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School of Information Technology and Engineering

Midterm project:
Design and Implementation of an Automated Measurement System for Plant

Done by: Zhampeis Zhiger

Checked by: Svambaeva A.

Almaty, 2024
1 SIS ASSIGNMENT Student Name: Zhampeis Zhiger

1. INTRODUCTION: Draw a line between the matching concepts/statements

High Accuracy Large number of significant figures

High Precision Subtle unavoidable variability
Illegitimate Error Consistent error or deviation
Random Error Estimated deviation from true value
Systematic Error Measurement mistakes due to sloppiness
Uncertainty Small estimated uncertainty or error

Several weights are measured and reported with their estimated statistical uncertainties as:
A = 25 ± 3 Newtons
B = 30 ± 1 Newtons

Based on these values fill in the blanks and select the appropriate statements:

• There is a 95% probability that the true value of weight A is between ____19____
Newtons and ____31_____ Newtons. There is a 32% probability that the true value of
weight A is less than ____22______ Newtons or more than ____28_____Newtons
• It is ________________that the true values of weights A and B are equal.
• certain
• very likely
• very unlikely
• impossible


• Give the number of significant figures for the following numbers:

• 300 ____3_____
• 20000.0 ____6_____
• 0.0000034 ____2_____
• 4.9 10 ____2_____
• 0.123*13 = 1.599 ____4_____
• 0.123 + 13 = 13.123 ____5_____
• A mass measurement is repeated twice resulting in a first value of 1.235 μg and a second
value of 1.242 μg. A third VERY ACCURATE and more reliable measurement (using a
different mass scale) produces a value of 1.256 μg.
• What is the percentage difference between the first and second values?
• What is the percentage error between the first and third values?____1.67______%


Using a meter-stick, carefully measure the length of the hallway in front of the lab room (say, the
distance between the doorways at opposite ends of the hallway). Record your measurements and
complete the calculations listed below (including the units).

Distance Ai Ai-Ā (Ai-Ā)2

Measurement (m) (m) (m2)

What is the MEAN distance Ā ?_________________ ________.

What is the RMS DEVIATION of the measurements?_____________ ______.
What is the STANDARD DEVIATION σA of the measured values?___________ _____.
What is the RESULT (the best estimate of the measured value) given as the
MEAN ± STANDARD ERROR? ____________ ± __________ __________.


Here is a repeat of the example discussed in the section on data fitting (linear regression):
Suppose a car is moving with constant velocity down a road where the posted speed limit is 35
mph. The car’s position is measured at five different times by a police officer who uses a radar
speed detector. A graph of the measured position vs. measured time explicitly shows the motion
of the car. In such a graph, the slope of a line fitted to the plotted data is our best estimate for the
car’s true velocity. In this case, N = 5 and the car positions are Yi and the measured times are Xi,
as listed in the following table (with their estimated uncertainties):

Measurement Time (Xi) σXi Position (Yi) σYi

1 0.700 sec 0.001 sec 110.0 m 0.3 m
2 0.800 sec 0.001 sec 112.2 m 0.3 m
3 0.900 sec 0.001 sec 113.6 m 0.3 m
4 1.000 sec 0.001 sec 115.6 m 0.3 m
5 1.100 sec 0.001 sec 117.0 m 0.3 m

To determine if the car is speeding or traveling at a legal speed (less than or equal to 35.00 miles
per hour = 15.65 m/s), the device must calculate an estimated value and uncertainty for the car’s
speed. Clearly, the dominant uncertainties are for the Y (position) values, so the linear regression
method described previously will be sufficient.
Using these measured values and the formulae given previously we can obtain values (recorded
with extra digits – to avoid subsequent round-off errors):

Sx = 4.55 sec
Sy = 568.4 m
Sxx = 4.2425 sec^2
Syy = 64646.16 m^2
Sxy = 518.98 m/sec
Δ = 0.51 sec^2
So, by linear regression, the best values for the slope M and intercept B are:
B = (SxxSy - SxSxy) / Δ = 98.1921 m
M = (NSxy – SxSy) / Δ = 17.0196 m/sec
with squared uncertainties:
σB2 = (Sxx / Δ)(σY)2 = 0.7486 m^2
σM2 = (N / Δ)(σY)2 = 0.8823 m^2 / sec^2
Since the measured quantity of interest is the car’s speed, we should write it with a reasonable
estimated statistical uncertainty (using its standard error):
Car’s Speed = 17 0.42 m/sec
Is it LIKELY or UNLIKELY that the car was speeding? It is LIKELY.

In one or two complete sentences, support the above answer by comparing the estimated
uncertainty with the difference between the estimated speed and the posted speed limit.
It is Likely that the car was speeding as minimum true speed is greater than the permissible limit
(15.65 m/s)
6. Transistors

Q1. A common base transistor amplifier has an input resistance of 20 Ω and output resistance of
100 kΩ. The collector load is 1 kΩ. If a signal of 500 mV is applied between emitter and base,
find the voltage amplification. Assume αac to be nearly one.

