals and directions [in the
effective organization of national education in the years of independence
in our country the material and technical base of educational institutions
and secondary schools increasing attention to strengthening has become a
serious issue.
This Concept is the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan,"On
Education" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, "To Youth laws on state
policy, international law universally recognized documents, in particular
"Child's rights Conventions on "Guarantees of Children's Rights",United
Nations "Youth-2030" strategy and Uzbekistan It is based on the
legislation of the Republic on education. Tasks defined in the concept of
the Republic of Uzbekistan the requirements of the Action Strategy for
the five priority areas of development, The concept of continuous
spiritual education, national and international best practices,carried out in
harmony with social and political changes in our country is increased.
The purpose of the concept is necessary for independent life in the young
generation social skills and qualities age-appropriate, step-by-step
formation on the basis of which is to bring up a high-quality, mature
generation. Concept It is planned to be implemented in four stages, and
the following stages divided into:
- the first stage: in families (fetal period, from birth to 3 years of age);
- second stage: pre-school education period up to 3-6(7) years;
- the third stage: elementary school up to (7(6)-10) years old, 11-17 (18)
years old);
- fourth stage: engaged in production and busy
as well as young people in secondary special vocational and higher
education institutions.It can be seen from the above points that national
education is a part of any society and is of decisive importance in the life
of the country. Because its growth is different It has a decisive
importance in society and the state. For this reason, it is growing the
young generation will have to achieve higher results than their ancestors.

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