αac = ; => 1 = ; => IE = IC;

Q2. In a common base connection, IE = 1mA, IC = 0.95mA. Calculate the value of IB .
IB = IE – IC = 1mA – 0.95mA = 0.05mA;
Q3. In a common base connection, current amplification factor is 0.9. If the emitter current is
1mA, determine the value of base current.
IB = 0.02 × 1mA = 0.02mA or 20μA;
Q4. In a common base connection, IC = 0.95 mA and IB = 0.05 mA. Find the value of α.
IE = => α =
Q5. In a common base connection, the emitter current is 1mA. If the emitter circuit is open, the
collector current is 50 μA. Find the total collector current. Given that α = 0.92
IC = IE × (1+β); => β = => IC = 1mA × (1+11.5) = 12.5mA;
Q6. In a common base connection, α = 0.95. The voltage drop across 2 kΩ resistance
which is connected in the collector is 2V. Find the base current.

IC = => IC = α×IE; => IE =

IB = IE – IC = 1.05mA – 1mA = 0.05mA;

Q7. For the common base circuit shown in Fig. 3, determine IC and VCB . Assume the transistor
to be of silicon.
Fig. 3
VEE = REIE + VBE; => IE =
IE = IC = 4.87mA;
VCC = ICRC + VCB; => VCB = VCC – ICRC = 18 – (4.87mA × 1200) = 12.16V;
Q8. Find the value of β if (i) α = 0.9 (ii) α = 0.98 (iii) α = 0.99.
(i) β = (ii) β = (iii) β =

Q9. Calculate IE in a transistor for which β = 50 and IB = 20 μA.

IE = IB(1+β) = (20 μA)(1+50) = 1.02mA;
Q10. Find the α rating of the transistor shown in Fig. 4. Hence determine the value of IC using
both α and β rating of the transistor.

Fig. 4
α = IC = IB×β = (240 μA)(49) = 11.76mA;

Q11. For a transistor, β = 45 and voltage drop across 1kΩ which is connected in the collector
circuit is 1 volt. Find the base current for common emitter connection.

Fig. 5
IC = IB =

Q12. A transistor is connected in common emitter (CE) configuration in which collector supply
is 8 V and the voltage drop across resistance RC connected in the collector circuit is 0.5 V. The
value of RC = 800 Ω. If α = 0.96, determine : (i) collector-emitter voltage (ii) base current.

β = IC = VCE = VCC – VC = 8 – 0.5 = 7.5V;

IB = μA;

Q13. An n-p-n transistor at room temperature has its emitter disconnected. A voltage of 5 V is
applied between collector and base. With collector positive, a current of 0.2 μA flows. When the
base is disconnected and the same voltage is applied between collector and emitter, the current is
found to be 20 μA. Find α, IE and IB when collector current is 1 mA.

Fig. 7
α = IC = αIE + 0.2; => IE =

IB = IE – IC = 1.01 – 1 = 0.01mA;

Q14. The collector leakage current in a transistor is 300 μA in CE arrangement. If now

the transistor is connected in CB arrangement, what will be the leakage current? Given that β =
Q15. For a certain transistor, IB = 20 μA; IC = 2 mA and β = 80. Calculate ICBO.
Q16. Using diagrams, explain the correctness of the relation ICEO = (β + 1)ICBO.

Fig. 8


Q17. Determine VCB in the transistor circuit shown in Fig. 10 (i). The
transistor is of silicon and has β = 150.

IB = IC = βIB = 150 × 0.43mA = 64.5mA;
VC = VCC – ICRC = 10 – (64.5mA)(100) = 3.55V;
VB = VBB – IBRB = 5 – (10000)(0.43mA) = 0.7V;
VCB = VC – VB = 3.55 – 0.7 = 2.85V;
Q18. In a transistor, IB = 68 μA, IE = 30 mA and β = 440. Determine the α
rating of the transistor. Then determine the value of IC using both the α rating
and β rating of the transistor.
α = (i)IC = βIB = 440 × 68 μA = 29.92mA;
(i) IC = αIE = 0.997 × 30 mA = 29.93 mA;
Q19. A transistor has the following ratings : IC (max) = 500 mA and βmax =
Determine the maximum allowable value of IB for the device.
IB =
Q20. Fig. 11 shows the open circuit failures in a transistor. What will be the
circuit behaviour in each case ?

Fig. 11
Fig 11 shows the open circuit failures in a transistor. Discuss the circuit
behaviour in each case.
1. The first fault is Open emitter :

The first figure shows fault due to open emitter in a transistor. Here the collector diode is not
forward biased, hence this junction t is OFF and there will be neither collector current nor the
base current.
Hence, there will be no voltage drop across either of the base or collector resistor and
consequently the voltage at the base and at the collector leads of the transistor will be 12V, i.e.
equal to Vcc.
(ii) The second fault is Open-base :

The second figure shows an open base fault in the transistor. Here as the base is open due to
fault, there will be no base current, hence the transistor will be in cut-off. Hence all the transistor
currents will be zero. Here due to zero voltage drop jn resistors, the base and collector voltages
will both be at 12V, i.e. equal to VCC.

(iii) The third fault is Open collector :

The third figure shows an open collector fault in a transistor. In this type of fault, the emitter
diode is still forward biased hence ON, so there will be a drop of 0.7V at the base terminal. But,
we will see 12V at the collector because there is no collector current hence no drop in the
collector resistor.

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